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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    ISTP car mechanics have to deal with customers. ISTJ accountants have to deal with clients. To beat cops, they're not people. They're CRIMINALS. Getting them off the streets is doing a public service. That's because so many people admire him and want to be LIKE him. Batman discourages Robin...
  2. scorpiomover

    Sacredness, Freedom, and Truth

    The word "sacred" or "holy" as it appears in the Old Testament, is a Hebrew word, "Kodesh", that is often translated as meaning "separated" and "put aside for a special purpose". Most terms of the use in the OT, talk about virtuous things. But a few uses of the word refer to non-virtuous things...
  3. scorpiomover

    Sacredness, Freedom, and Truth

    In the cultures where cannibalism was sacred, it was also virtuous. In the cultures were cannibalism was seen as the opposite of virtuous, it was also seen as the opposite of sacred. So everyone who had a true definition of good, would never do anything wrong? It justified their crimes to the...
  4. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    Putin is the sort of guy who would poison a journalist with Polonium, which is easily traceable and has a very short shelf life, just to show people he can kill anyone, even under ridiculous conditions that would make it next to impossible. He's the sort of guy who, if in prison, would kill the...
  5. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    Yes, they feel deeper than others. They feel the good deeper than others. They feel the bad deeper than others. See Jean Grey, the class INFJ superhero. Feels EVERYTHING. When she gets upset at her mentor Professor X, her emotions are just so powerful that she disintegrates him. I wouldn't...
  6. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    INTJs rely on strategy, not technology. An INTJ is more like Ozymandias in Watchmen: shoot nukes at lots of major cities, and then blame it on someone innocent, to convince the public to band together. It's not very nice what he does to Dr Manhattan, or to the children he nuked. But in...
  7. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    Batman's most active role in the community, is hanging around the streets looking for crimes. He's a beat cop, just with a lot more money than a regular beat cop. Batman tends to not care what the rest of the JL want, or anyone wants. Commissioner Gordon wants him to work WITH the police...
  8. scorpiomover

    Well, hello

    Hello. Hope you like it here.
  9. scorpiomover

    Extraverts are doers

    Coma victims don't interact with the outside world. Everyone else does. An intraverted function without an extraverted function, is like a theory without any data. Might be true. But you have no clue. That would only be true if Introverts' top 2 functions are both introverted, while...
  10. scorpiomover

    I think I am overthinking.

    Evern if you weren't already over-thinking, then thinking you're over-thinking would be superfluous and would mean that you're over-thinking now. That's your brain. Many humans without oxygen for 6 minutes, suffer enough brain damage that they're often declared dead by a doctor. But the main...
  11. scorpiomover

    The narrative and hypocracy of capitalism

    Even the very, very wealthy, still required that their children become soldiers or priests or mothers/housekeepers. When you do something that gives you a purpose, for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, whether you choose that job or not, whether you need to earn money to live on or you are...
  12. scorpiomover

    Anyone know Java?

    Make a chatbot. Do a search of all your posts. Copy all your posts' contents into a database table. Feed the chatbot with the contents of your database table. Voila! You now have a chatbot that says things you would say.
  13. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    Writers are often quoted as saying that you should write from experience. For that reason, a lot of people who want to be writers try to have lots of experiences. Another option is to join a creative writing class. You have to try lots of different things to find out what things you can do...
  14. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    Psychologists recommend Behavioural Activation (doing things to get used to doing things). They also recommend Exposure (exposing yourself gradually to things that scare you, but would enhance your life long-term).
  15. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    Plenty of losers with a full & rich social life, and who have had girlfriends, wives and kids. Also, plenty of winners without friends. Correction: SOME people diagnosed with Autism are obsessive about certain topics, and have no problems entertaining themselves. Some people diagnosed with...
  16. scorpiomover

    Am I on the autism spectrum?

    I gather that the criteria for autism is much like the criteria for schizophrenia, i.e. that it's outcome dependent, rather than diagnostic. As long as you have problems socialising, for whatever reason, then you're on the Autistic spectrum. You seem to have problems having a full & rich social...
  17. scorpiomover

    Doesn't it depress you that the course of someone's life is set by biological variables like IQ?

    1,000 years ago, when a Feudal lord's doctor was getting old, he'd pick the smartest and most conscientious of his serfs to be taught medicine by his doctor, so he'd get the best doctor. Today, anyone can apply to be a doctor, however stupid, incompetent and negligent they are. If one medical...
  18. scorpiomover

    Doesn't it depress you that the course of someone's life is set by biological variables like IQ?

    INTPs have a higher IQ than INTJs and most other types, but are the 2nd lowest earners. That alone should tell you that IQ doesn't correlate well with income. The vast majority of Europeans and Chinese people have been little more than pig farmers for the past several thousand years. If IQ was...
  19. scorpiomover

    The Matrix Resurrections

    I think you might have answered yourself.
  20. scorpiomover

    The Matrix Resurrections

    True, but only in terms of when it's acting in real life. Armchair athletes aren't known for their ability to train ordinary people to be capable of winning gold medals at the Olympics. People who used to do it in reality, are known for that ability. There's a feedback connection between the...
  21. scorpiomover

    The Matrix Resurrections

    You mean like a human centipede? They use the human brains' idle time. That humans plugged into a sim would need a life support system, is a common trope of people trapped in VR, as evidenced in Red Dwarf, Stargate SG-1, and lots of other Sci-Fi episodes. If science fiction made sense, then...
  22. scorpiomover

    Kung Fu Panda is a terrible movie and teaches us all about the failings of modern man

    "The brave hero who relies upon his bravery and strength to save the day" is an archetype. "The clever guy who comes up with a technical marvel or medicine to save the say" is also an archetype. It was a cartoon. Cartoons picture animals because the animals are metaphoric archetypes, no...
  23. scorpiomover

    Power and will

    Scorates would agree with you. What have you achieved? Have you built AIs? What have you theorised that matches what we can observe empirically & repeatedly in real life? If that was true, then you could have just WILLED yourself to think. Did that work? Anxiety has a strong correlation...
  24. scorpiomover

    How long before E Musk goes bankrupt.

    None of that is about what I wrote. You're responding to a straw man. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Space_tourism The US also has Falcon rockets. There's also Virgin Galactic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_private_spaceflight_companies They're trying to get lots of companies in on...
  25. scorpiomover

    How long before E Musk goes bankrupt.

    What does that have to do with my post where I quoted Musk saying that he would rather be optimistic and wrong, than pessimistic and right? I don't recall you, I, or anyone hiring Elon Musk to make space flight commercially viable. Do you? When was his deadline, and how much did you promise to...
  26. scorpiomover

    How long before E Musk goes bankrupt.

    I used to think that was a bad thing. But then I was looking up Musk's type and looking at quotes of his, and saw this: So I think that even if he knew his predictions were over-optimistic, he'd have preferred to make them anyway. I've seen and heard about all sorts of people. The ones who...
  27. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    I saw this one. Would you prefer this?
  28. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    Pointing out logical inconsistencies is about saying "You wrote A. You wrote B. A => C. B => NOT C." It started from you INTERPRETING what I posted, AS IF I PRAISED A POST. You JUDGED that post as being very simplistic and misleading. THEN YOU JUDGED what you perceived as praise, as being...
  29. scorpiomover

    Seems to me the algorithm does not work on INTPs

    How is that different from Google's AI?
  30. scorpiomover

    Power and will

    Most people learn by hearing ideas from others, including values. The only values you can say the Uberman came up with, are those ideas that he didn't hear from anyone else. Thus, Ubermen do not share any values. One cannot make up one's mind to do that which he believes is impossible. It is...
  31. scorpiomover

    Seems to me the algorithm does not work on INTPs

    Didn't Deep Thought already say the answer was 42?
  32. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    I'm trying to develop logically consistent ideas. Rome wasn't built in a day. Jung talks about distinctions. The distinction of dualism between the mind and the body is only one distinction. There are many distinctions. I'm not that certain that Jung meant dualism. When I read Jung's Chapter...
  33. scorpiomover

    To 'know' something that is later proven false.

    My therapist just talked about this. Cognitive dissonance Cognitive dissonance means you believe 2 contradictory things, e.g. "I should exercise regularly" and "I don't exercise regularly". This is a natural process of improvement. If you immediately resolved the dissonance, then one of 2...
  34. scorpiomover

    To 'know' something that is later proven false.

    If you can't say that you know something that is false, then you can't know anything until you know that it won't be proved false later, later in your lifetime, or later in the lifetime of the human species, or later in the lifetime of the universe => nothing can be considered 'knowledge' until...
  35. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    1) I wrote "I like this", rather than said "this is accurate". "this is accurate" => "this is precise". "I like this" => this isn't exactly precise, but it's in general direction that sums up what I have learned about T, F, N and S. 2) This was about T in general, not Ti specifically, or Te...
  36. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    1) Te & Fi types seem to be very into being magnanimous, that is, when they're in a good mood (Fi), they like to do nice things for you. When it helps them practically (Te), they want to help you. 2) Ti & Fe types are much more into doing things because it makes sense (Ti) or is moral (Fe)...
  37. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    I like this. If you don't mind, I will copy this and use it as a reference frame in the future.
  38. scorpiomover

    underground cities

    The UK is building a fusion reactor. I just hope it doesn't end up like Britain's nuclear fission reactor at Windscale. Sorry, that's Sellafield. It changed its name after a terrible nuclear accident. Sorry, that's Windscale. It changed its name again after lots more problems with the...
  39. scorpiomover

    underground cities

    Humans will live underground and turn into Morlocks and Mole-people.
  40. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    Then you can't use the "extroverts get more energy from being with people and introverts get more energy from being alone" measure. What about Jung's idea of extraverts and intraverts?
  41. scorpiomover

    Shorter Typology test

    If you want to field test it, then the best way would be a double-blind randomised controlled trial with patients who have already been diagnosed with the relevant disorders. Their relevant scores of the various disorders according to the DSM, are probably on record. They should correspond to...
  42. scorpiomover

    Bipolar and MBTI type

    Not sure what that means. Can you describe that in more detail? Not sure what that means either. Can you describe that in more detail as well? Once you fill me on the above, enough that I understand wht you meant, then it's quite possible to make suggestions.
  43. scorpiomover

    Give me the jabbie that removes every mention of my name and honestly please existence.

    When I read the thread title, I was going to make a joke about vaccinating with an injection of cyanide. But then I read the OP, and @Animekitty's post. I don't have a problem with you either. You actually listened somewhat to both sides. I just read on another forum, that someone was saying...
  44. scorpiomover

    The concept of accountability needs to change

    Rights are things we are entitled to, like having the right to use the things you own, or having the right to go on the dodgems because you bought a ticket. Responsibility means the person who has to do whatever someone else is entitled to, e.g. the the person who runs the dodgems. Wherever...
  45. scorpiomover

    Taoism is a spook.

    Truly. They're placeholders for "there are several solutions. Different solutions work better at solving different problems. Pick the solution that works best for your current problem." Different approaches. Western approaches were based on the STEM model: Some people would spend their entire...
  46. scorpiomover

    INFJ dream

    Cognitive functions are tools that the brain uses for making decisions. Some people drive cars with automatic transmissions because they're uncomfortable driving cars with manual transmissions. Some people drive manual cars because they're uncomfortable with automatics. Once someone can drive...
  47. scorpiomover

    Are people symbols in dreams

    I tend to think of dreams as messages from the subconscious. I thought of a few possible interpretations: 1) Maybe you want your ex back. 2) Maybe you just want a new partner. 3) Maybe you're feeling lonely and just want a friend. 4) Maybe you just feel bad about the way things ended, and...
  48. scorpiomover

    INFJ dream

    I think of dreams as messages from the subconscious. INFJs are Ni-doms. Ni-doms talk about life as if everything they do is an act of will. So being an INFJ itself, is an act of will. Jung didn't say that INFPs have Fi and Ne. He simply said that they are Introverts with Feeling and iNtution...
  49. scorpiomover

    INFJ dream

    I tend to think of dreams as messages from your subconscious. I would imagine that your subconscious is telling you that you've developed your intuitive & feeling functions so much, that you are no longer tied to Fi & Ne, and can go either way now. So at this point, as far as your subconscious...
  50. scorpiomover

    question based thinking

    In SCHOOL, there is only one right answer, because in school, they're teaching you how to solve problems using a certain strategy, and they need to check that you're using it the way you are taught. There's a similar issue in university. If you get the right answer but you solve it differently...
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