The Feeling function is about help/oppose, love/hate, friend/enemy, trust/distrust.
You have simplified evil to arbitrary enemy. I was talking about this before in this thread.
WHY THE ACT OF EVIL? When a human views another human as enemy, it can only oppose/hate/distrust it, thus act evil to it. Some just view even their close peers as their enemy and thus act evil to them. It's as simple as that. The only medicine is that we force them to initiate into a group somehow and see at least that group as their friends.
I was looking for an absolute enemy actually, when I was looking for absolute evil.
Would an absolute enemy exist? (an enemy for all of mankind) Within mankind itself?
I like the way you think skywalker.
I like how you do not assume that one already exists, that way you do not shove your beliefs on others, and it shows that your eyes and ears are open.
Determining if there is an absolute anything, from meanings, to purposes, to the healthiest mental perspective is all relative. We have to find if there is anything absolute, good or evil, that is agreed upon by the intellectual community to be opposed/hated/distrusted (to quote your definition of evil). Let us start out with an easy example, terrorism.
Why does terrorism exist?
If, of course, somebody reading this post has lost a relative to terrorism, or feels any kind of strong emotion towards terrorism, stop reading now because your emotion will blind you from the ultimate truth.
Now, why do terrorists commit acts of terror, how does a terrorist become a terrorist, and what is considered an act of terrorism. Terrorists commit acts of terror of because of ignorance, hate, and helplessness. Hatred being on of the three words used to describe evil. A terrorist becomes a terrorist by intending to corrupt, destroy, or scare a certain group of people. Notice that you do not have to commit a crime to become a terrorist, just the intention is enough justification to be grouped into the category of terrorism. An act of terrorism is considered any public action with the intention to corrupt, destroy, or scare people because of any one thing that one or a group of people that were part of a larger group were responsible for.
The crux of terrorism lies in the intention of scaring people. People they consider to be EVIL. Why do terrorists think anyone person or people is EVIL, and are the terrorists in fact evil themselves?
Terrorists classify evil the same way we do. We consider Al Queda to be evil, they, on the contrary, consider us to be evil. There in resides the paradox, either one of us has to be right and the other wrong, we are both wrong, or we are both right.
If Al Queda is evil and we are good, then terrorism is wrong. If Al Queda is good and we are evil, then fighting against terrorism is wrong. If we are both wrong then there is a middle ground to be sought. If we are both right then everyone is good and evil.
The question of absolute evil, and in respect absolute good, has to do with a person considering anything to be strong enough to hate. Some people hate terrorism, some people hate ice cream, and do not hate anything. The people who do not hate anything are the people in question.
When you do not hate anything you are denying the fact that emotional inconsistencies exist in logical analysis, or that unrational things can influence thought. If a person hates terrorism, at least he or she recognizes that he emotions are influencing his thought process. In recognizing his or her emotional consciousness, they recognize that irrational opinions and decisions exist in the universe.
A person who says they do not hate, do not love, are concealing their emotions. When you conceal your emotions, along with your opinions and your unique process of thought, you are isolating your inner self from your outer self. When you isolate, hide, conceal your emotions and rational processes, you are concealing your intentions because you know that they are EVIL. When you conceal your intentions your consciousness recognizes that your one of your rational thoughts is in fact irrational.
EVIL is concealing your intentions (and emotions), by denying rational thoughts to enter your irrational thought processes.