• OK, it's on.
  • Please note that many, many Email Addresses used for spam, are not accepted at registration. Select a respectable Free email.
  • Done now. Domine miserere nobis.

About you?


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Oct 16, 2008
What is your name?

Here, Cinna, elsewhere, Jamison. (nobody call me that).

Where are you from?

I am from Louisville Kentucky in the United States. Have also lived in Virginia. Currently living elsewhere.

How old are you?

I am 16.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

A test. Internet Research.

How did you find out about this forum?

Internet Research.

Do you have a lover/partner?

No. Never.

Do you have any kids?

No. Never.

Do you have any pets?

Yes. A cat. Named James Madison, I call it Mad.

If you can think of any other questions you might like to ask new members, or myself, please add them.

Will do:

What is your favorite color?


What is your favorite smell?

Old Books.

What is your favorite television show and channel?

show: Doctor Who....channel: Science Channel or CSPAN.

What is your favorite book (fiction)?

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell.

Which do you prefer, fiction or nonfiction?


Which is your favorite nonfiction book?

Are you kidding? Pick one.


Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Apr 15, 2009
Oslo, Norway
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Oslo, Norway

How old are you?

Born in the fall of '82

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

From reading the works of Jung, Myers-Briggs, etc...

How did you find out about this forum?

Googled 'INTP'

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not at the moment

Do you have any kids?

Happily no

Do you have any pets?


Hardest thing about being INTP?

No hard thing being an INTP, unless i should include the problem about new topics i want to know and learn more about, but having to lay down, just to get some sleep (shouldn't be necessary :)

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Exploring, reading, discovering - anything logical, which leads me to the computer. Second comes music.


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, Martin. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. ;)

but having to lay down, just to get some sleep (shouldn't be necessary
Hehe, my thoughts exactly :D


Living Tribunal

Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Apr 17, 2009
U.S. Midwest-
I will ask the questions, and answer them to get things started. You only have to share what you want, though.

What is your name?

My name is Blake.

Where are you from?

DMV area of Maryland, United States.

How old are you?

I'm 19.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I first learned about MBTI and my type through an old job that had the test done free for employees. Back then I actually tested INFP-but that was probably because I was acting back then (and pretty damn good at it-weird for an INTP). Anyway-I didn't test INTP until later in high school when i took it again in an AP psych class, think i was the only one in a class of 40.

How did you find out about this forum?
Site lurking..

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

1 awesome cat


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:32 PM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
Ooh, ooh. My turn. :)

What is your name?


Where are you from?

Huntsville, AL. (Yes, Alabama. It's not as bad as people make it out to be. Especially Huntsville. It's really nerdy here--which I love.)

How old are you?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

After taking about 18 different tests, reading the profiles of every different type, reading profiles on every site I could find... deciding the tests were probably pretty close to being right, (but still not being sure)

How did you find out about this forum?


Do you have a lover/partner?


Do you have any kids?

God I hope not ever. I WAY too much stuff I want to do to be bothered with kids.

Do you have any pets?

One Pit Bull Terrier (rescued) named Barret (from Final Fantasy, bitch!), and one mutt/American Bulldog named Rhodian (Sun worshipper! How cool is that?) It's a miracle that I remember to feed them... >_>

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:32 PM
Nov 6, 2008
I've been around for a long while, but I never wrote one of these. I felt like I needed to - and now I find myself doing it on a difficult night. Before I did, I actually browsed through all the fifty some pages of this. There is a depressingly high number of people who merely drift through. It is actually pretty sad to look through.

What is your name?

Where are you from?
United States : Colorado : Arvada

How old are you?
24 on this day - and it's really hard to remember for some reason.

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
Apparently I first took a MBTI February last year when a friend at work was working on herself (an INTJ). I took my own somewhere online, discovered the Paul James profile, and realized it was a great match.

How did you find out about this forum?
On a bad night I realized I had a serious need for comfort, community, and understanding. I took a guess that a MBTI-INTP forum might do. It did, very much so.

Do you have a partner/lover?
It's been several years.

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
I can sometimes imagine my housemate's Boston Terrier 'Boris' as my pet, as I help take care of him. I get a terrible feeling I couldn't really take care of a pet all that well.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Researching like mad, reading like a fiend... sometimes creating art, or writing. Mostly trying to deal with a void I feel.

How do you generate an income?
Primarily as a theatre audio technician and sometimes web-specialist for people in the antiques business.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Emotional confusion, an ever-present feeling of the meaningless void, social awkwardness and under-appreciation... many more to think of, but I'm tired.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Sep 8, 2007
Hey... It's nice that you decided to do this. Happy birthday. :)

Sapphire Harp

Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 12:32 PM
Nov 6, 2008
Hey... It's nice that you decided to do this. Happy birthday. :)

Ah, whooops... :o That is, I simply happened to be 24 yesterday. And today, too... My actual birthday is Nov.1, which is just a couple days before the day I joined the forum. The timing wasn't really a coincidence... although I did spend a something like a week and a half working on the username I would choose.



Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Apr 21, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Born in Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil but I currently reside in a suburb about 30 minutes away from Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

How old are you?

Almost 16. :rolleyes:

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

A lot of time on my hands + Introspection + Google = INTP Discovery

How did you find out about this forum?

I literally googled "INTP forum".

Do you have a partner/lover?

Nope, not even close to that stage yet. I much rather think about science. :p

Do you have any kids?

Err... one day? Possibly?

Do you have any pets?

2 dogs: A red Golden Retriever and a Yellow Lab. Getting a new puppy in like 5 days.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Researching, film making, watching documentaries, & writing.

How do you generate an income?
I leech off my mom. ;)

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Not being able to relate to others, but hey, that is what I'm here for. :D


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, Marino. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. ;)



Local time
Tomorrow 4:02 AM
Apr 21, 2009
Adelaide, South Australia
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Adelaide, South Australia

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

psychoanalysis of some kind

How did you find out about this forum?


Do you have a partner/lover?

no :(

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?



Local time
Today 2:32 PM
Apr 21, 2009
Hi and welcome to the forum, Marino. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. ;)


Thank you. I will be lurking a lot at first, but once I become comfortable I will start to post more frequently at an exponential rate. ;)


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
No problem. We have a lot of lurkers here ;)



the Void
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Apr 27, 2009
Dubrovnik (Croatia)
Greetings from Croatia, city of Dubrovnik!

I'm not complete INTP, because I'm pretty much balanced between I and E... but i have more characteristics of INTP then ENTP...

Interesting and weird this is... to make a forum only for one type...hahaha :D


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, fellow European ;) May you find interesting and enlightening discussions. ;)

Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Feb 3, 2009
You all should know me. Only the ignorant would be unaware of my history, and those people deserve no place in this world.


Local time
Today 8:32 PM
May 6, 2009
What is your name?

I have many but my first name is Thor.

Where are you from?

I'm from Norway.

How old are you?

I am 27.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
How did you find out about this forum?
I took the test on a site that linked to this and other personallity type forums.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?
a cat with a sadistic streak.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Hello and welcome, Malkavian. May you find what you are looking for. Whatever it may be.

So I guess you like Vampires?


Wait.....now what?
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
May 1, 2009
Next door
What is your name?


Where are you from?

West Virginia, US. And yes, it is a state.

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took a test on line a few years ago. I don't remember how I came across it or why- probably a result of me meandering around the web.

How did you find out about this forum?

I came across it while researching intpness. I've been "lurking" for a while.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

Two cats; Ari and Giles.


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Ah, Escher Lego! Haven't seen something like that since my time on the Lovecraftian forums.
I would also like to extend a warm welcome to you.

How does it come that it took you several years to find our precious forum?


Wait.....now what?
Local time
Today 2:32 PM
May 1, 2009
Next door
Years? How long has this forum been around? I have only recently started researching the Myers Briggs personality types.


Local time
Tomorrow 2:32 AM
May 9, 2009
Western Australia
What is your name?
A wanderer with no name...

Where are you from?
I've been around... currently living in southern Western Australia

How old are you?
Older than most (based on about 3 hours of browsing this forum).

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I originally tested as an ISTP about 15 years ago (but this was heavily influenced by 'environmental' issues). I tested again a few years later (followed by significant on-line research and a couple of books). Test results tend to sit somewhere close the middle on the J/P line but after spending a couple of years lurking on an INTJ list and browsing a couple of forums (INTP Central, etc), I feel more connected to the 'P'. So for now, I've settled on being an INTp. (I continually second guess myself so I may never know for sure ;-)

How did you find out about this forum?

Do you have a partner/lover?
Yes. Happily married for over 22 years.... (gasp!)

Do you have any kids?
Yes, 4: Two boys and two girls.

Do you have any pets?
Yes, 4: Two dogs and two cats (My daughter has some fish).

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Computers! (Linux stuff, Website development, systems, networking, etc), Photography and graphics editing, Reading/Research (mostly online).... I love Google! I also enjoy motorcycles but have not been riding much since an injury about 18 months ago.

How do you generate an income?
I run a computer servicing business from home: Systems/Networking Consultant

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Dealing with my own 'internal issues', feelings of loneliness due to being different from most and generally feeling like I can't connect with most people on an appropriate level... a level that provides enough depth to keep me interested. I get bored with things very easily... Once I know how something works, I want to move on to the next challenge. Sometimes that means leaving people, jobs and other 'important' things behind, only to recognize the (loss of) emotional attachment later.... when I am feeling lonely again!

Having said all that, I may get bored with this forum too if it doesn't grab me and then I'll just be another statistic floating through... like a traveler with no name... :eek:


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Apr 26, 2009


Local time
Today 11:32 AM
Apr 8, 2009
San Diego, CA, USA
What is your name?

Where are you from?

How old are you?
Approximately 5110 days old.

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I got curious of my diversity and googled personality types and tested INTP
and read several profiles.

How did you find out about this forum?
Google suggestion panel.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
Two dogs, one cat, two guinea pigs, and a 20 gallon fresh water fish tank.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Photography, Drawing, Reading, reasearching and gaining knowlodge on the internet, and PC games.

How do you generate an income?
I turn in recycled cans and bottles.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
You're not understood.


Local time
Today 1:32 PM
May 11, 2009
a fork in the road
What is your name?

jesika, though i would prefer jes or wanderer . . . i really don't mind what you call me as long as it's not "jesika" :p

Where are you from?

"near chicago" will suffice for the purposes of this questionaire

How old are you?

i think it's safe to assume that i'm currently the youngest member of this forum at 14 :D. i didn't quite read all of the posts on this thread, hence the assuming, but it seems the majority of the members of this site are over the age of 20 . . .
*edit: i seem to have overlooked the post right above this one o.e im one of the youngest members i should say ha ha

What's your gender?

i am a female

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Keirsey Temperament Sorter II. i initially showed up as an intj, but after reading various descriptions of both intj and intp personalities, i decided i related better to intp . . . i think i sort of "switch into" intj mode for certain activities, but my natural state is intp . . . eh wel something like that :p

How did you find out about this forum?

the link at the bottom of the typelogic site

Do you have a partner/lover?

no . . . though i do hope to one day find a fellow human (preferably male. yes that was a joke.) who somehow, through what must be the convoluted and mislead workings of his mind, places me as the object of his affection

Do you have any kids?

not now, not ever. that is also my response when faced with the question "is there a rogue night elf stealing the pop-tarts out of your pantry?" mainly because i would make life miserable for either the child (a kid is a young goat as someone pointed out in a previous post) or rogue night elf in question
* i know the child/rogue night elf comparison doesn't quite make sense, but it was the first thing that popped into my mind. because i can't find the motivation to fix it, i will instead write this short and seemingly pointless whatever-you-want-to-call-it . . . o.o

Do you have any pets?

no, i would have liked to have a cat . . . but i'm allergic, and so doomed to sneeze and scratch my eyes out whenever i am in close proximity with a feline bundle of mysteriousity

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

reading, obsessing over/researching my current interests, spending ridiculously long amounts of time on making decisions, contemplating, daydreaming . . . and generally alienating the rest of humanity :D . . . although there are a few individuals who find my company desirable despite my best efforts . . . otherwise known as "my friends" :eek:

wow, so i'm not alone !! i'll stop now before i type up a very long discourse, i can definetly sense one coming on . . .
Last edited:


Local time
Today 1:32 PM
May 11, 2009
a fork in the road
thank you, Levi, i apologise for the misinformation in my post above; i had only examined the first 20 pages before directly posting a reply

in any case, it's refreshing to discover the existence of a fellow 14-year-old intp ^_^


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Apr 22, 2009
After reading Noddy's rant, I decided to post some things about me. I'm not sure how others can get to know me without saying a bit about myself.

What is your name?

Crim or CK will do for now; call me what you will. I never realized how little names mean to me until now; I never really liked how people are preoccupied with names or other things... I realized that names constrain us to be a certain person. I do not place much importance on identity; the self is not so important to me.

Where are you from?

I was born in Georgia, though I do not remember any of it. My family moved every two years (4 moves that I was a part of) because we were a military family during those days. As a result, I lived and saw Europe and many other things that most Americans do not get to see. Like my identity, I do not place much importance on a location to be from. Since I moved so much, I never tried to get tied down to any one place. For me, home is where the heart is. My heart is probably still in the Europe I remember; if I went back I know I wouldn't find it exactly where I left it. I could still probably fall in love with parts of Europe again though.

How old are you?

I feel 27 years old; I am in my mid twenties, so I will go with what I feel to be.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took a MBTI for fun, and found out many things about myself. I am close on two parts of the MBTI though, so I don't fit cleanly into one category. I like to think it gives me balance in perspective, though MBTI is still a label to me.

How did you find out about this forum?

By following the links provided on personality pages. I found this place to be different from other forums that I have been on. There is something here that I can't find on the places I have been to since.

Do you have a partner/lover?

No. I live alone. Though it might be nice to have one, I do not see anyone who is quite for me.

Do you have any kids?

No, although it may be nice one day.

Do you have any pets?

I have two cats that live with me. They are special to me, and we enjoy each other's company. I love animals.

Why did you come to this forum?

To learn about others and myself. Like some others here, I am on a journey of knowledge. I have come to try to challenge what I hold to be true and to learn to be flexible (among other things). I enjoy hearing what other people have to say, and I try to learn from things even if I do not agree with them. I also want to share what I have learned in the hopes of helping others to grow as well.

Why did you choose that avatar?
I wanted people to have an image when they think of me; I am a visual person, but I dislike having my picture taken. It shows a side of me that I hold very dear to me.

Why are you writing kaleidoscope?

As my thread already discussed, I have been holding something in for about a decade now. I have decided to release this burden, but in a way that way benefit others. Though my life is blessed with many good things, I have had very painful and sad experiences in my life. It is one of my goals to show others that they are not alone in the pain that they feel, and to hopefully cause a change in the reader (for the better of everyone). The story is a journey.

Why do you use metaphor so much?

Everyone loves a good metaphor :)

Why do you act mysterious/aloof/distant?

I have problems trusting people, even though I like people greatly. Despite the hope I have for people, I can be very negative in my views about them. The 'gulf' that people have talked about in another thread on this forum is quite an obstacle for me. I have problems letting people in, and though I want people to know who I am, I feel it necessary to keep some distance and to have a wall around me that very few will ever cross. Experience has taught me to be a distant person, but I still love talking with people and sharing ideas. I feel I can connect to them in an intellectual way, and so I try to.


is a ze
Local time
Today 12:32 PM
Jul 9, 2008
Glad you posted here, CK. With this and your posts (nice ones, btw), I get a better idea of who you are.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Sep 8, 2007
I second that comment.

And welcome to the other recent joinees too.


Bandwidth Angel
Local time
Today 7:32 PM
Dec 14, 2008
in any case, it's refreshing to discover the existence of a fellow 14-year-old intp

I can join the 14 year old INTP club for a few days =P

And Hello to Crimson and all the lurking newbies!


Local time
Tomorrow 5:32 AM
May 17, 2009
What is your name?
Just call me Kat - I don't like my full name...

Where are you from?

Sydney, Australia

How old are you?

18 (everyone I speak to online thinks I'm about 30, they say I think like a 30 year old. Is that a compliment, or not...?)

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

My mum found a personality test online a couple years ago and thought it would be fun for us all to complete it. I did it, and finally found out that I'm not 100% weird, although everyone thought I was. Since then I've been digging up all the information I can find on INTP. Its fascinating!

How did you find out about this forum?
A link off another page.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Do you have any kids?
I'm physically a kid myself, no thank you very much!

Do you have any pets?
Used to have lots, none at the moment. Planning on getting a snake sometime soon though.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Anything to do with computers, particularly a RPG that I'm a moderator in, coding (PHP, ActionScript, HTML, bit of Java). Reading, photography, wandering randomly through Sydney finding interesting stuff to do, picking on teachers' spelling in school (yep, I KNOW I'm crazy with that one).

How do you generate an income?

Delivery driver for a big pizza chain over here, good fun.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Being treated like some kind of freak by my family and people at school. I try to explain but they just laugh it off and say there's no explanation for being weird. *shrugs* that's life. I think I'd rather be smart and weird than stupid and "normal". What's normal, anyway...


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, Kat. MAy you find interesting and enlightening conversations. ;)

(Depending on the person, i think being told that one speaks like a 30 year old when being 18 is a compliment, at least in my eyes...I guess it means "You're much more mature than your average 'teenager'")



Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 19, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Jacksonville, Florida USA

How old are you?

I am 19.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

By random chance.

How did you find out about this forum?

Google is my best friend..

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

hell no. I strongly believe in population control. we have enough morons in this city, let alone world >_<

Do you have any pets?

6 cats. Molly, Lucy, Ethel, Sally (she lives in my closet), Jack, and Jill
3 dogs. Oliver, Marley, Gabby
+2000 worms Adam, Micahel, Johnny, Tiffany, Brittany, Jakob, Joshua, Obediah, Lestat, Eric, Charles, Sherry, Ena, Adriana, Chrysta, Moe, Leslie, Jordan, Monica, Amanda, Amber, LaTonya, Data, Luke, Archie, Picard, Andrew, Madison, Emily.. ok this is too much work


Local time
Today 2:32 PM
May 20, 2009
Up or down, Left or right, Forward or back of you
What is your name?

It would be best to use my nickname, even if my name is not fred.

Where are you from?

Either north, south, east or west of you, maybe a combination of two of them; unfortunately, there is no way I could be anymore descriptive. I like to say that its two mile due east of bum f**k middle of nowhere.

How old are you?

Yo tengo diezinueve anos. (English is boring)

What's your gender?

It is my understanding that I have a Y chromosome, and while I have not had any surgery confirming it, I do assume I have all the anatomical parts associated with it.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?


How did you find out about this forum?

Bottom of a type description. Why I joined would be a better question, IMO. And that I don't know.

Do you have a partner/lover?

None of your business

Do you have any kids?

No. Others mention not having them for population control/too many idiots, but intelligence is highly genetic. Maybe this forum should pair off and mate, but what would I know, I'm asexual.

Do you have any pets?

A dog, which I refer to as Jak.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Hiking, Camping, Biking, Reading, Juggling, Unicycle riding, Climbing, Puzzles, the Interwebs and other random things to occupy my time. I really need to keep a list somewhere.


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 19, 2009
my spanish is pretty pathetic, but my friend assures me you do not have 109 anuses. welcome to the forum!

my brother (INTJ) and I share the idea of population control. trust me.. live where we do.. idiots... this city left me deprived of all hope for humanity.


Local time
Today 1:32 PM
May 21, 2009
What is your name?

My name is Kris.

Where are you from?

I am from Kansas City, Missouri in the United States.

How old are you?

I am 18.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I was introduced to MBTI through a chat buddy in Washington named Nobody in 2008. When I found out I was an ESFJ, I read some stuff and was amazed at how accurately it described me.

How did you find out about this forum?

I followed a link I was sent through chat

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

I have about ten-million half kids

Do you have any pets?

Two teacup chihuahuas, Elmo and Puki, and a pomeranian, Shorty.

A little more about me:

I am really into helping and learning about other types of people, which could be a reason I find this forum so intriguing. I tend to be spontaneous with my thoughts and actions. I enjoy writing letters to people I haven't talked to in a while. I also like to write about games and sometimes, but only if I'm lucky, I get to actually play them. For the record, I'm also a :phear: And that's not a "phear," it's a ninja!


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 24, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

How old are you?

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Testing through school

How did you find out about this forum?

stumble upon

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

Two cats


Local time
Today 11:32 AM
May 23, 2009
What is your name?

Last half of user name

Where are you from?

Currently reside in Washington state. Lived nearly 91% of my life in California.

How old are you?

Have lived in Washington nearly four years. Have lived only in California and Washington.

What's your gender?

Not surprising, given my name.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Actually, the jury's not entirely resolved on this point. I have tended to test as INTP ever since an interested acquaintance identified me thus. I have, however, also, tested as ISTJ, ISFJ, INFP, INTJ, ISTP, and, I think, INFJ.

Having recently learned of the eight "functions" and how they correspond with type, I suspect I resonate best with Ti, Si, Ne, Fe, in some order. I'm fairly sure that Ti is stronger than Ne and that I'm an introvert. Assuming accuracy so far, the possibilities appear to be ISFJ and INTP. For various reasons, I'm inclined to suspect the latter to be the more likely.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was directed to intjforum.com and supposed there was probably also an intpforum.com.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?


Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Playing the piano, playing with numbers, memorization projects, words and languages; also entertained by movies and reading (fiction, mostly)

...and speaking of 109 (from post #543), it's a numerical curiosity that the decimal expansion of the reciprocal of 109, which has a 108-digit period, read from right to left, is essentially the Fibonacci series. (.009174311926605504587155963302752293577981651376146788-


Paladin of Patience
Local time
Today 8:32 PM
Jun 23, 2008
Hi and welcome to the forum, retorick and Jennboo28. May you find interesting and enlightening discussions.



one of the sheeple
Local time
Tomorrow 5:32 AM
May 26, 2009
What is your name?

Where are you from?
near Melbourne but sufficiently far away to not be from Melbourne

How old are you?

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I did a ton of tests on the net, read about the different types and decided

How did you find out about this forum?

Do you have a partner/lover?
I have a boyfriend

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
I have a cat


echoes through time
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Sep 8, 2007
why sheepie?


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 18, 2009
I've only been here a few days so I suppose I better contribute. (162 posts already :eek:)

What is your name?


Where are you from?

I live in Manchester, England.

How old are you?

My age is the same number as the atomic number of Titanium.

What is a gendér?

A gendér is a type of Javanese metallophone. It consists of 10 to 14 tuned metal bars suspended over a tuned resonator of usually bamboo or metal.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I was linked to a personality test by a friend. I then began to search for other tests and all revealed the same answer (INTP).

How did you find out about this forum?

I found it randomly on google.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Nope. Maybe someday when I get around to it.

Do you have any kids?

No kids.

Do you have any pets?

I have a dog

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

I'd probably say that playing my guitar tops the list. I love reading but I never seem to find the time to read books. I procrastinate too much and often end up thinking the day away. I also enjoy juggling as it relaxes me for some odd reason.

I love learning new facts and skills too.


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 10, 2009
I've been reading threads for a couple of weeks now & have found many of them fascinating, so I think it's time & only polite now to introduce myself ...

What is your name?

'fraid I don't know you all well enough yet.

Where are you from?

United Kingdom, Great Britain & England.

How old are you?

Old enough to know better but not caring anyway or 41.

What is your gender?

I is a lady (allegedly).

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Through work many years ago & more recently through online tests to see if it'll help me find a career/purpose/aim ...

How did you find out about this forum?

Link through one of the online test sites.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not any more.

Do you have any kids?

Fortunately not.

Do you have any pets?

A cat.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Generally procrastination takes up the majority of my time. Quite like gardening too because it allows me to do both at once. Oh & watching tennis.


echoes through time
Local time
Today 7:32 AM
Sep 8, 2007
You are so clever to never have had any children!!!

On that count of wisdom alone I shall respect your greater... umm... greatness.


Local time
Today 7:32 PM
May 10, 2009
Thank you for your respect.

I pat myself on the back for that one regularly. Mind you, it doesn't stop friends & family trying to foist their offspring on me frequently.
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