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Search results

  1. 151 Pokemon memory test challenge

    Haven't thought of that. As you have mentioned, the Japanese don't distinguish between R and L sounds, but these are always written with "r" as they don't use a character for the alternate sound mode of "r". I think that Charizard could exist because in Japanese double consonants are pronounced...
  2. 151 Pokemon memory test challenge

    I remember a lot of the Emerald 3rd gen as this is the pokemon game I played and finished. We played pokemon on a software emulator. Gameboy color was a luxury here when I was 7, there was always "that guy" on summer camps who had it and that guy usually made a business of selling play time for...
  3. What are you currently playing?

    Distant Worlds - Universe, one the best 4x strategies and I've tried all of them by now Monster Hunter World, some good co-op action Witcher 3, still trying to finish this massive game (started playing last year)
  4. Choose one

    Choose ability: Persistence You will not be as good as other people in that you will not become a copy of what makes them good. There's no point comparing, you can express yourself through art and improve by doing. Good artists are appreciated as a whole, there's technique and there's...
  5. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  6. Choice of Robots

    It's quite immersive and relatable. I like it. He uses some AI/Robotics tropes in a self-aware and funny way and also paints a real picture of the world.
  7. 2018 games you look forward to

    Shogun 2 Total War is arguably their high point. Their newest releases are nothing more than cash-ins on the established formula.
  8. 2018 games you look forward to

    I hope Cyberpunk 2077 lives up to the expectations. So many people are hyped for it, would be a shame if CDPR didn't deliver. It's definitely not coming in 2018. Three Kingdoms and Han dynasty is my favorite Chinese historical period. I wish it wasn't Creative Assembly developing this. They...
  9. Bots

    Companies that gather large amounts of data from the internet don't need a goal. It's enough that they have the data processing and storage capacity to do so. Often their idle processing resources delegated from other commercial tasks. There are infinitely more applications for big data people...
  10. P-hacking and scientific integrity

    Scientists who are causing the problem have to make regular publications as a matter of career survival. It could mean several things; - human bias, there should be greater emphasis put on training, retraining and review of the research - admissions to the research groups are not rigorous...
  11. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Not bad, 6/10 https://youtu.be/yisNK4AA2q8?t=7
  12. Remake of Ghost in the Shell

    Meh. Ain't gonna watch it. Ain't gonna get worked up over no film no nothin. It's probably good from the production standpoint and people tend to like it is what I gather from their opinions. I don't want to erase the image of the characters I have and every film destroys the imagined...
  13. Looking for Good Reads on Philosophy

    I don't read much philosophy, though I can recommend Superintelligence by Bostrom. It provided some brain candy for me recently. Personally I wouldn't bother reading ancient stuff unless you're very convinced that you're going to enjoy the material. The further in the past you go the more...
  14. INTP 5 Year Plan

    Find a part-time job asap, or skip lectures and work full-time, you don't need the lectures, just have some friends sending you notes so that you can prepare for the exams. If you can, talk to the associate deans/professors if they can let you finish the courses extramurally, as in, if you can...
  15. men violence against women

    I don't think I can define it in a useful or short way, instead I expect it's something everyone understands via experience and common sense. For example: a wife making derisive comments about husband's low status/low income which leads to tension/stress. One partner exploiting the other's...
  16. men violence against women

    What about emotional abuse? Seems to me like the restricting of the scope of the problem to just physical aggression will have men rise to the surface as the expected brutes. Another issue is how people respond to sources of violence/abuse. Do they repeat/pass on the pattern? How do they cope...
  17. Missing "something"

    What do you mean by "crashes"? I sometimes get strong headaches if I think too much, but I can't relate to making less sense of the topic, I can slow down or get a fever in the worst case of stressful thinking. I can feel anxiety if there's time pressure and the problem is important enough if...
  18. IRL... do people like you or not?

    They like me, but usually we have so little in common that there's no inclination to deepen the relationship. Getting along is very simple to achieve, but sometimes there's no point to it. Most of the time people initially stereotype me as the 'genius' which creates a distance that's very...
  19. Funny vids

  20. AoE 1

    An established way of play is called "meta". Do bear in mind that the current AoE meta has most likely developed from disorganised, individual strategies much like your own. Meta isn't usually 100% optimal, but it's usually a broad collection of the 80-95% most efficient strategies that tend to...
  21. AoE 1

    Let me reply with a question then. Do you expect your opponents, who are complete strangers and who spend all of their game-time trying to get even better, to play teaching games with you instead of playing to win?
  22. AoE 1

    Seems me that you'd enjoy "build-mode" or "cooperative" strategies a lot more. Where there isn't any built-in reward for destroying whatever the other player's got up. I'm thinking about optionally competitive turn-based strategy-rpg's like crusader kings, Rome:Total War, EU universalis...
  23. Need help creating a future invention timeline

    @OP Trying to make a realistic timeline is only one option. It's more important to focus on interesting concepts to include in the world. In that regard imagination comes first, followed shortly by inspiration from speculative fiction or general sci-fi. In that same vein there's no need for your...
  24. How, what to program?

    Pick an idea and try to implement it. It doesn't matter which language you're using or what you want to implement. If a problem is too difficult then divide it into simpler elements until you can solve its individual constituents, then merge them together. Start coding and you'll learn as you...
  25. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  26. Board Game Suggestions

    If you're competitive you'll probably enjoy Twilight Struggle or Eclipse. TS is the best strategy battle-of-minds duel board game I know of. Eclipse is a great 4x strategy with decent complexity / alternative paths to victory. There was a 'recent' 2015 expansion which adds lots of fun concepts...
  27. Need help creating a future invention timeline

    One invention per year seems arbitrary. It would be more natural to have a few major breakthroughs early on and then progressively more and more of them as the time goes on. Let's say they invent cat level AI in 2038, if they're going to invent human level AI on the 15th of March 2040, they're...
  28. Striving to be a polymath->people think you are stealing their identity

    If you don't go out of your way to destroy their self-image by exhaustively proving your superiority in their field of expertise, I don't see how you'd be worried about normal people becoming disturbed by your "genius". Really, really convoluted example, how many situations of this kind have...
  29. "permabanned"

    Munkey is a programmer. It's not particularly hard to automate the registration process. If he can get enough proxy IPs it's no longer a whack-a-mole, because it truly is impossible to keep banning to outpace an optimised process. Ofc it's pure theory, he doesn't need to automate as he simply...
  30. Melodic Death Metal?

    Their best album yet... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNJhrIATZ0M
  31. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Very strong atmosphere. 7.9/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsyOtDsiO3M
  32. What's your alignment?

    Chaotic Good Meh. The dnd alignment system is too discrete. It's boring or restrictive when players stick to their alignment too much. I generally quit once the GM enforces "alignment mechanics", that's what a 'chaotic' person would do tho. DnD is best played without all the above bs.
  33. Drowning ceremony

    If people know they have to go through this ceremony then it doesn't have to be a near-death experience at all. They simply need to practice holding their breath to be many times better than average and make sure that guys pulling that rope won't decide to kill them. Historically, It's...
  34. What are some life lessons you've accumulated over the years?

    Don't be late. The various benefits of being on time or ahead can help you in ways you can't predict, even if you're not prepared for what's to come. Don't overtake above 60% of the normal power output of your vehicle if you can't see farther than 400 meters on a single-lane if you care about...
  35. Why I'm not scared of Islam and nor should you be.

    You shouldn't be scared of things that you wish to oppose. If you think Islam or religious fanaticism is wrong then; hatred, anger or calm are preferable emotions when facing the enemy. Fear is generally the most submissive and irrational reaction to have.
  36. How much would you spend on your rights?

    Depends. If I only own a big ranch or a house with a garden then I'd probably defer them to the nearest large-scale state. If I was managing a self-sustainable state/polis/planet then I'd think about establishing the citizenship of the newborns, providing them with facilities, protection...
  37. How much would you spend on your rights?

    500 $, for the right to euthanasia at will, no questions asked, no obstructions. Now what I mean by this is instantaneous, swift disintegration, essentially what constitutes the right to my own life, my own intellectual property inside my brain and my genetic information and my right to erase...
  38. Last anime you watched?

    I didn't like the body swap theme. It's a cheap narrative trick to add superficial depth to the characters and makes the story too unreal to get me to care about the mcs. Besides that it has a great production quality and places as one of the better anime films in the recent years. I saw...
  39. Visually representation of what Einstein must have felt

    Visual processing can be trained and requires intuition that comes with expertise in the field of application. If you spend years studying and researching topology you'll start imagining the most basic abstract chunks of metric spaces or shapes because it's familiar territory and your brain will...
  40. past, present , future

    Time is a human concept, it doesn't exist objectively and independently. Any instantiation of consciousness will perceive a different, though often analogous, concept of it. It is used to subdivide memories and experiences into discrete, orderly chains of events.
  41. Favorite TV Show(s)?

    You can check out the Expanse. Quite a captivating sci-fi. 2nd season is due.
  42. What songs are stuck in your head?

    Love this song and the shifting of vocal registers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFBUJ6kNl28
  43. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Did you write a bot or did you go through all of those pots and compiled the results yourself? Either way, both efforts are impressive. Average synthwave song, reminds me of good old piracy so bonus nostalgia points. 5.5/10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yAxIdkF2Qo
  44. D&D Character Creation

    Cthulhu is part of DnD lore now? lul. Not sure how mechanic heavy your games are, but definitely for a CHA character you need to try to have an outgoing presence/background and roleplay being influential in a way that justifies your high social stats.
  45. Ideas for Research Assignment

    Choose a topic you're curious about so that you can deepen and reinforce your understanding of it while making a project. I'd suggest quantum computing, quaternions (mayhap geometric dimensionality of problem solving in general) or AGI/BCI/AI/VR/ER, but who knows what captures your interest the...
  46. Dark Souls 2

    After probably finishing my interest in souls games I can recommend a number of things to increase difficulty/fun: - Read orange for most relevant. - No soul gain from kills (prevents farming souls, you only get souls from selling items), or disable that and give yourself 5 levels for each...
  47. Road to Mastery

    I think you fail right after you pose your question. Masterful use of thought is efficient, it achieves what it sets out to consider without unnecessary distraction. Right below your question you immediately make a mistake of getting distracted by the habit of categorising things without a...
  48. The Random Thoughts Thread

    If you get a static + 1000 modifier to a d% roll then practically whatever you roll isn't going to affect the result above the average 5%. Depends if you have any clue about the modifiers involved in the game or none at all.
  49. How do any of you sleep???

    I follow bits and pieces of stuff I read from some internet guides. Go to sleep the moment you feel sleepy. Sounds basic but if you tarry for more than +/- 20 minutes your brain will force your body to stay awake, so try to be more aware of how you feel and follow the cues immediately. Try to...
  50. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Directionless vocals, too repetitive. 5/10 from 5:38
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