Haha ok now I KNOW I'm not an INTJ. At first I thought I did.
117. Made extensive organized to-do lists and HOPED to follow them but never got to them.
118. Bought an expensive planner just to become more organized, but ended up losing it, then trashing it after getting frustrated.
119. During animated films, laughing when some cute little animal gets hurt. But not laughing at the premeditated jokes made throughout, and thinking "Ah, expected it".
120. Getting made fun of for collecting shiny stuff, then defending your shiny stuff collection to death.
121. Going into hiding, and creating artistic masterpieces, when in a really bad mood.
122. Unconsciously figuring out escape routes in social situations, then actively following them.
123. Pretending to text or be busy on cellphones to avoid petty small talk.
124. You don't feel the need to prove yourself or your point to others during arguments, as long as the information in your head makes sense to you. This often leaves people pissed off or confused.