Honestly I don't think I've gotten smarter or 'wiser' by studying philosophy. I think I just have a bigger general knowledge about western civilization and western history than most people. That's about it. I think both my education in theology as well as philosophy grounds me in true liberal...
That sounds like a great idea. I think you have the political winds at your back, since the Indonesian president did acknowledge publically about the massacres.
I personally want to write a history about Korea, for the younger generation. I feel like the younger generation has no perspective on...
I'm not saying anything definitive, I'm arguing a point that Nietzsche didn't help forward humanity in some meaningful sense, but that it could be argued that he influenced people to act more ideologically at a time when facism was at its height. I think in the context of history, with the...
Ah, we're talking about truths now?
You can start by denouncing it? It's clear you haven't thought about the implications Nietzsche had during the imperal era. It's only in the 60s that Nietzsche was cleared of his affliation to Nazism. Before then it was widely known that Nietzsche's works...
I think you generally don't care for the wellbeing of society or just are apathetically ammoral.
That isn't what I said. I said that the book lent support for the cause of facism. If you lived during the times of the facists in the 30s and 40s of the 20th century, wouldn't you try to denounce...
It doesn't really matter what Nietzsche thought about Nazis. What matters is that somehow his writings resonated with them and helped with carry on their facism. Would you agree that elements of Nietzsche's writings, especially about the Ubermensch, can help forward facist ideals? Again...
This is what I was referring to.
I don't dismiss Nietzsche's works, but I don't see his works as something that adds onto to the program of human civilization. In fact, you can argue that it did the opposite: that it lent strength to facist powers during the early 20th century, whether...
I don't follow.
I think you're misunderstanding my words. I mean rationalization as in trying to 'explain'. His method is more closer to polemics. I was merely echoing what you wrote in some post above, that you cannot approach religion through rationality, or something.
I would say...
So.. what did you really mean when you said that what I wrote wasn't really related or interested in truth?
To me his works are an ode to his faithlessness and him trying to rationalize it the best he can.
Hm, I've had my share of psychological instability so I pretty much understand where...
So you're now saying being religious is okay?
I'm not entirely sure what you mean when you say I'm not interested in the truth. Truth that god does or does not exist? Truth in the sense that Nietzche accurately wrote down what he felt and experienced? Or something like truth that his notions...
Yeah. :(
As a Christian I think Nietzsche is what happens when you try to engineer a society by your own will. One has to be really spiritually awake to distinguish what is true in the eyes of God to really pursue righteousness. I think the moment you replace faith with a system or something...
He lived a miserable life in general. He didn't have a father figure growing up and he had a chronic sickness that made him rely on his mother. His advances for marriage were shot down thrice and his academic career went nowhere. He died when he was 40, most likely due to severe mental disorder...
Idk what you're saying here.
I'm not saying he's wrong, I perfectly empathize with his thoughts. His notions aren't really in the category of true or false because they're more an exploration of "faithlessness". I see his experience as another hue in the experiences of mankind.
He wasn't hateful, just a victim of circumstance and misfortune. I think he did the best he could in channeling that misery into writing that has lasted for centuries. His writing are like a polemic of humanity when it forsakes its god. An inverted psalms if you will.
Nietzsche isn't a good model for anyone to follow. You might agree sentimentally with his writings, but his life is a mess. You can say that his life is a cautionary tale of what happens when you neglect the most weakest in your society.
What's this supposed to mean? Are you saying Nietzsche is irrational?
Either way if you're trying to disprove the reality of LOTR for some reason, then you have an odd obession with disproving something which purportly you claim has no merit in the first place. That obession in itself seems...
Nietzsche is and was a bad philosopher. He's more of a literary man rather than someone who did rigorous civilivation building. The more I understand Nietzsche's life, the more I understand his writing are a rebellion against the culture he lived in because he felt handicapped by his weak body...
What am I supposed to do with this information~
Theologically, you are correct. There was this theological debate back in the mediveal ages (13th cen iirc) where theologians argued what was the highest attribute of God. Some argued that rationality or reason was the highest attribute while others argued that God's will was his highest...
This is why I think religion is important. The problem with race in America is that it's always preached and reminded to people, so that wounds would never heal. Every generation thinks that it's up to them to 'fix' something. The thing is, people much older than you have begun that kind of...
I think this is a good insight. Money is determined by society rather than individual people. But soceity is made up by people, so I guess what worth is, is determined by a cultural essense, what people think of to be as something good. I think ultimately we have a hard time answering this...
Do you have intrinsic beliefs about money or some philosophy on wealth?
This isn't fully developed or seriously thought out on my part, but one time I came to see money as something that is more like a fuel or a currency that manifests potential. But I don't mean it in terms of status or...
Haha, interesting.
Yeah true, Twitter is the one major social media platform I've never set my hands on. From what I understand a lot of Japanese right wingers use Twitter so I always wondered how they festered.
Hmm well it's tough to say really. I don't think we as a society really valuated what Twitter was to the world. Who knows, being able to tweet to a corporation or a politician directly, out in the open sphere, might have been a net plus. But then again because of the nature of it being so...
Well gutting his staff and then asking them to come back again. Allowing the $8 subscription fee for verification, then going back on that. Twitter is being sued by multiple countries because Elon broke the labor laws. Twitter Korea and Twitter Japan are going to court soon.
He said he was...
I think this might sound like a stretch to you, but try asking your parents about attending therapy or counseling sessions. I think talking about your childhood and your emotions helps you process the state that you're in so you can move on and deal with things in your current life with some...
Here, what makes you happy? I think that's a start. Being 'empathetic' isn't something you really develop, it's more about caring for people from deep within yourself. If you want to develop that, you have to be more kinder and free to your own self too.
I'm not really a firm believer in the...
I think an elegant way to frame this is to say that as we get older, we want peace in our lives. The problem is, the outcome of that peace is different for many people. Some people want quiet, some people want a resolution, a type of quiet that's mingled in their heritage and being.
Because we...
I think the point he makes with college degrees becoming something like an indulgence (in the Catholic sense) and that to fix this problem that you need a correction from without the institution, like in the case of the reformation on the Catholic church, is something interesting to think about...
Necroing an old post but that music reminds me of Korean traditional music (pansori to be exact).
I think it's kind of sad that some people said it was demon possessed, it seems like the music is more of a naive art kind of expression. Like it's playful but just expressive, like a puppy would...
Ah Christian metal! This reminds me of a quote from C.S. Lewis that says Christianity is the trunk that allows the blossom of culture to happen, that the flowers themselves are the proof that we praise God.
I'm more of a post-rock, instrumental type myself. I like listening to Sufjan Steven and...
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