People use Reddit now instead. That’s active and it serves the same purpose of thread based discussion.
Reddit is mostly quips. There's a few thoughtful posts. But not many.
This one clearly is not one of those thoughful posts. It's just a troll post.
Since G-d knows everything, G-d knows what we know. So everything we know is also part of what G-d knows. So of course we know things that G-d knows.
But there's an infinite number of relations that can be constructed. So knowledge is infinite. So G-d's knowledge is infinite, while ours is finite. Any finite number expressed as a fraction of infinity, is zero. However much we learn, it will still be almost nothing compared to what G-d knows.
So getting closer to G-d and ultimate knowledge, is a road, not a destination. It's the pursuit, not the achievement, that really defines our situation and what would indicate our most optimal choices.
1) Our temporary achievements that we reach along the way, that we have discovered long ago and forgotten about, can be useful today. So remember to look for modern-day problems by studying the past. You may discover that past humans had already come up with a very easy solution to modern-day catastrophes.
2) But keep moving forwards every so often, because the opposite is stagnation.
3) Remember to enjoy the journey, as it will last your entire life, as long as that is.
4) Don't worry about your lack of achievements in the moment. It's the long-term process that produces most great achievements.
The Reddit poster has interpreted "unknowable" as "knowing nothing" instead of "knowing that one knows almost nothing compared to how much there is to know."
A general observation I have found, is that the more a person learns about a subject, the more potential to learn they are now aware of, and consequently the tinier they perceive their level of knowledge to be, compared to how much that is out there. So paradoxically, the more educated you are, the more ignorant you feel.
Thus, the smartest people say that G-d is unfathomable. That's how they feel compared to their perception of the infinite capacity and infinite reality of G-d, because they have trained themselves to perceive that infinite level of capability and reality much better than most humans have.