It seems to me that most people are motivated by fear in having to attribute causality. Some even go so far as to boast of having the magical power To Determine, based upon the obsolete religion of Determinism.
Granted that survival is based upon the ability to recognize patterns, however, those who embrace causality, assume that Time works as they wish it too, therefore if one thing happens before another, then the first must have caused the second.
What few seem to grasp is that the distinction between cause and effect is totally an arbitrary distinction. No one can answer the question, "When did the Cause end and the Effect begin?"
Science has long abandoned the mysticism associated with human misconceptions about the ability to determine causality, that power is simply not a characteristic that humans possess.
There really is not much of a difference in imagining an effect to be caused by magic and imagining that an effect is caused by a philosophy.
The challenge is to abandoned the security blanket of feeling that one understands the causes of everything, and learn to be content in the ignorance that much of the human experience is beyond understanding. There are very few instances in the multivariate reality of living where single variables can be isolated and examined for the Quality of causality, such is only possible theoretically in the artificial environment of a laboratory.
Too many embrace the machine analogy to the living as if it were reality, instead of a mere comparison of the simple to the complex. Machines function in an impoverished environment compared to the living, within which only a tiny fraction of the variables of life are relevant.