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  1. onesteptwostep

    A little something on 'giving back'

    I think faith in itself is the reward! When we abide in Christ, He abides in us. When we're in Christ, Christ is in us- and that unity, is glory as is. That itself is glorification. Not glorification of God Himself, but the simple, mere enjoyment of being with Him!
  2. onesteptwostep

    A little something on 'giving back'

    I think from a Christian standpoint giving back IS sowing into the kingdom of God. I think we often think of giving, alms, as if it's a moral action that needs to be checked off a list or something, that it's good by the mere merit of it- but I think it's much more ritualistic, a statement of...
  3. onesteptwostep

    A little something on 'giving back'

    How I Overcame Homelessness Twice to Become a Billioniare I thought this was very heartful and to some degree very illuminating. Since we've been talking about morals lately, I think this the type of drive that should be told to everyone.
  4. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    Okay- got you.
  5. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    I think it would be fruitful if you try to percieve things from the perspective of God. Let's say you know the future because of your nature as an omnipresent being, and all reality is there in front of you at once, being 'experinced' as is. What is love from that perspective? It's a seriously...
  6. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    Slavery isn't condoned by the bible. Slavery as an institution, it doesn't forward any opinion on it. But generally the bible is clear on the relational aspect, that it should be a two sided affair and both parties need to treat each other with respect. Slavery is more of an economic issue...
  7. onesteptwostep

    What do you constitute as wasted time? do you think learning non-financially beneficial discipline is a waste of time?

    How that poem ends is magnificent. Ah the first thing that popped into my mind when I read this thread was: then, is analyzing what wasted time is a waste of time, in itself? If you go meta with this question it seems to be a matter of orientation, rather than a sincere contemplation. Like...
  8. onesteptwostep

    What Determines the Morality of an Action? My Theory.

    My take is more simple: morality is governed by consensus. It's not the number of people or a divine, singular principle that guides morality, but the consensus that is developed within society. That consensus can be immutable at times, but it can also bend and yield to an argument which leads...
  9. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson's Misappropriation of Self Improvement

    You know about Musk, his father has come up on the media telling people he isn't proud of his son. To me that's kind of telling. His mom seems to pamper in his fame though. That family dynamic alone tells me there's something off in the background. I think when the fame wears off and his...
  10. onesteptwostep

    The late 80s & early 90s was the Peak of Human Civilization

    Oh making use of Christianity now huh? :) But yeah in realist terms the 90s was when the Cold War was over with the dissoultion of the Soviet Union. So all the geopolitical tension went away and people were able to focus on developing the economy, which the US did. That's how Bill Clinton was...
  11. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    I don't mean it that way. If you go to a normal Arab town you'll see the mosque being at the center of their lifestyle. It rings to let them know when to pray, let's them know the time, when to start working and when to stop. They go there to hear sermons from the imam and hear the news from...
  12. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    I think on a micro level you can have a reasonable rationale for not having a belief, but it's hard to say whether society will function similarly if it were all atheistic. I think from a developmental standpoint an atheistic society is impossible to come to fruition. I think societies begets...
  13. onesteptwostep


    If I had the money the only pet I would have would be the investments in the stock market lmao
  14. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson's Misappropriation of Self Improvement

    Haha I'm not sure about the Christ characterization but he's certainly a Jung disciple and a budding Nietzschean. I think most secular thinkers first wander into Nietzsche just by the virtue of the prevalence of Christianity. Nietzsche is the logical sequence one would take if you aren't...
  15. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson's Misappropriation of Self Improvement

    Jordan Peterson is a secular preacher. His god is the secular good... It's hard to say whether he's doing more harm than good, but he's more of a symptom of a problem in our current culture rather than any catalyst of something. He's as clueless as any of us are, but trying to help in whatever...
  16. onesteptwostep

    What's the worst truth you had to acknowledge?

    That's a difficult question to answer because I don't affirmatively acknowledge truths, but absorb and evolve with it, subplanting previous notions or "truths" to arrive at a higher or elevated structure. The one reality or truth, is that I seem oblivious to such divings into the abyss, because...
  17. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Right, I think of faith as a type of knowledge, in that it helps me understand the motivations of historical figures and the people back in more Christian societies. I think the mode of faith in the modern age, for believers is different now. I think people in my generation who are religious...
  18. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Oh no, I'm not saying we should live by them, but to simply understand them. Not superficially, but having an amiability to faith without engaging it. In some ways you can say it's reverence to a historical notion which helped bring us to where we are today. But yes, religions as a meme carrier...
  19. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Yup, pretty much! See, even Cog understands what I'm trying to say, and he's staunchly atheistic!
  20. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Well, history in it of itself provides a lot of lessons on humanity, and the hardships our ancestors went through can provide some solace by their stories and perspectives resonating with us. We might have the same feelings on the course of life, and there's a massive category of people who...
  21. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Sure, wisdom that's gained through some spiritual insight is good. The matter which I was discussing is more faith in its thousand year heritage, lived through the millions of its believers throughout vastly different cultures and situations, not that the spirituality itself has any power or...
  22. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    But it's just that: that the essence of faith allows those believers to circumvent any pessimism against the apparent nihilism in existence! It's perhaps a more modern take on faith, given that existential sentiments are more of a modern feeling. But! I would say that it's false to call faith or...
  23. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    I'm going to use a cheap shot because there's a lot of dispositions here, but... Max Weber? The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism? Also I'm just curious, have you ever listened to a Christian sermon? Geuinuely wondering. I'm not really sure how Hindus would worship or practice their...
  24. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    Maybe they put religion in a box? To me, denotively 'a roboust social system' is 'political philosophy', or if we were to phrase it to our modern sensibility, 'democracy is an unfinished experiment?' Religion is much more deeper than any creation of some social culture. Or to phrase it better...
  25. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    @Hadoblado I think the difference between our perspective is that they were ignorant. I think we have the gift of hindsight to have acquired more technical knowledge through many trail and errors. Ignorant? To a more technological humankind in the next thousand years, we, to them, would be...
  26. onesteptwostep

    As a conscientious religious person, I think my generation is losing a great, deep heritage by embracing secularism

    The weekend is here boys, let's talk about the intersections of religion, politics, economy, market, and history and morality. *cracks open beer* I mean, secularism isn't bad per say, but I feel like we are losing a lot of history and cultural understanding by not tapping into the vast...
  27. onesteptwostep

    Jordan Peterson presents a radical and new idea

    Peterson is basically a secular preacher. His god is basically the secular good.
  28. onesteptwostep

    Obesity: My toxic best friend

    Hmm I don't get hangry, but often times I develop tension and light headedness before my body tells me I'm hungry. When I had depression I gave up eating out of nihilism, and I feel like the malnutrition then sort of affected my natural biological indicators for hunger. I literally have tensions...
  29. onesteptwostep

    Being an INTP lawyer seems like a pain in the Ass, now I'm not sure what to do.

    I would encourage you to stay in a field for at least 2 years before attempting to change anything. I'm not entirely educated on what the cultural and societial life in Indonesia is like (I have several friends from Jakarta) but I hope things work in your favor. I'm sure with your English...
  30. onesteptwostep

    Being an INTP lawyer seems like a pain in the Ass, now I'm not sure what to do.

    Iirc if you live in Singapore and have a law degree, maybe studying trade law might be something that's worthwhile. I would try and find something interesting within your field before even thinking about changing careers.
  31. onesteptwostep

    Rehabilitating Logical Fallacies

    In moral philosophy I'm more inclined to think that most moral inclinations are ultimately rooted in emotions rather than in rationality, so in parallel I don't think what you point out is largely false, that we set up accusations of logical fallacy to forward our own rationale or to negate the...
  32. onesteptwostep

    Netflix has taken over my house

    Without being invasive the only thing I'd suggest is go to your local library or to a college library. When I have time to spare I go to a cafe and read books or write on my laptop. Home is mostly sleep, food and the occasional gaming or guitar playing.
  33. onesteptwostep

    What are you all reading?

    I'm currently fragment-reading three books: a book on Korean history (Korea's Place in the Sun: A Modern History), Nicomachean Ethics (Oxford version), and The Value of Everything by an economist named Mariana Mazzucato.
  34. onesteptwostep

    100 Prisoner Riddle

    I saw the veritasium video :( I didn't watch the part where they explain the math yet, but I'm curious and intrigued at how they came up with the 31%
  35. onesteptwostep

    100 Prisoner Riddle

    I have some questions, are the numbers in the box the same in each of the rooms? Like is the number X always in box Y in all the 100 rooms or is that also random as well. Or is it just that there is a single room that has the 100 boxes? How many rooms are there in this scenario?
  36. onesteptwostep

    Heyyyy its been a while

    Hey! Welcome back.
  37. onesteptwostep

    Do you think our culture mythologizes marriage and life in general?

    A lot of consumerist culture is about providing some kind of betterment in life, or at least the illusion of it, and a lot of our entertainment and entertainment figures try to ellude to a full or fruitful life, whether by the example of wealth, extravagence or filial or family bliss. We are...
  38. onesteptwostep

    Annoying linguistic mistakes

    People who mispell ridiculous as 'rediculous' nerve me a bit.
  39. onesteptwostep

    your essential book?

    Probably one of my history of philosophy books. Honestly I don't remember the last time I read a fiction book.
  40. onesteptwostep

    Rationality Quotient Test

    They all seem like math questions to me.
  41. onesteptwostep

    Is prostitution an ignoble profession?

    I think a lot of the notions on prostitution is more developmental rather than due to any principle that it is good or bad. I think you would have to hold fascist views about society to say that prostitution is completely bad. I think it's like Prohibition, it's something inevitable, and to...
  42. onesteptwostep

    Art is the product of crafted complexity

    Let me take a crack at it: Art is anything which you can pin a narrative onto.
  43. onesteptwostep

    Could trans ideology just a rebellion against particulars?

    It doesn't really matter to me one way or the other, to me saying it's a theory or an ideology is the same to me. I don't really disagree with the theory, but I feel like it doesn't teach people anything or help anyone understand gender more. Like, you see gender as a socially constructed thing...
  44. onesteptwostep

    Could trans ideology just a rebellion against particulars?

    I think in its netural terms it's called gender theory but opponents call it gender ideology. From what I've gathered on Judith Butler she's the foremost thinker on leftist gender theory. She even had the last Pope reply to her ideas because he thought that they would erode traditional...
  45. onesteptwostep

    Could trans ideology just a rebellion against particulars?

    I'm not talking about transgenders but trans ideology here. I get that transgenders have an issue, but the way the ideology is set up as to rationalize the phenomena and how it fits in with society and human progress is what amuses me, not the actual plight of transgenders. The rate of suicide...
  46. onesteptwostep

    Could trans ideology just a rebellion against particulars?

    Aw come on, indugle me ^^ I took a second to picture that in my head, and in appearance, you exactly have that correct. @Cognisant Amen. Australian masculinity is exactly what we need in these troubling times. Woo! No but seriously, I do wonder what makes those kids think so extreme and...
  47. onesteptwostep

    Why MBTI is bullshit pseudoscience.

    @burnout Can I ask what you type as? I feel like you're an ISTJ. I don't see how you can be Ti dom with an Ne auxiliary (INTP). Si/Te makes much more sense to me.
  48. onesteptwostep

    Could trans ideology just a rebellion against particulars?

    It's a long stretch, but I was thinking how certain trangenders employ the phrase 'I identify as' before saying what they are. And it made me think, identity is literally an identity for them, that the category of "I identify as..." is literally an identity for them. Now, see that I have used...
  49. onesteptwostep

    The internet is making people more toxic

    What are you referring to here, talking and discussing things in real life or by text?
  50. onesteptwostep

    The internet is making people more toxic

    I think text in general is a terrible way to communicate. If it's something academic and you need to write to convey complex information, sure, but using text socially, then displaying it to everyone, is going to be misunderstood in an emotional sense. It's not like the people who read that sort...
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