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  • They don't know how?;P

    I'd rather they didn't, hide and seek is only fun when the seekers outnumber the hidden.

    Yeah, you're a silly thing Cheese.

    So, now that even one so subtle as me has an (awful) profile picture, there's no excuse for you not to get one.
    Yes, if your profile is on private, you don't appear as having visited anyones page.

    It only appears for you.

    Curiously, if you acess a page, it will show the last ten users, you included.

    However, if another member was to visit, he would see the last ten members, not counting you, the private account.

    It makes me wonder how accurate the 'last ten members' statement is.

    Mot by much I suspect.
    It's annoying that you don't appear as having visited my profile.

    I can't tell if you're stalking me or not.:X

    I can only assume.
    Yeah, like a massive big diamond, all glittery and only moveable by rolling.

    Oooh, or a rare dinousaur fossil!

    How is Face these days anyway?

    I haven't seen him on msn, but then again, he usually blocks me every few months.
    Yes, because lifting you in any physical sense is largely impossible, you fat ass.:P

    Even face-lifts are beyond you, what with your already largely plastic visage.


    Still love ya tho'
    Hm. Actually I think the forum isn't too bad for human interaction. I take some of this to real life.

    After all this forum is both a break from real life, and a means to help us with real life.

    I'll still love ya baby;D

    No matter how wrinkly your cheeks are or how saggy your bewbs get. :^.^:
    Now cheesey dear, you betray your agedness.

    We no longer call them STD's, that is considered immoral because of the negativity surrounding the phrase 'diseased' I assume.

    We call them STI's now ma'am!
    I used to think I was an extroverted introvert, until recently she told me her friends found me "quite quiet". Perhaps my extroversion behaviour threshold is low.

    Many Singaporeans are introverted extroverts.

    Yes, the girl is an ENFJ. Did I tell you that before? Or did you infer that from some post? :p
    I do think you're an extroverted introvert.

    That is rather different from an introverted extrovert, if you know what I mean (I think my significant other may be that).

    Yeah, true, about the blog.
    Yeah, you still has to Rachmanioff's 2nd piano sonata, three parts, to assassin406@googlemail.com.

    Oh, you've seen my face, but what about the other parts?:P

    Besides, I has new pictures.:D
    Bleah thought you went on irc.

    Might be. Then again similarities don't prevent conflict - the person who did that was super close to me on the cognitiveprocesses test (INTP with high Fi).

    You took the initiative to contact me, though - I simply didn't know who to contact. Maybe people only become more human to me after they contact me personally.

    Haha. That should mean you're really judgmental (all judging functions). Or perhaps it makes you less judgmental because they all crash together. Kaboom!

    Yeah. Maybe you're sqrt(2) and i'm 2^1/2 :p.

    EDIT: correction. I am sqrt(-1). I.
    She's ridiculously beauty-ful.

    Makes you want to, post a picture, huh, huh!?

    The result of a phrase someone said: "and you are obviously not about to learn anything from me; neither will i learn anything from you... would appreciate no further contact.", after an actually-not-very-heated-and-pretty-short argument in which I had made remarks that may have seriously cheesed off :D someone. Fairness of that remark aside, what hurt me was that the other party didn't see me as a person at all.

    You must have high feeling too. What'd you get from the cognitiveprocesses test?
    Oh. I HAS A GOOGLEMAIL. Can't remember the password though. *Cough*

    erm, there is a program that would allow you to place the file online, give me a five digit number, and then I could download it via my phone.

    Only, a nine minute file might take an hour to load...

    How big is it? (I noticed yesterday that converting mp3's to mp4's- thats videos, shrunk their mb's considerably.)
    Yeah, and you took so long I'm home and without a computer until tuesday!:p

    Going to work soon, you'd love my work buddies!

    There's this delicious ENFP girl, so sickly sweet!

    All those morals and misconceptions!(also blonde.;))

    Then there's this guy that is the true physical manifestation of your twisted psyche!

    So yeah, a violent drunk that likes hugging me and threatening to attack/rape me.

    It sounds horrifying, only he's small and cute. Bwahahah!:D
    Uhm, you tried **** right?

    If not there's ****!

    The email address on my profile is wrong, took it up with admins but no response nor change!
    (Did you send it?)

    It's a beautiful peice, thanks for sharing,makes a nice change from the usual punk-shite I listen to.:D
    It makes me feel..like a tree...

    It's a little difficult to move, and my eyes feel as if they're weighed down by dew, with my limbs feeling rather sleepy, but not dead, just softer than usual...

    But there's something rejuvenating about it too, though not in a hyper, excessive fashion, it's like, a gradual and soothing growth...

    Hard to explain really, and I'm not one for descriptions.
    (Ah, two minutes in, and it's gotten a little more familiar...It makes me feel rather sleepy. Do you perhaps know where I could download this? If I sent it to my phone I could listen to it more frequently see.)
    Oh, no, I don't often force one story onto one peice.

    It simply reflects my thoughts/feelings at the moment, how I go about interpreting it...

    A happier me might produce a more wholesome story..perhaps..

    (Listening to the first link entitled pt1, it's mad and bouncy, what happened to the mentioned dreamy ambiance?)
    Not sure if this is the right one, but listening to this one:

    YouTube- Inna Faliks, Rachmaninoff's Sonata # 2, 1913 version part 3

    Gosh, it was so dreamy at first, but then it went a little mad, completely messed up the story I was forming.

    At first I pictured someone walking along a forest path alone,returning home, a lone soldier or something of the like, having survived a dreadful occurence.

    Now it's just splitting into so many different colours and concepts that it can't possibly be just one story.

    Yeah, it gives of a non-Intp'ish vibe, as if she's typing like this wowowowohaahahahahhaha I'm so happy and extrovertedyayayayayayyayayaya.


    Well, good night!<3
    Cheese darling, are you mibbiting as we are ribbiting?

    I wouldn't mind irritating you some in real time.
    Personally, I believe that personality ---> type, because personality is who you are, and type is how you think. Your identity and traits affect how you think more than how you think affects your traits, and anyway, both cannot be without the other. You can't think kindly unless you are kind, the same way you can't be kind if you don't think kindly. In any case, it's not safe to assume either way,
    Ah, well, sorry for the misunderstanding. Anyway, I perhaps the thread should be just left at that. As for ignorance, may you explain what I am ignorant in?

    Anyway, I am packing some stuff which I have to deliver to someone tmr, so c u ard sometime.

    Good to see you haven't forgotten the true national language :D
    "It wasn't so much being nice as pointing out what I saw as fucking obvious inconsistencies in their thought patterns."

    I didn't mean to say that you were nice, of course. :D Kiam pa ah!

    Ya I might try irc again soon. Not very used to it, though. Always cannot respond fast enough. MSN/Yahoo is quite different from IRC, small groups. Is it #intp? I know that's the one where the INTPc people go. Anyway going off from where I am atm soon, so probably not now.

    Anyway, you should go to bed, it's probably kind of late in Sydney now.
    You got msn/yahoo? (though actually I'm a really bad real-time conversationalist)

    Anyway, it's not a very ragey rage. :D It's a want-to-be-nice-rage (except unfortunately the ESFJs aren't here to appreciate it, which actually makes you really nice).

    Well, I like that you're saying it's our misplaced arrogance.

    Dratted INTPs! :p
    Well, because chisels can make nice ripples and...wait, lakes can converse with chisels!?

    *is dumbfounded*

    uh, yeah, planning on fixing my old laptop, you know the one mother threw at my head?

    Not that it'll help, in my household the wireless router is password secure and I'm the only person in the house who doesn't know the password, it's changed if I learn it too!:p
    Good grief, just read this :
    'What can i say about myself? I am mere human-being whose heart can sense all things of earth. '


    Dear dear, these people are going to hate me, because I am going to scrounge every chance to 'take the piss'.
    It's okay so far, much too bright for my liking, that, and I actually saw 'lol' used in conversation.

    Seen a few familiar faces, washed up uncertain INTP's and the like, still getting used to it.

    Naw, I get all my computer use in Uni remember? Unless heard via earphones, the whole 1000 strong library will hear it.

    Madness...utter madness...

    Well, I'm kinda seperated from my ear-phones...eternally...so I'll have to seek a new pair soon, it's only been a few days and I'm missing them (even though I'm using my phones earphones for phone stuff, it just eent the same!)

    I'm just joining the INFJ forum for a bit of craic.

    Should be fun, hm?
    Ha,your 'small talk' post was what dreams are made of. Uh, sarky, snide-wit filled dreams.

    Thanks for your pm.

    Yeah, I don't think anyone can help much sweetie.

    I feel directionless...

    Trying to maintain some sort of tangent with this forum... Trying so hard to be 'Melkor' and beat those feelings away.

    Some forumers are unaware, others are making it much, much worse.

    I do not understand the urge to push away the broken... It seems like such a voiceless plea, selfish to the core.

    I am desolate.Pills.


    Thats good:D


    Blame the pills dear cheese, we all do, we all can, so blame the pills.

    I'm a scam?


    Would it make you feel better if I mentioned that I was unaware of this fact?

    I hope so.

    Also, I have a black body-bag?

    Whatever for!?
    Hahaha. Fe-ish and manipulative?


    Might I direct you to my submissive nature, excessive insecurity, and inability to smile?

    Or would you just like the directory and you can find your own way around?
    I don't beleive you for a single second dear Cheese.

    You are a master of masquerading, and furthermore, you are a hooker.

    There are more layers on you than on a chocolate coated wafer!
    Because the only latent insecurities you have, are your voice and your gender.

    These may not even be real insecurities! You just enjoy mind-fucking sexually confused males by posing as a male minded female or a female minded male, both of which are quite desirable y' know!

    Honest as the day? My left foot!
    Bah...You're misinterpreting me again.

    When I say leave me alone, I mean 'leave my vunerable insecurities alone'.

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