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Search results

  1. Grayman

    Why I'm not scared of Islam and nor should you be.

    America takes their best, their entrepreneurs and their scientists. The brain drain. We take healthy men who can fight back to save their country but leave the women and children in their place to suffer all for the sake of equality. We even leave these countries with their sick and take their...
  2. Grayman

    Why I'm not scared of Islam and nor should you be.

    I would say that the discontent, poverty, and war started at the decline and tearing apart of the Ottoman Empire. I think the USAs recent activities just have drawn attention and stimulated discontent but are not the source of the discontent.
  3. Grayman

    Everything CT

    The sample is all women and of the same age. Is that on purpose? Their eyes and how they look off diagnally when they are remembering or thinking hard about somthing. Their faces really scrunch up when disgusted or anxious or remember being anxious. Their lips flex a lot like they are really...
  4. Grayman

    Forum Change in Direction

    I'm already liking you. :)
  5. Grayman

    Forum Change in Direction

    You basically labeled my post #Warning off topic and moved my post out of the main topic making my point easier to ignore. That is a form of silencing. Isn't this the kind of behavior being promoted by the OP?
  6. Grayman

    Forum Change in Direction

    They are starting to implement it it seems. Be wary of silencing. Enjoy the muted realm of intpdom. Adios.
  7. Grayman

    At what point or when does the end justify the means?

    In the lying example it isn't a problem with 'end justifies the means' but with being short sighted. Long term there is no justifaction for the lying in your example. I think you did well in identifying the pot holes in its pursuit though.
  8. Grayman

    Forum Change in Direction

    That is way too much work. I think the easiest thing to do is to make Redbaron full moderator. Unfortunately i just realized many of the enemies of this feirce warrior have already been banished so maybe the battkes that ensue won't be that grandiose...
  9. Grayman

    Anyone else overreacted to a break-up?

    Re: Anyone else overreacted incredibly when losing a loved one? Emotions are highly subjective and personal. I cannot possibly pass judgement on them or fully define them in their complexity. I can only offer him/her a perspective based on experience that has helped me to mold a sustainable...
  10. Grayman

    Anyone else overreacted to a break-up?

    Re: Anyone else overreacted incredibly when losing a loved one? Ideals are goals so that we can be better people and have a better world. It is something you should work toward in a relationship in my opinion. No one expects perfection but they do expect that you move in that direction.
  11. Grayman

    Anyone else overreacted to a break-up?

    Re: Anyone else overreacted incredibly when losing a loved one? The title gives the impression that someone died but your post indicates a breakup.... If they died it would be easier to empathize with you but if this is about a breakup then i would say that if you realy loved her and she is...
  12. Grayman

    A theory about emotions, emotion-based convictions and logic

    You have to understand the source of the emotional response in order to understand whether the response is appropriate in this situation or not. Ithe response could be a result of experiences that you may or may not remember. Perhaps you unconciously heard a sound and this sound is something...
  13. Grayman

    Mike Pence

    I think ISTJ because he seems very dutiful and draws a straight and direct path with his morals. I think it is hard to really tell without seeing how he interacts with his family but I imagine he sets high expectaions even though he knows no one can meet them.
  14. Grayman

    Forum Change in Direction

    I always pictured her as miss Auburn instead of mr. At some point I lost respect for this forum, shat on it, and then took off fo a month or two. I am back now and I apologize but I will say that the lack of enforcement and the acceptance of aggressive behaviour was a contributor to my lack...
  15. Grayman

    How to harness the energy a big ego provides, while minimizing the ego itself?

    Staying focused is bad. You should let your mind be creative. Eat French fries and become a space pilot. Alice is a great example of rabbit stew.
  16. Grayman

    Do INTPs become more normal with age/maturity?

    Special snowflake is not synonymous with abnormal and nor does it describe even a small portion of young intp.
  17. Grayman

    Hard Work!!!

    I think an INTP who puts tight linear focus on a task will perform worse and learn less than an INTP who is more fluid in achieving their tasks. While we are slower and less efficient at first our innovation and expansive learning can make us a unique asset.
  18. Grayman

    Hard Work!!!

    Oh sounds like you do work hard and have good focus. You just haven't managed to direct that toward assigned tasks. Instead you obsessively focus on what interests you. Perhaps you just need to find ways to use what interests you toward the tasks you are assigned.
  19. Grayman

    Compare somebody to an extremely hazardous substance.

    Lead, I'm dense but am resistant to radiation poisoning of the nuclear strikes. Plus if you mix me with acid all sorts of sparks start flying. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
  20. Grayman

    WARNING MUST BE 18 years or older - IS THIS REAL!!!

    IS THIS REAL!!! https://youtu.be/R1hJwz8V0zY Please tell me these are all actors. pretty please.... No for a naked thing hiding in the bushes :kodama1:
  21. Grayman

    are values valid? should we destroy them? (related to sex)

    (A) is a unique thing that can only be shared with that specific and rare person (B) is intimacy that you can share with near anyone Some people are satisfied with bronze but some people desire gold (A) gives sex greater meaning than (B) because gold is rarer than bronze (A) is supposed to be...
  22. Grayman

    are values valid? should we destroy them? (related to sex)

    I think society would do better if they valued sex in a relationship as you do. I think we should share values and those values should benefit society as a whole. If society benefits then everyone including you and those you love do as well.
  23. Grayman

    Do you believe in giving thanks?

    Good one. Thanks for posting it:)
  24. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

  25. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    Just taking my part of the onus. I know your ego won't let you take your part but that's okay.
  26. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    Oh I was blatantly fucking with you. No victim card needs to be played. Totally my fault. The one thing I didn't expect was that you'd be so sensitive. That migbt be part of that ego thing though...
  27. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    What statement would you have suggested?
  28. Grayman

    American Ego vs Real Ego

    The concept of a comparing a persons inherent worth seems absurd to me. It seems as if Americas associate it with a sense of pride and make value comparisons against each other. When I started studying Buddhism I found a very different meaning of ego. To me the Buddhist meaning of ego being one...
  29. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    You give me a lot of credit.
  30. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    You are entitled to your feelings and if you feel the need to say fuck you because I upset you with my comment that is okay.
  31. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    No one has to earn it. They just have to keep it. Usually it just plays out better if I give it first but it isn't really because I think everyone deserves it. A person might earn my admiration but respect is always given unless certain circumstances might require that I refrain from giving it...
  32. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    So you do communicate but not realy I guess... It is more like you demand respect. When it isn't given. At least that seems ti be the case.
  33. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    You are so easy to silence.
  34. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    Jeez, another ego. You got problems.
  35. Grayman

    SJ VS NP

    Yeah because guys keep trying to throw in your supposedly brilliant ideas that slow things down and only work 10% of the time. Seriously experiment on your own time. :mad:
  36. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    If respect means keeping an open mind and listening then disrespect means the other person isn't ready to listen. What then would communication do?
  37. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    What is respect?
  38. Grayman

    NASA's EM Drive Paper finally published

    What things? A train that propels toward with magnetic force pushes against the rails. What does a spaceship push against in a vacuum? Now you might say really small particles is what you push against but if you push a pea with your massive body which will move, the pea or your body?
  39. Grayman

    Do you admire intelligent or kind people more?

    I admire people who are willing to go friendless in order to preserve truthful and needed criticism and who dont validate self destructive thoughts and feeling in order to preserve friendships. I dont admire people who inflict unnecessary damage on people with no gain except to say that it...
  40. Grayman

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    To me nationalism is and should be like family but on the scale of the nation. In a family you prioritize each others needs and you look out for each other and seek to move forward as unit toward success. To me the president should be the head of that family. He really is a servant in that his...
  41. Grayman

    How Nationalism Will Beat Modern Liberalism

    Globalization isn't the transcendence of tribal thinking. It is the swallowing of smaller tribes into one large tribe that is western type thinking. The global tribe forces people to think certain ways, forces them to adopt our way of government, and forces them to rape their land for the...
  42. Grayman

    wanting to be social, but not wanting to be social

    Get better friends.
  43. Grayman

    Calibration of Thermometers

    Yes but purifying the water will do nothing concerning the CO2. Water oxygenates when stirred by absorbing gas from the atmosphere and I am sure CO2 does the same. In fact tht os why plants and fish can survive in water at all. It probably is a small difference but I still would like to know...
  44. Grayman

    Calibration of Thermometers

    I need to figure this out. If global water is carbonating and this changes the freezing point how does one adjust for the shifting freezing point of the water of which we use as a physical standard to adjust our thermometers to? How can one create accurate temperature trends if the instruments...
  45. Grayman

    Calibration of Thermometers

    Over the years waters around the world have acified and carbonated. Has this changed the freezing and boiling points of the water? If so how do scientists adjust for Celsius drift? I have always calibrated thermometers to freezing of water but no one has ever mentioned any adjustments for the...
  46. Grayman


    May you survive many years on this forum!
  47. Grayman

    Confrontation - IXFP

    Is there generally a difference in being invigorated by confrontation vs being worn out by confrontation in various types?
  48. Grayman

    Confrontation - IXFP

    How do the Fi types handle confrontation compared to the Ti types?
  49. Grayman

    How do you debate with other people?

    Be very clear on your main point and don't hide it in a wall of text. Provide supportive evidence through links when possible. Copy the main part of the article that supports your position into your post but keep it to two or three sentences so that they can easily identify the foundation of...
  50. Grayman

    I'm done

    I guess the dark stain on my soul was too much for him to bear.
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