Following an exchange with LOR she has suggested I post an explanation for my response to XIII and to do it on this thread. I don’t feel I particularly have to justify myself but I do actually care enough about this forum to want to do it – surprisingly enough I do have other things I could be doing! Just a warning – this does fall into the category of ‘long post’!
XIII’s experiment was introduced on to the forum by someone who was not an existing forum member – this is only significant in that we have no reference point for the ‘real’ XIII as we do for all the other members who play about with the way they present themselves. The explanation was posted on to the Handmade thread but not everyone checks that thread so many members were
unaware they had become part of an experiment. I consider this unethical. XIII’s experiment is apparently just on himself (I accept XIII may think this is the case) – however that cannot be the case when he is using the forum to practice the persona because every post has a consequent response –by a genuine member who is by and large representing themselves or a playful version whom most people have learned to recognise. I, for example, spotted Melkor, Face, Cow, Cog and Noddy as having different faces – but in their cases it is also possible to find examples of them behaving in a kind and considerate manner when appropriate elsewhere on the forum. This is not the case with XIII who either declaims his plan, his superiority or his persona,
but not, to my knowledge,
a genuine interest in anyone else on this forum.
At first I thought it was probably harmless though felt alarmed when I realised that the genuine concern and engagement I had offered to an apparently heartfelt plea (on the ‘only truth I’ve told’) thread was actually done to a ‘persona’ who abruptly disappeared and was replaced by XIII2 the ‘saccharine’ persona. I felt taken in and that my emotions had been manipulated. Nonetheless I took this in my stride and tried to be understanding.
Then I saw this:
8th-February-2009, 02:46 PM
You compare me to a ''charlatan''? Well fuck you to. If you're going to hurl insults with 0 measured argument or appeal to reason, then don't expect a polite reply. How can I justify my actions against emotive labels such as that? I can't, rationally. So fuck you, you semi-autistic literalist.
(XIII, by the way, has deleted most of his posts so it is hard to present a full picture of what he’s been doing.) I found that response disturbing.
XIII2 seemed harmless enough – appearing all over the forum spreading the desire to love and help us – until he inserted his persona into a thread which contained deeply serious material. Now, keep in mind that XIII has told us this is an experiment – by definition it is not real life – I felt that he should have had enough sensitivity to know this was not an appropriate place to practice his persona. Now I am prepared to believe that XIII is a rather young and foolish person who does not yet understand how serious the difficulties that some people face in life can be and did not realise what he was doing. Perhaps an apology is warranted?
Later on in the ‘be mean to the person above you thread’ Cog invited someone to be mean to both him and XIII and, perhaps foolishly, I did – insulting Cog based on his avatar of a smoking bug and then once the schoolyard image was in my mind, I insulted XIII’s persona (bear in mind, please, that XIII had made it clear this was an experiment) in the manner of the schoolyard, imagining what I would say to that persona if I were at school. XIII then brilliantly flipped his ‘saccharine’ character into the correct mode of ‘victim’ using emotional blackmail to deliberately misunderstand the joke, which I actually applauded because it was brilliant. But then he kept on and on vilifying me as if it were real and I felt this was no longer something I wanted to participate on so I decided to ‘ignore’ him (apparently I should not have made this public ?)
Then I discovered that he had taken the persona who was ‘oh so hurt’ to another thread of his and was quoting me out of context and continuing to make out that we were ganging up on him etc. at that point I felt this was going too far so I thought this person doesn’t care what he’s doing here, what kind of chaos he causes and in my mind that is a troll – now again, I accept that I had no right to call him that and I should have taken my concerns to a moderator at that point, so for that I am sorry.
I then left the forum feeling rather pissed off and went off to Personality Cafe and the ‘news’ sticky is the one about manipulation and it just seemed so extraordinarily serendipitous that I decided to post it to try to show my pov – I now realise that was taken completely differently than I had intended and I regret that deeply.
But – I would like to explain why I posted the manipulation list (original is on
XIII2 used most of the tactics on this list – playing victim, vilifying the person he upset, using emotional blackmail etc. and in particular by
ratcheting up the emotional volume very quickly – this is what all us INTPs have been responding to one way or the other! This is exactly how people manipulate us in real life. And it is exactly how many of the distressed INTPs here on the list and the ones I met through my work have been made to feel emotionally inadequate, alienated, oppressed, worthless, self-doubting, self-hating and worse. We’ve all heard it, I’m sure, to a greater or lesser extent: ‘Why are you so cold?’, ‘Can’t you see how much you’re hurting me?’, ‘Why can’t you lighten up?’, ‘You obviously don’t care’, ‘why the long face?’ – I have read enough of this on this forum to know this is a common experience. I have worked with many INTs who have reached the stage that the only way they can
prove that they really do feel is by self-harm – why do you think people are driven to that? Learn to spot the signs of the manipulator and they will have less power over you.
Ok – notice a couple of things – XIII protested that he was going to leave over and over again, but didn’t
. Instead he made all of us responsible for his emotional well-being – if it were so hard for him why hasn’t he left? He is online as I write this at 22.08 GMT – check his timestamp. Making us responsible for his emotions is what people in real life do to us all the time and because we INTPs don’t understand this game we get sucked in and feel bad.
XIII is responsible for his own emotions. We all are.
And I don't think his posting it on handmade and being 'upfront' then gives him license to practise his personality to the extent that it causes distress and division. Let's just do a thought experiment. I post on 'handmade' that I want to find out what it feels like to be a racist and then go all over the forum making racist comments, would that make it ok? Some people are offended but others say ‘it;s just an experiment’ and hey presto you have division and conflict in the forum! Have you considered what other personalities he might produce? Are you really happy for one person to be using the forum in this way? My view is that not everyone gave consent to be part of his experiment and many members are being drawn into this experiment on a personal level. At least on Big Brother, the Prison Experiment and those stupid beach challenge reality shows the participants have signed away their rights. Personally I didn’t sign up to this forum to be part of anyone’s experiment.
And let me just point out what XIII really thinks of our forum:
It is a graveyard for beauty, where potentially limitless souls consensually deny themselves with the sterile category of ''INTP''. I have laid my soul bare and been hurt for it more than I had imagined possible, and thus will wear a thicker armor than I ever have before: contempt.
For some of us it has been a long hard journey to the INTP forum. Such contempt is hardly comforting or kind. Frankly I can find enough of that in the real world, I don’t need it here.