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You know you're an Intp when...


lust for life
Local time
Today 2:46 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
When you see a flaw in someones reasoning and can't help but blurt it out.
You don't "see" flaws, you interpret them.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
You're the last one to know about the latest drama.


Local time
Today 4:46 PM
Apr 22, 2009
in your backyard
All of the ones that apply to me or that I found interesting/hilarious. I read all of the posts but may have not put down everything since I started several pages in. I did, though, decided to back track but was not sure exactly what page I was on.

1. You uphold the beleif that it is possible to be perfectly social without actually speaking.

2. More often than not, you bow your head while walking, and are an expert at 'crowd dodging'

3. You indulge in, and are quite renowned among friends for, making completely random, yet very accurate observations.

4. You think about the very thing which you are not doing.

5. If wikipedia was a person, you would marry it. If possible, you would download the internet into your mind.(and have probably tried)

6. You frequently entertain the thought that you can make peoples heads explode simply by concentrating pure hatred on them.
Or at least, you wish it were so.

7. You often fantasise about being part of a wordlwide virtual reality, or becoming an all powerful demigod,or something of the like.

8. You have come up with complex plans to overthrow power figures, establish cults, and/or stop stupid people from reproducing; but are to lazy to put them into motion.

9. No-one* finds you funny but yourself, and despite this, you are always trying to make clever jokes that no-one gets.

10. You have spent a whole night of not sleeping, pondering something, and then after asking someone about it the next day, realise that you're the only one which seems to care.

11. You can get a lot done, as long as they're the stuff you're not meant to be doing.

12. You've been told that you think too much.

13. People have called you heartless.

14. You spend a mandatory 22 hour day on the net for fear of losing INTP status.

15. Your Pness is huge!

16. You're absolutely certain that you're destined for hell.

17. You confuse everyone around you with words far too long for casual conversation.

18. You think this list is a great gift to all humanity.

19. You laugh at the Titanic sinking but Wall-E steals your heart.

20. You're not paranoid, it's all perfectly logical.

21. You've played the "but why" game with your parents.

22. You frequently floccinaucinihilipilificate.

23. You actually care about accuracy.

24. You HAVE to walk on those tiles in a predetermined pattern.

25. Honesty is a higher good than the ego.

26. You think the bad guys in any story are more deserving of victory, on account of them having to gone to a great deal of work to achieve their goals.

27. You don't understand half of the funny looks people give you.

28. Sometimes you come up with something that you think is exactly how you wanted to put it, but people just get more confused, despite how simple it seems to you.

29. You have hit someone for trying to give you a hug.

30. After you put a forkful of soup in your mouth, you realize something is odd.

31. You announce that you've lost the game randomly, and don't even notice the funny looks.

32. You understand a difficult concept in class but cannot explain it to someone else in a way they could comprehend.

33. You realise how often you've conceptually raped reality by using it as raw material to feed into your internal models.

34. You wish that somebody was aware of being a victim to your conceptual rape.

35. While showering you lose yourself in something you were thinking about. Once you return to what you were doing you realize you do not remember if you already used shampoo/soap/ect and end up repeating the whole shower cycle just to make sure.

36. You've contemplated suicide, yet you still want to be immortal.

37. someone points out a flaw in your logic, and you shrug it off. then, when you're alone, you wear a hole in your brain vexing over whether they're right.

38. people call you a cynic, and you reply that you're realistic.

39. you stay up at night thinking.

40. your parents tell you to stop day dreaming.

41. you get around people but never talk but in your mind your correcting every mistake they make....

42. when you get up and correct your college teacher in front of the class.

43. walk into a car because you have been day dreaming and not watching what you were doing...

44. You think formalities and backwards traditions are stupid.

45. You recognise the dawn as the time when you go to bed.

46. You are afraid that your sanity is leaking out of a hole in the back of your head.

47. You've wondered if websites that are specifically about the internet are the first signs of the internet becoming self aware.

48. You really want to correct people's spelling and/or grammar but you try and stay silent.

49. When you lecture, you turn a one hour session into five.

50. You have intentions to do everything/anything... eventually.

51. when you refuse to do something in the name of "intellectual principles"

52. when you communicate mostly through various means on a computer

53. when your mental age is 15-20 years older than your physical age until you're 35, and then 10 years mentally younger after that.

54. When you just have to correct every mistake you see or hear.

55. high aspirations and mediocre achievement (by the world's standards) - for the most part.

56. You will walk around outside in the middle of the night, completely carefree.

57. You cringed at nearly all of Mac's listings (but adamantly read them ALL) before realizing that he was listing off INFP characteristics.

58. you ruin your happiness by analyzing it.

59. You can give logical justification for every action you've ever taken.

60. When asked a stupid question you must give a stupid answer.

61. You think an 85% loss in global population is a worthwhile price for some peace & quiet.

62. You've tried to force god into doing something, "give me a sign or I become an atheist".

63. You've declared war on any ideology that doesn’t stand up to intensive scrutiny.

64. To you the terms like "messed up" and "twisted" to be compliments to your creativity.

65. If you happened upon the Tardis you'd steal it with absolutely no doubt in your mind.

66. when you absolutely HATE people looking over your shoulder. especially when they voice an opinion on what you are doing

67. You only ever tell the truth, until such time as a single lie can cause the most chaos.

68. When people start to avoid you because "you suck the happiness out of life" by over-analyzing everything.

69. When you randomly laugh at you own thoughts and tell people "oh, it's nothing."

70. When you tell your parents/employer your room/office is "not trashed! It's got complex order!"

71. When you obsessively use parenthesis or slashes in your sentences (well not necessarily in your sentences; just running off on tangents when speaking/writing, and being in the necessity to find a means of keeping it all clear).

72. When you spend too much time writing and rewriting something, so that it is as clear as possible, just to have people say its excessively long-winded for such a simple concept.

73. When you keep up a bad joke long after everybody has stopped laughing (if they even laughed at all).

74. When you write extensive "to-do" lists, and then lose them.

75. When you are proud of people being outraged at your comments and being called insane, perverted, amoral, and insensitive.

76. When you are constantly saying "I told you so, but no you wouldn't listen to me!" *shakes head in disapproval*.

77. When you talk to inanimate objects more than with people

78. When people finally reveal some dark, super secret knowledge and you go "ah, just as I thought" or "I had assumed so" or "it was evident from the patterns I had previously observed."

79. When you smile at people telling you that "you'll die alone, never get married, and will go to hell."

80. When you quote philosophy and everybody looks at you like you are from outer space.

81. When you wish you were from outer space.

82. When in a single day you have rented from the library more books than the amount of friends you have ever had.

83. When you are quoted as saying "Books are more reliable than people."

84. When you wish people had a *mute* button.

85. When you try to take over the world (from the comfort of your couch)

86. When you spend several hours at INTPforum when you know you should be doing otherwise.

87. When you constantly wonder what it would be like to have been born the opposite sex.

88. When you creep people out because you stare at them while trying to read their thoughts, by being lost analyzing the geometric proportions of their bodies, thinking about the connections and mechanics of bone structure and muscles for potential cybernetic prosthetics, or by attempting to determine their MBTI type...

89. You recognize and correct other people's mistaken names, places, and stories when they're talking about mythology.

90. You cannot stand self-aggrandizement.

91. Every serious conversation you attempt with non-INTPs abruptly ends when they keel over laughing at your use of correct terminology and/or complicated words.

92. You wake up one day with an answer to all the world's problems and all the others care about is that assignment you had set aside...

93. You can not help but re-read what you've just written multiple times, just to make sure that's exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it.

94. You can talk excessively and impressively about just about anything, regardless of whether you understand it at all. Well..online at least...

95. You're a raging megalomaniac, yet you have a humble self perspective.

96. when you often don't feel purpose of going out anywhere or speaking to anyone you know for week or two.

97. When taking a well travelled path it's not uncommon to conclude the end of your journey by wondering just how exactly you got there, having been thinking about other things the entire way.

98. you often turn off your cell phone, so nobody could reach you

99. You use and/or more than you use and and/or or.

100. There are a few words in your vocabulary that you don't know the meaning of, but you have used in conversation, then had to look them up.

101. You've studied what it looks like if you stare at the inside of your own eyelids.

102. You're constantly at war with an inner nemesis that incessantly contradicts you.

103. You can be incredibly astute, but the timing is never convenient.

104. you hate superficial people, yet you pretend better than they do.

105. You annoy friends by interrupting their long-winded dialogues to correct their errors and inaccuracies.

106. In high school, you found pep rallies to be pointless and somewhat fascist.

107. In college, you favorite pastime was poking fun at the absurd initiation rituals that fraternity and sorority recruits were subjected to, yet.

108. You acquired honorary fraternity brother/sorority sister status by befriending Greeks, without actually joining their pretentious organizations.

109. In your career, your viewed as bright and hard-working, but a bit weird, and not enough of a "team player."

110. In relationships, your partners are initially blown away by your thoughfulness and decency, but then later complain incessantly that you "don't spend enough time" with them.

111. You're constantly chastised for "being off in your own little world," yet.

112. People, even mere acquaintances, often seek your advice.

113. You've felt oddly comfortable enough in a multiracial environment to jokingly reply, "What did you call me?" to a black colleague's honest request for a nickel.

114. You realise that you have no way of disproving that reality began 5 minutes ago, and accept it as a tenable and potentially accurate theory.

115. You trust the imagined reality of future possibilities more than the persistent hallucination of the present.

116. You spend a good twenty minutes day dreaming about the possibilities of physics after you attempted to maticulously remove the only staple stuck on your staple remover (because it was bothering you), and it sprung forth kinetically making a sound in a spot somewhere in your cubicle, but is now invisible for all intents and purposes.

117. It was actually longer than 20 minutes.

119. You are ten times clearer writing than you are speaking.

120. You even procrastinate fun activities.

121. You are surprised to find that not everyone has a pile of random junk in their room, which you consider a necessary furnishing of any home.

122. You remember things someone said years ago and use it to prove them wrong about something trivial.

123. Yet, you forget where you put your [insert important object here].

124. You often have to remind yourself that you are a human being, not a disembodied perceptual field.

125. When you can't stand S types.

126. Your logic is immaculate, but your room/office/desk looks like a hurricane went through it -- literally.

127. You know what i^i is.

128. You walk into a bookstore and read entire books.

129. you don't do anything unless it's the most efficient way you can conceive.

130. while you're doing it you figure out there were many ways to do it better.

131. you love to criticize

132. When you can walk around and around thinking, for hours. And you have trouble sitting and concentrating because of all your new ideas, and ramifications and you go off thinking of something totally different.... and then you don't have a clue what you were working on.

133. You walk into a pole.

134. When you chose to risk your neck by questioning, critizing or correcting an INTJ's logic.

135. When you take the MBTI test and it tells you that you're an INTP.

136. When you think that finding out the correct answer is more important than risking your neck by pointing out the flaws in an INTJ's logic.

137 - the number of times I have walked into a pole. (it’s actually 117 apparently)

138. when you take a test three to four times and it still comes out as you are an intp.

139. when you ask your boyfriend to marry you because you are tired of waiting and he laughs in your face and says you cant do that so now he has put you in a gloomy mood and you don't know what to say to him anymore because of it.

140. when you think so much that you put yourself in a depressed stay away from me mood.

141. You wish you had a charger, instead of having to waste time/effort consuming food.

142. Your thoughts in one day, if all written down, would make an entire book.

143. when you can induce Drug-like Highs and get stoned to a henge without substance.

144. when you feel the urge to correctly number a haphazard list of ideas

145. when you think about conversations long after you've had them

146. When you get lost in thought while already lost in thought, realize it, and then attempt to pick up on the last mental tangent, taking minutes at a time just trying to remember what you were thinking about before.

147. You certainly intend to start that important task...just not now.

148. You've spent upwards of 2 minutes looking for something that you've forgotten that you're holding in your hand.

149. When you wander off alone at a party/wedding and explore the house the people are having it at.

150. People tell you to show discretion when all you're doing is telling the whole truth

151. When you have a congenial memory surface in your thoughts. Upon analyzing the memory you realize it was in fact a dream you had years ago, but had apparently miscategorized as real. Then the paranoia sets in.

152. When you say things in conversation that you expect to be common knowledge before realising it was an idea you came up with.

153. You secretly hope to be the only survivor or one of very few survivors of a zombie infestation so you can explore public places - without the public - just like in I Am Legend.

154. when sex is the 1st thing on your mind but your last priority

155. when everyone says you're intelligent, even if you don't think so yourself.

156. When you fully intend to read everything on that interests you, but it ends up on a things to do list. You will eventually get to it, but not for a month or more.

157. uses the phrase "pretty sure" instead "know" or the implied "know" to come across less arrogant.

158. you are "pretty sure" you could do most people's jobs much better than them with little or no training. This doesn't make you feel superior to them as much as it just makes you feel tired, because you don't even want to do the work you have to do let alone do their work the right way also.

159. When it's 5 minutes to 3am and you feel more energized than you have all day.

160. You'd rather have imaginary conversations with people in your head than the ones you know in the external reality and often do so even when you're apparently talking to someone else

161. You become efficient when everyone else is asleep.

162. When you snap out of your thoughts and think you might be missing out on reality by not being very present, it not uncommon that you make a highly philosophical mental structure of what the present moment actually is, upon which you regard this thought as verging on mental insanity, and you then return to whatever you were thinking about.

163. Your favorite part of the day without doubt is the bus ride in the morning. Half an hour of sitting in the empty seats (I think they're supposed to be uncool or something) at the front with your ipod on and indulging in just thinking and the wonder of solitude.

164. when looking for perfection you tried always telling the truth, then you realised that social life doesn't work that way. There are people who seem to have feelings and don't like the truth

165. It doesn't matter how many calendars you wrote it on, you still might miss it. Uuugh, obligations.

166. You have complete confidence and no confidence, all at the same time.

167. When you treat your emotions as some foreign part of you that needs to be studied.

168. You know you're an INTP when you worry about inventing your own definitions for things without realizing.

169. When you value honesty in others, yet cultivate in yourself the ability to deceive.

170. You wish every government official had a council of INTP's they'd consult before any major decision.

171. You have crashed your browser by grossly exceeding the number of wikipedia tabs you should have open at one time.

172. You think a browser without tabs is like a day without logic.

173. You can't wrap your mind around the fact that some people find things like psychology and epistemology boring.

174. Someone comments that you seem antisocial. You respond by explaining the difference between 'asocial' and 'antisocial', followed by a bunch of distantly related thoughts about literature, psychology etc.

175. When you see the same person a while later, you start talking about all the new thoughts you've had since that conversation, only to find that they have no idea what you're on about.

176. And when you find yourself staring at a brick arch, trying to fit the bricks into an arch in your head (or is that just me?)

177. When your loyalties are as solid as a concrete column, and your interests varied and fleeting as the cars that crash into them.

178. you not only read every post, but copy almost all of them down into a word doc to read later (which you probably wont (28 pages!!!)) after wanting to post after the 1st few pages

179. You find it extremely difficult to start and hold a "pleasant" conversation

180. you have accepted the fact that you are insane,(i have lots of other thoughts on that, but i will restrain myself lol)

181. you invariably forget to save important things

182. you see people you know on the street and avoid them like the plague on the premise that they may say something to you

183. your parents say "it looks like a bomb went off in your room" , you reply that it is "organized"

184. you dislike dealing in absolutes and pepper your conversations with, "generally", "usually" and "pretty sure"

185. you rarely laugh at jokes, but crack up at something you just thought of, and then wonder why everyone has just looked at you like you are crazy

186. Your train of thought regularly ends up generating a list of specific Google queries you intend to look up later, but then end up forgetting most of. Questions are a sort of by-product of your normal thought process.

187. You often take a break from thinking deeply about something to find that at some point you've unknowingly picked up an object in your hands and have been playing with it for some time now.

188. You sometimes say a phrase, sentence, or even a brief dialogue out loud just because you want to hear what it sounds like.

189. You have an irresistible urge to flip back to the previous page in a book to double-check the exact phrasing of a sentence.

190. You don't bother charging your cell phone, because if it's actually important someone can find another way to get in touch with you-- right?.

191. You learn new concepts or facts by thinking about them until your internal model has adjusted to the point where this fact is innately obvious. As a result, you refuse to "just memorize" things, and it can sometimes take a long time to build up a complete theoretical foundation to support a new idea.

192. When emotions come into play, there is inevitably an incredibly painful battle with your rational mind. This may possibly manifest itself as an imagined conversation.

193. You frequently observe the present moment from the future, perhaps as a chapter in a book... and then you think about the fact that you're doing that, and laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Then you make something up when someone asks why you just laughed out of the blue.

194. When you pick at people's statements and propose opposing possibilities, not to annoy them (although some seem to think so, claiming that you're trying to start an argument, ironically, as by saying that they are potentially starting one) but to check their reasoning (which often doesn't satisfy your standards), and yet you criticise yourself for being too passive and agreeable in other situations.

195. There is also looking up definitions on google functions because you wake up in the middle of the night with the terrible fear that you have been thinking wrongly about a word all this time because you never looked it up but only relied on the context you have heard it in, which we know is not accurate because they may have dangled a participle in the same sentence. Then it strikes you that the memory could be false and only implanted in your brain because if reality changed every second it would come with its own false memories and you could go your whole life not knowing. At this point you are afraid that you will eventually loose the meaning of this word, so you try desperatly for the next hour to try to defeat this unknown power changing reality by somehow putting the definition of this work in some time of accesable time warp machine. As you plan the machine it dawns on you that you are only creating it in this reality and not the other realities and you struggle with the thought until you are not certain that you ever actually lived before this second in your life at all. And if reality is going to keep changing, is it really worth it to go look up this word? Then suddenly you realize what you have been doing, and realize it's stupid, so you start laughing hysterically at three in the morning, waking up your neighbors or parents, and when they come over to tell you to shut up they ask why you were laughing and all you can say is "Oh nothing" and quickly usher them back out the door.

196. you know you're an INTP when other people care about your social life more than you do

197. you are put on the spot, you either preform brilliantly, or fail miserably

198. you despise using the telephone

199. you know the answer immediately after the question is said but don't say anything, despite a 1-5 minute silence while the rest of the class figures it out (or till someone says anything)

200. You actually have to analyze whether or not you like someone

201. When it's five in the morning and you thought it was only midnight.

202. When you enter the library in the morning to pick up a book and before you know it the librarian is asking you to leave so they can close.

203. When you rarely do what your parents ask you to do for one of two reasons: they never gave you an adequate explanation for why you should do it, or you accepted that it should be done but then forgot.

204. When the experience of having someone actually know what you're trying to say in the midst of a nonsensical rant makes you want to squeal with happiness.

205. When your friends shake their heads despairingly as you explain your latest scheme.

206. When you try to start "living like a normal", but quickly return to your INTPness after failing in it SO badly.

207. When you start laughing your ass off in random situation because of some unrelated thought and explain others around you that you can't tell them cause they wouldn't understand.

208. When you are accused of arrogance after saying gentle to some F that "it isn't about what you feel or like, it's about what is true".

209. It never occurs to you to study people when there's people around to study.

210. You always take on the roll of devil's advocate.

211. You enjoy paradoxes.

212. You remember everything; but not when you need it the most.

213. When you occasionally experience the revelation that you are in fact a person with a name and identity.

214. When your mind randomly decides to speed up and you feel like your moving in slow motion compared to what your thinking.

215. You know you're an INTP when you talk about mindsex.

216. You constantly have to translate what you've said because you have strange phrases for things.

217. You have imaginary people to discuss with in your head.

218. You have argued why homework is useless for you and why it should not be taken as a grade

219. When you don't know what happened in the last 15 minutes of the lecture because the professor said "if time goes to infinity then dx=0 (nothing matters)" and you zoned out thinking about what that can allude to

220. When you ask someone a question - realize while delivering question verbally that it may be perceived as marginally 'stupid' - conceive of what potential snarky, not-entirely-helpful self-aggrandizing answer(s) they may fire back - conjure up an equally (if not even more so) snarky riposte, a locutionary shot to the gut - all before they're done answering - their answer turns out not to be any of these things, faith in the innate goodness of people restored, even if only momentarily, come to ponder the long term consequences of being so 'defensive' all the time, question if this is in fact your fundamental and intractable nature, to always prepare for/assume the worst, or if it's something worth trying to change - try to be more open and 'good' at dinner table, doesn't quite go as you'd planned, wonder if your holding people to an impossible and selfish standard; wonder why you shouldn't do this, visualize your personality and tendencies as 'you' hunched over a small hole in ground out in the middle of a rain sodden field at what is probably mid-afternoon on an overcast day, with your hands firmly grasping iron handles on either side of said cavity - from which things are thrown at your face, things you can't quite - no matter how hard you try - identify or make sense of (Tide detergent boxes, brass eagle statues, dirt, etc.), and this bombardment never stops, you try to let go of the handles but fail...they're [your hands] stuck; you know if only the barrage would cease, if who or whatever is behind this what-you-can-only-assume-will-be lifelong face-pelting would give it a rest (!), and you could see down into cavity, you'd probably have much more thorough and circumspect 'understanding' of things in general but that even if this [presumed] impossibility somehow was made possible, this understanding would be tempered by the knowledge that existentially, life, and everything it entails, is meaningless - you realize this is all just a very gussied-up cliche, hate yourself for relying on a cliche in expressing what you feel may be something important, you listen to music and continue to wonder why you prefer pacifying these aching uncertainties to pursuing them further, more passionately, with twice the gusto.

221. And the funny thing is, while we dislike being illogical, we're perfectly fine with being nonsensical. Unfortunately, most people don't understand the difference.

222. When you are seen as "fascinating"

223. When you are the first person people ask when they don't understand a certain aspect of what they're studying.

224. When you can explain said principles perfectly, but fail to be understandable in a day-to-day conversation.

225. ....when you can induce Drug-like Highs and get stoned to a henge without substance.

226. ...When a person says something that you know to be inaccurate. After listening to them speak, you get an understanding of their logic they are using and what level of understanding they have on the subject. Then you play out the conversation with them in your mind, and decide not to speak up after all when you realize the energy your will have to expend lecturing this person, and deconstructing their current inferior model is not worth the outcome.

227. ... When you actually calibrate how much attention you are going to give a person talking to you based on how interesting they are.

228. When you try to explain something and it all comes out in fragments, all at the same time too! I really wish somebody would figure out telepathy already.

229. You know you're an INTP when you have no fixed opinions on anything. One moment you'll believe and argue a certain point strongly, the next moment you'll switch sides and argue the opposite point. And this comes naturally to you.

230. You Know you're an INTP when you'll waste the better part of two days reading the ramblings of strangers and adding next to nothing yourself.

231. After spending a week in constant company you feel lonelier than if you had spent that week in isolation.

232. You've always dreamed of rewritting the constitution of your country and redoing the whole structure of the government to work at maximum efficiency, but you've never gotten around to it.

233. when living in the wild for the rest of your life seems like a good idea.... until you realize you wouldn't have access to the internet

234. You think you're no good, but think that other people are worse.

235. You think others are great, but think that you are much better

236. When you lose every pen you own.

237. You find yourself incapable of using a dresser.

238. when you cannot think of a life without your computer

239. You've lost faith in humanity more than twice

240. You wish it was the future already.

241. Your imagination is always far more interesting than anything happening in reality.

242. You officially lost all hope for the human race when someone told you that Scientology is based on science.

243. You know hundreds of -isms, psychological disorders, and mythological figures thanks to Wikipedia.

244. You think of your self as an observer; not a participant.

245. You wish the Christians would come up with more intelligent arguments instead of bombarding you sob stories and circular reasoning.

246. Monday through Friday, you go from dorm room to class to dining hall to library to dorm room. Saturdays and Sundays vary only in that you don't have classes.

247. you can't seem to NOT make fun of Christians; really, they're just a perfect scapegoat (for us)

248. you say 'I hate you' or 'This is stupid' and immediately following 'Actually, I don't it's just....' (i.e. Actually, I don't hate you, I'm just frustrated at your ignorance and wish you would look at the facts instead of saying what everyone else is saying, especially since they, as a whole, are wrong.) Yes, I actually do this.

249. When the second you discover you are an INTP you go through great lengths to find out everything about what an INTP is, what a jungian typology is, get as many opposing viewpoints as you can to judge the validity of these typologies, then go and research all of the other types too, until you have 4 safari windows and innumerable tabs open, you have joined three different forums, have ignored six texts from your girlfriend, and you forgot what you were doing when you first took the stupid personality test in the first place.

250. You think people that do stuff by the book are stupid

251. You like to insult people, but always with a smile

252. You think some posts by other users of the INTP forum are inaccurate and should be commented on, but you are to lazy to do it

253. Every time you try to give people compliments, it just sounds fake

254. You know you should probably eat something but you´re to lazy to leave the computer

255. When you finish your homework the last day and STILL get an excelent grade.

256. When you can't help yourself with finding patterns on the floor and walking on it.

257. When you have a great idea, but keep it to yourself cause you know everyone will hate it.

258. You get irritated when you realize you can't press Ctrl+F while searching through a book for a specific phrase.

259. You have analyzed yourself multiple times, recognizing all your major faults, but you're too damned lazy or just don't care enough to fix them.

260. You hate your phone, never listen to your voice mail, and often pretend you didn't hear your ring tone.

261. You make intuitive leaps of understanding, drawing interesting parallels between unrelated topics.

262. Then you completely second-guess what you've just said, and suspect you might be wrong.

263. But you've already spent far too long reading, editing, re-writing a simple post on an internet forum, so you just 'submit reply' anyway, because who knows - there's probably some truth in there somewhere.

264. You'd rather stay out of eating with people than eating with people.

265. You talk faster than normal because your train of thought is going too fast for you to catch up.

266. When you're society's definition of an eccentric loser but you're too lazy and absorbed in your hobbies to care.

267. When you really can be happy alone, and resent being pressured to socialize.

268. When you're smarter than 99% of the people you meet but will fall behind them because you lack focus.

269. When you think everything can be analyzed, including love.

270. the fact that all of your thoughts are not profound disturbs you.

271. when someone asks you opinion on something, and you are still coming up with answers a day, week, month, even year later..

272. You know it's futile to tell anyone some great idea or profound thought you have because no one will understand it.

273. You have way too many tabs open, but don't want to close any because you might totally forget about it.

274. If you become obsessed with something, nothing will stop you but...

275. ...If you get distracted from it, there's a good chance it's not happening.

276. You have a set of rules that you live by, but they're your rules (which you've learned help you in certain situations, more like good advice to yourself), and if someone else imposes a rule on you, unless there's a good reason, you don't pay attention to it.

277. You think of confusing people as a sign of affection.

278. creating the system is more appealing the following it even if your own

279. errors from others is expected but never from yourself

280. if you are not good at something its because that something is useless and irrlevont

281. Knowing the problem is more important then fixing it

282. you have a great sense of humor but suck at telling jokes

283. having a "group project" is a punishment

284. Going to a friends party seams like a duty then pleasure

285. Answering the phone is as appealing as is slamming your finger in the door

286. Your bases of what you analyize ranges from Absoulte Truths and High Law to the meaning of what type of food you like and what that means about you

287. Your at constant tug-a-war with your playful and serious self

288. you bring books with you to parties, weddings, and movies.

289. you would rather research DNA than attend a party.

290. everything's better when you're alone.

291. you correct your grammar mid-sentence.

292. you can never leave the house without forgetting something

293. someone says the word "system" and you immediately perk up.

294. people know you're smart but never treat you like it because they think you're really immature.

295. you're a chameleon and blend into whatever situation or group you're in.

296. you love learning until you're required to do it.

297. you could live without seeing people for weeks on end and be completely content.

298. you dream of having your own library.

299. you get away with a lot because people assume you're off in your own little world when you're actually listening to their conversations.

300. when you're supposed to be listening you're actually off in your own little world.

301. you have strict touching guidelines.

302. your sense of humor seems to perplex everyone else.

303. when you use irregular amounts of slashes, hyphens, and parentheses

304. when your teachers seem both to like you and hate you, because you're constantly late for the class, lose worksheets all the time, question everything they say and begin heated discussions about completely unrelated topics (often physics or politics for me) with your friends in the middle of a lesson; on the other hand, you understand the material, are enthusiastic about it in most cases and show genuine interest

305. when you argue with yourself just to ensure that your actual view is correct

306. when you like long car rides because it gives you time to think, and because people never uphold conversation during long car rides

307. You become lost in thought while solving a problem and have to follow your train of thought backwards to remember what you were doing to begin with.

308. When I read I will drift off into thought but I'll continue reading and I'll find myself pages and pages from where I last remember being.

309. When your parents bitch at you for not being social enough, and force you into social situations, which makes you develop social anxiety.

310. When your posts reflect your stresses and worries in life when you dont intend them too.

311. When your sitting in class, and your thinking about how stupid and biased the teacher is, and how the education system is flawed.

312. When you stay up till 3 in the morning trying to understand everything you can about a topic of interest, and then your family thinks your watching porn.

313. When you're terribly afraid that getting wasted that one and only time when you were a teenager might have lowered your intelligence by destroying brain cells.

314. When you successfully convince someone (who is admittedly toasty) that you're actually a sentient ice cloud from Neptune that possessed a human child from birth and masqueraded as said human, spying on the human race all the while.

315. You know you're an INTP (in school) when you'd rather stay in the background and fail rather than risk embarrassment in seeking out a partner for a group.

316. you carry a cell phone around just to tell the time because you are severely paranoid that watches are meant to control you heart beat so the government can decide to control you at will.

317. you can't understand why people are so religious about making up a bed EVERY freaking morning!

318. you have half your hard drive full of notepad files, holding you random thoughts/discoveries since no one else wants to hear them.

319. you think about thinking, about thinking, about thinking, about thinking, until well you eventually realize you're thinking about thinking, then you can't get the idea of why thinking about thinking is going on in your mind, so you start to analyze what thinking is only to find yourself back in the loop.

320. People don't understand that you are looking at the stars to contemplate their physical/metaphysical dimensions, not to be romantic.

321. You wonder why people don't just become virtuous instead of being evil and trying to hide it.

322. You wish that all libraries were 24hr.

323. When you fancy someone only to find intimacy with him/her repulsive and back off.

324. You hoard educational materials.

325. You secretly want to sneak into a college class you've not enrolled in.

326. You take personal offense when your teachers label Wikipedia as a tool for 6th graders.

327. When you try to visualize how a day in the life is for a random person you see in the city.

328. When your sense of humor extends from slapstick to sarcastic wit.

329. You write in your head hugely complicated stories that you know are never going to get written down.

330. You listen to music so people don't think your weird when you stare of into the distance for hours.

331. When debating something with your self is more satisfying than debating it with anyone you know.

332. others become frustrated because you hide your work in progress until you have the complete and perfect product which is free of incompetency.

333. When your sexual fantasies have to be strictly logical and plausible in order for you to ever enjoy them. Complex backstory is important, as are multidimensional characters providing valid reasoning and justification for the act.

334. When too many thoughts completely inhibit your productivity, but you don't consider the heaps of books, clothes, projects, and various assorted items scattered all about to be of any consequence to said productivity.

335. You treat the mental replay of a conversation with more seriousness than the actual one.

336. When you are reading a novel and try to classify the characters' personalities.

337. After a few hundred pages you put down said novel and label it as "bad", because you couldn't classify the characters' personalities and concluded that the author sucks at creating characters and such author doesn't deserve your time.

338. People say you're brave because you tell teachers when they're wrong, when you're simply bothered by their abuse of logic/consistency.

339. You know you're an INTP when your main ability to socialize with people is to ask a ton of questions.

340. You want to reply to every ignoramus who has stupid comments on youtube, but end up not doing it because you think : ' What's the point ?'

341. You are frequently asked 'What's on your mind?' and your general response is a bored look and 'Everything.' Which is very true.

342. When you learn more at home, on the computer, than you do in school.

343. you space out while you're spacing out.

345. you look very calm on the 'outside' but 'inside' a circus of ideas tumble like acrobats around forming new formations, structures and associations.

346. You contribute benignly to a conversation in moderation and then some wishy-washy socialite calls you anti-social and plays the hero by "pulling you out of your shell."

347. You invent an imaginary illness to mess with someone, and then google it to see if it's real.

348. When everyone always said that you "have so much potential" and they're still waiting and waiting for you to reach it.

349. If someone appears abruptly and unexpectedly while you're deep in thought you get the shit scared out of you.

350. At one time when you felt fear, you objectively took a step back and said, "this must be fear I am feeling, what a strange sensation," and then proceeded to analyze the situation and the emotion.

351. When someone says you are condescending, but you tell them they took what you said personally, and you being right has nothing to do with emotion.

352. A tendency to create run on sentences, which makes total sense to you, but none to the professor who relentlessly slashes through the paper, leading you to lose points in that department, but you continue regardless as an evil plot to piss him/her off.

I figure 352 is good enough as I am very tired and it is three o'clock in the morning. I unfortunately have a project, case study, and quiz that is due tomorrow so I will leave it at that.



Local time
Tomorrow 1:46 AM
Oct 1, 2010
You neglect to use spoiler tags...


kickin' at a tin can
Local time
Today 2:46 PM
Mar 24, 2011
30. After you put a forkful of soup in your mouth, you realize something is odd.

Wait. This happens to you guys too?

Your weight loss/fitness plan involves brushing up on your thermodynamics. It's first on the the list in fact. :kilroy:



Local time
Today 5:46 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Re: You know you're an Intp

When told you are allowed to think of absolutely anything except a large pink elephant in the middle of the room
(else you die)
and can actually accomplish this deed.
And prove it because you are still living.
Last edited:


Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.
Local time
Today 10:46 PM
Mar 11, 2011
The Netherlands
You read the whole list and are annoyed by the fact that some things are mentioned twice and can't hold yourself from saying it.


Nice list though. Most of it applied :)
Local time
Today 10:46 PM
Apr 19, 2011
You are watching tv, realise you haven't been paying attention to what just happened because you were in your head annalysing the universe and human nature so you rewind it to see what you missed, space out again, realise you just done exactly the same thing so you rewind for a second time, space out again.... repeat until too angry to pay attention to the tv and switch it off


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
Your brain switches to autopilot mode when driving


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
Today my mom told me that she had to set up traps when I was little, just to get me to come inside the house.


Local time
Today 10:46 PM
Apr 30, 2011
in hell
No matter how hard you try all the damn tests reflect you as an INTP! :twisteddevil:

Kurious Kat

Ultimate Square Peg
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 2, 2011
Deep South, USA
633. You can not help but re-read what you've just written multiple times, just to make sure that's exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it.[/quote]

OMG - That is so me! I actually had some doubts as to whether or not I was an INTP, but after reading this thread I now know for sure that I am!


The little professor
Local time
Today 10:46 PM
May 3, 2011
You like complex numbers.

You wish you had been born a robot.

If you are answering a question online, you write 3 pages, because you feel you have to cover EVERY possibility.

You want a neural interface. If there was a place to sign up for one, so that you could be the first in line for when they invent one, you'd sign up right now.

64. If you happened upon the Tardis you'd steal it with absolutely no doubt in your mind.
I'd just go inside, take it off somewhere, then analyse it till I could figure out how it works, build a duplicate, then return the original to the exact same time and place, but a picosecond later, so as not to cause a problem of 2 different objects being in the same time and the same place. Far simpler.

You actually worry about things like 2 objects being in the same time and place, when posting.


Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 4, 2011
-you have an impressive list of bookmarks that you will never visit again

-on that note, you've given up taking notes in class because you know you will lose them anyway

-feel like an asshole when you finish the test before anyone else in class

-feels like a God when you discover you aced it

-Try to play it off like you don't care that you passed it while resisting the urge to perform a heel click.

-silently insult the other students for finishing after you, doing worse than you, all while knowing you didn't study at all o.o

-find the aforementioned notes a year down the road and store them for "later" use

-there are pieces of scrap paper strewn about your room/car/office/any void space with various plots to take over the world, paragraphs that could magically flourish into a best selling novel (if you ever gained enough interest again), or my personal favorite...
The annual budget that could potentially increases your fiscal profit by almost 50-60%...that was 3 months ago...you're still broke....

i could honestly go on for hours doing this but i must try this binaural beat thing now!!!!


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011

The Gopher

Local time
Tomorrow 9:46 AM
Aug 26, 2010
633. You can not help but re-read what you've just written multiple times, just to make sure that's exactly what you want to say and how you want to say it. [/qoute]
OMG - That is so me! I actually had some doubts as to whether or not I was an INTP, but after reading this thread I now know for sure that I am!

You feel the need to edit other peoples posts to fix the quote tags.

Edit you then realise you can't display what you mean and it drives you mad.

Then you realise you can.


lust for life
Local time
Today 2:46 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
-you have an impressive list of bookmarks that you will never visit again
I seriously don't think I'll ever clear them. My old browser is Firefox and I have a ton of bookmarks on there but then I've been using Chrome for several months now and the bookmarks have been adding up again.


Local time
Today 5:46 PM
Jan 8, 2010
New York City (The Big Apple) & State
Originally Posted by pIngthIs
-you have an impressive list of bookmarks that you will never visit again[/QUOTE]
I seriously don't think I'll ever clear them. My old browser is Firefox and I have a ton of bookmarks on there but then I've been using Chrome for several months now and the bookmarks have been adding up again.
I once went through my bookmarks and put them into folders. A top/down thing. Now I can't tell how large my bookmark library is. You can make it look almost as small as you want. Neat, eh?


Bazooka Tooth Dental
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
Mar 2, 2011
Somewhere along the way I gave up on using bookmarks. I just leave important stuff open in tabs indefinitely. I've had tabs open for years before.

Kurious Kat

Ultimate Square Peg
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 2, 2011
Deep South, USA
You feel the need to edit other peoples posts to fix the quote tags.

Edit you then realise you can't display what you mean and it drives you mad.

Then you realise you can.

:o Errrr, Ummm, I'm really new to this and I don't know how to do it correctly. Help, please.

Oh, wait. Did I do it right this time? Damn, I thought I was suppose to be smart!!!


I am a little cold hearted
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
Apr 21, 2011
BFE Missouri
Somewhere along the way I gave up on using bookmarks. I just leave important stuff open in tabs indefinitely. I've had tabs open for years before.

I did this until my computer started slowing down. Now I organize things into favorites and then into folders. I have a 8 yr old laptop-

I never buy anything new if the old stuff still works.It seems wasteful. plus I dont like having to change.

Kurious Kat

Ultimate Square Peg
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 2, 2011
Deep South, USA
You bound out of bed at 4 am, giddy at the prospect of communicating with other people who actually understand what the hell you're talking about! ( Anonymously and of your own choosing, ofcourse, so they can't call you and shit)


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
You come up with numerous theories about life, and existence in this world continues proving those theories again and again.

Your sleeping schedule might coincide with someone living in China.

You think the morning news show people are a waste of time and space.


I am a little cold hearted
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
Apr 21, 2011
BFE Missouri
Are you talking about me? "cause it sure does sound like it. And if you girls want my phone # I'll give it to ya. Just pm me your email address. I would love talk to another intelligent person. I don't have any out here.This is the only intelligent conversation I ever get to have


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
Thats really sweet of you.. for some reason, I always thought I was in some way or form mentally handicapped, thats why when my clin. psychologist tested me as INTP, I kinda wondered after reading about it, if it even was my correct "temperamant". My meeting with my guidance counselor did not go well today either :slashnew:


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
oh yeah, you hate the media with a passion, and would never think about stooping to that lowest level of spineless fluffery. :evil:

You also hate the zombie people who are caught within the media's spell.. watching them mindlessly react to the headlines is a form of torture.

You are convinced that zombies are taking over the world. :storks:


I am a little cold hearted
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
Apr 21, 2011
BFE Missouri
oh yeah, you hate the media with a passion, and would never think about stooping to that lowest level of spineless fluffery. :evil:

You also hate the zombie people who are caught within the media's spell.. watching them mindlessly react to the headlines is a form of torture.

You are convinced that zombies are taking over the world. :storks:

We have a movie over her called "Idiocracy" you should check it out. Sometimes I think we're heading that way;)


Local time
Today 7:46 PM
May 10, 2011
- when you realize that you have a body...and you accidentally cut off your own penis (just a joke)

- when you think that nobody is more creative than you, but as always, you are not sure about it

- when your boss say that you have some kind of psychological problem, and you think he is right

- when you plan to kill your boss, and you find that this service is not available in ebay.

yeah, first post!!!


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:46 PM
Sep 20, 2010
inside my head
You come up with numerous theories about life, and existence in this world continues proving those theories again and again.

Your sleeping schedule might coincide with someone living in China.

You think the morning news show people are a waste of time and space.

Wow to all three of those.

Kurious Kat

Ultimate Square Peg
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 2, 2011
Deep South, USA
Are you talking about me? "cause it sure does sound like it. And if you girls want my phone # I'll give it to ya. Just pm me your email address. I would love talk to another intelligent person. I don't have any out here.This is the only intelligent conversation I ever get to have

LOL! No, I wasn't talking specifically to you! I just detest talking on the telephone - to anybody. I think it comes from spending 12 yrs as a CSR. Just the sound of a ringing phone makes me violent. I wish I could take a sledgehammer to it. I'm that person who screens all my calls and never answers the phone because I figure if it's anything really important, they'll leave a message and then I will have time to think about it before I respond - or not.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
you're too lazy to carry out your elaborate plans of world domination, so your version of annoying people is playing mario brothers on blast.


has a schtick!
Local time
Today 4:46 PM
May 10, 2011
there are any number of professions you might be extraordinary in, were you to feel that they encompassed something large enough to be worth the while. So instead you dabble around and everyone thinks you don't know what you're doing...but you do: Everything.


blah blah blah
Local time
Today 2:46 PM
May 12, 2011
does anyone else feel this way: those judgment day predictions are ridiculous. you plan on laughing that day at the people who bought into it, but never really plan on actually saying anything to their face or emailing them, etc. .. maybe I'm just mean-spirited :(


lust for life
Local time
Today 2:46 PM
Aug 12, 2010
California, USA
well... what is there to judge? And how to measure?
judgement day on its own is a ridiculous expression.

The day of XXXJs. :phear:

EDIT: There should be Perception Day.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
When you're response is "no" when someone knocks on the door and asks "are you in there??"


Grim Heaper
Local time
Today 5:46 PM
Mar 9, 2011
o_o You enter a 'You might be an INTP if...'' thread and mistake it for your biography.

You watch the news not to learn about current events, but to stroke your ego by counting up the logical fallacies.

121. Going into hiding, and creating artistic masterpieces, when in a really bad mood.


I've designed a few forum signatures on Photoshop/Illustrator solely for the sake of venting my rage. I feel one of them pretty accurately captures the chaos of my mind when I'm having an Fe moment. ._.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:46 AM
Mar 20, 2011
I think I've lost my touch with painting.. I used to be an artist, now I just don't have the patience/motivation to do anything. I guess it works when I'm in a really bad mood lol.
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