XIII2 was an example of a splinter personality, born from the inflation of an imagined possibility into a manifested self. Consequently, he was initially somewhat rigid and artificial. He was a simple idea given complex form, and thus could not immediately resemble an entire, developed personality. As time progressed, XIII2 came to dominate my psyche and feel more real. Both idea and form grew. By day 2 I was extroverted, by day 3 the dynamic of my family relationships had transformed, by day 4 by internal world had been irrevocably altered and XIII2 felt like he had been with me for life.
My past was reimagined in XIII2's image, its meaning altered in accordance with the parameters of XIII2's world.
The union of conception and action. I am making the external world the playground of my intuition and imagination-- bridging the abyss which typically separates creative imagination from mundane reality. XIII2 was not based upon any Tarot card or predetermined archetype. He was a beautiful idea who I, because of the abilities I have developed, was able to give to life to. He is an example of the mechanism upon which my experiments rely: the reformulation of experience, meaning, and action in accordance with the imagined.
The INTX typically has two lives: the life of Gods and otherworlds and aeon-spanning possibilities in which he feels at home, and the life in which he is a social being with a tangible and inflexible form.
Do you understand yet?
I am making these two lives one, making each the subject of the other. I conceive a higher possibility and embody it. Instead of being an unsatisfactory external human who is loosely related to a beautiful imaginative internal world, I live as an avatar of the Gods and Demons who reside in that world. My external self is a canvas for my imagination. XIII2 was a passing conception. If another had thought of him, he would be gone in a minute; I thought of him and he became me and lived a life through me.
XIII2 IN FULL:XIII2 resulted from the interplay of several factors: a desire to experiment outside of the context of tarot, a desire to give this forum a tangible example of my experimentation, and a genuine need to feel and address other people's pain.
My thought became far less intellectual, I operated on 'feeling' alone, and I was actually very concerned with the wellbeing of others. If you are familiar with my pre-XIII2 self, who found looking at gore sites an informative activity, you will recognise that the contrast is stark.
Intpforum's reaction:Was not what I had hoped for. I expected a more detailed analysis of what I was doing and the factors involved, instead of the, frankly, unintelligent and uninformed response of many members. Even some who were aware of the details lacked the objectivity or insight necessary to step back and realise that I was showing, not 'trolling'. However, such is to be expected. Brilliance is not a personality type, although the type of brilliance I had hoped for is more likely to be found among INTXs. Some individuals made insightful and brilliant comment; I am grateful for that, it is rarer and more valuable than I can express. The collective reaction, though, was unsastisfactory. In particular, observe the ''How to be an happy INTP'' and ''Say something mean...'' threads and the posts of Snowqueen,'Nobody', and Morgoth.
But what relevance does this have to my explanation? It demonstrates how essentially messy my experiments are. People don't understand, relationships break down, and massive strength of will is required to sustain the adopted self. People hate, scream, accuse, and insult, even if they are rational and have had the experiment explicitly explained to them beforehand. Considering the responses on this forum, can you imagine what kind of reaction I elicit in the common world? This is no intellectual game. It is the total destruction and recreation of previous dynamics.
XIII2 was more consciously moderated and crafted than most of my experimented personalities, because he was simple and not based upon a fully formed and complex archetype in the way that my Tarot-based personalities are. However, I still felt what I said I felt. I still experienced as you would expect such a person to experience. I still felt genuinely hurt when somebody reacted badly, and genuinely ecstatic when my actions resulted in joy or 'happiness'. I will not be able to wipe XIII2 from my psyche, and the feeling for others, silliness, and naive extroversion will, henceforth, play a part in who I am. Can you imagine, given that, how having been 'The Devil' or 'The Hermit' or 'The Sun' for a week could affect a person?
Why I killed XIII2
I had planned to develop him for another week or two, but decreased quality of verbal and linear thought was disrupting my preparation for examinations (even when emulating, an administrator section of my meta-personality has veto). This also provides me with an opportunity to assess whether my time is well spent here, a consideration necessitated by the general nature of the reaction to XIII2. I will not play here if I have to, as some members suggested to XIII2, treat you with kid gloves: I value aeon-spanning and transpersonal intellect. I am currently experiencing from the point of XIII1, but am gradually moving to a more integrated and inclusive state- the state from which selves are born.
An example of the mechanism utilised in my experiments has been provided. Your understanding, if you have been following my threads, should now be deeper. I create the parameters, my will is stronger, and people bend to it. Why? Because most people have 1 life-narrative, and must alter the entire narrative to accommodate conflicting data. If the old ways of seeing XIII and interacting with XIII no longer work, and if XIII cannot be bent and contorted back into the shape he used to take, the individual's life-narrative will be bent and contorted out of shape to accommodate the new XIII. This is why I can do what I do without ending up in an insane asylum. I provide reasons to make the transition easier: XIII is becoming the devil, so XIII artificially engineers a relationship crisis with his girlfriend or former friend so that the people around him have a 'reason' to bend their life-narrative around the new XIII.
I will restate the essence of my experiment: the union of conception and action, the manifestation of imagined and individual selves in external social reality, and the bridging of the abyss between the divine inner and the mundane outer.
I willed it, thus it was.