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  • Ha! Is Bluesquid still lurking around and sniveling about me in the shadows, or have you just been digging in the archives?
    Oh there are loads!

    To plant a mine, set up a tripwire, clean floors, search for lost coins, pet kittens, catch boomerangs with your teeth, beg me for forgiveness, etc-etc.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with kneeling, provided one is kneeling for the right reasons and purposes.;)
    I tend to say QiQong because it's a more familiar reference-point for most people-- I did do some basic QiQong (my teacher taught it in the morning for an hour a day), but my main practice was BajiQuan and martial meditation.
    Haha! Totally sorry about that. I love lots of info to analyze and can go a bit overboard on it!
    Yeah, C.C. is lovely. It's my 4th avatar of her, and I intend to continue until I get bored of them heh. Actually I think it's time for a change.

    Hmm I don't think I've noticed you before o_O you're one of those lurkers with a face...
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