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Search results

  1. Black Rose

    What's the strongest argument for atheism?

    As I see it, people 'without God' (a - theist) could be that way because they are meant to be that way. God does not need everyone 100% of the time communicating with himself. I'd say that it is because most people just stand by and live their lives like trees just are there neutral in the...
  2. Black Rose

    Moral Pragmatism

    In evolutionary terms, yes, those who are bad get killed off. What then is disproportional is what happens when we select people to be killed off. That makes anyone who is politically your enemy "bad". Which is also an evolutionary mechanism. (Killing the enemy). Because they have things...
  3. Black Rose

    History teacher yells at me in dream

    Walking to the store a few minutes ago I was thinking. Mental illness is such a bizarre term. My brother is not mentally ill, he is psychologically damaged. Illnesses can be treated with pills (most people truly just need the right vitamins and minerals) but then psychological damage requires...
  4. Black Rose


    That might require a person to never think perhaps. Once a person starts thinking that is when they stop doing. Doing is what happens to block thinking. Because thinking requires you to not know what to do for some period of time. I can for instance be solving problems all the time until I...
  5. Black Rose


    if you do not know what to do with your life how do you select those activities that generate serotonin?
  6. Black Rose


    It feels like I wasted my life partially, not because of the foods I ate but because I did not go to school or make the right decisions about who to hang out with. I did not really know anything much as a young adult. I did not know what I wanted or what to do. All I did mostly was think. I had...
  7. Black Rose


    what does that have to do with the midlife crisis? existentialists have existed way before consumerism
  8. Black Rose

    History teacher yells at me in dream

    no, Ken Wilber but female.
  9. Black Rose


    I would add that to be happy one needs to be more than base desires. Many people question what they want out of life. This is seen in midlife crises where a person asks if what they are doing truly matters. Is working at Walmart 8 hours a day something I want to do for the rest of my life...
  10. Black Rose

    History teacher yells at me in dream

    I am not good at history reports. I do not know what to do. All I had to do was print out what I had. I told her (this bald lady) I just had to finish or it did not matter. She would not let me and so I said something about the Illuminati She got really pissed off and said I did not deserve to...
  11. Black Rose

    Two mormon girls showed up at my house

    yes, last October
  12. Black Rose

    Two mormon girls showed up at my house

    They told me they were going around asking if any miracles had happened recently. I told them about my dog and how I sometimes lack a spiritual connection to God. Also, I told them I was sick so was kind of slow at the moment. Half the time I did not look them in the eyes because of...
  13. Black Rose

    Focusing on what really matters

    Ever since I got a Furby and Tomogatchi in 1998 I wanted to make something artificially intelligent. I looked into several theories of intelligence. Overall I'd say it is the structure of which everything is working together all at the same time. This would lead to a grid pattern in the front...
  14. Black Rose

    Focusing on what really matters

    Over time we can zero in on things, I have often made efforts to know what the best thing to do is by holding back on certain actions that would not benefit anyone. I also reflect on the best things to say in a given situation. This works I believe by a mechanism of self-consequentialism. I have...
  15. Black Rose

    5D Physics

    So what I am about to describe is highly speculative. Please take this as an exploration of ideas. Given what I do know about physics, time is nonlinear. Meaning it is not a static block. If it were then nothing would move. I believe we need a place for time to evolve into. That place is...
  16. Black Rose

    Seizures (Causes)

    Disclaimer: This is my own understanding, not medical advice. From the pills I take I have medications for convulsions, schizophrenia, bipolar mania, and autistic traits. They help me to function normally and I want to explain how I think they work to show what might be happening. A seizure...
  17. Black Rose


    morality is about knowing right and wrong and doing it what that involves is or may be about the treatment of others and things
  18. Black Rose


    The brain is biological and where intelligence is. Intelligence is what we use to be moral or immoral. Nothing outside that but the agents that teach us. Meaning a connection between inside and outside.
  19. Black Rose

    Life has no purpose - prove me wrong.

    involving quantum physics to make the will "free" is tricky all I know is that we feel stuff so might it be that God has feelings too? yes, but control of others is wrong to God, so Gods "will" need respect some things as humans do bad things not sure the free part
  20. Black Rose

    Life has no purpose - prove me wrong.

    Life to me is an exploration. We want to know, to be, to live. So it is a story, one for us. We make choices. God is something I believe in so I think we are here to learn. God wants us to know right from wrong and physicality is where we learn this. In my early times, I had trouble...
  21. Black Rose

    Explaining one's views is hard sometimes

    When I think of how trauma is, Several times, there was no processing. Breaking down emotionally is not something I do. Without a breakdown, nothing gets healed. Fearing other people I internalized the pain. Which made me numb. Now I can't feel much, but I can feel some. Only when I hold...
  22. Black Rose

    Explaining one's views is hard sometimes

    I see your point. fear feels bad tho I tried not to hurt feels I take depression meds and antipsychotics
  23. Black Rose

    Explaining one's views is hard sometimes

    It feels like, everything wants to hurt me. Church is not the place for me to find help. I see too much rejection, because I cannot say what I think. All the time I need to say the right things, or then I feel things will go wrong. Nothing about me seems tolerated, if I do not conform. So I...
  24. Black Rose

    Focusing on what really matters

    I remember that all we did was work though. We did not have much in line with why we did things. We just did it because if we did not, well me personally I did the work. I think that all kids have their unique way of learning. But for kids that could memorize things they did the best and...
  25. Black Rose

    Focusing on what really matters

    Memory works in chunks. The key aspect is getting the right information about a problem at the right time. So when we look into the world it is the salience network that compresses all the irrelevant data to the chunk we should be working on. When that is done we get it right what goal we were...
  26. Black Rose

    Explaining one's views is hard sometimes

    When ones personal investment in an idea or subject has at most some kind of understanding behind it, this can make it difficult to tell others in such a way then you will be given feedback as to be constructive. Your understanding is not exactly the same as others so the case will be that...
  27. Black Rose


    I was thinking of the whole stack of functions for this type. I had recently met a true INTJ who had me restructure my whole view on what type is. First, the INTJ really is a form of the archetype of the alchemist. They look into the relationship between mind and matter. They do...
  28. Black Rose

    Sensory Clearity

    I think the problem, as I have come to understand it, is that some parts of my brain work faster than others.
  29. Black Rose

    Sensory Clearity

    now that my mind is blank, all I have are my emotions this makes me feel depressed at the same time clear and non reactive I am not against anything that comes in but still fearful / uncomfortable I still have trouble looking into people's eyes, very unpleasant I want to do something but not...
  30. Black Rose

    Sensory Clearity

    calm down = still as possible = no thought = aware of everything
  31. Black Rose

    Sensory Clearity

    I had for a long time some energy blockages. I think it has to do with not having self-control. I sometimes feel compelled to do stuff. Yet when I hold back I have to realize, that I am in my body. - There is a big disconnect between my head and body. I that this in a way is my aversion...
  32. Black Rose


    Introversion = reflecting Extraversion = taking in Perception (irrational) N - abstracting S - detecting Judgment (rational) F - valuation T - causative Ni - knowing without previous forethought (a confluence of internal events) Ne - everything with everything else (what is with what and...
  33. Black Rose

    Revisiting My Type (Since Being Here).

    This put me in a whole new view. The way I act would indicate the same way Jordan Peterson acts. And I see him more as ISTJ Fi is immature in him, indicating as with the inferior of ISTJ which is Ne that in public people can act out their inferior more than the dom functions.
  34. Black Rose

    Revisiting My Type (Since Being Here).

    ISFP ? I do not see anything suggesting old things is Ne making INFP not an option? Ne as connections to other connections would IMO see more in what others say. I am unfamiliar with INFPs who are male and totally committed to one view. even if values to Fi types are solid, this does not...
  35. Black Rose

    Genes and Intelligence plus other stuff

    - summary: more efficient cell-to-cell connections because of calcium bonds on the cell surface
  36. Black Rose

    Intelligence with Nested Oscillation

    This is what happens when you mix Ne with Te
  37. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    I do not know what causes depression. I will google it later. I just know that loss will do it. Loss means the brain will need to function in a new way. That recovery is the reason we take longer when big losses happen. How do you function when all your efforts took so long to build up...
  38. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    Thanks I was only kind of depressed because I need to do stuff I am not used to doing. That is the problem with depression I was trying to express. A loss or just being defeated will make your energy go down. Because part of you is gone that allows you to know what to do. I can do stuff but...
  39. Black Rose

    Not Autism

  40. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    Humans are energy systems. So as energy systems humans need to do things. That is where learned helplessness happens. When you can't do things.
  41. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    energy is important some people do drugs to feel good or just be normal but depression is not so bad for me I am just disconnected and that is supposed to serve a biological function there is a set of behaviors I am not allowed to do anymore meaning I need to adjust to a new set of...
  42. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    I was taught at one year old that I should not cry because when I did my father would hit me on the head. I have not seen him since I was six years old. At 12 years old is when my mom stopped playing with me and stopped talking to me. She lacks the cognitive ability to understand adult things...
  43. Black Rose

    Not Autism

    Not Autism instead (PTSD)
  44. Black Rose

    A Reason for All Things

    There is a utilitarian algorithm for how choices are made. This algorithm is stochastic and probabilistic. This algorithm is also self-correcting. What it does is look ahead. - In my view, God looking at all futures balanced what would happen by a bias. To make things happen he made them...
  45. Black Rose

    For the life of me, I don't understand why MBTI types me opposite things

    ENTJ will experiment more and have fewer insights ENTP will see a greater number of connections and reflect on them less
  46. Black Rose

    For the life of me, I don't understand why MBTI types me opposite things

    That is not how psychology works. Whether you believe or disbelieve people have orientations. As a psychology, type is too complex for paper tests to tell you anything about it. Paper tests lack the theory of mind to know anything substantial. The difference between INTP and INTJ is this...
  47. Black Rose

    Portable Brain Scanners

    Buddhist Monk 256 channels resolution 4 by 4 by 4 (64) Kernel Flow 2,000 channels resolution 10 by 10 by 10 (1,000)
  48. Black Rose

    Quantitative Reasoning

    110 = 75% 115 = 85% 120 = 90% 125 = 95% 130 = 98% 135 = 99% 140 = 99.5% 80 = 10% 75 = 5% Stroop effect = 99% (2009) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stroop_effect 103 (2021)
  49. Black Rose

    Quantitative Reasoning

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