Well-Known Member
How i read back i really think it wasn´t like INTP stuff with me but i just wrote things that the others consider as weird.
I don't know if this has anything to do with "INTP", but I have an embarassing and strange habit. If I'm sitting down and I get lost in my thoughts, or I come up with an idea or thought, sometimes I will, without even realizing it, jump out of my seat and start pacing around. Often times I will walk in circles or patterns. If there's stairs nearby, I'll run up and down the stairs. It's just a compulsive behavior. My legs carry me away without my own knowledge. Then I'll realize that I just did that, and try to calmly walk back. I've done this at school, work, and even other people's houses. I don't realize I'm doing it until I've already made myself look insane.
I don't know if this has anything to do with "INTP", but I have an embarassing and strange habit. If I'm sitting down and I get lost in my thoughts, or I come up with an idea or thought, sometimes I will, without even realizing it, jump out of my seat and start pacing around. Often times I will walk in circles or patterns. If there's stairs nearby, I'll run up and down the stairs. It's just a compulsive behavior. My legs carry me away without my own knowledge. Then I'll realize that I just did that, and try to calmly walk backs. I've done this at school, work, and even other people's houses. I don't realize I'm doing it until I've already made myself look insane.
I do this all the time, if I can't get up and walk around I start getting really hyperactive and tapping on my legs, table or whatever's around. And I have to talk out loud, I think I do this so I don't lose my train of thought.
I don't know if this has anything to do with "INTP", but I have an embarassing and strange habit. If I'm sitting down and I get lost in my thoughts, or I come up with an idea or thought, sometimes I will, without even realizing it, jump out of my seat and start pacing around.
I twirl my hair. Is that unusual for males?
I twirl my hair. Is that unusual for males?
Hehe. Same. This goes for all similar foodstuff.When I'm eating grapes, I roll every single one between my fingers, checking for anomalies. It's almost become a meditation of sorts. This way, I catch the sneaky grape with the miniscule spot of mold before it enters my mouth. never again...
I'm not sure if this is INTP stuff, but I tend to zone out when someone is talking to me, unless it's super interesting. I also get singularly obsessed with either getting something, or going somewhere.
Sometimes I become over-sensitive to my environment. I get irritated and unsettled by the smallest noises.
When I approach problems I start by creating a whole new system or starting a wholly different solution to the last time. I usually get stuck if I attempt to continue my previous solution. My solutions can be overly complicated; especially if they're earlier ones.
I'm not sure if it falls under this category, but I analyse traffic situations. Especially traffic light controlled ones and crossroads.
It started with recognizing patterns while waiting for red lights, which resulted in running red lights "safely" because I knew when it was impossible for a car to cross my path. It liked how efficient it was, no unnecessary waiting.
I only did this when I was walking or on my bike. I can't drive a car and if I could, I wouldn't run a red light with it. I do it less nowadays because the need for it (I had trouble being on time) has shrunk.
I get most of my work done between 1AM and 7AM, I sleep from 9PM to 1AM. I like being up when everybody else is down.
Originally Posted by Stelliferous
I'm not sure if this is INTP stuff, but I tend to zone out when someone is talking to me, unless it's super interesting.
apparently i talk to myself. only realised this when my mum asked me not to talk to the ghosts and talk to her instead. actuallly, i just talk to people in my head, but only say my part of the conversation out loud.
I tend not to kill spiders or insects I find in my living quarters. Usually I'll try to extract them out of the house.
One major quirk of mine is that I think it's hilarious to alter certain words. I will hear an obscure pronunciation of a word from a TV show, friend, acquaintance, etc., and proceed to pronounce that word in that way for years afterward. For example, I now pronounce the word "bro" in a way that makes it sound like "bruv" or "brew," no matter who I'm talking to. I always get a kick out of it because it brings back that certain memory of someone saying the word like that, though to everyone else I just seem a bit odd.
When I am with someone in public, I try to put them in awkward situations that I know will make them very uncomfortable.
For example:
-My ex-girlfriend(INFJ) and I would go grocery shopping. Whenever we passed a black person, I would say with a fairly loud voice "WOW. Can we not make RACIST jokes? Getting kinda old." Got her every time.
-My friend and I were at target buying some whipped cream for god knows what(I think his mom asked him to run to the store). So when the cashier looked at the lone can of whipped cream she was scanning, I pointed at my friend and said "Sometimes he can get really kinky". After his face turned bloodshot, he insisted that I was joking. I then said "Wow. Everywhere we go you do this. Its like you are ashamed of us."