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Search results

  1. Sexualization of minors in movies and tv shows

    The thing I noticed is that movies and tv series are becoming increasingly sexualized. I think it's getting worse over time. This is mainly sexualization focused on children, teens and female characters. A few examples: Dark TV series, GoT, Cuties, 13 reasons why and a million others. Somehow...
  2. Atheism [thread split Does communism suck ?]

    I'm speaking in general terms about any worldview or system. There are religions and cults far worse than Christianity. Religion is a subset, a category of worldviews which in turn is a subset of organized beliefs and information that people operate on. My basic argument would be that any...
  3. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  4. Good to see you around :)

    Good to see you around :)
  5. 40 k lore

    I like this fan-animation of wh marines. It's less than 10 minutes and densely action packed. Gives me inspiration for designing space/boarding warfare.
  6. Atheism [thread split Does communism suck ?]

    Animekitty is this forum's saint. My religion holds that mortals can't argue with saints and therefore onestep has sinned for every contradiction of what AK has said. For every such sin onestep will be reincarnated with 100 more braincells to finally have the boldness and capacity to examine...
  7. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  8. 40 k lore

    I guess I'm an anti-fan. The warhammer/wh40k fandom in my country is mostly comprised of religious fanatics and bigoted sexist/homophobic nerds so I started to hate it as a whole. I tried to play the tabletop rpg a few times and always found myself in a group of god fearing, untinking cavemen...
  9. Success rate of gaslighting.

    It's effective if you trust or love the person gaslighting you, because you naturally assume they are well-disposed. It's best to be mindful, question repeated behavior, especially repeated interactions that leave you with negative feelings. All of these negative outcomes shouldn't happen...
  10. Why are you so weak?

    XD you can't be much more pretentious than trying to mention that you own Principia or GEB. Never mention these books unless you want to look like an idiot or impress idiots. Also if you read them, congrats what a massive waste of your life. 1+1 = 2 Now if you are pretending to be an idiot who...
  11. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    Pretty good rhythmically, emotive and wholesome 7/10, one of the better punk albums I've heard.
  12. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    This folk album is simply amazing <3
  13. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  14. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  15. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  16. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    This song needs a softer voice than any version I could find. This one nails the dynamics.
  17. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  18. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  19. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  20. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  21. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  22. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  23. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  24. Cool science discussions, podcasts and talks

    Highly recommended talks, podcasts, etc.
  25. Hacking Covid

    You want easy hacks?
  26. Help Me Design An Apocalypse Suit

    You need a cloud of nanobots decomposing matter around you to repair and power your suit. Should also turn the worlds you stand on into nano-factories to replicate your consciousness and distribute more copies of you in the galaxy.
  27. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  28. how women judge you (opposite sex)

    This topic has been on this forum since times immemorial and it continues to exhaustively run through the same kinds of misconceptions. There is little to reflect on, your pondering and resistance to sophisticating your worldview are legendary :) You could...you know...meet an actual woman and...
  29. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  30. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  31. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  32. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  33. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  34. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  35. The single flaw with hard determinism

    Viewing time as a spatial dimension is a conceptual aid not an accurate model.
  36. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  37. What can't be automated?

    General intelligence can't be automated. Also novel problems can't be automated. New problems would need to be emulated by conscious agents and then used to define processes by which solutions are streamlined and automated.
  38. State machines

    A state machine by definition can only be in one state at any given time. It's the same question as "how can you know someone isn't a computer" except it's pretty clear that we hold more than one state at any time thus we are more comparable to computers than finite state machines.
  39. How's the weather lately for everyone?

    It was raining the whole May with risk of flooding, now it's unbearably hot and stormy. Someone forgot what temperate climate means.
  40. The Betrayal of Julian Assange

    This sucks, Assange would long be gone if UK would allow him to leave. It's as much UK as US oppressing freedom.
  41. Humanity about to succumb to drug-resistant fungi and bacteria

    A percentage of people will die similar to what happened during the Black Death before modern medicine existed. People are able to develop resilience to drug resistant pathogens and they can evolve too. Humanity would not end, it would be a major crisis that would not threaten the civilization.
  42. Rate What the Person Above You is Listening To

    I got tired of the supporting vocals and the mixing style. 4/10
  43. If you could get the answer to any question , which one would you ask?

    How exactly can I make you, in a way applicable to the physical and temporal constraints placed on me, answer truthfully, positively, simply and succinctly, so that I could understand, an unbounded amount of questions? Second option is asking multiple questions in a single sentence.
  44. What is the hardest video game you have beaten?

    Not meaning to brag here. I struggled with dark souls series in the beginning, but I can't call it a difficult game. The game gives you the most broken ability possible called dodge roll and backstep and those two moves give you invulnerability frames, as in fractions of game time when your...
  45. Suppression of Personality

    It's important to tell negative behavioural patterns in others so that one doesn't persist in a destructive environment trying to adapt. Many people aren't interesting or accommodating enough to allow me to feel great. It's often a wasted good effort even trying to be around. There's also the...
  46. What is wrong with modern life

    People might be unhappy if they don't grow or seek out challenges. It's their issue to make their life happy, instead of expecting the environment to force them to be happy or provide threats to have them overcome and become satisfactory as narrative. Maybe nowadays it's easier to subsist...
  47. What are you guys watching on Youtube lately?

    You can look at the like/dislike ratio and pretty much tell this Vox video is a piece of propaganda. If you were actually interested in seeing a broad picture you wouldn't stop at Vox but find plentiful amateur/unrelated footage of the independence day celebrations. They tried to portray a...
  48. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    Loved it, the intro alone takes me in so many places.
  49. what do you look most forward to in 2019

    To passing the Japanese language proficiency test that I've been preparing for since the last year. Such things being symbolic and all, do have some use on the job market. Also landing a boring and comfy job where I can do anything other than work or an enjoyable work where I don't regret being...
  50. 5G and its impact on life and economy

    I'm wondering about the health detriments of the proximity and energy density of EM transceivers becoming ubiquitous. The long term effects of microwave, radio/radar, millimeter em, radiation heating are largely unexplored. Media lobbies don't care about polluting cities with energy and...
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