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Going Rogue : Report on The Incident of the 31st of January

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The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
So, Claver. You, Lightspeed, Ashitaria, someone else I may have misremembered (sorry!) and magical quasi-humans who may or may not exist unless the WHOLE FORUM posts in this thread.

On the other side, pretty much everyone else.

I know this isn't a popularity contest, but if you were going to contest what flow and Jennywocky said, I wished to bring it up.

(I don't even wanna think about Noddy :p)


Royalist Freicorps Feldgendarme
Local time
Today 7:33 PM
Sep 7, 2007
Between the Harz and Carpathians
If you're going to list 'members who have not spoken because they didn't wish to or are uninterested' as accounts that justify your cause, you're not going to get very far. So far, I see manly yourself opposed to Jesin's innocence. And mostly it looks as if you you're blaming him for getting hacked and causing you work, and so you wish that he would apologize for getting hacked. Correct? In no way am I saying you're wrong for wishing that Jesin be apologetic and whatnot, but still, historical evidence (of his character) overwhelmingly favors his innocence in this case. I guess he should apologize and be reinstated. However, if I was him... I'd be slow to apologize for being framed.

No, I am blaming him for either being the perpetrator or for allowing someone else to gain control of his account. The concepts of responsibility and duty of care seem remote to you.

It is not dramatic to point out this could have destroyed this forum for good: if it was not for URLJet's superlative efforts: we could not have regained control of the admin panel; the technician couldn't have banned Jesin from the database before we regained control; and they wouldn't have put in a back-up.

And the point is: they didn't have to do this. They are responsible for hosting and not the maintenance of any of the thousands of forums they host; they could have just said 'tough luck, you see to your own forum'. And if they chosen, taken the forum away to protect their shared-hosting server.

And mainly, if, as some hosts might, they had said they will do all this but demanded a hefty fee, then it might have been easier to refuse that fee and leave the place dead in the hands of the attacker. Instead they did all this from kindness.

I am not going to pretend that this would be very important on the scheme of things: active members would be sad at the loss of the community for a month, then drift off to find new forums; but it would be a pity for all the posts etc. to be gone forever. As one day they will, but some of us would prefer that day to be delayed...

As for this thread, Internal Affairs are the least liked of police departments: and when they investigate and accuse some officer all the rest clam up, defend that officer on grounds that he is well-liked, and reject all accusations. As one commentator here put it, 'cronyism'.

To get away from the main point that it was one particular admin account used to wreak havoc on the forum, and that name was the only name to be seen on the day, in favour of popular sentimental regard for the owner of that admin account appears perverse.

As was said privately elsewhere, 'I'm curious why you would prefer the explanation that he was obviously framed to the point of fact that every admin is responsible for their own password --- since admin powers are destructive.'

Claverhouse :phear:


Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Thoughts on presumed innocence versus guilt.

In a gentle society where we seek the well being of the individuals in the populace, it seems presuming innocence would serve better. That is why we have trial by jury.

In times of war where the well-being of society as a whole is at stake, it seems presuming guilt would serve better. That is why we have artillery.


Local time
Today 7:33 PM
Dec 3, 2009
There is something both fascinating and endearing in the human trait of fussing over the most trivial things in the least trivial ways.

Alright, the forum was bombarded, and it probably wasn't Jesin, we all realise that, but we're going to make MOUNTAINS out of molehills because we're a bunch of self-righteous, immoral moralistic, tail chasing courteous pricks!

Dear lord, look at yourselves!

If this wasn't a forum, and we weren't all at least seven miles apart, I'd mistake the lot of you for extroverted feelers that had sat on something wet.

Could someone please get that pipe and monocle off Anthile, coax Ogion off the cupboard, force Latro to ingest his medicine and give Kuu a hug.

I would do it myself, but it's so much more fun watching.:D


This is not the first, nor sadly the last, forum to have this kind of 'drama'. I'm new here so I can't and won't comment on any of it ....Except to say that another forum I am a member is only now recovering from similar 'civil war' drama. Just a warning.


The Soft Rational
Local time
Today 2:33 PM
Jan 4, 2008
East Coast of USA
Ach. I feel like we're running in circles. No flames going the way of URLjet, those guys are undeniably awesome. Citing it with the implication that if your path is not followed it will happen again is a low blow, and is known as a logical fallacy. However.

You seem to have lost sight of the whole idea that vBulletin or any software is never perfectly secure. Once a hacker had gotten into the forum, he/she could have used any account they wanted. They could have used yours, and they would have laughed as you scrambled your password again. In fact, saying that it was Jesin's account alone says ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrt who the perpetrator was. Saying that Jesin's account STARTED the whole thing is the only point of interest.

As for cronyism. I doubt that. There are users here that I wouldn't be as sure of, tbph. Jesin has had a long, long time to prove his merit and his character. I remember the decisions that were made during the original face-catastrophe. It taught me a lot about the character of the admins.

I also never said that Jesin was psychologically incompetent, just that has writing was horribly stagnant.

Also. As far as drifting off to another community.


Sure, many of the periphary users might drift away, but I've had spells away from the forum. I've spent months and months away from the forum at a time. The point is that I keep coming back. I know that it will be right behind me. This community has a much longer memory and stronger identity than you seem to think. You repeatedly assert that people will forget about things within weeks or months. Do you not understand the nature of this place at all? This is not the military. This is a place where pepole who have rapport gather. There are bonds within this community, which you don't appear to see. These bonds are as real as the nose on your face or your persistant military metaphors. If anything, the core of the community might reform somewhere else. All I can say is...

I'm sorry, but I take your assessment of the character of this forum as a real insult.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:33 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Like the ancient Romans said: "It's all fun and games till someone loses an eye." I'll close this before someone needs an eyepatch and until there are further informations.
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