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  • 'I look forward to seeing you in the news', by that do you mean, I'll have exploded after reaching into my mailbox, and it will be newsworthy? A chilling sentiment...

    If my lewd and exceedingly crass fake-name won't suffice for those uppity mail-folk, then I guess you've left me no choice but to reveal my true identity...me real name is...Alouicious Thimbletufts.
    First off, how dare you. My mother is a woman among women, and things of that nature!

    Secondly, flippin' awesome. I'm all for it.
    No I don't have a problem with the address being there, the mailbox is pretty far away from the house and I can diffuse bombs by showering them with compliments from afar, so no need to delete/edit your posts, but I appreciate the courtesy.

    Are you for-serious?
    I felt like a jerkish-jerk for 'derailing' the frickin' b'jesus out of your thread, so I just went and deleted, to the extent I could, all record of my being there. As for the address, I just figured the chances were decent that any given member of this forum would not mail me a bomb/death.
    It is [still not sure whether or not I'm being given the ole' go-round [is that an expression? is it appropriate?]...].
    I don't know where it is but I remember the point was that males are more susceptible to mutation because we're far more expendable from a "survival of the species" standpoint... or something to that effect.
    Are you actually a woman?

    (Not that this has anything to do with my reason for asking, but it would make my attraction to you that much less awkward if so...:o)
    (Big post, so I had to split it in two, order of reading really doesn't really matter)
    Zooey Dechanel is not expressive when talking, you're absolutely right! This is because ISFPs speak through Te, even though it is their inferior they still use it. Believe it or not an INTP would (Usually) actually be more expressive when speaking (Assuming the Fe is not horridly underdeveloped.) An INTP won't go completely chilly until they start using Ti, which is pretty much always on when not talking. The monotone sound in her voice is actually Fi, again, an INTP would have at least a little Fe in their voice. You also can see Zooey using her Ni tertiary on some parts, usually when asking questions, but you can also see she is being slowed down when using it, like it is uncomfortable for her, unlike a true Ni user which would have a burst of speed in their voice as soon as the go in and out of Ni.
    There really is more to this than what I outlined in the thread, and a part of it is listening to what they are saying, and especially watching what functions they are using whilst saying it.
    I couldn't find where Jim Carry said the thing about mapping out terrain, but I can still tell you that that kind of thing is not Se at all. Se doesn't plan, it is a real time external function that take in information as it comes, and to a lesser extent is used to relive things that happened to the person (But you won't exactly be able to map out terrain with the ladder part). What that sounds like to me, is Si; going into your memories of the details you noticed and actually seeing a visual image of it. It's pretty impressive considering it is still an inferior function.
    Jim Carry is ENTP and Zooey Dechanel is ISFP (Definitely not an INTP). Jim Carry is just too damn bouncy to be an S, you can see him coming up with random Ne ideas on the spot.
    Brilliant, makes loads of sense. I wasn't sure what 'elementary' was doing there, I think I defaulted to being offended (i.e. ...what people don't understand...) by it, and assumed you were calling me 'simple'. Anyhow, I'ze a mades that quote, so thanks for the unwitting compliment, um, good luck in the future (<- I hear people say that from time to time, so...), I guess.
    "What do I think of PDA? I'll tell you what I think of PDA Susan, first it's an impassioned embrace in the hallway, next it's wildly irresponsible naked midnight rendezvous in the dumpster behind O-Roy's, and before you know it you're waking up in a seedy midwest motel with the mothers of 22 illegitimate children on your back for child support...ahhhh, I don't know, I just don't know...."

    Given the fact that I wore it nearly every day, and rarely (did I ever? do you remember?) bathed, the 2' long denim codpiece/bare ass 'look' offended not very many people. Your mother liked it, liked it very much indeed (<-lolz).

    My tenant was a good man, a fair and a decent man, don't go making snide remarks about his troubles with enunciation, or the fact that he had no qualms with pleasuring himself while standing up in plain view of his landlords, don't you dare!

    Fido, ay yi yi, what to say, I'm honestly at a loss for words...a thespian eunuch who claims my rubbish progeny as his own. I've decided I will shoot him.
    You may have made all the money, and I'm not sure what part of my strictly-denim cowboy ensemble gave people the impression that I contributed financially in any way to this horrid sham of a partnership, but I know the fact that you had to lie every time one of our 'friends' asked what you did for a living really rankled your sheets.

    I'm sure Tommy would be a fairly normal, mobile child by now had you not soused his unborn body with grain alcohol every day of the nine months you were pregnant with the poor boy, thanks for that.

    You and I both know Fido is barren, you can hear it in his voice.

    As for that tenant, I'd prefer to not have to explain my being there during my closet-fire-starting sojourns, so...he has to go.

    [double spaced, you're welcome]
    You can keep the house if you like, but I reserve the right to come over when you're not there and start fires in closets/steal things you need, but take for granted. You've also got to make something of that room we chose to not use upon moving in, the all-white room, the one we refuse to spend any time in purely out of arrogance. Also don't want those kids you forced me into conceiving, they don't look 'right'.

    I never loved you. Always thought you were a bit of a skankish streetlady. woops! : (
    Point taken, although I think it's important to keep in mind that I can't be held responsible/accountable for anything I say/write/do, and that I honestly can't remember the last time I meant what I said - so I'm just going to pretend this exchange never took place. : (
    I'll choose #1, I [may or may not] like how patronizing it is?

    Unfortunately, the sheer amount and potency of the shame runnin' 'round inside me is still overwhelming. I'm literally numb with shame. I'd desist if I thought it was the right thing to do, but I need to feel this, so as not to make the same mistake twice.
    ':o' <- I don't understand your reply to my post, I feel like I'm at a crossroads.

    If you were implying that I should be ashamed of what I wrote, well then bygod you're right, and I am.
    Thanks for sayin' something. The way my argument was completely ignored I'd wondered if I'd even made the point I was intending. Like when you speak up in a group and when you finish there's a pause and someone says "So anyway...".

    I vote for celebratory tomatoes :D
    I'm all charged up too, it's like a rocket to my brain!
    (Where's the earth-shattering kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth-shattering kaboom!)
    ... you should be okay, now that I know what you are capable of, I'll have a wider range of how to read you appropriately.

    I've been pretty positive about it since I went, I mostly just tried to stick to my guns because I hate being inconsistent or sounding like I was just emo'ing out completely.

    ps. present? What sort of present are we talking about?
    She did, yes :). I've been trying to encourage her to write music professionally, but she can't seem to make herself do it if she doesn't have the motivation/inspiration--some artist thing, I guess. She does play her songs in bars for tips occasionally, though.

    I'm taking a comp. sci. class on signal/sound processing next spring, and already know how to use soundboards and things like that, so I'm hoping I'll get to help her record and make cds and stuff like that, someday.
    ... I decided to come back this morning for a second to make sure I did not blow off anyone who sent me a PM in the last few weeks.

    I'm sorry for misreading. I just couldn't tell... you were darn good and sort of cut to the heart of my own personal fears and ambiguous perceptions based on some experiences from my own life.

    (I kept asking myself if you were kidding, due to the thread topic... and just couldn't tell. Usually I can figure things out.)

    Plus, the thread got locked which made me wonder if someone else in charge had reason to believe the comments were real, so...

    ... no harm long-term, it's okay. *hug*

    (And it hurt, but I can still laugh at it now some because you did an excellent job. Just don't DO that to me again, lol!)
    Yea, I was thinkin bout doin' some volunteer work. It would look good on a job resume lol.

    I don't know bout joining clubs though. I would let everyone down.
    No...All my old friends are drug dealers. I stopped hanging out with them a while ago. For some reason I just can't find any friends. I think I forgot how to make friends. It's really hard because everybody already has their circle of friends and they're reluctant to let new people in.
    Well, I use British spelling a lot (just because I like it, lol) and often have a 'casual' style. But nope, not Australian at all.
    then again i suppose i am at the point where i cannot fathom anything systematic that isn't suffocating and entrapping.

    guess i just turned to anarchy and chaos because there was no-where else to go. there are too many infallible walls behind me to look backwards and see clearly...there is no love in an electric wire fence, only shock, and pain. "Do not feed the animal" leave it to the fucking suited groundsmen to tell the runaway what to swallow, don't throw fucking birdseed it'll only give him hope for wings.

    if you get my meaning...
    it is too late now, i can't fit into any system no matter how liberal. don't worry, i am not saying i am hopeless but i can never go to a liberal school ever.

    plus, i don't score as gifted on their tests, so they won't let me in anyway, however much i may fit in there. cruel irony but there you go.
    really? cool, i can believe that. they are not fans of my free-thought, my distinctive and eminently detestable but hilariously strange and provocative sense of humour, my illegible handwriting and even less comprehensible content, mired in metaphor, rhyme and enigma - incomprehensible to the layman, disgusting to the blind, confusing to the peer, meaningless to the achiever, and worthless to the rest...

    they don't even hate me in that place, they just don't know what to think. the concept of this kind of cerebral cognition is in itself a minefield lain behind signs they pitch in front of all of our eyes - "do not cross"

    yeah, you would walk too :D
    Grilled cheese sandwiches are awesome. In America is usually that godawful american cheese (which is the only way it's edible) or cheddar but lots of cheeses work. See why I love cheese? :D

    Oh, and damn that Felan for beating me to it..
    That's an interesting chicken/egg question. It's most likely a combination of both (which is a total copout answer, I suppose). Perhaps I see some others as a more evolved version of myself? idk. It's probably not that simple though, it never is.

    But yes, I am affected by others, so I imagine I'm subconsciously trying to be more like those I admire. Kinda like role models. hmmm, I wonder, can we claim ownership of our personalities when so much of them are affected by others? or can we create ourselves out of thin air? me vs. us, sort of.

    Yet another thread that will likely never happen. :p
    Wow. I was thinking you were kidding with your first post.

    Now I have no idea.

    If you were trolling for fun, wow, good job. You actually made me cry, despite the context of the thread (and the context thus made me laugh at myself for crying).

    If you were serious, though... dude, lighten up a bit. This is one reason why I don't come back here much... the community here seems to be so introverted that it either completely ignores threats or else starts lashing out at things that in context are not threats at all. I thought INTPs were tougher than this.

    I also really don't remember you ever talking to me before, so to make this sort of thing in a "fun" thread a serious lashout is just rather pathetic; that behavior is as destructive as the stuff you're complaining about. Nothing else in that thread hurt me; your comments did. Ironic, huh?
    "I am kind of like the guy everybody used to know - someone raggedy and irresponsible - who will never really amount to much but was always good for a few laughs. A victim, just a victim" - Tom Waits

    “I like too many things and get all confused and hung-up running from one falling star to another till i drop. This is the night, what it does to you. I have nothing to offer anybody except my own confusion.” - Jack Kerouac


    my sig, these represent my general state of mind, in a way my existence. you asked i was so...here it is.

    i am getting into Jazz and Beat Poetry, i can relate so well, might make an album combining Jazz, Beat style Poetry and Surrealist Art of Dali, Man Ray - sonically think Stockhausen, Syd Barrett/Pink Floyd, John Zorn, Schoenberg, Webern....

    gonna call it 'Tapes'

    it is beautiful, thank you :)

    how am i? fine, content, i have been off school, which is good. i have been listening to lots of The Beatles (later stuff, Rubber Soul onwards) and Jack Kerouac-Steve Allen. been having my mind blown by Bill Hicks, lotsa' fun stuff. i suppose i have been drawing more too.

    school monday, don't intend to socialise, i am going to hide away awhile, don't know why but i just feel the necessity to.

    i am considering, when i become an artist, making my name 'Xandir South' - Salvador Dali, Man Ray, Syd Barrett...i need a smooth name too :D plus i want something original dammit! not some crappy name....oh no, oh, oh god, CHEESE! IT'S THE NORMALS! THEY ARE COMING, IT IS THE NORMALS! RUN!!! AAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!

    yeeeeah, i will upload a cool drawing i did tomorrow hopefully. until then...check this out. Karlheinz Stockhausen.

    Yep, I'm guessing the pic is from somewhere in the old American south where I live. Roadkill here gets to be so common that I'm sure the painters didn't even notice it was there.

    ...thank you so much for posting that link in the Clone thread. I'm SO glad you did. I never knew about mindmates, yet in my mind I've suspected their existence for a long time. Knowing this is not just a figment of my imagination, but a reality, is so much more encouraging than you may know.

    lol shock horror - Seducer helps the disabled

    seriously :phear:

    i am on work experience, doing different stuff every day as an interim between office work, and today....i had to help disabled people do art and perform drama, i was petrified! they tried to make me dance, with disabled people, i 'went to the toilet' and shuddered. cam back out and had to 'be social' and help them...it was horrible! :(

    but has fate kicked me in the balls firmly enough? NO! because, because she was helping disabled people /for/ work experience, 'A Person' was there too :O she just turns up with a couple cross-eyed 'peoples with disabilities' and was rather amused that i was there, and i sat next to her and helped a disabled kid to make a mask. :(

    fuck you god!
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