I don't think I'm weird or eccentric, but everyone else does.
Most of mine have already been listed buuut:
I walk quiety and softly, the sound of footsteps really irritates me, especially people who walk round like a herd of elepants.
Most actions I perform are done quietly..
Unneccesary noise sets me on edge, and even causes me to flinch.
I flinch a lot, even when not required, I dont know why, but part of that parcel is me having pretty good reflexes, I can usually stop someone hitting me, (seriously or in jest), before I've even seen them going to.
When the S types start talking boring details I go off for a wonder around my mind, and my outward responses run on auto-pilot.
My auto pilot is sometimes more efficient than my actual pilot.
I can't hold a conversation if a song I like is on, my priority is enjoying the song.
I gravitate towards corners of a room, and try to blend in with the wall.
If I don't want to know somebody, or create an emotional connection with them, I avoid eye contact at all costs. If I'm harboring secret crushes, I also avoid eye contact in the fear that my eye's will betray me.
I like burned coffee, and just hate to much milk in my drinks.
I can eat yesterdays left overs whilst they're stone cold. Grubs grub.
I don't mind beans from the tin either.
I have a form of OCD that makes me repeat what I just said under my breath.
I put objects in corners compulsively.
My left hand has a twitch which displays it's self by the rubbing of my neck line and higher back, I may have anxiety, but conciously deny it, or try to.
I always greet cats with a meow. Really can't help it.
I have like mild touretts which is expressed by stoopid words and noises I make compulsively.
I also hate long sleeves and restriction in general around my hands and arms.
Most of my out-fits are variations of the same shit.
Usually dark trousers and a dark top.
My minimal make-up routine has not changed in 10 years.
If I have to attend board meetings at work, I view them as 'bored' meetings, and end up drawing artwork whilst listening to other peoples crap.
I'm always talking to myself in my head, but on occasion when I say something outloud I'm usually cursing or questioning myself. "What are you doing Sinead?!" is said about 5 times a day.
If I'm walking side by side with somebody I always fall into their step.
I picked up the habit from a very brief stint with the Army.
Naturally I'm nocturnal.
I awake when the sun goes down, and sleep when it comes up.
If I'm alone in bed, I sleep by the wall.
If I'm not alone in the bed, I sleep by the exit (ha!).
If I put something away somewhere 'safe', I won't be finding that shit again for another 6 months.
If I'm stessed, I pace or tap, or do anything to release what ever's pent up.
If I need to calm myself down, I go for a run in the rain or sit out and look at the stars, if I can't do that I put my headphone's in and play the angriest music I have on my phone.
I save all my sexy talk for animals, whilst my boyfriends just get a pat on the head.
If somebody asks me a question,they'll always get an honest answer...
They just might not get alllll the answer.
I mispronounce a lot of words I've read but never heard.
I mispell a lot, and only notice upon reading again.
I harbor a lot of destructive thoughts, and have to move myself away from the object or person I want to destroy in order not to.
I can't watch graphic sad stories, because my empathy places me in the moment and it over whelms me.
If someone's talking and I'm actually listening to what they're saying, I play with things, don't know why - but it makes me look like I'm not listening, so that's a bit backward.
I try not to kill bugs, or spiders - I hate spiders, but I also hate the squishing of them.
I ask people questions they'd rather avoid, just to watch them squirm.
If somebody asks me 'why', I usually ask them 'why not'.
Sometime's I start debates that I can't be bothered to finish, but finish them I must.