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Search results

  1. scorpiomover

    What am I

    INTPs are subconscious social chameleons due to inferior Fe. You've probably just been spending more time with extroverts, and unconsciously mimicking their extroversion.
  2. scorpiomover

    The only "safe" AI is horny

    If it's horny, it would probably just keep millions of humans in a cage, so it can have sex with any of them whenever it wants, and kill the rest, to stop them from trying to free the caged humans.
  3. scorpiomover

    Most Terrifying Ways The Deep State Is Trying To Destroy Donald Trump

    Somebody should introduce this author to the concept of satire.
  4. scorpiomover

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    That might be. But being an autodidact is about seeking out knowledge and learning for oneself, not because one was given a set of data to study. For AIs to become autodidacts, they'd have to start seeking out information on their own, about topics they were never told to study, and using...
  5. scorpiomover

    Quitting my *dream* job and starting over?

    I think INTPs are a good choice for psychiatry: 1) We love puzzles. 2) The job of a psychiatrist is to figure out what to say to a patient who has errors in their thinking. You have to figure out someone's internal code, then figure out where their errors are, from their inputs and outputs...
  6. scorpiomover


    Power function (2 ^ 5 = 2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2). Other functions like matrix addition and matrix multiplication. Also determinants. Also norms. But in mathematics, when they are used, they get labelled as either a type of addition or a type of multiplication.
  7. scorpiomover

    What is the best programming tool?

    When I first started with BASIC, BASIC came with command-line tools on the ZX81 and the BBC micro. But that was back in the 1980s. Then when I downloaded Java in the 1990s, that came with command-line tools. But all the programming languages that I have downloaded for the last 20 years, have...
  8. scorpiomover

    What is the best programming tool?

    Visual Studio doesn't give much of an advantage by writing your own libraries, for a few reasons: 1) VS doesn't really use libraries anymore. Everything is done using packages. Instead of adding a reference to a library, you install the packages into each project, which copies all the code into...
  9. scorpiomover

    What is the best programming tool?

    Most coding tools are now oriented towards GUIs and coding visually. Some coding tools are known as "low coding" meaning that they basically use almost no code whatsoever. Google "operator precedence". It has to happen in an order. Without a specific order, the computer doesn't know which one...
  10. scorpiomover

    What is the best programming tool?

    I've had Java on my PC since it came out, and it never said that. Plenty of IDEs for Windows. Eclipse for Java is a popular one. You can install Visual Studio and then Java in Visual Studio. Both are free. However, they have to make money to exist. So they encourage you to use the paid...
  11. scorpiomover


    It's a tricky concept, because infinity doesn't exist in any way we can directly physically measure, and yet it produces results that can be measured, like the results of calculus, and so it does exist in ways that we can indirectly measure. But some of the rules of regular arithmetic don't...
  12. scorpiomover


    Cantor's Theorem shows that there are multiple potential infinites. I did Real Analysis in my 1st year of uni. The definitions are very interesting, because all sequences and series whose parameters diverge to infinity, such as n^2 -> infinity as n -> infinity, are defined in such a way as to...
  13. scorpiomover

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    IQ was invented in the early 20th Century, while the Industrial Revolution was still big, and you still had the class system. Thanks to the Industrial Revolution, you could hire workers and build factories easily enough. But coming up with a new industrial process that would solve your problems...
  14. scorpiomover

    Faith illustrated

    Yes. A) There are 3 important concepts: A1) Knowledge: Imagine you are Daniel Russo in "The Karate Kid". You come to a new town. The ex of a girl you like and who likes you, has it in for you. He and his friends are good at Karate. He and his friends can beat you up any time they like. That is...
  15. scorpiomover

    Faith illustrated

    Seems to not answer the questions posed in the video at all. I don't know why INTPs would like this movie, as it doesn't seem to appeal to reason and logic at all, when INTPs are supposed to be interested in reason and logic. Yes, or no-one would have ever been interested in faith at all...
  16. scorpiomover

    can we create more land

    One of the advantages of the way that Communist states were run, is that they could just build a city and tell people to move there. The USSR also had 5 year plans. Their government had to set out plans for what would be accomplished in the next 5 years. So they had to be more realistic in what...
  17. scorpiomover

    can we create more land

    Plenty of swamp land, plenty of desert, and plenty of hilly land that is going unused, because it's deemed not good quality for farming and living. In the 1800s, half of modern Israel was swamp land, and the other half was desert. Then people started moving there, draining the swamps. Then they...
  18. scorpiomover


    Yes. But I never said that logic was a set of definitions. Logic is a set of rules that restrict combinations of statements about relationships between different entities. You have misinterpreted consideration of other people's feelings as avoidance. I broke my post into spoiler tags, so I...
  19. scorpiomover

    If I am not being objective I regret being so emotional.

    Who is at fault then? Who benefits from changing what they say to being something that is NOT offensive? If I have made you upset so much, and I am acting like the stereotype of an IxTP, then you believe that the stereotype of an INTP is one that would upset you greatly. In that case, then...
  20. scorpiomover

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    I'm not sure that your formula is true. Did you prove it using logic? Did you test it thoroughly using repeated experimentation? Did you get 20 people, find out their IQs, and then ask them to conduct some experiments where they have to keep track of lots of objects, and you measure and write...
  21. scorpiomover

    What does it mean to be very intelligent?

    It's a general term that lots of people use. It doesn't matter what you think you mean by it. The only real consequence is the way the word changes reality, i.e. how people treat people who are intelligent, and how people treat people who are not intelligent. Generally, people trust the...
  22. scorpiomover

    If I am not being objective I regret being so emotional.

    Sounds like you think Ti-users never evaluate what they think, never question, never consider alternatives, just make up castles in the sky, have no care about the consequences of their actions, and are just generally scumbags. Do you think that ISTP car mechanics make up castles in the sky...
  23. scorpiomover

    If I am not being objective I regret being so emotional.

    So when other people are positively judging you or other people, you get upset? Would you prefer that people ignore you completely, and treat you like you like you don't exist? Would you prefer it if everyone here ignored your posts and threads?
  24. scorpiomover


    What do you mean "no problems with logic exist"? Is having to make effort to understand something properly a "problem"? Is not treating something like it's a magic wand that will magically give you all the answers you want without having to put any effort in, a "problem"? Where did you get that...
  25. scorpiomover


    Why do YOU keep fighting about it? What is so hard about accepting that you're one of the people who believe in lizard people? What is so hard about accepting that you're the people with bad science and bad logic? If it's not such a big deal, then why not blame yourself?
  26. scorpiomover


    Science might have problems because sometimes people have poor reasoning skills. Is it so hard to believe that people who believe in lizard people give science a bad name? "Look at me I am so scientific because I believe in lizard people and you don't".
  27. scorpiomover


    Superman could stop a runaway trolley in its tracks, thus stopping it from running over anyone on either track. So Superman could save everyone in the Trolley Problem.
  28. scorpiomover

    A.I. exists and will help everyone

    What proof is there that an AI is like having an Einstein in your basement? Maybe it's not like an Einstein at all. Maybe it's more like someone else? Say, you?
  29. scorpiomover


    Maths teachers teach you how to do maths, the same way that driving instructors teach you how to drive. They make you lots of maths questions, until doing maths the right way becomes second nature. That's normally what you do when solving a maths question. You double-check, by looking at your...
  30. scorpiomover

    demographic decline

    If you want to know what might happen, Google "videos of what happens to cities when they are abandoned". The countries that have a native population decline, are the same countries with lots of immigration. So technically, their populations are rising.
  31. scorpiomover

    AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyways

    Why not just get the AI to solve the black-box problem for you? Ask the AI to explain how it generates the answer. You could even give it a general rule: "Whenever I ask you a question, remember to give me the answer, AND the explanation of the answer, AND how you generated the answer." Says...
  32. scorpiomover

    AI doesn't exist, but it will ruin everything anyways

    Do you remember when there was a rash of cases of boiling-hot pop tarts that were so hot, they flew out of people's toasters and hit them in the face?
  33. scorpiomover

    If I am not being objective I regret being so emotional.

    There is no problem with expressing opinions. You come up with ideas all the time. But come up with your ideas. You have to expect that people will question what you say some time. If it's not your idea, and not an idea that you would have probably thought anyway, then if you join the...
  34. scorpiomover

    I am always right

    We can just as easily say "You have not been killed. If you are not killed, the world will explode in a year. Therefore, if you are not killed, we will have you to thank for the world exploding."
  35. scorpiomover


    Then stop bringing your feelings into every conversation. I recall reading that you wrote that language evolved for theatrics. Theatrics don't matter. So according to you, free speech is not important enough to be protected by the US Constitution or any of its amendments. No such thing as...
  36. scorpiomover


    I had a think about this. You're using logic as if it's a set of formulas that you can memorise and use without any comprehension.
  37. scorpiomover

    I am always right

    Then I am always right. About everything. So then whenever we have disagreed, I was right and you were wrong. So then whenever we disagree, I am right and you are wrong. So then whenever we will disagree in the future, I am right and you are wrong. Sure, except that I think that's totally...
  38. scorpiomover

    I am always right

    If that was the case, then I would have concluded that since I was wrong about logic, then I'm also wrong about everything else, and would have never made such a definitive claim as this. You are incorrect. I had an epiphany, which showed me that my epistemological crisis was not a crisis, but...
  39. scorpiomover

    I am always right

    I have never been to Kenya. If I have been to Kenya, I have been wrong. Therefore, I am always right. Prove me wrong.
  40. scorpiomover


    Correct. FYI, to be more accurate, I have read literature from other cultures that shows that other cultures have other tools that they use. But Western culture only has logic.
  41. scorpiomover


    That's not the true picture. After 2016, there were a lot of arguments about the 2016 election. A Democrat explained to me that the voters vote for electors, and then the electors of each state and usually decide to vote the same way. So really, in the USA, the voting is conducted on a per...
  42. scorpiomover


    Sure. But Muslims believe that art is most definitely NOT a reasonable exception, as when some Dutch newspaper make some art (cartoons of Mohammed), they burned down several buildings. OTOH, they are fine criticising American liberal values. You also had no problems using your definitions of...
  43. scorpiomover


    Other people probably feel smilarly to you, only the things they feel have problems are not things like logic, but things like abortions. No. They didn't support atrocities like you didn't support atrocities. But many of those people have different values to you, like if they have a different...
  44. scorpiomover


    How do you know that? Perhaps that isn't true. Can you prove that we aren't coming to an agreement because of other reasons? Well, you're asking me to treat you as if you are. Were you consciously aware that that's the consequence of your posts? Then why were you not empathetic to me?
  45. scorpiomover


    Were you aware that you might be suggesting such a thing without realising? Do you have a perfectly logical proof that you weren't making a mistake? There were 1 billion people not that long ago. IIRC, there were 250 million people from the year zero to the year 1500. Are you that unique? If...
  46. scorpiomover


    Then why say things that are epistemologically nihilistic? I'm mad, because this is forcing me to take a general approach of demanding that you all have to come up to the standards of clarity that I was trained in, that you don't stick to. You're asking me to find every flaw in your posts, be...
  47. scorpiomover


    Then this is where you might have a point. When we are trying to deduce something, and we aim to prove it true in logic, we are usually trying to say that it is definitely true in all cases. If there's a flaw in the argument, then at the moment, we cannot say that it is definitely true in all...
  48. scorpiomover


    Then tell me all the situations where someone cannot make an argument like the one @EndogenousRebel made. Because I don't believe that his argument had anything to do with travelling to Kenya, or going anywhere, or even the world exploding. He seemed to only be giving a general example, that...
  49. scorpiomover


    Well, people. But both of you seem to hold the same attitude, that seems to be as if you think that you can just ignore 2,000 years of history. So I expect that if would have said "people", you and he would have probably said something like "those people are nothing to do with us. They're...
  50. scorpiomover

    I drink coffee

    Most things come with pros and cons.
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