Spiritual "Woo"
To whom? To what? In/to what circumstances? And don't say thanksgiving for obvious reasons.
I tend to use it as a "I understand how you've inconvenienced yourself for me and don't take that for granted as I value other people's time and energy". Sometimes I use thanks just as a "I see and respect you as a human being" type of thing. This extends to people in service, health care and generally anyone who inconvenienced themselves for me.
Yes, of course. I usually sound somewhat robotic whilst trying to convey my genuinely sincere appreciation for someone going out of their way for me, but I do give thanks as and when the situation (in my mind) necessitates it.
It's a matter of dignity. I extend it to others who deserve it; I've always thought that extending dignity to another is perhaps one of the most 'humane' acts we have at our disposal.
Could just be me, of course.
I tend to use it as a "I understand how you've inconvenienced yourself for me and don't take that for granted as I value other people's time and energy". Sometimes I use thanks just as a "I see and respect you as a human being" type of thing. This extends to people in service, health care and generally anyone who inconvenienced themselves for me.
No, because giving thanks is invariably to some deity or another. I do believe in giving thanks to Humanity however. To all of the billions of individuals who have gone before me, and spent their lives, blood and tears building the wonderful work I live in. But nobody understands this point so I don't do it.
Yes, I believe in giving thanks by giving me your money.
Yes, I believe in giving thanks by giving me your money.
*slips a $20 into garter belt*
[bimgx=250]http://www.disabledrabbits.com/uploads/1/2/8/8/12889966/6168151_orig.jpg[/bimgx]No, because giving thanks is invariably to some deity or another. I do believe in giving thanks to Humanity however. To all of the billions of individuals who have gone before me, and spent their lives, blood and tears building the wonderful work I live in. But nobody understands this point so I don't do it.