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Search results

  1. Grayman

    Anti-gravity Theory

    What if it is over an iron surface? The plate would absorb the magnetic energy and then slowly disappate but if you switch polarities before it can? Maybe go back and forth increasing intensity during the dissipation as you switch I think you could gain some rise until you reached maximum output...
  2. Grayman

    Anti-gravity Theory

    Like a marble sitting on a vibrating surface? It somewhat floats.
  3. Grayman

    Anti-gravity Theory

    Nvm seems right. Would the magnetic wave interfere with intself and cancel itself out at higher frequencies?
  4. Grayman

    I admire you but there are serious threads and unserious threads. Lately there doesnt seem to be...

    I admire you but there are serious threads and unserious threads. Lately there doesnt seem to be much activity on more serious threads.
  5. Grayman

    how many users of INTPf are also users of INTP complex?

    The god of Chicago is here now, we all gonna get shot.
  6. Grayman

    how many users of INTPf are also users of INTP complex?

    My granpa once gave me a wise old sayen, "Trolls best stay in troll town." So thas why I stick round her with yu guyz.
  7. Grayman

    Re-defining Utilitarianism

    I think 'sense of purpose' offers greater utility than happiness.
  8. Grayman

    Been away

    @Rixus From age to age and society to society men have been the prime instigators of violence and agression of sexual dominination and a burning anger of power. Deny it all you want but the statistics cry out in judgement of the sins of men and their need to set the world afire! Now lets close...
  9. Grayman

    Been away

    The feminism thing sounds like an interesting topic. There is a lot of red pilling talk on the internet.
  10. Grayman

    Redbaron is now madmin

    Banning isnt as fun as what you normally do to get rid of them.
  11. Grayman

    Banning is a jolly good time

    Sounds like those people on The Cure for Wellnes.
  12. Grayman

    Redbaron is now madmin

    Wow, I should spend me time on the forum. Things are gonna get interesting.
  13. Grayman

    the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    It is false to define a thing as thing. A thing is not an object as we perceive an object to be. All things are but a description of its interactions. As one thing interacts differently with one thing than another thing we can then separate those things and call them objects. It is an...
  14. Grayman

    the four dimensions of reality: space time energy distance

    Distance is the measure between two points. The distance in time is the measured difference between two events. Energy is what defines those events. Time is one dimension and space is three. Space-time is four dimensions. Energy is the interaction of those dimension. Distance is nothing but a...
  15. Grayman

    Sound Limiter for android phones

    All the sound adjustments seem to be offsets and not span adjustments. Adjusting the sound level increases both the upper range of 'loudness' as well as the lower range. I would like to have a minimum sound level and a separate upper sound level so that the sound output is always between...
  16. Grayman

    The Armchair Physics Thread

    @Jr_Isp The models used to 'describe peacetime are not consistent with reality. They are 2D with a curvature on the third. Reality is a 3D with a curvature on the time dimension. Aether density would be a 3D model with a curvature on density. The density is the space between interactions. Since...
  17. Grayman

    The Armchair Physics Thread

    Suppose there was an aether but not one that functions as they suspected where it was static but instead one that's effected by gravity. Gravity can change the density of the aether so that the frequency of light might be altered in various gravity fields. We can call this new aether spacetime.
  18. Grayman

    The Armchair Physics Thread

    What made Enstien conclude that light speed is constant before we were able to test it with quantum clocks?
  19. Grayman

    swedens gender neutral schools

    I couldn't find any studies done to show that it drops. I only found complaints about the studies that showed it as being ineffective. I read this awhile ago but cannot quote anything because of the paywall...
  20. Grayman

    swedens gender neutral schools

    I am all for experimentimg on children. I think the suicide rate for trans gender is 40% with little difference after sex change. There is obviously some kind of mental issue outside of just 'gender identity'. Maybe we can subject children to various environments and see if the suicide rate...
  21. Grayman

    Amazon is killing it

    As soon as small business can make one website that delivers to my lazy ass then I will switch over too.
  22. Grayman

    The femininity and masculinity of personality

    A older guy from church would always talk about love and compassion. Another person combined love, duty, and compassion into being the same thing. If you keep the commandment of 'love' then you keep all the commandments. Fi types When I say love, in their case, it is rather an emotional...
  23. Grayman

    The Armchair Physics Thread

    I was referring to the decay of particles not atoms. Beta-decay and proton-decay if proton decay can be proven to exist.
  24. Grayman

    The Armchair Physics Thread

    Theoretically all mass is decaying, nuclear decay, leading to the big freeze. Basically mass energy comverts to other forms of energy. E=MC2 But i am not sure that could cause the expansion because the decay is a 'half life' with each decay being half what it was before.
  25. Grayman

    Fact vs Truth

    So Plato being human wouldn't be a fact?
  26. Grayman

    Fact vs Truth

    @Nanook I find occams razor to be unsatisfactory to my way of thinking. First it is based on assertions and not absolute facts. Occams razor seems to result in assertion being treated as fact in order for you to make it work in a logical-binary structure. For me reason is a chain of...
  27. Grayman

    Fact vs Truth

    What is the difference between fact and truth? I seem to get all kinds of answers to the question but none of them have been satisfactory. Also how does the definition of change between, science, philosophy, epistemology, common everyday use, or your own personal use? ************* (fact1)...
  28. Grayman

    A random person

    A random person comes up to you and says 1+1=2 and 2+1=10 Your first thought? Your response? Your conclusion? What say you?!
  29. Grayman

    How do I type people without shoving a quiz in their face?

    Get signatures for a petition that requires people to take the test in order to vote, get government aid, or when being incarcerated. It would be similar to getting demographics on race and ethnicity except it will be MBTI.
  30. Grayman

    How reducing coffee intake helped with life

    Try infowars.com! I all so due push ups in my head to excersize my brain! You should really start thibking about excersizing too! It works!
  31. Grayman

    INTP ESFJ Relationship Guide

    Not as likely. We have super powers. In this case, we wouldn't be as likely to make a mistake. We avoid people more than other types and value our freedom to explore our ideas so getting into a serious relationship like, with an esfj, would require a massive amount of consideration and...
  32. Grayman


    Please visit my user page and post a few things! I am trying to give the false perception that I am not an antisocial loser! I probably won't respond though. I don't actually want to socialize. I just want to give the impression that I care about other people!
  33. Grayman

    Ask an ESFJ

    Romance em. Stuff like leaving a random note on their car while they are working that says 'you have beatiful eyes!' aka you so hot!
  34. Grayman

    Western Work Ethic

    You need to triple your caffeine intake. The US consumes three times more caffeine than the philippines.
  35. Grayman

    Boredom and information intake speed.

    I like to smell the flowers.
  36. Grayman

    Affluent women lack ambition!

    I guess what I am trying to say is that there is as much room if not more to respect a women who chooses parenting over being a CEO. It is more about how they fulfill the role than what role they choose, that should drive admiration.
  37. Grayman

    Affluent women lack ambition!

    'rewards' are preference based and that means it is personal and not something you can judge, condone, or promote. Anyways, good parents and valuing the process of parenting is important to society. Being a good corporate business women/man may not be very beneficial values to instill in...
  38. Grayman

    Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    I dont see how this might be related to culture outside of language. I think a persons job is more likely to alter there preference for how they choose to relate various objects and concepts.
  39. Grayman

    Analytical vs Intuitive thought process.

    I prefer functional relations over categorical ones. In my experience that type of thinking is more beneficial.
  40. Grayman

    Great typology test

    I usually test INTP at 90% but this test identified me as ISFJ. I got pigeon holed by the first question and no questions after the first were relatable at all.
  41. Grayman

    Going to therapy?

    I don't want emotional support, shoulder crying, or hand holding, validation, drugs, or someone who spends the whole time asking about my past instead of looking to the future.
  42. Grayman

    Going to therapy?

    I would go to a therapist for information not help. Its like picking the mind of a mathematician about math or a physicist about quantum mechanics. While I would prefer to learn as much as I can through books and though experimentation it is nice to finally have someone who is a specialist to...
  43. Grayman

    Time Management

    I generally manage disinterest by quickly filling it with another obsession in a different topic. Usually i need to recover a day or two due to the lack of sleep and food. I also have to clean up and shave, cut my nails and take a really long shower due to a decreased hygiene during the month to...
  44. Grayman

    Boundaries vs Logic

    I recieved a positive intimate text from my wife the other day and I took the whole day to consider a reply back. Sometimes I get texts from people that are positive as well and never reply because I procrastinated and thought about the proper response so long that I never actually got to...
  45. Grayman

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    I don't really have all the information... Who wanted/wants to be separated and why still be separated? What he is doing doesn't make any rational sense to me unless I view it from the perspective of 'value/feeling based system'. It just sounds like he is a person who has certain principles...
  46. Grayman

    The INTP's guide to therapy

    If he isnt willing to try why does he shift the moral burden of getting a divorce onto you?
  47. Grayman

    Black Holes In Motion

  48. Grayman

    What's your driving like?

    I am not sure. I only remember leaving and arriving. The rest of the trip is driven by other consciousness. It seems that he is a very safe driver since I have never gotten in an accident...
  49. Grayman

    Small steps cover large distances

    You should finish off by posting an inspirational song!
  50. Grayman

    Intuition taking over thinking

    Its great that you want to do this. Whats the first step? What is your primary skillset? What is the greatest priority? What interests you more? Gotta norrow the scope so that a path can be drawn or we'll get lost in the woods.
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