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Search results

  1. Nezaros

    Which alignment or alignments based on the D&D Character Alignment system, are you?

    True Neutral. I don't care about others enough to do good, but I neither want to hurt people nor am selfish enough to do evil. Maybe edging a little bit into Chaotic Neutral, but I'm not quite that abhorrent of order. Just enough so as to definitely not be Lawful.
  2. Nezaros

    So what makes a fun, interesting thread?

    Of course not. What we should do is sterilize everybody on the planet.
  3. Nezaros

    Connecticut Massacre

    Regardless, anybody can do about as much damage with a fully automatic rifle as they can with a single shot rifle, or a shotgun, or a pistol, when the victims are unarmed. Banning "assault rifles" (of which there is no clear definition anyway) would accomplish nothing.
  4. Nezaros

    the coolest spider in the world

    I thought they were kind of cute. The first one looks like he's begging for a Cheeto. The last picture though, is that two hanging onto each other? I'd freak the fuck out if I saw that in person.
  5. Nezaros

    Good Countries for Finding a Job

    I've also heard Asia is good. I have no evidence though so don't put any stake in that.
  6. Nezaros

    The Personality Defect Test

    I'ma robot.
  7. Nezaros

    Bucket List

    I would like to throw a cat at somebody, just to see what it's like.
  8. Nezaros

    Bucket List

    I read your signature as "Somebody get the guy fucking a dictionary." I want to jump out of an airplane with three beautiful women, partaking in a glorious airborne orgy as we all fall into the lava-filled caldera of an active volcano.
  9. Nezaros

    Game Weapon Choice

    Have different weapons have different effective ranges. A knife for example will only work if your enemy is right in your face, while a spear could be useful from several feet away, but not so much at close range. Depending on how complicated you want your system to be trying to keep your target...
  10. Nezaros

    Game Weapon Choice

    No, but I think everyone understands how each functions. Bows are for attacking from a distance, axes are hack and chop, swords are slash and stab, etc. If this is what you were actually asking though, I'd also be beating things over the head with a quarterstaff, breaking bones but not skin...
  11. Nezaros

    Game Weapon Choice

    Gravity Gun. Oh, this isn't about that. Well, starting with magic, I'd expect "Animus" to involve controlling / summoning creatures and elementals. "Energy" sounds like it would involve fireballs and lightning, possibly healing? And "Entropy" might be your death magic, killing things slowly...
  12. Nezaros

    MOTIV Personality Test

    Materialistic 39% Offbeat 61% Thinking 79% Intimate 19% Vital 48% Your MOTIV type is SOTWD Your MOTIV+ type is soT|W|x Your Primary type is Withholding S(61%)O(61%)T(79%)W(81%)D(52%) Withholding Well shit.
  13. Nezaros

    16 Habits You Should Do Every Day

    I don't see where you're getting this. Nothing in that list is a specialized skill. It may not be perfect, but it's sound advice. Though it's still entirely too J for me.
  14. Nezaros


    I am physically incapable of smiling for pictures. This is a fact. When I do try to smile it will always either look strange or feel extremely strained, or both. There exist maybe two photos of myself with a half-decent smile and that's probably because the sun was in my eyes.
  15. Nezaros

    Fun Logic test...

    16. And it's not about reading it left-right / right-left, it's two-dimensional pattern recognition. On this it seemed to be addition-based.
  16. Nezaros

    Minecraft Server for the NT Temperament

    I'd like to know as well.
  17. Nezaros

    We have martyrs too

    I'm not really trying to argue for the practical point of view, though. In that case, anybody who does something great, regardless of their intentions, intelligence, or moral character would be considered "better" than anybody else. Here I'm solely occupied with the quality of a person. My...
  18. Nezaros

    We have martyrs too

    True enough, but a person can't be judged solely on their accomplishments. There is a certain amount of intelligence and will which is necessary for such actions, yes, but the factors of environment and dumb luck are just as important. Said scavenger in Soweto may have been born a genius, but...
  19. Nezaros

    We have martyrs too

    Technically that's possible, but again, doesn't matter. What's done is done. I'm not disregarding his contributions to society; in fact I support anything that pushes for freedom of knowledge. But he's dead, he can do no more, and there's no point in asking what might have been. I don't have a...
  20. Nezaros

    We have martyrs too

    I wouldn't say his death was justified, but spending time debating over whether what he did was wrong, and should he have lived a longer life, is pointless. He's dead. There's nothing to be done about it. He wasn't on the verge of curing cancer, to my knowledge, or anything of a similar...
  21. Nezaros

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    This is one of the points I think I was trying to make. Doesn't matter what it makes you, it is what it is. Let your sexual partner(s) at the time judge you, but not anybody else, and probably not even yourself, because there's just no point.
  22. Nezaros

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    I think these may be (almost?) entirely due to social conditioning. Males in the media (Hell, males at my college) are overwhelmingly represented as strong, aggressive, don't-give-a-shit-about-women-except-to-fuck. In a word, assholes. Women are effectively trained to find these traits...
  23. Nezaros

    What should I do with my future?

    Option 3 if you don't give half a damn about long-term, which I assume you do. Elsewise, Option 1 if you're just about absolutely sure you can do it, Option 2 if not. In my not-quite-uninformed-but-hardly-expert opinion having at the very least a high school diploma is good for job-hunting...
  24. Nezaros

    I'm Quenchless

  25. Nezaros

    I'm Quenchless

  26. Nezaros

    I'm Quenchless

  27. Nezaros

    Your Gender Identity and Sexual identity

    I am most definitely male, and a 1 or 0 on the Kinsey scale. But for whatever reason gender isn't something I've ever really given a significant amount of thought to. I've never felt any ambiguity concerning my gender or sexuality, despite possibly being slightly less "masculine" than most guys...
  28. Nezaros


    People are stupid. That's it. They're also willing to believe all sorts of mystical crap, and that easily takes the place of common sense when knowledge on how things work isn't present.
  29. Nezaros

    When did music start to suck?

    Pop singers and anything involving Autotune.
  30. Nezaros

    What's your ideal occupation?

    Airline pilot. Because I like to travel. I considered programmer but it's much too tedious for me. And I don't have the drive to really go about and design software. I like the general concept though. But if not pilot... Astrophysicist, or something along those lines. Or astronaut. Because...
  31. Nezaros

    New Thread!

    This thread reminded me that I like model trains.
  32. Nezaros

    Heat And Drought

    We can just ship 'em off to Mongolia. I'm sure they could use the numbers.
  33. Nezaros

    Heat And Drought

    Then we just have to get rid of those people.
  34. Nezaros

    Heat And Drought

    Don't build homes in wildfire-prone areas?
  35. Nezaros

    In ONLINE team-work based games, are you the leader?

    If no one else is leading and our team has fallen to shit, I'll tell everybody what to do, but I won't "lead". I don't trust people on the internet enough to do what I say, and if I'm going to lead I want everything done right. My best hope is that a few people will take my advice, but without a...
  36. Nezaros

    So would you have liked the world to end?

    I think it would have been interesting if there was, say, a zombie apocalypse. If we all just suddenly died that'd be boring, but I wouldn't really care, because I'd be dead. Something that brings society to its knees and tests how we cope with extreme conditions though... I'd love that. I'd be...
  37. Nezaros

    Method to ones madness.

    If my stuff is neat and organized it means I was bored. If it isn't that means I have better things to do than pretty up my living space.
  38. Nezaros

    Extreme sports

    I enjoy skiing, paintball, shooting of rifles and bows, swimming, and fencing, but nothing competitive, and team sports can suck it. I also hope to one day get over my great discomfort with g-forces so I can skydive. Also, flying.
  39. Nezaros

    Why do you like debating?

    I like debating because it gives me a chance to prove people wrong, which is one of the best feelings in the world. Of course if they're being irrational and clinging to outdated "facts" and feelings I'll know there's no point in continuing and just drop it, same as how I'll drop it when I know...
  40. Nezaros

    Does effort matters?

    You're judged by the majority based on what is seen, not what is done. Effort is important of course, but usually only to oneself. The only thing most people will care about is results, and if your best effort gives shit results, it's the results that'll be noticed, not the effort. But then it...
  41. Nezaros

    Does Personality Actually Exist?

    Personality just suffers from the same problem as the rest of psychology / sociology; it is inherently subjective and thus scientific principles are difficult to apply. Otherwise, it's a similar argument to any other aspect of consciousness. Pain, for example.
  42. Nezaros

    How Many Best Friends Have You Ever Had?

    Two, I think? The first one may or may not count, I wouldn't say we "connected" on a deep level but we still shared many interests, and if ever I had a friend during that spell of clusterfuckitude known as middle school it was him. Might be more that he was (and still is) a good friend in...
  43. Nezaros

    Sports, cults, fanaticism, et cetera...

    I've given up on it. I've acknowledged that it's a problem, and it may be fixable, but I don't possess the willpower to go out and fix it, so I'm just doing my best to ignore it. Eventually I can just remove myself from the system and it'll be someone else's problem.
  44. Nezaros

    Sports, cults, fanaticism, et cetera...

    I was somewhat undecided on whether to include "idea" in that sentence, but in the end I decided it was necessary to capture the full scope of my meaning. The American ideals of supposed freedom, democracy, Christian morality, they're all ideas, and people will live and die for them as readily...
  45. Nezaros

    Existential Meaning

    I maintain that there is no inherent meaning or logic to the universe whatsoever. There is matter, and matter interacts with other matter, and that is what happens. There is no sentient entity to judge our actions because our actions are meaningless, and no matter how many wars are fought or...
  46. Nezaros

    Do bottle-fed baby males grow up with more repressed affinity for breasts?

    America was founded on Puritanical beliefs. There's probably more to it than just that but I'd say that alone is a fairly important factor.
  47. Nezaros

    Sports, cults, fanaticism, et cetera...

    This could be a philosophical just as much as a psychological question, but I'm asking it here because it feels more right. So anyway, given that the dedication one gives to a sports team, or one's country, is often as blind and fanatical (or even moreso) as that one gives to a religious deity...
  48. Nezaros

    What are you currently playing? Rate it.

    I have to see this. Right now.
  49. Nezaros

    U.S. Second Amendment

    Thank you for the laugh, good sir. Okay, so now I know for certain that I'm dealing with yet another person who thinks the United States of America is a shining example of freedom to all the peoples of the world. I would try to argue how utterly idiotic that viewpoint is but I know it won't...
  50. Nezaros

    Find your Spirit Animal Test!

    You are a Crow! (your score: 26) Characters: Rhia, Coranna, Damen in the Aspect of Crow trilogy; John in "The Wild's Call" Powers: foreseeing death, communicating with the dead, resurrection As a Crow, you are analytical, adaptable, and exceedingly clever. You like solving problems...
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