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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

  2. scorpiomover

    Why are forums dead?

    We cannot know anything from what we see. We experience too many auditory and visual illusions to consider our vision and hearing perfectly reliable. Sight and vision can be advisers and helpers to us. But we cannot allow them to be the arbiters of reality. If we did, then we would all...
  3. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Good thing that I'm not a Muslim then, eh?
  4. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Those are only 2 attributes of G-d. To follow them to the hilt, without consideration of any other qualities, would be ignoring G-d as a totality and only focussing on the accumulation of power and knowledge to the exclusion of everything else, which includes compassion, ethics and morals.
  5. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    An infinite being would know what it would be to hate everything equally with such certainty as if it was already happening right now. So it would not have a reason to actually be in the state of hating you, as it already possesses all that could be gained from such an experience.
  6. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Then it ought to be worked out that way, or you'll probably have gaps in your reasoning, which if corrected for, could show that reality is the complete opposite of what you're reasoning reality is, and then you could end up suffering by going against what makes sense.
  7. scorpiomover

    Why are forums dead?

    This one clearly is not one of those thoughful posts. It's just a troll post. Since G-d knows everything, G-d knows what we know. So everything we know is also part of what G-d knows. So of course we know things that G-d knows. But there's an infinite number of relations that can be...
  8. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    That is correct.
  9. scorpiomover

    Why are forums dead?

    Reddit is mostly quips. There's a few thoughtful posts. But not many.
  10. scorpiomover

    Why are forums dead?

    They became political pulpits. When people started outing racists, sexists & homophobes based on what they were posting on the internet, they then started "cancelling" companies who employed those posters. So then businesses would lose a lot of money by employing people that posted content that...
  11. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Yes. But Truth takes into account every possibility. So Truth as an absolute, exists on a very abstract level that . That is extremely difficult to filter down to cases with the simplistic empirical observations that humans have access to, and so is tricky to convert to real-life situations.
  12. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    So they can't see their target. But they can use their mind to figure out what would make most sense to do to get closer to their target. Same with this.
  13. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Only if hell was not an entity in itself, and only the absence of the good things in life, such as not being in Heaven. But the Earth is not Heaven either. In which case, you would be perceiving the Earth as a living Hell for yourself.
  14. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Depends on if you care about reason and logic or not. If you don't, then it doesn't provide any reason or logic that you would recognise, because you don't care about reason or logic. If someone does care about reason and logic, they only need to examine the argument mathematically, to see if it...
  15. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    You'd have 2 probability graphs, one for each.
  16. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    In my experience, things change all the time, from underlying networking components, to new legislation. What can happen is just so vast, that you can only rely on things like what definitely cannot change, and what things people might do.
  17. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    If you expressed statements in science mathematically, then you'd state probability ranges with confidence intervals about different scientific theories. They would not seem as powerful and reassuring that you are in control of your life. But they would be much more accurate, and therefore...
  18. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    When someone flies from New York to LA, can they see LA from New York? How can they aim for a target they cannot see?
  19. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    I do software engineering that talks to all sorts of hardware and software. Wrote the software to control cheque readers, fingerprint scanners, rate boards (the lighting displays that list exchange rates). Also wrote software to control microcontrollers to control fans and lighting. Written...
  20. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Yes. But when it comes an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being, nothing is arbitrary. There's a plan, and it's been the same plan all along. But we weren't told what the plan was at the start. So that is why so many extremely religious people became scientists, like Isaac Newton. They were...
  21. scorpiomover

    does higher education/university needs to be difficult

    Learning ballistics in school, made playing pool easy in university. Cauchy's residue theorem showed me that converting corners to be rounded corners in the home, vastly increased energy efficiency, and also significantly reduced undesirable side-effects such as unpleasant noises from devices...
  22. scorpiomover

    Major Solar Flare 05/10/2024 - UNPLUG

    Someone should make a solar flare bed, like a sunbed, but one that does pretty colours.
  23. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    1) They're only based on observation of things up till now. They're subject to new evidence. So if the new evidence tomorrow is a different set of rules, then the laws of physics must be updated to allow the laws of physics to change. 2) Granted that since these laws seem to be so consistent...
  24. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    What if someone beats up 12 women, and a year later, jumps on a suicide bomber, killing himself, while saving the lives of 12 women? Does he go to Heaven or Hell? Should his bad deed cancel out his good deed and he get nothing? How is that fair? He gave his life to save those people. So he goes...
  25. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Cause and effect is prescriptive, e.g. "If A occurs now, then B will occur in the future." Logic is descriptive, e.g. "If A then B" means "If A has occured, then B must have occured as well", i.e. "If B has NOT happened by now, then A COULD NOT have occurred in the past." They're literal...
  26. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    You have reasons to be moral, because you are a human being. Theists are also human beings and so have all the reasons to be moral that non-theists have. They just have more reasons to be moral. 1) You're conflating 99.99% agency with 0% agency. 2) If theists had 0% agency over doing good...
  27. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Then since a belief is a type of cognitive state, and different cognitives states produce different outcomes, obviously beliefs change outcomes, and some of those outcomes are moral outcomes. Therefore, beliefs influence moral outcomes. Now: 1) You observe which types of perceptions, thoughts...
  28. scorpiomover

    Major Solar Flare 05/10/2024 - UNPLUG

    You should try rotating your head, like an owl. Maybe you could don a superhero costume and fight crime like Night Owl in Watchmen.
  29. scorpiomover

    does higher education/university needs to be difficult

    In a UK university, you can get a B-grade degree with just 2 hours a day of studying. It's about learning abstract stuff that is almost never applied to regular life, but is very much valued in the work done in high-income jobs. E.G. A mathematician developed the algorithm that is used in the...
  30. scorpiomover

    does higher education/university needs to be difficult

    So that not only a minority goes to university Only a minority of jobs require the skills you learn at university. So that you don't have 90% of the people trying to be a scientist, when only 1 in 1,000 scientists.
  31. scorpiomover

    Being driven nuts by socialization

    Well, that was smart. Imagine telling your ideas to a philosophy grad. The whole point of being a philosophy grad, is so that YOU get to tell others all your grand ideas, while they they all say how wonderful you are. Then you actually had the temerity to turn it around and tell him YOUR good...
  32. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Define "belief" as a type of cognitive state. Define the connection between cognitive states and their results. QED.
  33. scorpiomover

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Without a belief in G-d, morals are only human conventions. They can be ignored when humans are not watching or can be bribed to look the other way.
  34. scorpiomover


    So you're just a monkey that is trying to impregnate as many women as possible? You do realise that humans have been selected over hundreds of millions of generations to breed as much as possible, because those that didn't breed, did not pass on their genes, and only those that had offspring...
  35. scorpiomover

    Revisiting My Type (Since Being Here).

    I'd have to look at your other posts to know. But does it really matter? Unless you are learning something about yourself from it that has any meaning, then what's the difference, apart from saying you have 2 arbitary letters attached to your name?
  36. scorpiomover

    Revisiting My Type (Since Being Here).

    Ne looks for connections between disparate ideas/facts. Ni builds a grand idea (their end goal: their vision of how the world could be), and uses connections to build the idea even more. If you were an Ni-dom, then ideas would be the hammers and connections would be the nails.
  37. scorpiomover

    For the life of me, I don't understand why MBTI types me opposite things

    From a biological level, it's a bit more complicated, as it involves the combinations of multiple biological systems. But behaviourally, there's 2 types of self-sustaining behaviours: 1) The person who always gets the job done, but has to be pretty difficult sometimes to get the job done. Their...
  38. scorpiomover

    For the life of me, I don't understand why MBTI types me opposite things

    Being conscientious just means "you did a good job". At one company I worked at, the best (most conscientious) salesman in the company became the worst (least conscientious) saleman in the company, when he was going through a rough divorce. Then there's people who are lacking conscientiousness...
  39. scorpiomover

    For the life of me, I don't understand why MBTI types me opposite things

    They both have pros and cons. It's like picking who is more capable: left-handers or right-handers. But some people get worried about being seen as disadvantaged, and so try to pick the type that they think is perceved as more capable. Sometimes, it's when an the person has a lack of confidence...
  40. scorpiomover

    Mental Health

    Scientists studied learning in mice. When mice were fed, then given a maze to learn, and then given the same maze the next day, they got through the maze much quicker and were able to detour around new obstacles much better, than when they were starved and given the maze to learn. Human brains...
  41. scorpiomover

    Crisis of Moral Standards

    She probably expects that it's the state's job to deal with the homeless and is not her problem. If you think about the experiment objectively, all the experiment shows is that if, whenever one monkey tries to climb the ladder, someone makes the monkeys that are not climbing the ladder feel...
  42. scorpiomover

    I can't do math (now what?)

    Not surprised. You've put in some work into this, which is good. What you've written might make sense to you. But it is not clear, not in any way that anyone else can read and understand clearly from your words. So it's a first draft, but not finished yet. It's a work in progress. You need...
  43. scorpiomover

    I can't do math (now what?)

    Maths is a matter of going over things slowly, over and over, until you are sure that your reasoning proves that your answer is possible, and all other answers are not possible. Then you go over it again, and again, and again, and again, until you are sure that you can explain it to someone...
  44. scorpiomover

    Disagreement = you are evil (anthropology)

    On the contrary. The Chinese have over 56 separate ethnic groups. However, they see themselves as all Chinese, the same as in the USA. That was called "the class system". The advantage was that those who weren't really sure what to do, and/or weren't that self-motivated, had some kind of idea...
  45. scorpiomover

    Disagreement = you are evil (anthropology)

    Jung's use of psychopathology is unusual, in that it's not a word that one usually uses in English. So he's trying to impress something that is not usually understood. "The psychopathology (= psycho + path + logy = the understanding (logic, logos) of the diseases (path-ology) of the mind...
  46. scorpiomover

    Subtle Energies in the Body

    So you have the following nervous systems: 1) Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord). 2) Peripheral Autonomic Sympathetic Nervous System (quick response). 3) Peripheral Autonomic Parasympathetic Nervous System (slow thinking). 4) Peripheral Autonomic Enteric Nervous System (digestion)...
  47. scorpiomover

    The Failed INTP?

    Is someone with a blood type of O Negative a failed O Positive? When the INFP's guit complex is cured, what type is he? When the INTP's intelligence complex is cured, what type is he? Is "type" a category of mental illness? If so, since MBTI is called "personality types", doesn't that mean...
  48. scorpiomover

    AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyways

    Maths deals with producing precise and complete solutions to precise problems. So if you haven't precisely defined the problem you are trying to solve, you haven't got the maths to set up in the first place. That depends on what you can do with the data. So if you have the former, you should...
  49. scorpiomover

    AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyways

    That makes sense. I've heard that there's thousands of miles of tunnels, like in Vietnam. Far too much for humans to check personally, unless you sent in millions of soldiers, and even then, it would still probably take months. Robot dogs would vastly speed up the process, as if you add in...
  50. scorpiomover

    AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyways

    Probably not. Most people don't understand how computers work. I've done some home automation. Computers are like super-fast, super-precise, incredibly literal autistics. Say you program a robot to kill terrorists. Program it correctly, and it will kill them all in 1 day. Program it wrong...
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