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  1. ZenRaiden

    This is what I think Ti to Te shift looks like.

    As anyway here is INTP explaining how to Te.
  2. ZenRaiden

    INTP's and ESTJ's?

    Te - get the job done. You get the job done, Te people will kiss your ass and crown you the king. Trouble is if it can happen in reverse. Te people rarely value anything, but clear output. Anything short of that puts them into major tailspin. We still live in Te world.
  3. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  4. ZenRaiden

    Fun Trivial factoids

    Exactly, and people buy into the illusion of democracy too much. Democracy has limits, and when it comes to war it becomes clear people have no say in it. If they did who the hell would even fight these dumb wars.. lol
  5. ZenRaiden

    Fun Trivial factoids

    Very much, else why fight to be independent of NATO, Russia, and EU. These people are ultra nationalist, they are much like Kim Yong UN in this respect. They would unionize everything, and declare a Ukraine kingdom if they could. They are literally running the show. How I know. Because we have...
  6. ZenRaiden

    Fun Trivial factoids

    Just for clarity sake, this is Canada. I was researching some stuff, and came across some funny stuff, so Id wanted to share the chuckle. I know, and I don't care if people think I am idiot. I prefer it that way, less expectations. Every king needs a laugh, and maybe a little truth with that...
  7. ZenRaiden

    Fun Trivial factoids

    The gold mine and town were named after the Sanskrit good-luck symbol swastika
  8. ZenRaiden

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  9. ZenRaiden

    how human brain works questions

    That is fascinating and also makes sense.
  10. ZenRaiden

    how human brain works questions

    First there is something in the brain that resonates with information from the outside. Second the information triggers neurons to be active. The neural nets, then rewire and send signals according to your brain architecture, and layout of neurons. Over the day this information accumulates...
  11. ZenRaiden

    Most Terrifying Ways The Deep State Is Trying To Destroy Donald Trump

    I get it, and onion is pretty much nailing things from every angle.
  12. ZenRaiden

    Most Terrifying Ways The Deep State Is Trying To Destroy Donald Trump

    Its like Matrix is not a movie anymore. Its almost like facts don't matter to most people.
  13. ZenRaiden

    language and knowledge

    Here is question, where does the rock read about being a rock?
  14. ZenRaiden

    language and knowledge

    You are making a point here, but is the fact of quantity random data, or is it the inability of humans to use numbers. So now we have numbers and hence language for quantity? Your basically making the assumption of personification, ergo does not make sense to me it must be random. Something...
  15. ZenRaiden

    language and knowledge

    Every information moves through some medium, ergo mass. Information is language and one and other is synonym. Information can only be replaced with other type of information ergo translation.
  16. ZenRaiden

    There is hope

    Of those only rent might really be influenced directly by people, but only if governments make housing cheaper by building more cheap places to live. Try as I might the elites and estate people will keep a choke hold on this. Also don't go into debt ever, its a trap people need a lifetime to...
  17. ZenRaiden

    language and knowledge

    Language = medium of communication = literally only way to communicate language. So yes even math, even body, even pheromones are a language. Anything is subset of language.
  18. ZenRaiden

    Is this relatable to anyone else?

    Yes I can relate.
  19. ZenRaiden

    There is hope

  20. ZenRaiden

    I fell into a trap

    oh and it does not mean you have to quit internet right away. It just means you build up tolerance for doing other things.
  21. ZenRaiden

    I fell into a trap

    Generally you are hooked up on internet for long, just like most people, so in order to get used to other things you need to give your brain readjustment period, for it to level off and the dopamine will fluctuate as will motivation. Essentially relearning and stuff to not be stuck. Also its...
  22. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    We have theories multiple theories, and many untested. We need a scientific theory, like the one Einstein made, and was proven correct. So you make AI and then we test it and it works. Then we can call that AI scientific theory. So theoretical untested models, are many of AI. We could probably...
  23. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    No scientific means /you show the thing like AI to work. Then scientist will say OK so it looks like AI lets test it like AI until we find a way it does not work like an AI thus proving its not an AI. Then the AI keeps proving scientists it can solve all the AI problems, again and again and...
  24. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    Claim: Smart people can make AI. Counter Claim: AI is hard to make, being smart is not enough. Claim: You do not understand the magic of smart and AI, therefore your counter claim is wrong. If you realize how your claim is outlandish, you can see why people would sort of not take it at face...
  25. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    Yes those are fixed skill sets. Just like throwing knives or reading fast, or doing a back flip. AI is a complex system, that requires a lot of mental effort. There were millions of people smart as Von Neuman before none of them figured out flight or levers, or Archimedes screws or...
  26. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    I don't mind AI taking my job, any job I had is not worth the human effort. Luddites were kind of proven wrong. There is a clear path to getting a private jet. You just never wanted one enough to put in the effort. So I am not sure that stands as argument. There is specific amount of cash you...
  27. ZenRaiden

    Ubermensch power?

    I think what a lot of philosophy is missing is the pragmatic side of things. Be uberman, but no one tells you how to do it. Can I do it in one day, two weeks, 3 months, 3 years, how do I go about it. Do I become a dull contrarian, or obscene and irevocable rebel with nothing better to do. Do...
  28. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    What is intelligence= smart stuff What is smart stuff= intelligence How do we recognize smart and intelligent stuff = by being smart and intelligent Therefore we know what intelligence is. How come so many smart people working on AI and we still don't have it. Some puzzle must be missing.
  29. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    First of all humans and animals have needs, that they can fulfill in nature. Humans evolved from animals that lived for thousands of years in nature with nothing. So we are civilized for some 10 000 years. Humans according to best guess existed for 200 000 years. Our ancestors emerged 4.2 mil...
  30. ZenRaiden

    Everything is broken

    I don't know if you don't have place in society. Id rather say you never found people who make you feel the right way. Maybe you find some of that on here.
  31. ZenRaiden

    Everything is broken

    On a macro level Id say society is not broken. I would say society on macro level is a huge system of interrelated beings, by affiliation of hierarchy, direction of goals, and values. Society is broken exactly where it is broken, and good where it is good. If we want to say something is...
  32. ZenRaiden

    Quitting my *dream* job and starting over?

    Yeah, making a decision is kind of like marking it down.
  33. ZenRaiden

    Quitting my *dream* job and starting over?

    Our brains see the positive in taking control, because that is what they are made to do, Id argue this is form of bias. We don't appreciate the down time as much, because its not cool, and it seems fairly boring, but at the same time, the value of down time is something hard to measure. For...
  34. ZenRaiden

    Quitting my *dream* job and starting over?

    I was on verge of emotionally imploding or to put it mildly I never done much for my mental health and I was screwed up way more than I ever thought, so I am currently catching up with my mental health including CPTSD and realizing I meet criteria for schizoid PD, plus more, ..... so I am pretty...
  35. ZenRaiden

    Quitting my *dream* job and starting over?

    Me giving career advice would be like captain of local pub giving coaching advice to the Brazilian team, but to put things in perspective, everyone needs to bounce ideas around. First of all I think jobs do two things a) They push us forward...
  36. ZenRaiden

    Navalny&Yury Dud'

    At this point anyone who opposes Putin is some sort of Jesus figure. I honestly wonder what will happen after Putin walks out of politics, or dies. Pretty sure Putins dictatorial terms is close, I mean unless he wants to be like Joe Biden and make a spectacle of his age.
  37. ZenRaiden

    House design

    I cannot really say for sure... but as the person I am if I were building a house Id ask my self what function the house has first. Like do I live there alone, with people, family house, party house, all of it together, a crazy house where there is BDSM room and science room and slot machine...
  38. ZenRaiden

    can we create more land

    Overpopulation is not a matter of covering the Earth with billions of people. Overpopulation is a matter of available arable land, infrastructure etc. If we would have the technologies overpopulation would not be a problem. You can also take it as relative thing, for instance you can take UK a...
  39. ZenRaiden

    Moon Mission Artemis maybe future Mars mission

    First of all this is amazing talk, and also very fun to watch. This is about communication and science. And many other thing. However this mission might indeed be successful and lead to Moon base, or Marsh mission as well. We aren't talking peanuts or LEO of space X. This is NASA and they...
  40. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    So I would divide intelligence into several function. First of all the function of adaptation. Second function of keep track of a goal. Third a function of awareness. Fourth function of memory. Fifth function of thinking. Sixth function of integrating or synthesizing. So combinations of...
  41. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    IQ math logic pattern IQ when measured measures symptoms of the mind, that is its acuity. IQ uses only parts of mind. Those parts are not the whole mind. Most parts of the mind are off when using IQ. So most of the mind is unused when we are using to solve for IQ puzzles. One might ask, what...
  42. ZenRaiden

    The Random Thoughts Thread

  43. ZenRaiden

    can we create more land

    Yes, planning is essential for any larger collective be it communist or liberal. What I see in my country is lots of moving goal posts, so politicians can never or rarely are held accountable, even when they screw up by the lowest of standards. For instance delivering new textbooks for...
  44. ZenRaiden

    Faith illustrated

    Eh, why not? God already knows everything. He is everywhere. Do people go to church to level up some magic power, perhaps. I don't judge.
  45. ZenRaiden

    What songs are you listening to? /III/

  46. ZenRaiden

    the soul arguement

    I think soul is like a weightless thing that has information travel through it. Maybe even into this world. Which ever way I don't actually know how soul and lets say body interact.
  47. ZenRaiden

    Godzilla minus one

    Yes that is it. Audio is off by a lot though.
  48. ZenRaiden

    Faith illustrated

    Well my interpretation is "those" with least of faith need it the most. I think good example is how people pray so much, or how people who don't believe go to church so much etc. The less you believe the more you need to affirm the belief. If you believe in say God, then you believe in God...
  49. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    Well my response was to the part, where you think IQ people are some band of special people that work on special projects, which is true as long as its true, but mainly if you meet ordinary people you'll find lots of high IQ people all around in any walk of life. IQ is not something that is...
  50. ZenRaiden

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    Nope. Its a fact. Because you know those people exist. At least point out where I am wrong?
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