On a macro level Id say society is not broken.
I would say society on macro level is a huge system of interrelated beings, by affiliation of hierarchy, direction of goals, and values.
Society is broken exactly where it is broken, and good where it is good.
If we want to say something is broken it depends what framework of reference we are using. Poverty is broken people on the streets.
Destitute of some kind.
Then if we look at this its easy to say society is broken.
I would use a more tempered evaluation saying society does not work for everyone.
Society works great for some people, so so for others, and terrible for many.
It also depends what society.
Because we can go on micro level that is interpersonal relations and here it depends whom you are interacting right now, not whether x number of people are doing well or x number of people are suffering.
If we go by standard of 20th century Id say its globally improved world.
In 1924 the world has gone through WWI in Europe and numerous wars in the world.
In 2024 the worst we can say is we are having a slight recession probably verging on depression if we are unlucky.
The world has thus improved by a higher margin.
If we go by living standards, then in 20th century you might have been permanently hospitalized in an asylum and now days you are sitting at home working on AI stuff in your time. You even have a therapist albeit a horrible one, and you have a dog.
So it depends whether you want to see the glass half full, or half empty.
Does that alleviate anyone's current predicament of suffering though? Well not really, if you are suffering you are still suffering regardless of how well you are doing, whether you have money or not, whether you have a dog or not etc.
Is suffering of others the duty of society to alleviate it.
I should hope we live in society that can do that better, than now.
Will that ever happen due to technology, perhaps.
Will society ever evolve beyond its mere raw industrial foundation, ergo people walking through life cluelessly, I think so.
People just do whatever works short term in the moment.
We live in a world where short term thinkers are going to do worst by design, hence why we school kids, but at the same time, short term decisions can be good too, its just the skill to know where short term decisions matter and where long term decisions matter. My overall problem today is in that we live in a world where even long term strategies don't always work and short term ones sometimes provide for what long term ones don't.
Ergo stealing money vs making money.
If stealing is easier than making money then we have a problem. More people will tend towards crime.
So the job of politics and economy is to create a world where jobs and entry to jobs should be good enough reason so we don't have to deal with crime.
But since people cannot make money or they don't have societal support, they also opt out of having kids. And so its kind of a weird cycle.
So society is made of culture, economy, and knowledge.
You need culture ergo learning in order for people coexist happily. You need economy so people can have things that they need, and you need knowledge to achieve those goals.
Unfortunately today's world is full of people who do not know how to make society to function, but control the buttons that run the society.