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Search results

  1. Java Button

    I don't see how you change i in the "watch this number change" so that it increases. You have some loop in implements runnable. I'm sick and too distracted to try it on my own, but one of the best ways to learn functionality is focus on one function at a time. If you want to start and stop...
  2. What game are you playing

    Huh, didn't know that. I played all the gba ones plus a few odd ones that could be emulated like Thracia 776. They were all pretty challenging/enjoyable, so nice, now I have 3 games to look forward to. If I had to find one thing to complain about, it would be the random stat increases on levelup.
  3. Melodic Death Metal?

  4. What game are you playing

    Cool game, I'm probably going to buy a 3ds just to play the two FE games that came out for it.
  5. Java Button

    actionPerformed() keeps track of : x is 0 t.start is a start() method of object t of a constructor class thread T of class MyClass x is postfix incremented to 1 if(x >= 2) is the break/interrupt routine for actionPerformed counter on x=2 t.interrupted() is the actual interrupt method for...
  6. How do you respond when someone smiles at you?

    I smile when I'm positively dispositioned towards that person and I'm actively following the situation, could happen without them smiling if they talk about something exciting or funny I might start smiling. If it's a shopkeeper or someone similarly backgroundish I don't notice at all then I...
  7. MUSIC: What was your reaction to finding out that Gwen Stefani was the lead singer of No Doubt

    Who is Gwen Stefani and what is No Doubt? Gwen is a cool welsh/briton cognate name though, props for that.
  8. Why when I'm winning does something unconscious in me slow myself down?

    Depends strongly on the details. If say you're playing to win, there's big money on the line, then yeah, you're doing everyone a disfavour and shooting yourself in the foot, if however you're playing for fun or to improve then keeping your mates happy and building rapport is much more important...
  9. No Mans Sky

    The stuff they did in No Man's Sky with procedural gen / tech-wise is quite amazing. It's a great tech demo and a window for the upcoming years of content generation. It being overhyped and oversold and too expensive for what it had to deliver is another story. It was delivered by a team of...
  10. Favorite Car

    If someone gifted me a Tesla Model S I'd probably consider keeping it at least for a while to see how viable it is and what's the real maintenance involved, every other expensive car I'd sell instantly. Cars are only good for utility so around 200 km/h cruise for motorway inter-city use and...
  11. The Limits of Infinity (Irony Recognized)

    No, there aren't infinite numbers between 0 and 0, there are no numbers between any two identical numbers because the distance between them is defined to be exactly 0, if there were any nubmers between 0 and 0, then that second 0 wouldn't be 0, that's just nonsense. What you're getting at is...
  12. New Theory on Time

    Everything surrounding the expansion of the universe is highly theoretical, there are models that show the expansion isn't accelerating, there are some that say it's time-variable, the prevalent one saying it's slowly accelerating, etc. A lot more observational data is needed to decide which...
  13. New Theory on Time

    Universe isn't a closed system in the way that thermodynamics treat closed systems and the idea of open/closed systems is derived from thermodynamics. It goes cold because the energy density (energy per unit of volume) decreases and will continue to decrease. The finite amount of energy in the...
  14. Yin and Yang, hard metal and soft metal

    Troll post? Haven't read anything more batshit crazy in a good while. There are two kinds of maleness, biological and descriptive. Women were always denied being described by their male traits as those were equal to freedom and power. You conflate the two in the millenia-long attempt to deny...
  15. Opinions on Future Jobs

    People willing to remain relevant will merge with AI, implant their brains with BCI's and become capable of problem solving and contributing value to the new challenges. The rest will probably turn to social life and escapism until the moment they die. AI will be capable of generating the...
  16. novel experiences/sensations in dreams

    During some sleep paralyses my body stops breathing and I experience suffocating or drowning to death. After that I struggle in my bed and wake up holding my neck or hitting my chest as if I was trying to resist choking/asphyxiation. And in dreams where somebody is trying to kill me, I might...
  17. Someone who will exist shall never be born.

    Several issues with your reasoning imo. First you speak of infinities in the context of countable phenomena such as humans. I don't want to delve into details, however humanity is a provably finite process in the context of a mathematical infinity. You don't define the scope of events. For...
  18. Getting Unstuck, Evolution & Growth

    I don't talk about such things. It wouldn't mean much and announcing one's goals before accomplishing them feels like begging for validation. Most of my dreams are impossible, except ultimately nothing we're capable of imagining in our minds is impossible. Simply put our brains and our thoughts...
  19. Philosophy Blog

    You're so full of yourself. If you can't agree to 'stoop as low' as to explain anything you have to say to the general populace, which intpf members like proxy are probably above the average representatives thereof when it comes to comprehension, then you really have nothing of value to...
  20. Did Albert Einstein have Aspergers?

    OP, what's your goal? Do you seek to understand asperger behaviour if people confirm Einstein was one? If that's it, then a brief look at Einstein's life shows that he didn't really struggle with much anything. He held a stable job for years, he was reliable, he created a family, he was...
  21. Getting Unstuck, Evolution & Growth

    Nothing I say will help you, the process of overcoming stagnation is entirely personal, so my story isn't instrumental here. I've spent many years trying to support my best friend who was facing a similar existential crisis as I had, except he's still there and nothing I do or explain seems to...
  22. Damn, i've been here nearly 4 years.

    What? Prove it m8 :aufsmaul:. That's some serious accusation right there. Seems you're overreacting to the whole notion that you weren't banned, it's like a 3rd or 4th thread where you raise this issue. Stop worrying about the 'providing value bs' and enjoy this place. Bans are natural...
  23. I know this isn't normal

    Well, allusions aside, I speak from experience as well, sugar and caffeine were ruinous for my heart rate and stress dampening levels. We won't see how different those people are, because we will already be biased by the new baseline of those effects. Only by detaching from your personal...
  24. I know this isn't normal

    Masturbation, or excessive masturbation doesn't affect your testosterone levels or brain chemistry, it's a myth. Behavioral compulsion/habitation for masturbation, or spending too much time on it can however interfere with scheduling, planning, pugnacity, energy levels and the like. You have...
  25. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  26. Forum Change in Direction

    The announcement itself is ambiguous. We'll have to see what changes are made in the future. So far, it foreshadows that things will be different and not much besides that. Don't take my comment negatively though. It seems you're thinking about the situation and possible solutions and this...
  27. Forum Change in Direction

    Cool I mean modship here was always about flexibility and case by case solution, but then what's exactly the point of reinforcing the rules and properly enforcing the policies if all that you're really emphasizing is to be a socially aware, adaptive person if you want to be welcome here. Most...
  28. Forum Change in Direction

    I'm not judging whether this change is right, I'll criticise the specifics of implementing it assuming it is what you try to go for. I don't see it functioning without some way of explaining the guidelines to every active and new user. There's a small subset of members who'll read this thread...
  29. AlphaGo vs Lee Sedol

    Probably a conclusive revelation. Recently alphago won 60 - 0 games against top pro players in online blitz matches. This makes computers the uncontested go champions. 60 consecutive wins in pro matches is unheard of and most if not all of them by resignation. The games it plays are...
  30. Any Penetration Testers/ Ethical Hackers here?

    Isn't breaking into networks and ios provided by scripts/apps developed by someone else? Did you write any of the hacking tools that you're currently using? Afaik Kali linux already comes equipped with most of the penetration testing software one would need.
  31. Overeducated unemployed

    Maybe you know a few things, but you don't know how to get a properly paying job, so that's something to work on in the near future. You could be a god in your profession and, unless you sell yourself well, nobody will care or pay for your knowledge/expertise. Stop dreaming. Start trying.
  32. What songs are you listening to? /III/

  33. happy new year binches

    -Finish studying western music theory, move on to microtonal/experimentation. -Compose some cool stuff. -Sell/give away everything I don't use/need -Continue writing a space opera universe -Write a few fiction episodes -Complete a bigger game in Java -Do the Uni/life grind as usual
  34. 29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    I know you were being tongue in cheek. I wrote this to everyone so that they understand the context of Hado's actions and the problem as a whole. Since there's always lots of complaints about modship, people who do indulge in this sort of fuss should realise that what they're essentially asking...
  35. 29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    There's something absurdly ridiculous about a starving beggar who'd choose dying to write a functional criticism essay instead of finding a way to get food. Sweet, you had 5 minutes to write all that? You could ban 10 spammers or moderate 2 people in that time. Hado/other mods should consider...
  36. 29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    From a perspective of a lonely mod who just made Auburn a mod on a whim I think there's no need to discuss whatever expectations / proposals OP is making. I think it was a good decision to make Auburn a mod without discussing it with others, which I assume he didn't at moment's notice. Their...
  37. If humans no longer require food to survive...

    It's not something you can simulate without providing a broader context for the society/other aspects of life. I'd go with the assumptions that humans will be too addicted, too indulgent in other things to focus on food. A whole world connected to a virtual reality isn't out of the question...
  38. What songs are you listening to? /III/

    FF8, the prog jazz classical miracle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YGjl92DqhnA
  39. Where did humans go wrong?

    I don't get the point. If he (author/op) argues that advances in agriculture led to population increase then he misses the obvious fact that people had lots of offspring solely to use them as aids in the fields. In fact; the less efficient the food production technology was; the greater the...
  40. What did you get for Christmas?

    Kinship. And the warm feeling of confidence that people appreciated my attention.
  41. Pedagogy & How to Raise Actualized People

    In the more developed countries there's less children per woman on average. So it's natural that for the same budget there will be less children per classroom in the future and teachers would have more time to spend on every child. That's what I see in my country, they are afraid to close down...
  42. 29/12/2016 Forum Drama Resolution

    Re: 29/12/2017 Forum Drama Resolution Have fun Auburn. Let's hope your natural optimism keeps you motivated.
  43. Mars Terraform

    I like the guy. I just don't understand why he obsesses over such an irrelevant project where he could push for a Moon / Europa / Titan / Venus colony instead, which seem to be more scientifically practical and relevant outposts to choose from. Or something related to Earth's sustainability /...
  44. Pedagogy & How to Raise Actualized People

    So you're giving us a politically loaded video as a summary of the system? How about some direct sources? 9am... and who's supposed to take care of the kids after their parents leave to work from around 7am till 9am? Why not have the starting time coincide with when parents leave for work which...

    Regex:[adjective](*joy)_[noun](*december holidays)[+imperative][+wish]
  46. Purging account history

    Yeah. It's possible, you simply need to crack into this forum's host server, delete backup and your history and you're set. If you're less picky, you could wipe the whole server drive and backup, that would be easier. Well, the obvious easy solution would be to hack an admin account here and...
  47. Suggestion: allow changes to our display name

    Changing names causes confusion to ordinary users who tend to associate a certain continuous persona with a name. There's so many suggestions to enable name changing that it makes one consider why it's so desired? Do you prefer to discard your identity every time you make a mistake or feel...
  48. The death of cinema?

    Black mirror seems like an interesting series, I'll look into it.
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