Intellect runs on two things, direct experience and theory models that extrapolate idea about how the world works.
If you lack direct experience no amount of theory modeling will be grounded in reality.
This is basic INTP problem we all INTPs struggle with.
We sometimes confuse our theory with direct experience, because we are good at theory.
But missing the basic map of reality means missing reality altogether.
Its kind of like how dumb people can solve things so simply sometimes, and smart people overthink things and over-complicate things and end up nowhere.
I kind of had this issue since I was a young kid, because it was easy for me to think in abstract, but hard to ground things in reality.
There are 3 types of thinking, detail, day to day, and abstract conceptual.
If you spend most time in detail oriented reality, but neglect day to day baseline reality you will get a lot of detail fine granular intellectual stuff done, but completely miss how it relates to real world application, hence the typical professor that knows everything, but cannot tell you have it can be useful.
Then there is day to day reality where you examine the people their motives, the doorknobs, the stairs and buildings and vehicles and trees and grass, these people are the smartest, but they cannot achieve much in realm of concepts, vice versa if they lack details they skip anything remotely more sophisticated.
If you are conceptual, you get big ideas, and you see how all the dots connect and you see it all like endless stream of webs and realities among realities and you can create new concepts, but without day to day reality it never has any real traction to what is real, it might as well be trash. If these people don't pay attention to details they are missing a massive amount of data too.
So basically all knowledge at the end of day has to be grounded in something.
I feel like aristoteles was one of the smartest greeks, but everything he said was always grounded in reality. If you take a guy like plato he lived in conceptual world mostly, and if you take guys like socrates they would manipulate details of things until your head spins.
The fact is tho, the more grounded in mid tier day to day reality all this detailed and conceptual stuff is the more traction it has.
If knowledge has no traction with real world, it gets you nowhere.
So Tony Star was genius, because he was not sitting and thinking. He took what he knew conceptually and applied it. He took the details to town and fashioned a machine that was perfectly able to blast him out of a cave.
Eventually that meant 3 dif realities were used in harmony.
Most people are in mid tier day to day reality. Some people manage the so called detail reality, and some are even creative conceptual, some people can be all three.
But if you are in one reality you cannot be focusing on other reality.
This is key because if you divide your attention over day period you should spend most time in day to day reality to get the furthest.
If you spend your time in detail reality you will miss the forest and the journey through the forest.
IF you spend most time in day to day, but neglect others you journey through forest, but you never analyze or synthesize so you end up mediocre.
So generally speaking INTPs are best to train their mind to pay attention to day to day reality, because Si makes them think in detail, and Ne makes them think in concepts, but their actual experience is nonexistent.
Which leads to warping of reality to a holographic projection of the mind.
Our minds are powerful, but they are not powerful enough to replace reality.
Reality is too vast and too rich for our tiny monkey brains.
So in order for INTPs to get out of their concept minds Ne and their Si minds they have to start doing day to day tasks as often as possible or they will miss reality and start thinking that their brains are reality.
So they start thinking this tiny stream of conscious thinking is real, but it really is not real. Its just stream of jumbled incomprehensible soup of associations with fragments of logic and intellectualized rational.
Eventually the brain just eats it self.