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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Can you show me the math formula?
  2. Black Rose

    How does this work?

    Really it was about helping people because at age 26 I had no maturity to help myself. All I could do was house people I knew because I did not have time to think about what I wanted in life. Now at 36, I have time to think about what I really want, which is something to do with education...
  3. Black Rose

    How does this work?

    I am INFJ and my roommate is ESFP I let them do what they want when they want to. but the emotions are super high in them they play videogame fast and can make electronic things I do not much talk to them about science because they believe things I do not but it has been two and a half...
  4. Black Rose

    More Future Shock

    VR headset + PlayStation 5 + 4K television quantum dot processor + 4 terabyte external drive ($24) All at Walmart I have no idea what these things are capable of but if the math is correct: we all live inside the computer to some degree (or they have us modeled to a high accuracy)
  5. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Christopher Langan cognitive theoretic model of the universe
  6. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    What is the equation?
  7. Black Rose

    Structural Cognitive Deficiency

    maybe it can but then that requires learning materials to change physiology I was not taught how the body works, I found little information on the internet it may be in books or in high-end Olympics finest trainer brains, but I am not sure I can get to those things. definitely, I cannot get...
  8. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    the end product of the universe is not certain but then things exist meaning if the sun dies what if god creates a new sun so this makes it redundant to create things over and over instead, we could say humans create new things beyond entropy and that is the goal
  9. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    maybe it does but not in the way we think it does if it wants to reduce all suffering (all feels it has experienced) then there must be constraints on the beginning and end points of reality you could say that it was a hard beginning but in the end, it has a purpose
  10. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    God is not made of matter but can feel all things. So you cannot say he does not feel everyone's pain and pleasure being omniscient.
  11. Black Rose

    Structural Cognitive Deficiency

    physiology is the cause of most people's lifestyles but then this can be taken advantage of most of the public does not have access to genuine healthcare this was by design or by capitalism? poor people definitively do not know how to take care of themselves so like what makes people...
  12. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    OOC would know this so it would resist self-bereavement
  13. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Any specific manifestation within the OOC by default, the OOC feels it because all good and bad feelings are part of OOC OOC then would not wish for bad feelings and negate them as much as possible
  14. Black Rose

    Structural Cognitive Deficiency

    I find it highly suspicious that the "elites" get to have clean rooms well the rest of us can't. I do not smoke, drink alcohol, or do drugs. But I am also very conscientious. The Big 5 as Education Tiers Neuroticism (Kindergarten) Kids learn self-control and respect for others. Openness...
  15. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    What is a mathematically perfect God then?
  16. Black Rose

    Structural Cognitive Deficiency

    So why is it a bad thing to clean your room? When I was 6 years old I remember my dad had a trailer with cigarettes everywhere. When my brother became my dad's age he was 6 times as filthy and damaged my mom's property by at least $20,000 My sister did drugs and had sex with more than 10 men...
  17. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    If everything is in relative terms, we cannot know much about reality. But if there is a fundamental reality, that reality would be absolute in some way or or there is no basis for knowing anything at all. probability in science must relate to something tangible. I do not believe in quantum...
  18. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    @scorpiomover The laws of physics do not need us to know them for them to exist. What we do not know is whether God decides to change them or not. If he does or does not that would matter to a prescriptive set of laws. If they never change at the most fundamental level: then they are the...
  19. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    I would think that is a human convention or people just do things for the right/wrong reasons God never tells all people what to do, or people would all assume God's existence by default everyone would agree from the same observations of what God was/is
  20. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    If that force chooses to change the laws then it means that anything we do in science is arbitrary. (Decarts evil demon) Since Descartes believed science was possible, we should assume God will not change those laws. That means any laws God made were not arbitrarily prescriptive but had to be...
  21. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    you are saying that c&e is an (ought) and logic is an (IS) so if rocks (should/ought) fall to the ground then they can choose not to but then 1 + 1 (is) always 2 - ought from is - as Hume describes it means causality is unknowable we never know if the sun will rise tomorrow because the...
  22. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    I think God wants independent beings. That could mean the quality of those beings differs in morality.
  23. Black Rose

    does higher education/university needs to be difficult

    There is a difference between grade school and university. In grade school they do stuff that is physical beginning in elementary then get more abstract in middle and high school. But University is different because all they want are people that get every answer correct. That is why if you...
  24. Black Rose

    does higher education/university needs to be difficult

    Yesterday I talked to someone who said they could do maths in their head. So like give them a maths problem and they solve it in 30 seconds. His teachers in high school complained he was not "showing his work". So his mother was called, she said to the teacher if the teacher could not solve...
  25. Black Rose


    But here is the thing: I do not have my values as my main priority. I do not focus on them solely. I am concerned with not being consumed by boredom. So I need to think about stuff but I do so by interacting with other people. If I was Fi or something I would be drawn into daydreaming all...
  26. Black Rose

    Increasing Awareness

    I have been giving my dogs back massages and that seems to make them happiest because it is like their bodies become jelly. All relaxed. I see the tensions inside them and myself, so I am working on becoming fluid.
  27. Black Rose

    FAQ: Why Are My Messages Being Marked As Spam?

    @xiXAngel47Xix have you tried the introduction forum? you might be able to make a thread there.
  28. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    I remember when I was 8-9 I knew what stop-motion animation was I also knew that to travel in space to distant planets you needed artificial wombs in robots to populate distant planets. Made a model of it from some kind of constructor toy. I was big into science in elementary school, middle...
  29. Black Rose


    I feel cautious and say this would be Te (extraverted thinking) I worked on my computer program 10 years with no clue how to do Java Yet I got something. It seems that Te would not care much about one thing and stop mid-through. Te would just do things and see what happens with experiments...
  30. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    At one point in my life. I forgave someone. Then I saw a vision. In a completely white void, a womans face, and liquid gold sunlight flowing all over her. it is rare I see things because I have aphantasia to me, consciousness must come from somewhere
  31. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Because like the empty universe feeling, it has no central focus just "one with all"
  32. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    Can you imagine that everything you do is seen by a higher power? That may be the only requirement. I felt the universe as empty. And it was strange.
  33. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    that is why they lack self-reflection that comes from within the person this will determine how one interprets the bible
  34. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    God (G-d) keeps people honest about their actions. or at least those who are not self-deceived. People generally need self-reflection to keep from making the same mistakes over and over. In the exodus, God's people saw God do stuff but still complained.
  35. Black Rose

    Being driven nuts by socialization

    This might have to do with both our "autisms" being the defining factors of our lives. I had no idea that I needed people and most people ignored me (not rejected me) This kind of thing happens but is not our fault, it is about not being understood. Things in fact got worse for me after I...
  36. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    @birdsnestfern what @Old Things is saying is that people long ago as today do not obey Gods words. You cannot expect things to change unless we start at some point in time with God telling people what is right and wrong. It then needs to spread to everyone from that central point. So the start...
  37. Black Rose

    Being driven nuts by socialization

    He said because of others incompetence the blind kids were left out in the hot sun and he could not do anything about it. If these are the people he is supposed to be friends with (people not caring about blind kids) I can see why he has such poor attitudes toward people in general.
  38. Black Rose


    I do not mean to be negative. energy is low for now
  39. Black Rose


    Ni might be different from Ne Even if Ti would be shared That would be the confusion perhaps? I think I met an old woman who was Te dom (ESTJ) She said: "either you know or you don't" I have memory problems, so I can't think fast. But I like to get everything down in order so nothing is...
  40. Black Rose

    Explaining one's views is hard sometimes

    I take things personally that way. Because I try and be objective. But now I know people don't give a shit. That is why religion and politics is bullshit. They are only weapons for some agenda. Those things cannot be discussed objectively.
  41. Black Rose

    Feeling Down

    I do not have that great a social awareness. That is why people say I am autistic. But I do not know? It could be depression and no life purpose. In 7th grade, I got bullied and decided not to interact with people anymore. It was safer to just read books and do my homework. But after...
  42. Black Rose

    Feeling Down

    I think it is the post-shock of realizing I did not take care of my house that well. I had it 10 years and no one cared about how it was even though I helped them. No one cares about me in my life (except some social workers) because they all have mental/cognitive deficiencies. They barely...
  43. Black Rose

    What is stuff?

    four forces exist I hear: strong weak electromagnetic gravity by this logic (quantum fields) these forces could all be vortexes in empty space like water is clear before it starts to turn into ripples and stuff atoms could be little spirals of space stuff?
  44. Black Rose

    What is strongest argument for Theism?

    Cars were possible in 200 B.C. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antikythera_mechanism
  45. Black Rose

    What is strongest argument for Theism?

    The Renaissance could not have happened without Christianity. That gave people the opportunity to think differently in the Enlightenment. Otherwise, with population growth, we should have cars by 492 A.D. in Europe. And much much earlier in China and India.
  46. Black Rose

    Feeling Down

    emotional blunting helps me get away from other peoples emotions
  47. Black Rose

    Feeling Down

    I helped the old lady fix her bed does not help with the emotional blunting I have that was a good way to stay away from my problems in the past
  48. Black Rose

    Feeling Down

    That takes money government programs do not support this for certain groups without money I spend all my time on the internet for 15 years because most of life is boring I do not have anything that matters to me that other people care about as I do if they cared I would not have been put...
  49. Black Rose

    What is stuff?

    let's say the green stuff is copper. lots of heavy ionized copper is there a difference between the vacuum chamber with no copper in it and the chamber with copper inside it? - or let's simplify this: say 1 pound of gold is in one chamber and the other chamber has zero pounds of anything in...
  50. Black Rose

    What is stuff?

    Since "existence" is too ambiguous for some people: what if stuff is made of in this reality and why is stuff only in selective places in reality?
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