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Weird eccentric INTP stuff you do


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Feb 25, 2014
I now, without fail, always say meow instead of now. It's become almost second nature, I even say it to strangers or people who I should probably respect and all that. I've done it for years honestly, there's no turning back meow :/

Go watch super trooper lol


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Feb 22, 2014
I talk to myself! Or I think to myself a lot, expressions and all! And it's just too damn awkward when someone walks in front of me and I'm pulling this extremely mortifying face. Some people literally take a double take, and I immediately try to fix it by making it look like I was about to yawn or sneeze or something. It's sooo awkward!


Local time
Today 9:12 AM
Oct 20, 2014
I do this really weird thing where I will play with the top of my lip for no particular reason. I usually do it when I am inside my head for whatever reason (if only it were always for cool serious thoughts...). I'm a guy...it is not an attempt to look cute.

i do this too?!


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:12 PM
Sep 23, 2014
Talk to myself constantly. Also if its super quiet ill yell to break the silence. Im also very goofy and batshit crazy


Soul Shade
Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Jan 8, 2013
You basement
I usually stare strait ahead at something random for about three minutes, thinking intently. I cannot move my body for some reason during this state, and I am really surprised that no one around me ever notices this.

It isnt polite to let you know they notice.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Mar 26, 2012
Don't want to be here, want to be somewhere else.
Get to somewhere else.
Don't want to be here, want to be somewhere else.
Get to somewhere else.
This is ok... No, I don't want to be here, want to be somewhere else.
Get to somewhere else.
Rinse. Repeat.


Local time
Yesterday 6:12 PM
Jul 1, 2014
I can't sit in chairs with my feet touching the ground.

I can't stand the sound of my own feet so I try to walk as quietly as possible.

Talking to myself is a major one. Usually monologues and reworking both sides of past conversations, phrasing etc. until they're perfect.

I hum when I'm happy, a monotone drone that I never notice until some one asks me what's wrong.

I'm oblivious so much of the time that I continue conversations with strangers until I realize they're not who I was talking to and the person I was talking to has left. This usually makes me blush and walk away pretending that did not just happen. Again.

Once I made a language based on what I thought things sounded like just because I wanted a diary no one could read on the extremely unlikely chance they tried.

I'm an obsessive minimalist; owning things feels smothering and oppressive so I rarely buy anything or keep gifts longer than a week.


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Oct 18, 2014
Anyone ever zone out and think about other things when having a conversation with someone ? I tend to do it a lot and it ends up putting me in a awkward situation.

But then its only awkward if you think its awkward...


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Aug 6, 2015
I've recently started to balance random objects (e.g. shoes, cups, match boxes...etc.) on my head to see how long it takes for someone to notice. Then, once they do, I usually just keep it there and see how long I can balance it without it falling. :D



Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Apr 11, 2014
If socializing, or sometimes even eating, I am much more comfortable standing up than sitting down. I can sit, but feel much more at peace if I'm not.

Often, when I appear thinking deeply about something, I'll suddenly curse and swear, shaking my head. To others, this looks very psychotic, I'm sure. I'm actually going through all my past behaviours, decisions, and remembering things I have said, and get spontaneous jolts of humiliation, embarrassment, and regret.

I stutter, and wince when under pressure. Trying to collect and organize my thoughts fast enough to keep up with the demands of a conversation. I'm better with very talkative extroverts, where I only have to listen.

If I have the freedom of a big decision before me, I may stand extendedly reviewing all the options. After a length of time I make a choice, and be temporarily relieved. Yet often, I change my mind and go back reviewing the options.

Which brings to the last thing. I may seem lost to others. It must be weird if watching from another perspective, when I walk aimlessly, with no clear direction of a goal, only to violently turn 180 and beeline towards something, but then veer off course again. Only happens if I leave the house for only the purpose of leaving the house, and nothing else. I'm only lost to what I want to do, which like the choices above, I do the balancing act of desire, efficiency and priority, while changing my mind intermittently.

Sir Eus Lee

I am wholely flattered you would take about 2 and
Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Jun 12, 2015
How are you today
That's impressive. I guess.

Whenever I think our zone out I end up playing with some things. Whether it's drumming a beat or playing with an object I always end up doing that.


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
I don't think I'm weird or eccentric, but everyone else does.
Most of mine have already been listed buuut:

I walk quiety and softly, the sound of footsteps really irritates me, especially people who walk round like a herd of elepants.

Most actions I perform are done quietly..
Unneccesary noise sets me on edge, and even causes me to flinch.

I flinch a lot, even when not required, I dont know why, but part of that parcel is me having pretty good reflexes, I can usually stop someone hitting me, (seriously or in jest), before I've even seen them going to.

When the S types start talking boring details I go off for a wonder around my mind, and my outward responses run on auto-pilot.
My auto pilot is sometimes more efficient than my actual pilot.

I can't hold a conversation if a song I like is on, my priority is enjoying the song.

I gravitate towards corners of a room, and try to blend in with the wall.

If I don't want to know somebody, or create an emotional connection with them, I avoid eye contact at all costs. If I'm harboring secret crushes, I also avoid eye contact in the fear that my eye's will betray me.

I like burned coffee, and just hate to much milk in my drinks.

I can eat yesterdays left overs whilst they're stone cold. Grubs grub.
I don't mind beans from the tin either.

I have a form of OCD that makes me repeat what I just said under my breath.

I put objects in corners compulsively.

My left hand has a twitch which displays it's self by the rubbing of my neck line and higher back, I may have anxiety, but conciously deny it, or try to.

I always greet cats with a meow. Really can't help it.

I have like mild touretts which is expressed by stoopid words and noises I make compulsively.

I also hate long sleeves and restriction in general around my hands and arms.

Most of my out-fits are variations of the same shit.
Usually dark trousers and a dark top.
My minimal make-up routine has not changed in 10 years.

If I have to attend board meetings at work, I view them as 'bored' meetings, and end up drawing artwork whilst listening to other peoples crap.

I'm always talking to myself in my head, but on occasion when I say something outloud I'm usually cursing or questioning myself. "What are you doing Sinead?!" is said about 5 times a day.

If I'm walking side by side with somebody I always fall into their step.
I picked up the habit from a very brief stint with the Army.

Naturally I'm nocturnal.
I awake when the sun goes down, and sleep when it comes up.

If I'm alone in bed, I sleep by the wall.
If I'm not alone in the bed, I sleep by the exit (ha!).

If I put something away somewhere 'safe', I won't be finding that shit again for another 6 months.

If I'm stessed, I pace or tap, or do anything to release what ever's pent up.

If I need to calm myself down, I go for a run in the rain or sit out and look at the stars, if I can't do that I put my headphone's in and play the angriest music I have on my phone.

I save all my sexy talk for animals, whilst my boyfriends just get a pat on the head.

If somebody asks me a question,they'll always get an honest answer...
They just might not get alllll the answer.

I mispronounce a lot of words I've read but never heard.
I mispell a lot, and only notice upon reading again.

I harbor a lot of destructive thoughts, and have to move myself away from the object or person I want to destroy in order not to.

I can't watch graphic sad stories, because my empathy places me in the moment and it over whelms me.

If someone's talking and I'm actually listening to what they're saying, I play with things, don't know why - but it makes me look like I'm not listening, so that's a bit backward.

I try not to kill bugs, or spiders - I hate spiders, but I also hate the squishing of them.

I ask people questions they'd rather avoid, just to watch them squirm.

If somebody asks me 'why', I usually ask them 'why not'.

Sometime's I start debates that I can't be bothered to finish, but finish them I must.


The Pharaohs Advocate
Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Jul 12, 2015
Well I am immediately and irrevocably outshined by Sinny91's post. But I read them all.

I also mispronounce words I've read but can't hear, all the time. MIGHT be on account of being half deaf, but I'm proud of my extensive vocabulary. Been reading in lieu of socializing because of that for the vast majority of my life.

I would be perfectly, more than happy living in a post-verbal world.

I'm great with words, mostly because I'm great at stringing a bunch together to push people's little emotional buttons the right way. And either naturally or by a byproduct of that, I'm pretty immune to "emotionally evocative" speeches, and I really think people who are so easily moved by as little as simple words are...well...just kind of pathetic. Bleh

Mild OCD, maybe - if I step on a crack, I need to step on the next crack with the same place on my other foot, or the same place with the same foot. To "undo" it. Particularly enjoy doing this with the dead center of the arch of my foot. Same with any other "touches," once I start thinking about it. For example, typing this is torturing me because I'm aware of every wayward touch my fingers are making. I'm especially sensitive to the middle of my palms.

Another mild OCD - I usually prefer to finish ascending/descending stairs with my right foot. So I'll often skip a step or put two feet on one step to switch up and achieve this if no one is looking. Resisting this impulse gives me feelings of heroic progress.

Hm, what else. Absolutely can't shake off my "polite interactive Additional1" character with people. I feel like I just want to listen blankly and just take what they said and mix it in my head like a Pensieve. In my own world it would hardly be more than a "hm." But instead I make awkward talk back to them just to make them comfortable. See: Post-verbal world.

K I'm done for now.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Jun 19, 2015
I go to the library.

(Talked to someone the other day who didn't even know we had a library in our town. That's ok. more books for me! )


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Mar 7, 2015
I speak my thoughts loud and talk to myself loud. The best part is when I argue with myself pretty loud, in all the lenguages (English, french, catala) but my first one, which is spanish.


Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Sep 1, 2015
The Bay Area
When I get approached by men I mirror their behavior because if I told them who I really was they'd probably think I'm a weirdo.

I have a low, feminine voice. If another woman comes so close that I can hear the nassle, high pitched, little girl voice I become highly agitated and have to leave the room.

To be touched is awkward for me. Yet if you do touch me it has to be genuine and with absolution. I have to be able to feel your authenticity.

I have never truly loved by exes. They were great guys yet I knew I was living in between. I loved their company but not the rest of them. It was a strange feeling.

As a child I could sit and watch the twilight zone marathon for hours with no interruption. I do the same now with Texas Holdem poker but now I have to adjust to a zero sum outcome at times and not entertainment.

When men and women tell me I'm beautiful or pretty I get annoyed,find a quiet space and read. People think that beauty somehow helps me in anyway. It's obnoxious.

Other women annoy me at times because a lot of them are superficial and act like people owe them something.

When I'm at any restaurant I order fries only, by the taste of the fries i may order an entre.

I don't like people who lie to harm others. Manipulations are necessary at times but a person who lies and hurts people on purpose are horrible.

People who I want to know I tend to see what their responses are to certain things. I may make up a story just to see what they will say or do.

I'm not very close to my family yet love them. Families can be dream killers so I keep my dreams to myself.

I walked 17 miles one day just to see if I could do it.

At the age of 9 I started my -monthlies-.

When people talk I tune them out and then stare at them, studying their body language to find out the truth.



angry insecure male
Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Jul 18, 2015
I probably do this more than I realise myself: having a conversation with someone and then hear some statement and start analysing it in my head without saying anything, forgetting that I was in a conversation.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Apr 11, 2014
I probably do this more than I realise myself: having a conversation with someone and then hear some statement and start analysing it in my head without saying anything, forgetting that I was in a conversation.

I do that too, but to make it just a tad more weird, I'll openly admit I wasn't listening to them. Sometimes, I can rewind the whole thing and play back the whole conversation in my head, and catch up on what I missed.


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Oct 10, 2015
I walked 17 miles one day just to see if I could do it.

This reminds me of the time I was in college and my truck was being repaired in another town. On the evening before the day it would be ready, I decided to walk to the shop and pick it up. It was only 43 miles away. I could have arranged a ride, but I rarely do anything the 'normal' way.

I had serious blisters, but the reactions of my friends made it worthwhile.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Oct 11, 2015
I whistle and hum christmas carols all year round but I only notice it when other people tell me.

I also tend to start talking about something really weird and absurd without really thinking about what I'm actually saying and if it's making any sense or fits with the social situation, which is either amusing or offensive to other people.


Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Oct 11, 2015
This reminds me of the time I was in college and my truck was being repaired in another town. On the evening before the day it would be ready, I decided to walk to the shop and pick it up. It was only 43 miles away. I could have arranged a ride, but I rarely do anything the 'normal' way.

I had serious blisters, but the reactions of my friends made it worthwhile.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

I do stuff like that to. A few weeks ago I was invited to watch a movie with some friends, at a friends house which is kind of far away. My friends asked me if I wanted to ride in their car with them but I had already decided to take my bike. I don't know why but I really wanted to do it and got seriously disappointed when they had to give me a ride home because it got really late, dark, cold and wet. My friends thought I was really weird.

I also whistle and hum a lot for myself and I'm often singing christmas carols no matter the season (because they get stuck easily in my head) without noticing.


Active Member
Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Jun 19, 2015
Not sure if this is an INTP thing or just awkward life thing. But these things happen to me a lot so...

I butt dialed my old boss the other day. He called me back and I texted him saying Woops sorry I butt dialed you. He said okay. When I logged into facebook not long after I see that it's actually his birthday. Imagine that. Now I feel like a dick and what can I do? Lol. I did nothing.


Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Oct 19, 2015
I'm completely normal. It's the all others that are eccentric of not being like me!

Most reasons why I never arrive in time is because of two things.
1. I look up the place I should go to on the map but don't bother to look at the space between.
2. Look at the space between and memorize some parts I should turn on and so. But out biking/walking to the place I should be at I spot a road and goes thinking 'hey, wonder where this go...'


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Jun 25, 2013
Manipulation of hands as if I know magic. I swear it works sometimes!


empirical miracle
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Feb 22, 2015
My current location is classified.
I space out for quite a while. Sometimes it takes me a bit to register that someone wants to talk to me. And if they're annoying or have very little to say, I go back to Intuitive dreamland.

I predict the future just a few seconds before. Even if the event is random, like a name from a hat or a word where anything would fit, I can predict it form time to time. I think multiple people can do this, and it's interesting.

EDIT: I tend to buy slight variations on the same clothes. If I"m given a uniform, expect me to choose my favorite color and stick to the same stuff, no matter the weather. I, unlike Sinny91, prefer to wear long-sleeved clothes and pants.


yeet yeet
Local time
Yesterday 7:12 PM
Oct 8, 2015
Where I am.
I've become very fond of cats. I usually keep it a secret because it's embarrassing. Sadly though, I am allergic.
I carry gloves around with me in case I find a city cat or something walking around, just so I can pet it. I even name the cats and sometimes they will just come chill with me and I'll talk about whatever is going on in my head, even though I know they can't understand me. It's really peaceful though.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Nov 13, 2015
In big social gatherings I'm usually found out doors on the deck star gazing or watching the waves.

I spend more time with animals than I do humans. A lot more time. At this point I have my own pack.

I spend more time listening to foreign music than native music.

My house goes from disaster zone to sparkling clean with no apparent consistency.

It isn't out of the ordinary to walk into my home and find a pile of recently swept up dirt in the middle of the room. Well, as recent as the day before I noticed something else needed doing.

I look out the window at my car growing rust every morning. My neighbor probably thinks I'm spying on them.

My other neighbor probably thinks the same way because I am constantly scanning my yard for downed tree branches. I've found that I enjoy counting them more than I do getting dressed and going out to do something about them.

I play with my toes from time to time. Just to marvel at the whole being alive thing. My mother would probably tell you that I've not changed in nearly forty years.

Nature Girl

The Rabbits are attacking
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Nov 14, 2015
I am pretty sure that I am an INFP. But why can I read this and fit right in? Ive gone through most of the thread and do or have done a good 80% of this weird eccentric INTP stuff.

My place is a mess except for random areas of organization.
I also like to name random cats and animals.
I tune people out and drift into thoughts easily.
I hate bs, gossip and mindless chitchat.
I have a low interest and tolerance with the general population.
I talk to myself all the time and sometimes end up saying random bits out loud.
I enjoy unusual music. I have a huge collection of French music and yet cannot speak French.
I jump at noises or notice subtle sounds.
I notice small details or patterns. I pay attention to traffic and time lights and I dont drive.
I cannot stand lights being on if no one is in the room.
I can also be found stargazing at social gatherings.
The best time of the day is when everyone else is sleeping.
I prefer the world in my head and feel uncomfortable when I have to leave.
I constantly forget things or have to check to make sure everything is off and that I have everything, such as pants.
I hum or sing to myself, wear the clothes that are closest to the bed and have to keep track of the last time I had a shower.
I sometimes say weird things on purpose and in defiance of social norms.
I can swear in other languages and like to sleep upside down or read in odd positions.
I've also walked for miles to see if I can. I've done a lot of abnormal things just to make sure I can.

I could go on but the more I learn about MBTI the more I see similarities in INTP. I had quite a few chuckles reading this, out loud ones just to make sure my neighbour knows Im crazy, I love the INXP humour.


angry insecure male
Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Jul 18, 2015
Whenever some Se-type has bothered me enough with boring, trivial questions, I start answering in the form of meta-questions, like "what is your motive for asking me this?" or "is it not better for a human mind not to worry about all this information?"
Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Aug 1, 2013
I am pretty sure that I am an INFP. But why can I read this and fit right in? Ive gone through most of the thread and do or have done a good 80% of this weird eccentric INTP stuff.

My place is a mess except for random areas of organization.
I also like to name random cats and animals.
I tune people out and drift into thoughts easily.
I hate bs, gossip and mindless chitchat.
I have a low interest and tolerance with the general population.
I talk to myself all the time and sometimes end up saying random bits out loud.
I enjoy unusual music. I have a huge collection of French music and yet cannot speak French.
I jump at noises or notice subtle sounds.
I notice small details or patterns. I pay attention to traffic and time lights and I dont drive.
I cannot stand lights being on if no one is in the room.
I can also be found stargazing at social gatherings.
The best time of the day is when everyone else is sleeping.
I prefer the world in my head and feel uncomfortable when I have to leave.
I constantly forget things or have to check to make sure everything is off and that I have everything, such as pants.
I hum or sing to myself, wear the clothes that are closest to the bed and have to keep track of the last time I had a shower.
I sometimes say weird things on purpose and in defiance of social norms.
I can swear in other languages and like to sleep upside down or read in odd positions.
I've also walked for miles to see if I can. I've done a lot of abnormal things just to make sure I can.

I could go on but the more I learn about MBTI the more I see similarities in INTP. I had quite a few chuckles reading this, out loud ones just to make sure my neighbour knows Im crazy, I love the INXP humour.

This is a terrific description.:cool:


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Nov 13, 2015
I am pretty sure that I am an INFP. But why can I read this and fit right in? Ive gone through most of the thread and do or have done a good 80% of this weird eccentric INTP stuff.

My place is a mess except for random areas of organization.
I also like to name random cats and animals.
I tune people out and drift into thoughts easily.
I hate bs, gossip and mindless chitchat.
I have a low interest and tolerance with the general population.
I talk to myself all the time and sometimes end up saying random bits out loud.
I enjoy unusual music. I have a huge collection of French music and yet cannot speak French.
I jump at noises or notice subtle sounds.
I notice small details or patterns. I pay attention to traffic and time lights and I dont drive.
I cannot stand lights being on if no one is in the room.
I can also be found stargazing at social gatherings.
The best time of the day is when everyone else is sleeping.
I prefer the world in my head and feel uncomfortable when I have to leave.
I constantly forget things or have to check to make sure everything is off and that I have everything, such as pants.
I hum or sing to myself, wear the clothes that are closest to the bed and have to keep track of the last time I had a shower.
I sometimes say weird things on purpose and in defiance of social norms.
I can swear in other languages and like to sleep upside down or read in odd positions.
I've also walked for miles to see if I can. I've done a lot of abnormal things just to make sure I can.

I could go on but the more I learn about MBTI the more I see similarities in INTP. I had quite a few chuckles reading this, out loud ones just to make sure my neighbour knows Im crazy, I love the INXP humour.

The 'Feeling' thing isn't quite what it seems for the most part. It can be pretty subtle.

To me, your need to name random animals for example doesn't register as a thinking from the heart thing but thinking from the head. It can seem like you're doing them a favor when you're really doing yourself a favor.

This subtle distinction registers in everything. I often ask people who are very giving who they are doing it for. It makes for a long pause. This is one of the reasons I think INTP scores are so low. Because people take questions at face value and don't really ask themselves their personal motives.

True feely types are the kind of people who think there is such a thing as 'grey area' when an INTP steps in and says nothing is truly grey. We just haven't broken it down enough!

It reminds me of a moral compass test I took. To score libertarian you basically had to be a scumbag in every other category. I think people are generally put off by some of the questions but true libertarians would answer straight as a razor on everything. Needless to say not many people scored high libertarian on it.


Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Nov 19, 2015
i do a 1,2,1
pattern...in basically anything you can think of. hard to explain let me try. i take three fingers on a desk...say pointer, middle, and ring.

i tap the pointer once, middle twice, ring once.
then i alternate. i tape pointer twice, middle once, ring twice

then i switch it to 1,3,1 and 3,1,3

i keep building on this until i lose count, then start over...i can do this for probably up to 30 minutes before realizing how much time has gone by. I dont do it much anymore, its usually only in social situations like when i was in school.


Local time
Today 2:12 AM
Nov 18, 2015
Not sure if this is an INTP thing or just awkward life thing. But these things happen to me a lot so...

I butt dialed my old boss the other day. He called me back and I texted him saying Woops sorry I butt dialed you. He said okay. When I logged into facebook not long after I see that it's actually his birthday. Imagine that. Now I feel like a dick and what can I do? Lol. I did nothing.

This happens to me a lot. And for years I would pass as this weird girl.
But I recently find a solution. Tell the truth.
I realised that if you explain to the person the weird thing that you did, they understand that it's not weird and everything goes back to normal.
Of course this doen't work if you really do something weird and unexplainable...

I just don't know how I didn't think of this before. It would have saved me a lot of unconfortable moments.

I also do weird things but I'm not really sure they are type related.
Like since I know how to count, I have always been unable to go up or down my parents steps without counting them. It used to drive me crazy when I was living there.
And then it escalated to counting eveything. when I had nothing to count I would clap my teeth in rythm and count...
Thankfully, this is over
I wonder if anyone ever suffer the same thing ?
Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Dec 11, 2015
Mild OCD, maybe - if I step on a crack, I need to step on the next crack with the same place on my other foot, or the same place with the same foot. To "undo" it. Particularly enjoy doing this with the dead center of the arch of my foot. Same with any other "touches," once I start thinking about it. For example, typing this is torturing me because I'm aware of every wayward touch my fingers are making. I'm especially sensitive to the middle of my palms.

I do something similar to this. When I walk I try to time my steps and regulate the length of my stride to avoid touching cracks.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 8, 2015
I do something similar to this. When I walk I try to time my steps and regulate the length of my stride to avoid touching cracks.

I understand this- when I'm sitting at a table with lots of objects in front of me (like at a table during a class, usually), I have to have all my stuff arranged in specific ways so I feel balanced. If I don't, it feels like my ear tingles/rings on the overbalanced side.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 8, 2015
I've noticed that I can't look into peoples eyes for long at all, usually while they talk. Even if I have known the person for ages, I have to look away, if I don't my head begins to turn. The duration of eye contact is usually one second, then I glance at something else, then I look back at the speaker. I get the feeling that they don't think I'm paying attention.

I hate looking into people's eyes when they talk or I'm talking to them. I can stare at any other part of their face and I don't mind, but experience has taught me other people think that's strange. It just feels awkward and strange to make eye contact for long stretches of time- instead of listening to them, I'll just end up focusing on where I should look instead.


empirical miracle
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Feb 22, 2015
My current location is classified.
I hate looking into people's eyes when they talk or I'm talking to them. I can stare at any other part of their face and I don't mind, but experience has taught me other people think that's strange. It just feels awkward and strange to make eye contact for long stretches of time- instead of listening to them, I'll just end up focusing on where I should look instead.

I'm pretty good with people's eyes, actually. Of course, I can't stare into their eyes too long.

I have an amazing poker face, and I can say almost anything with a straight face. Makes me good at card games. If I ever happen to find myself stuck in a card game that will decide my fate, I like my chances. Don't know if this is INTP or just NT.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 8, 2015
I'm pretty good with people's eyes, actually. Of course, I can't stare into their eyes too long.

I have an amazing poker face, and I can say almost anything with a straight face. Makes me good at card games. If I ever happen to find myself stuck in a card game that will decide my fate, I like my chances. Don't know if this is INTP or just NT.

I can keep a straight face during card games, generally, but only 70% of the time in normal conversation.


Dark Magician
Local time
Yesterday 5:12 PM
Aug 20, 2014
Southern California

-Creepy staring which some people find...creepy.
-Zone out on conversations, but still get the general gist of the message so as to be able to come up with a fully believable reply to everything said.
-Sometimes I retreat inside my body and numb myself to my surroundings, remaining as still as a corpse... which makes people think I've fallen under some state of unconsciousness.
-I don't really have a "personality". I sorta just become what I feel. This is why I can appear to change genders to people online (90% of people start with the assumption I am a female, and then I sorta ignore it for awhile since gender matters less to me than it does to others, and then I end up crushing people's hearts after they confess their attraction towards me and then I finally reveal that I am, indeed a male. Albeit not a very masculine one at all. I'm sorta a Tom-femboy. A boyish crossdresser. ) My tone of voice switches from being aesthetically delicious and academically pleasant to a more... cutesy and fun and feminine one.. mostly depending on who is being conversed with and my purpose in interacting with others.
- I have a struggle with food. Deep inside I truly enjoy abstaining from eating much, as it preserves my inner sanity (I am highly sensitive to food, which usually takes he form of mental suffering) but eating is honestly a sexual thing for me. I love the feeling of being stuffed.
- .... I'll write more later when I'm not orangeappled.


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Aug 15, 2015
My tone of voice switches from being aesthetically delicious and academically pleasant to a more... cutesy and fun and feminine one.. mostly depending on who is being conversed with and my purpose in interacting with others.

i want to hear the aesthetically delicious voice
my pretty things radar is tingling


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 27, 2015
–counting lane markers and tapping my teeth in sync
-tapping (slightly grinding) teeth to the rythym of a song or just a random repetitive rythym I made up in my head
-consuming meals in this exact order nearly every time: entree, side (if multiple, in this order: starches, vegetables, salad, fruit), dessert (if applicable), drink
-being able to think up an elaborate idea, be confident about my reasoning, and have it completely and utterly butchered by my Ne as I try to explain it to someone
-knowing exactly what I mean to say but not being able to articulate or think of the word that's escaping me
-counting the stairs as I go up them, sometimes mixing it up by stepping up two or three at a time
-reading the first line of an article, book, etc. 134 times before reality comes into focus and I can concentrate
-when explaining something to someone, realizing that they probably don't know what I meant when I referred to something, so then I go off on a tangent to explain that, and then I go off on a tangent of a tangent, etc. "What was I saying again?" *Awkward silence as I try to regain my train of thought*
-I have a somewhat disheartened feeling when I find out that I've been using something grammatically incorrect my entire life and then proceed to fix that habit rigorously (currently I'm working on using "data" and "bacteria" plurally and not singularly)
-not being able to think of more quirky stuff that I do because I probably take it for granted


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Yesterday 7:12 PM
Jan 24, 2013
-when explaining something to someone, realizing that they probably don't know what I meant when I referred to something, so then I go off on a tangent to explain that, and then I go off on a tangent of a tangent, etc. "What was I saying again?" *Awkward silence as I try to regain my train of thought*

I know exactly what you mean by this. I've pretty much just given up explaining what I was referring to. If they get it that's great, but I'm not going to go out of my way to explain it anymore.


Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 8, 2015
–counting lane markers and tapping my teeth in sync


Although I more frequently do the reverse: I'll keep my teeth closed together and "jump over" lane markers and signs as I pass them by.


Spiritual "Woo"
Local time
Yesterday 7:12 PM
Jan 24, 2013

Although I more frequently do the reverse: I'll keep my teeth closed together and "jump over" lane markers and signs as I pass them by.

OMG I do that too. When we would have road trips to places as a family I would "jump" over every light post.


Active Member
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Dec 27, 2015
OMG I do that too. When we would have road trips to places as a family I would "jump" over every light post.

I used to do something quite similar to this. I would pretend that I was watching myself (in third person) running alongside the car leaping and acrobat-ing from lightpost to sign, or on top of other cars, etc.


Local time
Today 1:12 AM
May 16, 2015
Birmingham, UK
Draw all over my friends, because my phone's broke and this is a TV free zone:

For some reason my designated seat in the smoking room has become a perch a top of a large desk; where I sit up slightly higher than everyone else, legs crossed and all very zen like... Apparently my friends decided that's where I'm staying.

I also did sing Oliva Newton John's 'Physical' to my sandwhich earlier, and had a fleeting Rumba with it before I passionately devoured it... Judging by the look on my friends face, I think that constitutes as a bit weird and a bit eccentric.


Redshirt who doesn't die
Local time
Yesterday 8:12 PM
Jan 3, 2016
Asheville, NC
Wasn't sure I had any such traits, but as I started reading this, I realized the most obvious big picture one of all. I live out of my car with my dog. Primarily because I hate the computer industry, although there are some secondary reasons. I'm pretty much "good" with the car aspect of it, it doesn't bother me at all. Other aspects of the lifestyle do bother me, but not the physical space of the car. I wouldn't have kept doing it for 5 years if I really had a problem with it, and that's hard for some people to understand. Whether that's a sign of "INTP", I really couldn't tell you. I think it's a sign of my over-the-top "N", like 90% last I tested.

Only other I can readily think of, is I usually rip a leaf off of some plant as I'm walking by. I crush it between my fingers, evaluating its texture. Often I smell it, but not always. I've done this for as long as I can remember, and I've wondered if it's some kind of hunter gatherer instinct. It might sound like "S" behavior but I think I'm doing it to analyze the properties of the plant.

Ex-User (12632)

Local time
Today 1:12 AM
Jan 28, 2016
In high school i did experiments on myself to figure out how many gulps of beer i could drink in a row before puking.

I don't like a person to hear me say the same factoid twice, because i don't want to seem repetative. since different groups i hang out with during the day may contain some of the same people this became a fascinating problem solving opportunity. So i figured out a system on how to get the right peoples reactions to the key factoids without anyone hearing them twice from me.

When im home alone i listen to music in my headphones because the sounds i make, just by being, are too much company.

In high school i did the big, important, last project about "The benifits of smoking" because i found it infuriating that people assumed it was bad without trying to see all sides of it, it didn't matter if they turned out to be right or wrong. Then i yelled at the teacher during the presentation because he was interrupting with cancer weep stories during my presentation.

In high school have befriended a chronic liar/psychopath and a "professional" thief/drunk because they were the most interesting people i could find.

I taught myself to smile automatically while zoning out to stop people from interrupting with questions like "why are you sad/angry?". It caused some awkwardness during my grandmothers funeral.

In 4th grade accidentally sent a bomb threat to a city in my country because i didn't realise they had answered the phone while i was having a fake conversation with them to joke with my friend, then i hung up the phone because i thought they hadnt picked up the phone. The police found me and i denied the whole thing.

I realise that theese things aren't THAT eccentric. But i get the impression that the question was meant to be relative to the majority.
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