Soul Shade
How do the Fi types handle confrontation compared to the Ti types?
INFPs: They don't. They pretend it doesn't exist, and they do this until it either goes away or causes them to snap.How do the Fi types handle confrontation compared to the Ti types?
Some Fi's are pretty militant. Why do you think INFPglobal and other sites didn't last? Unconstructive conflict. SoS, different site.
... point being, we're still trafficking in cliches here to some degree. Some Fi folks are really aggressive and some are really non-confrontational. It might be slightly different with the Ti crowd (probably "less" personal if you have to compare) but according to theory one is simply running off impersonal truth and the other is running off personal truth. Otherwise INxP can be pretty similar.
There's also different reasons (other than type) -- including life experiences -- that can drive a person to be more confrontational or less.
A distaste for conflict, and hence a lower likelihood of being confrontational, is as I understand it, hallmark of the feeling types.
Similar could be said of some INTJs I know (myself included). In short, I greatly dislike expending energy via unnecessary social interaction. Therefore, I can and do let quite a few things slide - most often if the person I take umbrage with isn't really worth a shit to me.
It's a great deal more about conservation of energy than it is about avoiding conflict; I have a very limited amount of shits to give for the external world and the people within it, so I tend to spend it wisely.
I'm also a type 5 though, so I'm really stingy with my time and energy.
Yeah, spot on there. I've also seen a lot of (usually effective) attempts at mediation coming from Ts. The flavour differs, though. In my experience, Fs tend to approach it more softly-softly, highlighting how wonderful everyone is and how lovely it'd be if everyone could stop being so mean / nasty and get back to being happy and shiny.
In general, Ts will simply call out the shitty behaviour and explain why everyone is a cunt. Sometimes in a diplomatic way (INTPs) and sometimes in an extremely blunt way (INTJs). I have found this approach to actually be far more effective for diffusing situations though, weirdly. I think there's a lot to be said for being direct. It seems to 'shock' people somehow - at the very least they tend to cease their wanky behaviour to reflect for a while. Or continue hurting internally - but who cares about that?
Meh, rambling.
I like this. I basically added in an individual's ability to cope as another axis. Moderate stress causes people with weak coping skills to react in extremes while people with strong coping skills aren't phased at all.There is a scale of how bad the conflict is. Combine that with a scale of conflict management techniques that you run through and that's how Fi works. (starting with do nothing and ending with murder everyone) Generally it takes a lot before the oblivious types notice these things happening so only blow up and make a fuss gets their attention which causes them to think that blowing up is the first reaction to everything. Compare this to an ISTP who's style is do nothing and seethe until they blow up over the most recent conflict.