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About you?

Infinite Regress

Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 3:30 AM
Oct 14, 2009
What is your name?

Call me M

Where are you from?

I'm from Syd, Australia.

How old are you?

I'm 24, but feel older :eek: Feels like I lost a few years procrastinating

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I was doing personality tests to try figure out what career path I should take. Then I found out as an INTP, this seems to be a lifelong seacrh :(

How did you find out about this forum?

I was clicking on all the links the personality pages came up with and got directed here.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Relationship partner - no. Friends with benefits - yes

Do you have any kids?

Not yet

Do you have any pets?

No pets, though I would like one in future

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

I train in martial arts and play sports alot, while lately I have had an increasing interest in the markets. I'll also draw and read when I have the time. Then there's photography, working on my car, configuring linux:confused:, gaming [FIFA and SFIV only]... the shit never ends

How do you generate an income?

Was formerly a pencil pusher at a corporate, got fed up with the mundane lifestyle. Switched to trading derivatives [vanilla and exotic] to earn a crust. It is currently interesting, but enthusiasm is beginning to wane as I grasp most of the intracacies. The upside is it pays well with room for autonomy and reasonable hours.
Figured out a while back that to pursue my interests either 1) get a decent high paying job with okay hours - so that hobbies can be pursued or 2) go for the things I have a passion for [which usually has minimal demand and pay lol] but be financially uncomfortable.

Last edited:


Local time
Today 10:30 AM
Oct 14, 2009
What is your name?

Cameron be my name.

Where are you from?

From the promised land of Salt Lake City, Utah. lol

How old are you?

19, most of the time.

What's your gender?

Male. What can I say? I got a pyramid instead of a valley

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Well, I got an email about studying tips and they said take the personality test to find what my best studying type would be, so I did. I test INTJ 90% of the time but I am no INTJ, and I relate much better to the INTP, so I say I am INTP. Also after spending some time on the INTJ forum, most people agree there, that I am an INTP. lol

How did you find out about this forum?

After discovering that I fit the INTP mold much better, I did the only rational and logical thing I could do.... I consulted the wise and all powerful google, in hopes of finding my true identity.

Do you have a partner/lover?

No. :( So sad, I know.

Do you have any kids?

No. :D:D:D:D I would cry if I had kids at this young of an age.

Do you have any pets?

None that are mine, but yes I do live with a very special cat. He cannot jump, meow, never lands on his feet and plays fetch. Very confused cat.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Writing, art, reading, thinking, working out, and trying to fix my above problem about the whole partner thing. Not much luck finding that right girl yet, though.:slashnew: Otherwise I love to read and I find it very relaxing. Writing is my greatest pashion though and I am writing my first novel, that is now 140,000 words, yet not even close to being done. lol. So I just keep writing and eventually I believe a good point will come when I can just stop and say ok now I am writing the second one. Also I really enjoy being outside while doing the above mentioned things. Much more room to breath.


Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Oct 16, 2009
Atl, GA
What is your name?

Andy, but you can also call me by that forum name over there.

Where are you from?

Born in South Korea, but presently residing in Atlanta, GA.

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

A friend of mine (who is apparently an ENFP) recently became obsessed with MBTI. Subjected to several of her tests out of her curiosity, I was typed with INTP.

How did you find out about this forum?

Eventually the same friend mentioned above linked me to these very forums in reference to the "You Know You're an INTP When..." thread. And after browsing said thread a lightbulb appeared above me (well not really, but I wish it had) and I thought, these forums could be very useful to me.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

Hell no.

Do you have any pets?

My poor kitteh died recently.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

My extremely evil PC, where I entertain my physical self, while my mental self goes off on its INTP tangents.


Jubjub was pushed!
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Oct 26, 2009
Jacksonville, FL, USA
What is your name?

My name is Bryan

Where are you from?

I am from Jacksonville, FL, USA

How old are you?

I am 51.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took a test on the Internet.

How did you find out about this forum?

Tink sent me the link

Do you have a partner/lover?

Married. To an ISTP.

Do you have any kids?

I have two sets of twins, the eldest set both sons, an ISTJ and an ISTP, aged 24. The other set of twins are boy/girl, the boy being INTP, and the girl being an ENFP, aged 19.

Do you have any pets?

We have 8 cats, Kali, Greybeard, Grizelle, Kitto, Kitty, Lilly, Squeaks and Kisses.

If you can think of any other questions you might like to ask new members, or myself, please add them.

I'm on the cheshire.net mail list (intp.org) and the other mailing list (intp-list.org) as well as the INTP Yahoo! list. And I created the public INTP wave on Google wave (search for the public INTP).

And I started out on jubjub.wizard.com.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Oct 16, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?

California, living in minnesota

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I was bored, and I took some random personality test.

How did you find out about this forum?

I spent several hours looking up stuff on INTP, and this popped up. I was curious.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Ha, no. I don't even have a friend currently

Do you have any kids?

NEVER. I've babysat too much.....

Do you have any pets?

I leopard gecko, and a kitty(whoes actually sitting in my lap at this very moment.)
Which hobbies absorb you the most?

I read ALOT. Currently reading the hunchback of Notre Dame. I really like drawing, music, and writing aswell...Uhh, that's pretty much it, I'm not really into the whole exercise/moving thing. I might join cross country skiing though...

How do you generate an income?

Ha, that's a joke. Yeah, I mostly bumm off my parents, but I am currently painting someone's kid's room for money. And I babysit.


Local time
Today 7:30 PM
Oct 30, 2009
Oh my i love answering questions.

What is your name?
It's Loredana. Please go for Belph.

Where are you from?
Romania, Bucharest.

How old are you?
A month away from 16.

What's your gender?
Female. I guess

How did you find out that you were INTP?
Uhm, doing random tests on the internet. And after seeing the accuracy of it i became obsessed with it.

How did you find out about this forum?
I searched for 'INTP forum' and ta dah!
btw guys i was around for years but I post for only a few days. I feel like a stalker.

Do you have a partner/lover?
Yeah but i don't love him does it count?

Do you have any kids?
Not as far as I know.

Do you have any pets?
Yeah, 2 kitties. Cleo and Retard.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
The internet! Is that even a hobby, oh well, started playing guitar recently, MBTI, quantum physics, stuff, blah.

How do you generate an income?
Blackmailing....ok i don't :(

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Lazy Robot. Only, we have to eat or we get really dizzy and faint.


INTP...not sick, but not well.
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Nov 1, 2009
What is your name?
Brave Sir Robin...no...Elvis...no wait...it'll come to me...

Where are you from?
Originally, a uterus residing somewhere on the East coast of the States.

How old are you?

What's your gender?
I am all that is man

How did you find out that you were INTP?
Internet tests

How did you find out about this forum?
Random internetting will get you to the strangest places

Do you have a partner/lover?
This sexy hunk of man meat could not possibly be single... /ego

Do you have any kids?
Un nina. She's brand new. I made a person!

Do you have any pets?
Three cats: Jackie Chan, Brice Lee, and the newest addition, Christopher Duncan Turk (he's black).

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
I play anything with strings involved (piano, guitar, violin, etc.), I have two black belts (Kung Fu and Tae Kwan Do), and I read a boatload for my PhD studies.

How do you generate an income?
I start teaching in May...til then, a crap part time warehouse job

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Being so high needs. I need to challenge myself, physically and mentally, so frequently it causes some crazy issues.


Ghost of עמק רפאים.
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Mar 26, 2008
In the center of the world. (As opposed to the ear
I like. Of course, I'm more into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu myself, but I have some respect for Kung Fu--if you just had Tae Kwan Do, it wouldn't mean much, but the Kung Fu belt lends it some legitimacy.



INTP...not sick, but not well.
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Nov 1, 2009
Well, the Tae Kwan Do is actually a joint TKD/Hapkido belt. I just abbreviated for brevity's sake. I guess, technically, I've got three black belts.


Local time
Tomorrow 3:30 AM
Nov 8, 2009
Down under
What is your name?


Where are you from?


How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I don't recall the preamble, but I took an online test and was absolutely amazed to read the description of INTP and finally understand there's some sort of basis for why I am the way I am.

It was this piece that struck me like a thunderbolt:

"[FONT=Tahoma,Helvetica]... it is common to see INTPs dabbling at many things, achieving competency, just enough to prove to themselves that they could become more proficient if they wished, but rarely actually bothering to refine their skills further..."[/FONT]

How did you find out about this forum?

Google. Registered today after spending four or five hours reading a couple of threads.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Married 20 years (she doesn't understand me and thinks MBTI is wanking).

Do you have any kids?

One daughter, 19.

Do you have any pets?

Jessie, our apricot spoodle, is rising 9 years and will be blind by the time she's 10.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Computers, the (wonderful) internet, reading, music, driving my gorgeous little Mazda MX-5 Miata.

How do you generate an income?

Currently, I help medical people to come to grips with the software they're using. I'm playing with the notion of establishing a consultancy in virtual communication as a sideline (MA Virtual Communication in 2006).


Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Aug 24, 2009
New England
First post:
What is your name?

WoodsWoman a.k.a. Gin

Where are you from?

How old are you?

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
Took the official test 4 years ago at a local community college.

How did you find out about this forum?
Referenced on other forums.

Do you have a partner/lover?
Not at the moment. Widow.

Do you have any kids?
No.Do you have any pets?
No. Had cats and dogs around when growing up, cats periodically since.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Daydreaming. Reading. Internet.

Nicholas A. A. E.

formerly of the Basque-lands
Local time
Today 9:30 AM
Oct 31, 2009
Shoreline, Washington
What is your name?
Nicholas Escalona. You can call me Nick, if you like.

Where are you from?
around Seattle, Washington.

How old are you?

What's your g̵ sex?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
Researched online, took some tests and read some descriptions.

How did you find out about this forum?
It was linked from one of the INTP descriptions.

Do you have a partner/lover?
Nope. Never have.

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
Not now. I had gerbils for a few years, fish for a few months.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

The webotubes. Observing and listening to other people. Configuring and fixing complicated systems. Sleep. Learning.


Put me in Coach
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Nov 11, 2009
What is your name?

Where are you from?


How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Studying Psychology in general

How did you find out about this forum?

I forget; I've been lurking for some time.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

I can barely keep care of myself

Do you have any pets?

My Family has a pet bird.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Philosophy, Religion, Psychology, History. It used to be math - geometry.

How do you generate an income?

I work at a thrift shop.

Hardest thing about being INTP?

Liking certain people in general. Getting "nothing" done.


Kind of like Batman... but completely different
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Nov 10, 2009
What is your Name?


Where do you live?

New York

How old are you?

I'm a real young'un: 15

What's your gender?


My Type?

I was originally typed as a INFP, but I later found myself as a INTP, which made a lot more sense.

How I found this forum?

Mypersonality.info had a link... I followed it...

Do you have a partner/lover?

no... Bad at talking to people I don't really know, so I can never ask anyone out...

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?


Which hobbies absorb you the most?

Writing, math, some other ones...

How do you generate an income?
I don't really... I take some odd jobs on occasion...


Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Nov 12, 2009
What is your name?

They call me Cara

Where are you from?

I reside in the beautiful /sarcasm/ Houston Texas

How old are you?

Sixteen years of age.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

The school was having my class take the test back in freshman year. I was surprised at how accurate it was.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was reading a website about INTP profiles and it linked me here.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

I'm sixteen, so I would hope not.

Do you have any pets?

I have a bunch of fish, since both parents are allergic to most animals with fur.


Nom Nom Nommin' on Heaven's door
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Nov 14, 2009
Ogden Ut
Format Stolen taken from Belph

What is your name?
David, But I go by many names

Where are you from?
I think of Wyoming as home, but I live in Wisconsin

How old are you?

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP?
I think it started with a facebook app, (which was horribly inaccurate,) but spawned enough interest in me to run around and take every MBTI test on the net. Most classed me as INTP (with one or two calling me ISTP), and after reviewing the symptoms and comparing them with my life. I agreed.

How did you find out about this forum?
Google, how else?

Do you have a partner/lover?
I have a crush on an ENFJ, but she ignores me for the most part.

Do you have any kids?
Highly Improbable.

Do you have any pets?
6 younger siblings, that counts right?

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
Internet, Videogames (especially tactics and strategy. X-com FTW), and Airsoft. Some interest in camping, hiking and photography, social studies are a bit of a hobby for me as well.

How do you generate an income?
During the summer I work at a summer camp.

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Being mentally older than 90% of my associates. I really wish I could find a date with at least a rudimentary knowledge of Austrian Economics.


crazy raven
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Nov 14, 2009
What is your name?

I prefer Kaze (please and thank you).

Where are you from?

US (B'ham, AL)

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took a myers-briggs esque test, read Please Understand Me II, studied myself, decided I was INFJ, and then figured out I had a really poor perception of myself. But I'm still not certain what type I am, though I'm guessing INTP, especially considering that most people who know me call me laid-back, logical, weird, non-party person, and old for my age (not sure if the last one is INTPish though).

How did you find out about this forum?

I typed in "intp forums" and skipped over intpcentral.

Do you have a partner/lover or kids or pets?


Which hobbies absorb...

Well I most like reading, discovering lofty ideas, working out with a friend of mine, camping, and, at least for the time being, writing programs, but I would have to say that video games absorb me the most. That, by the way, is NOT a good thing, and I usually operate on the "all or none" principle to keep it from overtaking my life. Ack. I recently set it back to none, which is what brings me here.

How do you generate an outcome?

I'm currently draining thousands of dollars a year on college education. Next!

Anything else?

Yeah! Favorite Quote:
"...we shall see that there is great reason to hope that death is a good; for one of two things—either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another. Now if you suppose that there is no consciousness, but a sleep like the sleep of him who is undisturbed even by dreams... I say that to die is a gain; for eternity is then only a single night." --Socrates in Apology


Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Nov 18, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?


How old are you?

20 years old.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I learned about personality theories in my into to Psych class, and started researching it online, came across these types, took a million tests and found out I am INTP. Then I joined some forums.

How did you find out about this forum?


Do you have a partner/lover?

yes i have a boyfriend

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?



still swimming
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Nov 14, 2009
What is your name?
Where are you from?
Cork, Ireland.
How old are you?
Seventeen next week.
What's your gender?
How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I obsessed over personality tests for a long time, fooling myself into thinking I was an INFP. Eventually, I decided I was INTP after realising that I'm a lot more T than I thought.
How did you find out about this forum?
An INTP profile page had the link at the bottom.
Do you have a partner/lover?
Do you have any kids?
Being sixteen, I'd sure hope not!
Do you have any pets?
Yes, I love animals and we're lucky enough to have the space for them because we live in the countryside. Two cats and two dogs.


Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Nov 20, 2009
What is your name?
You can call me either Lucy or Aurora.

Where are you from?
Somewhere in Mexico

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
Internet tests.

How did you find out about this forum?
Google sent me here.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
Used to have two turtles, but they died mysteriously while taking their daily swim.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

I don't know... reading?

Hardest thing about being INTP?
Difficulty establishing normal social relationships.

Rani Hex

noncomplying authoritarian
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Nov 23, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?
The Prairies of Canada

How old are you?
Just recently, 31!!

What's your gender?
How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
I took the MBTI tests every so often since being introduced in junior high. They used to give them to us to help us figure out what we wanted to be. Over the years, though I have changed a lot, I am always INFJ. Except if I am at work I am more TP-ish.

How did you find out about this forum?
I had an online/long distance relationship with an amazingly enthralling INTP. He was a member here and introduced me.

Do you have a partner/lover?
Of course I do :)

Do you have any kids?
Tengo un hijo, el tienes ocho anos.

Do you have any pets?
I have a little dog whose name is Bane, I got him second hand when he was 8 months old and I guess they named him right. He is high strung and emotionally damaged. Poor pooch.
I also have a Crow who is partially blind with a 5 word vocabulary and amazingly sweet temperment.


Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Sep 12, 2009
Glasgow, Scotland
I live in the UK.
I am eighteen years old.
I am male.
I diagnosed myself INTP after reading the profile on several websites.
I found this website by googling "INTP forum".
I have no partner.
I have no children.
I have one cat.

I have no real "hobbies", instead just wasting time with things that can be done from the (relative) comfort of the computer chair: MSN, TV shows/movies, video games, novels, fora, random internet browsing.

I enjoy "speculative fiction"(in all forms of fictional media, books, movies and video games), but dislike non-fiction books: they often take hundreds of pages to provide the brief overview the internet can manage in a few paragraphs.

I have passing interests in the fields of theoretical physics, philosophy, psychology and sociology. I will occasionally hear about a concept in one of those categories and spend a few days learning about it and related concepts (and they often overlap), but have no desire to devote much energy to a single field and so have no academic ambition. Of course, other things interest me too, but those are the things I can most often be found learning about.

In terms of politics/law/morality, I can come across as extremely detached and objective, and in some cases I really do have no feelings on a subject, so my almost sociopathic emotionless logic can offend some people - but offence is a concept I don't have the capacity for and so have no interest in learning how to avoid causing it: people who have an emotionally negative response to logic have a problem they should fix, not the other way around.

When I do have strong feelings on a particular matter of politics/law/morality, I consider them irrelevant and will consider only what is logical in a discussion.

This post is rather extensive for a mere introduction, but at the same time as introducing myself I have been quantifying attributes about myself I already knew, but hadn't put into words or seen on one page and so this has been far more interesting to write than it likely was for you to read the portion you did before skipping to this paragraph and so I can't blame you for that.
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Dec 7, 2009
What is your name?

My name is Stephen.

Where are you from?

I am from Preston, Lancashire in England.

How old are you?

I am 23.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Taking numerous online MBTI tests and reading profiles of the type.

How did you find out about this forum?

Searching on Google for an INTP forum.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not at the moment.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

No, although I used to have a budgie and some goldfish.


Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Dec 14, 2009
What is your name?

My name is Julia.

Where are you from?

I am from Florida.

How old are you?

I am 20.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

My mother randomly brought home type indicator tests and typed my siblings and me. I took quite a few tests and did some research thereafter.

How did you find out about this forum?

To be perfectly honest... my short term memory doesn't really care to dredge it up... I think I was linked it by someone, or through some type descriptive page... or maybe google. *facepalm*

Do you have a partner/lover?

I do. Lawl at partner/lover. I mean, I get it, but I can just imagine a Sherlock claiming the partner rather exuberantly and pretty much proving his type but filling his fail quota.

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

No. Though, my dad has a dog.


Local time
Today 9:30 AM
Nov 23, 2009
What is your name?
Take a guess.

Where are you from?

How old are you?

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP?
I found out that I'm INTJ by mistyping myself as an INTP, basically I guess because the INTP description satisfied how thinking-based I wanted it to be. When I got learning about the functions though, and interacting with INTP's/INTJ's, I found my correct place.

How did you find out about this forum?

Do you have a partner/lover?
I don't really do "relationships".

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?
1 dog, 2 tarantulas, I love them all

Which hobbies absorb you the most?
These days, MBTI! But usually, I spend a lot of time listening to / discovering / playing music, reading, researching interesting things, I like going running when it's nice outside.

How do you generate an income?
Well if you can call it that, I work part time in a coffee shop but most of my money bleeds into school costs. Sometimes I gig or fix people's computers for money.

Hardest thing about being INTx?
The world expecting me to act and think a certain way, so that I always have to compromise my own needs a bit just in order to get by.


Sith Lord
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Dec 15, 2009
Obamagrad, IL
My name is Jason. Stats: 30 years old, male, 6'1, 190lb, Chicago burbs, no kids, no pets, no girlfriend, Lawful Evil, enneagram 3. I found the forum through one of your INTP comrades on other MBTI forums.

How do you generate an income?

My life currently has government sponsorship! Though I plan on officially breaking into a a career in software design in 2010, so it is time well spent. I have a Bachelor's degree in physics.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

I'm obsessed with philosophy; I'm the leader of a philosophy meetup group containing some very bright people in the Chicago area. I'm a great trombone player and went to music school for a few years in galaxy far far away for orchestral performance. I also regularly play strategy boardgames, e.g. Shogun, Axis and Allies, Risk, Conquest of the Empire, et cetera.


Sotto Voce
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Dec 16, 2009
Midwest US
What is your name?

Most people who know me call me Mo. It's a shortened version of my name, but they prefer it because I am not very lady like.

Where are you from?

Pretty close to the Windy City. Close enough to visit the museums, far enough away to avoid the roaches.

How old are you?

I am 37 as I write this, it will change around the Ides of March

What's your gender?

Physically Female. Emotionally and mentally... not so much.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I've always tested INTP in all the tests I've taken over the years. The first time I found out was in high school from my guidance counsellor. It doesn't waver.

How did you find out about this forum?

From a link on the Personality Fit site.

Do you have a partner/lover?

What day of the week is it?
Yes, I do. Ask me again tomorrow.

Do you have any kids?

Two, both boys. Stopped when my genetic luck ran out. Hooray for breeding.

Do you have any pets?

I have two cats; Flapjack and Waffles. And a dog that pretends he's not part of the family named Magnus.


Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Dec 19, 2009
In a constant state of befuddlement
What is your name?

My name is Michael.

Where are you from?

Southeast Michigan, US of A

How old are you?

I am 31 (can that be right?!?!)

What's your gender?

Genitalia: external

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Numerous different online tests. Upon further review it's frightening how accurate the personality profiles for INTP describe me.

How did you find out about this forum?

Stumbled upon it in a period of introspection after a break up (these emotion things, they frighten & confuse me :-) ). Been a' googling INTP, realized that I'm not the only one suffering from the 'poor emotional/social skills' and hoping to find some support/guidance as I work on those skills a bit (as well as comeing to terms with myself as I am).

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently, I'm a 'sexual cammel' with long dessert travels in my life (as I suspect many here also can attest to?)

Do you have any kids?

None that I know of (rim shot).

Do you have any pets?


Starfruit M.E.

Goes by M.E., NOT Star.
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Dec 19, 2009
What is your name?


Where are you from?
Earth, The Milky Way

How old are you?

Old enough

What's your gender?

The purse on my desk should be a good indicator.

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

My mother found the test years ago, but I didn't figure out what type I was right away. I did manage to print off all of the profiles and spend hours reading them, however. Then I put them on the floor and more recently found them under the bed. Since then, I went onto a personality application on Facebook and got an an answer that somewhat fit me. So I researched some more on-line, having thrown out the papers I'd printed right before I needed them again. Then I discovered I was and INxP. My childhood does not make it clear which I started as, but I am certain that I am now an INTP with a highly developed F.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was looking for more information about INTP versus INFP because the test on the Facebook application gave me an INFP despite other tests having given me an INTP.

Do you have a partner/lover?
I broke it off with the manquine, if that's what you're asking.

Do you have any kids?

No, but I'm practically a second mother to my little brother.

Do you have any pets?
I used to have a fish, but where I'm living they don't allow pets.


Vidi Vici Veni
Local time
Today 6:30 PM
Dec 23, 2009
the Hague
What is your name?


Where are you from?
A small city far far away from here.

How old are you?

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I did the test in school. When I told my teacher he replied that I should be very happy that I`m an INTP. Most of the time I agree.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was looking for a place where people would actually understand my emotional immaturity.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

No, but I feel like I can do a lot better job than some of the parents I see around me.

Do you have any pets?

I have a cat all the way back home.


Local time
Today 9:30 AM
Dec 28, 2009
San Diego, CA
What is your name?

Guess. Hint Its not Timmy. Well kind of. My name Is Tyler...my middle name...its what I go by.

Where are you from?

Origin: Kentucky
Current Location: San Diego

How old are you?

I am 26

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I don't remember. I think it was some random personality test a friend who does 1 million quizzes sent me. I read the description of an INTP (the long one on intp.org) and it BLEW MY FRIGGIN MIND. Its me to a T, Timmy T. INTP. Seriously!!! ...Ok enough of that.
How did you find out about this forum?

I actually sort of let go of the INTP thing for a while forgetting about it. Been a few years. And some how on a random choose your own adventure esque moment on wikipedia I stumbled upon the description of the Schizoid personality which left me freaked and reeling. I had a random insight that it might be connected to INTP ness and I seem to have been pretty close. (How INTP of me to randomly associate the 1% morbidity of Schizoidnness and INTPness... +1 self-awareness).

And upon lurking the forum a bit I realized I wasn't done with MBTI stuff. I really want to read Please Under Stand me II. And whatever else. I'm a newb so everyone feel free to point me in a direction, or 3 ...i'll tackle it all.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Nope. Its wierd because its one of those... I don't have time reasons. I'm making sort of an attempt at career change right now so I can't afford the sheer amount of time that a relationship can consume.

I plan on trying to find someone in a few years though.

Do you have any kids?

No kids and its a subject I'm torn on. Part of me wants to impart my collected wisdom so its not wasted but part of me just doesn't want kids. So maybe i'll leave it up to fate.

Do you have any pets?

None but I really want a cat some time. Do room mates count? They are basically animals.




Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Dec 28, 2009
What is your name?

Abdul Aziz

Where are you from?

Origin : Pakistan but i've been to alots of other countries , so i can easily get into knowing anyone

How old are you?

I am 22

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I am an ISFP , and by giving a MBTI assesment and going online quizez again and again i am almost ISFP just confused between N,S of me.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was searching for my ISFP forum , but found this one so enjoying here.

Do you have a partner/lover?

Nope.I never had one in my life. No partner/lover yet , purely single

Do you have any kids?

NO i dont have any kids.

Do you have any pets?

No I dont have any pets.I love pets i brought a cat two my house but she ran away lol :D


un-understandable, deeply devoted, irreparably int
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Dec 29, 2009
What is your name?

it's Nic, There's no k in Nicholas

Where are you from?

Ohio in the US

How old are you?

19 +- 4%

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Awesome psychology teacher in high school.

How did you find out about this forum?

random clicking on things that interested me.

Do you have a partner/lover?

no, Fe is at an all time low right now

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

still live with my family. 2 dogs and a cat, the cat's the only one that's mine though.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Sep 20, 2009
What is your name?

My pseudonym is Mike Tate.

Where are you from?

A mountainous region in the United States.

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Once I became interested, I took the test several times from several sources until I had a few narrowed down(INTP included). I then compared and contrasted the profiles in my definite range(IXTX). INTP was the conclusion and further investigation has only continually proven than. Although I still doubt from time to time for no good reasons.

How did you find out about this forum?

My friend google found it when I had the sudden urge to see if such a place existed.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

A Golden Retriever named Honey Bear. Awesome dog.


Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Jan 2, 2010
What is your name?

My real name is Dwayne. I've yet to come up with a pen name, can you think of one for me?

Where are you from?

London, England.

How old are you?

I am 21.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I don't really remember how I found out about MBTI, initially I was an INFJ but life has changed that to INTP.

How did you find out about this forum?

I was originally on the INFJ forums and figured there would be an INTP forum.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

I hope not.

Do you have any pets?

Last edited:


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Jan 4, 2010
What is your name?

Where are you from?
Chicago originally. Right now I spend most of the year at college in upstate NY.

How old are you?


What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

High school guidance counselor made me take the test.

How did you find out about this forum?

Researching INTPs

Do you have a partner/lover?

Wish I did.

Do you have any kids?

Do you have any pets?

One dog: a German Shepherd/ Australian Shepherd/ Welsh Corgi/ Shiba Inu mix.
I had some fish, but they went crazy and ate each other.


Lost Boy
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Jan 6, 2010
San FranFreako
What is your name?

No comment.

Where are you from?

I've lived just about everywhere, but right now, I'm 'from' San Francisco.

How old are you?

I'm 23.

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took one of those personality tests a while back, and identified with the results.

How did you find out about this forum?

Found out about it from a housemate who's also INTP.

Do you have a partner/lover?

It's complicated?

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

Sadly, no.


Local time
Today 9:30 AM
Nov 13, 2009
Portland, OR
What is your Name?

Darby, I didn't really feel like being very creative when I signed up, and I don't usually worry about people hunting me down

Where do you live?

Portland, OR

How old are you?


What's your gender?


My Type?

INTP through and through, every test i've taken, except one that looked at individual traits(Ne, Ti, Si, etc.), and once mistyped by an acquaintance as INTJ

How I found this forum?

I dont remember, I googled INTP stuff and found it

Do you have a partner/lover?

no, I generally assume no one likes me, and I don't like most people

Do you have any kids?

I would certainly hope not

Do you have any pets?

CATS(3, 2 kittens and an old mean one)

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

reflecting, learning, showing people they're wrong, finding new(new to me and the people around me) ways of doing things

How do you generate an income?

working, Grocery Store, but the best one ever, we got all the healthy stuff


Steel marks flesh
Local time
Today 6:30 PM
Jan 10, 2009
Is your avatar from Deadpool?


Lost Boy
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Jan 6, 2010
San FranFreako
I'm not sure, actually, Anthile. I just found the avatar from some random icon site that had funny quotes.

(By the way, if that's Yoshitaka Amano art in your avatar, you're officially awesome. :D)

Il Nessuno

Professional Fool
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Jan 6, 2010
Saint Louis, MO
What is your name?


Where are you from?

I was born in Santa Clara, CA. I've moved a lot, and currently reside in Saint Louis, MO.

How old are you?

I am 20.

What's your gender?

Male. (Mostly)

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I think I found out about the Myers-Briggs personality types during my random personal research during high school. I took the test and it said I was INFP. After a while I forgot about it but happened to come across mypersonality.info and took the test again and came out INTP. After reading what INTP's are like more closely, it seemed to be a surprising accurate description of me compared to INFP.

How did you find out about this forum?

I think I was watching some INTP vids on youtube and heard mention of a forum. So I decided to check it out.

Do you have a partner/lover?

No. I've never had one. :slashnew:

Do you have any kids?

That I know of? No.

Do you have any pets?

I've got one very loud, obnoxious cockatiel named Grady. Our relationship is tenuous at best. :)


Local time
Today 5:30 PM
Oct 16, 2008
What is your name?


Where are you from?

Chicago area.

How old are you?

18, freshman in college

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I took the test because I read Jung's books (friend gave me them) and decided to try the test. Got INTP...sort of expected it.

How did you find out about this forum?

Search: "INTP forum" ...oooo, look, an INTP forum! Click.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

I had a bird and a cat. But they don't let you have pets in dorms.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

MOST?! Probably reading. The order goes: reading, science, philosophy, art, birdwatching.

How do you generate an income?

I work at the university library. Pretty neat job. But, as to an actual "income"...I don't really generate one.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 5:30 PM
May 22, 2009
From page 10-13 i examined who had a partner or lover.

87/109 said no partner/lover
27/109 said they had a partner/lover

Wow, i need a partner or lover. I have too much time on my hands :(
Well, i thought that data was interesting...
Local time
Today 6:30 PM
Jan 7, 2010
87/109 said no partner/lover
27/109 said they had a partner/lover
Who were these 5 INTPs with awesome skills? I think I can learn a lot from them!:smiley_emoticons_mr


Space Jokes.
Local time
Today 11:30 AM
Jan 12, 2010
What is your name?

Harry J Johnson

Where are you from?

Chicago, IL, USA

How old are you?


What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

Took a test on okcupid, if i remember correctly. verified it on mypersonality.info. Also was told by this girl i know...(she's ESFP)

How did you find out about this forum?

Bored surfing the net.

Do you have a partner/lover?


Do you have any kids?

hahaha...just undeveloped seed, son.

Do you have any pets?

used to have a dog. and a crawfish from school in 3rd grade. (does that even count?) this one spider that was in the corner of my living room back in first grade........
...yeah so just that dog.

Which hobbies absorb you the most?

i can get absorbed by almost anything really stimulating to the mind. i probably read, watch basketball, and listen to music the most.


Local time
Today 10:30 AM
Jan 18, 2010
What is your name?
jr, but I would prefer Schroeder . . . :)

Where are you from?
western USofA

How old are you?
a little younger than the hills, and definitely younger than dirt

What's your gender?

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?
took one of those Myers-Briggs tests a couple of decades or so ago as part of a company provided class, and a few times since ... and I keep scoring as an INTP! :elephant:
How did you find out about this forum?

popped up on one of my google Alerts

Do you have a partner/lover?
yep, been married for over three decades (to the same woman) ... yikes!

Do you have any kids?
four grown ones (to speak of) and a parcel of grandsons

Do you have any pets?
not at present, but 'had' many

What is the most difficult part of being an INTP?
learning to listen to my own drummer, which can be hard sometimes when the folks around me are trying to drown him out :slashnew:


Local time
Tomorrow 3:30 AM
Jan 19, 2010
Australia (Melbourne)
What is your name?
Andrew, but feel free to just call me Bennett (tonnes of people call me this :))

Where are you from?
Melbourne (Southeastern Australia)

How old are you?


How did you find out you were INTP?
Stumbled across the MBTI test ages ago (can't even remember where:confused:), and tested initially as INTJ. However something just didn't "click" about this, and after a few months of research/introspection etc I worked out I actually had a strong P preference (not sure why I tested initially as a J... I guess I underestated how disorganised etc I am in the answers).

Funnily enough I've discovered I'm not even close to an INTJ, and if anything am almost INFP at times.

How did you find out about this forum?
From googling information about INTP

Do you have a partner/lover, or any kids?

Do you have any dogs?
Yes, a little dog who I believe is currently bugging me for food :p

What do you do with your life?
Currently studying Bachelor of Science and University of Melbourne, and living off scholarship income :D (I'm lazy and don't work)


Local time
Tomorrow 12:30 AM
Jan 19, 2010
It Exists
What is your name?

My name is Prince

Where are you from?


How old are you?

Going 20 thhis may...

What's your gender?


How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

I'm a psychology major and my professor gave me a test.

How did you find out about this forum?

I googled it...

Do you have a partner/lover?

Same INTP as me and we enjoy arguing and fighting our ideas...

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

I eat pets:cat:


Local time
Today 12:30 PM
Sep 29, 2009
Somewhere among the ruins...
What is your name?


Where are you from?

US of A

How old are you?


What's your gender?

I am strong, I am incorrigible, I am man

How did you find out that you were INTP, or other type?

MBTI and a couple other tests

How did you find out about this forum?

the fuck if I remember

Do you have a partner/lover?

Not currently =[

Do you have any kids?


Do you have any pets?

Yeah, a dog, a gecko, and a cichlid of some sort
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