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  1. Thurlor


    @redbaron Yes, one can if they want to be conceited and self-centred.
  2. Thurlor


    @Nezaros Would you be willing to give up your life for the good of humanity? If not, then you have no right to espouse such a system. Besides, the basic premise of your op is flawed. For a through to y, z is necessary. Seems backwards.
  3. Thurlor

    Discrimantion vs preference.

    Discrimination - The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex. Preference - A greater liking for one alternative over another or others. In many societies today discrimination is frowned upon if not banned out-right...
  4. Thurlor

    Your game ideas

    Here's an idea I was just thinking about. Still sort of 'simulated reality'. Whilst staring at my brother's aquarium I started thinking about those virtual aquarium programs. Then I thought that just having fish is boring. Why not land, air AND water creatures? Then I figured it could be...
  5. Thurlor

    Your most arrogant statement.

    Oh sure, I've made other statements even more arrogant but those were all in jest.
  6. Thurlor

    Your most arrogant statement.

    Well from all the times I've been accused of saying arrogant crap that was the only thing that actually seemed arrogant. According to my ISFJ ex that was arrogant.
  7. Thurlor

    Your most arrogant statement.

    Just wondering if anyone is willing to share what they would consider the most arrogant statement they've (yet) made. Mine would be; "It's not right because I said it. I said it because it is right."
  8. Thurlor


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I always thought Australia (specifically the 'outback') would be the perfect place for generating electricity. From what I remember, the bedrock is quite radioactive (and hot?) and could probably be tapped into for energy.
  9. Thurlor


    I'm pro-globalization (mainly due to the fact I'm pro fairness) and I think humanity could accomplish so much more if only we all worked together. Unfortunately, many people don't 'play well'. I'm eagerly awaiting the day we build a Space Elevator. Then we should see an accelereation in the...
  10. Thurlor

    What bird are you?

    Mocking Bird :rolleyes:
  11. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @redbaron Do you really think that all gun collectors (or owners) are 'rednecks'? Can you only conceive of a 'dick measuring contest' as a reason for showing off items in one's collection?
  12. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @solitaire U. I refuse to think so little of humanity as a whole. Maybe I'm just being naive.
  13. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    If find them to be very innacurate. Calmly thought out words (upon who's definitions we agree) is the best way. At least it leads to the least amount of conflict.
  14. Thurlor

    Asking questions vs Making Statements.

    I make mistakes like everyone else.
  15. Thurlor

    The dangers of cigarette smoke vs diesel fumes.

    @Architect That all makes perfect sense. I just wish other people would be honest enough (at least with themselves) to admit that.
  16. Thurlor

    The dangers of cigarette smoke vs diesel fumes.

    It seems to me that we only really suck at risk assesment for the medium to long term risks. Most people seem to do quite well dealing with immediate risks.
  17. Thurlor

    The dangers of cigarette smoke vs diesel fumes.

    Don't get me wrong. I smoke. I know it is bad for me and those around me. I know I am addicted to the crap. I know I haven't quit because I cba. Just because I'm a smoker doesn't make me so arrogant so as to claim smoking isn't harmful. I think I really dislike inconsistencies and...
  18. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    I see my biggest error was assuming everyone else thinks like I do. I suppose if we were all decent folk it would work.
  19. Thurlor

    The dangers of cigarette smoke vs diesel fumes.

    I'll begin by stating that I'm not wanting to debate whether or not the two are harmful. My interest lies in the conscience of the policy makers who are pushing for smoking bans yet refuse to consider 'diesel bans' despite equally strong evidence for each. Is it all about money or is there...
  20. Thurlor

    Asking questions vs Making Statements.

    My ex used to always accuse me of asking 'leading questions' during debates/discussions. I don't consider them to have been so though. They were just questions who's answers lead to my hypothesis. I've recently been wondering if this is a valid tactic/method to be used whilst debating.
  21. Thurlor

    China’s Tianhe-2 New Supercomputer

    How much computational power is there in the average domesticated beehive?
  22. Thurlor

    Your game ideas

    I started thinking of what I'd want in a game and I eventually ended up with something that very much resembled 'simulated reality'. lol
  23. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @walfin I'm willing to acknowledge that others value security more than freedom. Are you saying that guns should be regulated because they should only be used for the purpose of shooting people/animals or that that is the only reason people have guns? Are there people who collect guns...
  24. Thurlor

    People who need to be liked annoy me

    @Pyropyro Isn't there a difference between 'needy' and needing to be liked? I've always equated needy with clingy.
  25. Thurlor

    China’s Tianhe-2 New Supercomputer

    I'd come to this conclusion myself some time ago (though I always use the example of an ocean of water). What would be required to determine whether or not there was an 'internal consistency' within the 'computational realm' of 'stuff'?
  26. Thurlor

    Smoke weed to X

    I can remember when I first started smoking (17 years ago (oh my, that's a long time :o)) that it used to seriously alter my perceptions of time and distance (with some funny situtations ensuing). Now I smoke because of; -addiction -habit -prevents me from remembering my dreams (my main...
  27. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    I understand that in RL there is a "trade off between freedom and security". The problem for me is that I believe there shouldn't be such a trade off. I've yet to demonstrate a way such a system could be feasible though. I suppose I support a Permissive Society.
  28. Thurlor

    Why is music so easy to remember?

    I can't play any instruments, nor can I sing (well), yet I find it incredibly easy to remember the music from songs I haven't heard in years. I've found that if I have trouble remembering the words of a song I just have to start 'playing back' the music in my mind and the words come with no...
  29. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    Do you want that other person to put the gun down because you fear death or because you don't want them to shoot you?
  30. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    Sorry, you have a valid point. I would have to say that some emotions are nearly universal (I dislike that term), whilst others are very subjective. Fear of death, fear of bodily harm, etc, vs hate, offense, dislike, etc.
  31. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    If you want to equate a truly subjective fear like hate with the nearly world-wide fear of imminent death, fine.
  32. Thurlor

    People who need to be liked annoy me

    Whilst I find people like this somewhat annoying I can't really claim they are doing anything bad. They want you to like them. They know they need to treat you well to be liked (in general). The people I can't stand are those that need to be needed. They will do pretty much anything in...
  33. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Solitaire U. I wasn't refering to anything quite as subjective as feelings. Does a person even have a right to not be subjected to things they hate? I hate many things. But I'd never tell others they can't do those things. Do you really think an emotional response is enough to justify...
  34. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    There's been many points raised that I'll have to consider. The first conclusion I've reached is that we all (obviously) have very different priorities. The second conclusion is that I'm probably wrong. :o
  35. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    Sorry a few posts have appeared that have nothing to do with my latest reply.
  36. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    I understand what you are all saying but I don't agree. This doesn't mean I'm claiming you MUST believe me or that I'm in any position to actually bring about changes to the current system. Do any of you agree with validity of the 'Harm Principle' or the 'Silver Rule' or fairness? Note that...
  37. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    I must admit that I am somewhat surprised that some people don't seem to agree with the concept of; "Do as you will as long as you don't infringe upon the rights of others". Personally I can't see where anything I'm suggesting would infringe upon the rights of others.
  38. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Cherry Cola I thought everything is philosophy. :) Sorry, but I don't understand your statement In what context are you using the term 'morphologies'.
  39. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @GodOfOrder What should be the determining factor in allowing someone to vote? Ability to understand the issues at stake? What if a 15yo is more able to understand the issues than a 50 yo? Logic would indicate that if the 50yo is allowed a vote then the 15 yo should also be allowe a vote...
  40. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Walfin Target Shooting is a valid reason to own any gun. But I maintain my pov that a reason is irrelevant. I am well aware that the purpose of a car is transportation but it can be used to kill. In fact I would go so far as to say I can kill more people in less time with a car solely...
  41. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @redbaron I'm confused. Are you claiming we should only be allowed to do what is needed? Do we need to wear clothes in good weather? Do we need to eat junk food? Do we need to watch T.V? Do we need Freedom of Speech? Obviously I don't believe "future consequences don't matter" but there...
  42. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    It seems people are expected to care more about what might happen as opposed to 'what is'.
  43. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @ Polaris I did read (and undersrtand) your first post. Two of your statements seem to be implying that if something is unnecessary we have no right to it. Another statement implies that we can't complain about anything if others are worse off. I did address the policing in a response to...
  44. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    How does this differ from what is happening now? If you find a dog turd on the beach how do you know who's dog it was? Dogs aren't banned on the beach completely, only during daylight hours. I am proposing that if someone does wrong they are prosecuted as opposed limiting the rights of those...
  45. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    Surely it was inconvenient and expensive for the 'State and People' of the U.S of A to abolish slavery. Yet they did so because it contravened the rights of people. Surely it was inconvenient and expensive for the 'State and People' of the former East and West Germany to tear down the wall and...
  46. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Duxwing "State and the People" means the governing body and the MAJORITY of the population does it not? Sorry if I misinterpreted your statement. In regards to an 'Orwellian level of surveillance' I'm not sure this is the only other option. An alternative would be to base the 'abbrogation...
  47. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Polaris Details are important. You are talking about my behaviour (indirectly maybe). You are backing a system that limits my behaviour based on what others may or may not do. What I am doing is not irrelevant. If it was there wouldn't be laws in place preventing me from doing what I want.
  48. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Polaris When did I mention anything about 'poorly disciplined animals'? I have my dog on a leash. I pickup any mess she makes. I walk out of my way to avoid other people whilst walking her. You are making assumptions that aren't based on reality. You want to punish me for the actions of...
  49. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @BAP You'd never need to complain about laying your head in MY dog's 'poop'. That is the point. What if my aim in owning an AK47 and walking around in public with it is not to shoot people? I'm trusting you to not skittle people with your car and you are trusting me to not shoot people...
  50. Thurlor

    Loss of rights due to inconvenience.

    @Duxwing So, majority wins? Would this apply to murder cases? If a trial inconveniences the 'State and the People' and exceeds the benefit of prosecuting a murderer should the trial be abolished?
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