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Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Anyone have any experiences with it? I won't do it anymore because its way too intense for me but I have noticed a few consistencies with it. The last thing I want to do is put a preconceived notion out there for those new to it but here goes. I always get this rush of energy, my whole body heats up, people can actually feel it radiate from a couple inches away. I sweat like mad. Its like every cell in my body vibrates producing energy. I hallucinate, and often times hear voices, sometimes kids taunting me that I'm in trouble, guilty subconscious maybe? I've also had some rare gems of hallucination.


do not read if you don't want a preconceived notion of effects

Notable hallucinations include:

*s indicate separate experiences

*Seeing the face of father time, a kind, bearded face, gray hair

*Seeing a battle between people and this race of reptile-like people that had mastery of nature, they could pull rock from the mountains and make a mech-armor-type suit by psychic powers, the people had machine guns and were getting completely overwhelmed, I was more empathetic towards the lizards

*One time I had my window open when I did it and some kids were playing outside in real life, it totally gave me a bad experience. I felt like a kid and I was in trouble. Felt like I was in a fucked up version of sesame street complete with fucked up theme song lol

*Swirls of color and feeling completely energized and calm the rest of the day

*I was in line to get someone an autograph at one of those 3 day camping concert type deals so I figured, this line isn't going anywhere for awhile, might as well do some salvia. There was a cd playing and I knew what the words were supposed to be but the words were different. I felt like I was caught in the gears of this machine getting mashed and grinded up in the gears. The line started moving and I was like shit, gotta keep up with the line. The only thing I could do was roll on the ground to keep up as everything was stuck in a spinning motion for a couple minutes. Probably messed with my sense of balance temporarily. My friend was all scared and told me never do that again lol.

I did salvia one time after that mixed with some kind and it mellowed it out a bit but the intensity of salvia was still too much for me, I don't enjoy sweating unless I'm having sex. I quit salvia after that. Its not something I did regularly mind you. I had the same gram of 10x for 2+ years that I was using. Long shelf life.


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:24 AM
Mar 23, 2009
Good thread, I think.
Do you still research Salvia Divinorum? Would you ever consider experimenting with it again if you felt like you had sufficient knowledge and preparedness to properly evaluate the experience?
Your visions of the lizard-folk I find particularly interesting, as the race of lizard-men (often subterranean) appear in historical accounts spanning time immemorial from the cultures who existed in those times. We see them in cave paintings, etched stone carvings, and prevalent in myths as well. I wonder if altered states of consciousness were responsible for those experiences.
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
Good thread, I think.
Do you still research Salvia Divinorum? Would you ever consider experimenting with it again if you felt like you had sufficient knowledge and preparedness to properly evaluate the experience?
Your visions of the lizard-folk I find particularly interesting, as the race of lizard-men (often subterranean) appear in historical accounts spanning time immemorial from the cultures who existed in those times. We see them in cave paintings, etched stone carvings, and prevalent in myths as well. I wonder if altered states of consciousness were responsible for those experiences.

I am highly interested in the connection between that, the fall of the Druids and "the snakes that were driven from Ireland" I have always felt I have druidic/bardic ancestry

I would be interested in salvia in a more natural form, fresh leaves held sublingually is supposed to be more mild and a longer lasting experience. BTW smoking and sublingual action is the only ways to achieve effects. Ingestion will do nothing.

smoked it only lasts for 2-10minutes with a 10 minute afterbuzz which I find energizing, and, calming, but damn those 2-10 min. are INTENSE. A friend said its like a whole mushroom trip in 5 minutes.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Nov 21, 2007
Michigan/Indiana, USA
I knew nothing about this so I read with Wikipedia entry. In addition to lots of interesting things, I found this:

"Mazatec shamans crush the leaves to extract leaf juices from about 20 (about 50g/2 oz.) to 80 (about 200g/7 oz.) or more fresh leaves. They usually mix these juices with water to create an infusion or 'tea' which they drink to induce visions in ritual healing ceremonies.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salvia_divinorum#cite_note-Vald.C3.A9s1983-13"

So, maybe some of it gets into the system through the tea other than through the digestive tract?



Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Aug 8, 2008
My least favorite drug. I won't do it again, and I'd never recommend it to anyone. It was like 5 minutes of experiencing death. And it was actually legal when I did it!
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
In this particular case I will go with the flow :p Salvia is pretty crazy stuff, I don't like the pins and needles feeling I get throughout my whole body. It was something new to try at the time. I can't believe the stuff is so popular. I'm sure it will be illegal everywhere soon enough and for good reason. If pot and LSD and mushrooms are illegal this stuff should be doubly more illegal than the others. At least on low doses you can still be somewhat functional on the other stuff compared to how salvia is at any effective dose.:eek:

edit: That being said i you are of a legal age and area and feel brave, you probably don't have long before the stuff gets completely banned everywhere. I think at least 1/3 of the states have made it illegal by now. It was legal in all 50 when I tried it.


Local time
Today 4:24 AM
Aug 8, 2008
However! Everyone responds differently to this stuff. My ISTJ friend had the time of his life on it, he just rolled around on the floor and did a bunch of bizarre body movements. Most people just laugh their asses off (uncontrollably). I simply panicked, felt like I was sinking into the chair that I was in, thought the table that was touching my arm (it was a hard surface) was stabbing me and killing me... meanwhile I thought I could see through the walls. It sounds kind of cool I guess, but it was fucking hell. I couldn't wait for it to wear off.
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
one friend of mine said everything he saw was like in super mario bros. and moving was like bashing through the bricks. Laughter is usually a pretty common theme but I watched someone dance around, laughing their ass off and proceed to fall down a flight of stairs, laughing all the while. He wasn't laughing so hard when he came to, a minute later

Becoming an inanimate object, stuck between the space in between space, while somewhat enlightening is not my idea of a good time. It feels like being physically ripped apart like a sheet of paper or something like that. hard to describe since it shifts dimensional consciousness. Like becoming 100% schizophrenic or something for 5 minutes. I dunno why I am still even talking about something so unpleasant. Like mentally blowing out your brain with a shotgun:eek:


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Aug 16, 2009
Anaheim, CA
So I did this once, and I might consider doing it again. But at the time, I said I would never do it again. My and my friend did five bong rips each of the 20x (pretty weak, but five bong rips is a lot). It was really, really strange. I actually felt the exact moment when everything just went crazy. A tingly feeling started at the outside of my eyes and then worked its way into the middle. It was exactly the same on each eye, and when the tingly sensation met in the middle I knew I was just thrown into a whole different reality.

I was sitting on a couch, and it felt like I was laying on my back and the couch was pointed upward and that I was falling away from the whole universe. Oh, and I also got extremely hot and took of my shirt. But after a minute or so I closed my eyes and I saw things that I can't even explain. It was like I saw shapes that didn't even exist. I can only explain it by saying that it felt like the whole universe melted away and I was the only thing in existence. Not my body, but my mind, and it was seeing some wierd things.

Probably more happened, but it was so strange that it's kind of hard to remember.

The only reason I would do it again is because now I know what to expect, and I want to pay attention to what my brain is doing. I want to see what I think about. Maybe I'll reach some sort of realization that I would never be able to reach otherwise. Because I guess it's kind of like an out of body experience. Because I completely forgot that I had a body. It was like I was nothing more then a thought.

But overall, it was completely terrorfying.


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Northeastern USA
The stuff is nutty. I've been experimenting with it on and off and have had some interesting experiences. I've never done acid or shrooms, just smoke pot, so I can't really compare it to any other hallucinogen.

I see it as something of a stepping stone to DMT, which I will try at some point...when I'm ready...


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Oh, and I also got extremely hot and took of my shirt.
Hehe, I did exactly the same thing once. It was at night time. Quite cold. Thank god nobody saw me walking around half naked in the middle of the night.
The only reason I would do it again is because now I know what to expect, and I want to pay attention to what my brain is doing. I want to see what I think about. Maybe I'll reach some sort of realization that I would never be able to reach otherwise.
I have done it about 6-7 times now, if not more... and trust me, you will never get wise doing it. I have tried to understand it, but with no luck. Every time I tried it, I said to myself, "this time I will try to be fully aware on the experience, and see what it has to offer".. but nah, you get wasted and you end up confused more than anything. It is just a rollercoaster...look at it as a strange ride.


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Aug 16, 2009
Anaheim, CA
Haha, then I don't know if I wanna try it again. The only reason I did was to see what I think. That's why I like cannabis, I feel like I become more aware of my thoughts when I concentrate on nothing other than my thoughts. Otherwise Salvia is just a little to trippy for me and last time didn't leave me feeling good (thought we laughed our butts off for what seemed like forever at first)


Local time
Today 5:24 AM
Aug 28, 2009
The first time is the only time I had pin and needles...but it was also the absolute craziest. I woke up in another beings body and looked around. No one else was awake and I couldn't understand why. I then had a flashback of my life. I said something like "wow that life sucked." I said it completely naturally though, like it was a game I lost. Then everything got confusing as I came back down. I'd give my left nut to go back to that first time though. Wow. The warning for this drug-you cannot un-see what you have seen. The only drugs that will compete in the intensity are lsd and dmt.
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Aug 12, 2009
metro Detroit area
yeah, I say you lose 90% control of yourself because the 10% you can control is being able to remember what happened


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
May 3, 2010
I consider myself quite experienced in this regard. I have grown this plant for years. However I have smoked it only couple of times. Its one of those drugs that I really have no interest in taking.
I researched this state of cosciousness and from what I could learn I can say that its very hard to integrate any new knowledge into one's life. This is so weird experience, I can only recommend to people who are mentaly stuck in some illusions, negative emotions or something else which can't let them escape from this wrong mental state.
Salvia is not tender, she will put you down on earth so you will feel the force of the gravity and then it will dissolve all your doubts, opinions, expectations, it will laugh at your face!
Its hard to work with this ally, one might consider mixing this with other appropriate substances so the your body and mind is not so much in fear or how can I call this overwhelming effect of the plant.
It is worth to mention that mazatecs in mexico never smoked it, they used to chew it, and that is a huge difference. Salvia is too ruthless when smoked.


Semantic Nitpicker
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Nov 21, 2009
I consider myself quite experienced in this regard. I have grown this plant for years. However I have smoked it only couple of times. Its one of those drugs that I really have no interest in taking.
I researched this state of cosciousness and from what I could learn I can say that its very hard to integrate any new knowledge into one's life. This is so weird experience, I can only recommend to people who are mentaly stuck in some illusions, negative emotions or something else which can't let them escape from this wrong mental state.
Salvia is not tender, she will put you down on earth so you will feel the force of the gravity and then it will dissolve all your doubts, opinions, expectations, it will laugh at your face!
Its hard to work with this ally, one might consider mixing this with other appropriate substances so the your body and mind is not so much in fear or how can I call this overwhelming effect of the plant.
It is worth to mention that mazatecs in mexico never smoked it, they used to chew it, and that is a huge difference. Salvia is too ruthless when smoked.
So what is it like if you chew a hand full of leaves?


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
Salvia sucks, and it's not ruthless when you smoke it.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
I once tried to smoke salvia, but it didn't work. I'm actually REALLY LUCKY that it didn't work. I didn't know anything about salvia, and didn't even know I was an introvert. So I didn't know that the middle of a gigantic loud party with a bunch of assholes would probably not be a good set & setting.

After reading more about psychedelics in general, salvia seems like it's a pretty dark drug. Much more common for people to very paranoid, fearful and anxious trips. (I refuse to use the term "bad trips".)

That being said, I haven't tried it again. I'd rather take acid, DMT, shrooms, DXM, ketamine, whatever.


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
I am sure DXM is worse than Salvia.


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
May 3, 2010
Moocow> chewing leaves and holding them in your mouth is bitter and unpleasant but its ok.

ranondrugs> I do not think that salvia sucks. Its a powerful plant and people should study more about its effects. Is certainly different than DXM and I don't really see the point of your previous two posts here.

Reverse Transcriptase> I have never experienced anything scary but it was really rather emotionaly unpleasant. Its hard to describe what it does but your ego changes and you interpret reality in a different way. Strangely many times its in some funny way actually, because many people laugh on salvia. But its not a social drug.
Combination with other psychedelics could be very interesting.


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
ranondrugs> I do not think that salvia sucks. Its a powerful plant and people should study more about its effects. Is certainly different than DXM and I don't really see the point of your previous two posts here.

It's not particularly powerful and it's effects are nothing special when compared to many other plants. Unless you are comparing Salvia to your common garden lawn, in which case, yeah, it's really potent bro, it makes you see things and shit !

Hm, also, you totally have the right to say you think my posts were pointless, however, the thread creator clearly stated:
Anyone have any experiences with it?
Hence my first comment:
Salvia sucks, and it's not ruthless when you smoke it.
Which was my opinion on my experiences with Salvia, concisely, and a short answer to your post based on personal experience, as well. You see, you have to right to state my posts were pointless and I have the right to post whatever I want in what length I desire as long as it is on-topic.
Le sigh...

And about the DXM, if you didn't notice:

That being said, I haven't tried it again. I'd rather take acid, DMT, shrooms, DXM, ketamine, whatever.
Hence my comment about DXM being worse than Salvia, it causes physical damage that Salvia does not cause and, in my personal opinion, it is also not that interesting of a high.

If you still find my posts to be pointless then it is possible you might be suffering from concept discoordination. Also, the true point of my two previous posts here was to get into your mom's panties, sorry.


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
May 3, 2010
It's not particularly powerful and it's effects are nothing special when compared to many other plants. Unless you are comparing Salvia to your common garden lawn, in which case, yeah, it's really potent bro, it makes you see things and shit !
In response to this nonsense (please no offense :)) I quote Wikipedia entry on Salvinorin A: "Salvinorin A is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychoactive drugs known to date"
So believe me, salvia is powerful :)

Hence my comment about DXM being worse than Salvia, it causes physical damage that Salvia does not cause and, in my personal opinion, it is also not that interesting of a high.

If you still find my posts to be pointless then it is possible you might be suffering from concept discoordination. Also, the true point of my two previous posts here was to get into your mom's panties, sorry.
Yeah you're of course right. I thought just that salvia is completely different state of consciousness which is qualitatively different and thus incomparable. But maybe not (?)

...so concept discoordination is what I am suffering from, you say? Interesting concept, I would almost like to ask what's that :D


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
In response to this nonsense (please no offense :)) I quote Wikipedia entry on Salvinorin A: "Salvinorin A is one of the most potent naturally occurring psychoactive drugs known to date"
So believe me, salvia is powerful :)

In response to that barbaric reference to Wikipedia: http://www.erowid.org/plants/plants.shtml Search that list, you will find at least 10 plants with much more potent effects. Besides I didn't say Salvia was weak, I just said it wasn't particularly powerful.

telepathink said:
Yeah you're of course right. I thought just that salvia is completely different state of consciousness which is qualitatively different and thus incomparable. But maybe not (?)

All drugs can be compared, in my opinion. The comparison lies with what states are desirable and which are not, what drugs would an individual benefit from more, etc.

telepathink said:
...so concept discoordination is what I am suffering from, you say? Interesting concept, I would almost like to ask what's that :D

I will answer: it's what you just displayed in your first reply, instead of reading what has been written by someone you prefer to take the "overall" concept and transform it into something you can argue with/disagree with.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
ranon: I think your definition of "powerful" greatly differs from mine. Assuming we are talking about concentrated salvia (not salvorin obsiously :P) and that by powerful in this regard we mean psychedelic ability, I can't see how one can say that it isn't powerful. A drug that blows you to a different reality in a matter of seconds is a potent drug imo. A drug that makes "normal" people lay on the floor displaying symptoms resembling high mental retardation in a matter of seconds is a powerful drug imo.
If we are talking about the dangers of intake, I'd agree with you.. but not when talking about the effects themselves.. read edowids articles on salvia (as you already posted a link from that site) and I'd really doubt that you'll find anything stating anything other than how potent this hallucinogen is.


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
I have done Salvia, and I have seen other people do it, I don't think the quickness of its effects on your body is a display of "powerfulness" and neither is its ability to make you seem retarded hahaha. Salvia is a very very short high and has a terrible comedown, the afterglow is horrible too.

And the way I see it, have a really short high to stay with a lasting feeling of dissociation ? Not interested thank you.

And as I previously stated. I didn't say Salvia wasn't powerful... I said Salvia wasn't particularly powerful when compared to other plants. I mean, come on... If you have tried different kinds of mushrooms or peyote or anything like that, you would quickly understand that Salvia is nothing special and a totally unrewarding high.

It's just not worth it.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Aug 13, 2009
Unrewarding? definitely, at least for me. I haven't tried any other hallucinogen though, so I wouldn't know how they differ personally.


Watching the Watchers
Local time
Today 11:24 AM
Oct 19, 2009
Hm, Salvia will take 45~60 minutes, tops, Mescaline, Mushrooms etc. have a range from 6 to 20 hours or something like that.

LSD, on the other hand, lasts for almost three days if done properly (not in constant hallucination but, you will feel its effects for that time). Also, mushrooms are known to give euphoria and bliss, so are cacti with hallucinogenic properties, to the point of having a lasting effect for almost two or three days.

Salvia is just not worth it in so many ways... And it's not particularly powerful either, really.


Local time
Today 11:24 AM
May 3, 2010
And as I previously stated. I didn't say Salvia wasn't powerful... I said Salvia wasn't particularly powerful when compared to other plants. I mean, come on... If you have tried different kinds of mushrooms or peyote or anything like that, you would quickly understand that Salvia is nothing special and a totally unrewarding high.

We should first have a definition what does powerful mean in this sense. I admit that in terms of some value for personal growth, it is not so powerful. Its hard to integrate this experience into normal life. However combining salvia with lsd was, for this only one occasion I had, very rewarding.
The most interesting thing about salvia is that the effects are very unique.

It's just not worth it.
Every experience is worth something, but of course with salvia its more like a couple-of-nights-stand and farewell thing.


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Dec 7, 2008
Salvia was one of the funniest experiences ive ever had. me and a couple friends had a high grade of it. basically everything got all bright and vibrant and everyones voices started echoing, then I laughed for 10 straight minutes. Didnt find it profound, however it is better to do it by yourself or with only one or two good friends. supposedly its more of a meditation thing. On the other hand my friend thought he was in Lord of the Rings for 10 minutes and ended up following what he thought was Golum through a stream at night. when he came to his senses he found he was covered in mud and various scratches from walking through a thorn bush.

Reverse Transcriptase

"you're a poet whether you like it or not"
Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Sep 22, 2008
The Maze in the Heart of the Castle
lol okay ranondrugs, you win. DXM is more dangerous, which is why I try to be safe with it. For whatever plateau I get to, I wait at least that many weeks before I do it again. The time between helps my brain not collect damage. (And I've only done DXM three times... so whatev.)


Tried it once. Got itchy, uncomfortable, laughed hysterically, then forgot what i laughed about. All in the span of 13 seconds.


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
Apr 17, 2010
I rather enjoyed salvia all three times I've done it. My roomates and I have found it best to sit comfortably, or lay, in a dimly lit room with amusing colors around, with some nice ambient techno playing. Every time I've done it the all the colors around me tend to form strange dancing patterns.

The first time I did it I had this effect, after the bizarre color manifestation, where I kept thinking things were going on, like playing a movie in my head, only to realize that's what was actually going on, and my mind managed to fool my with this same nonsense multiple times in a row. It was amazing.

One of my roomates thought we were all trying to kill him and he ran outside, but he's done it again since then without a problem.


Local time
Today 3:24 AM
Feb 28, 2010
My friend told me Salvia was completely retarded because all it did was make her feel like she was wearing a wool jacket for two hours. She is pretty trustworthy when it comes to drugs.


Local time
Today 6:24 AM
May 8, 2010
Probably one of the funniest whacked-out moments that I’ve ever been privy to was when a friend smoked Salvia. We were camping and he smoked in a tent, I was just sat around watching. He looked to be bowled over, confused, but he was sitting upright the whole time. We tried for a few minutes to get him to say something but he was unresponsive. Then, out of the clear blue sky, he soberly said “Alright, everybody out! I need to party.” The man meant business.

I’ve never gotten anything from Salvia, personally. I’ve had strong effects but never focused effects and never what I’d call enlightening, entertaining, profound or even worth the coughing that it took to get there. I’ve had strange perceptions, senses of distortions in space and rending of my body but it’s never really meant anything. And the ‘afterglow’ is irritating as all hell.

I can see how some people might compare it to DXM. Really, I’ve never much seen the point of DXM either and the dissociation is rather similar, though each drug certainly has a different character. Still, I’d say that Salvia is more like DXM than DXM is like ketamine. PS. Ketamine OWNS!

Really, I think DMT is exactly what Salvia should be. I can’t think of any way in which the latter is superior.


Local time
Today 12:24 PM
Jan 15, 2010
Oslo, Norway.
Saliva, that's like... Drool ?


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:24 AM
May 31, 2010
With DXM, one's primary concern should lie with liver damage and not brain damage, imao. Think about it, how many times are you going to do it in your life? Less than a dozen? No, the damage is definitely done principally to the liver.

I should say that I sort of dislike speaking about organs, tissues, and parts of the body as if they were distinct areas. Does not 1/4 of blood pumped by the heart go to the ol' noggin?
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