the netizens of INTPf have no forum in the forum in which their grievances may be redressed;
there is criminal punishment dispensed in Crime & Punishment but there is no way of enforcing civil rights and righting civil wrongs; and
a Court of competent jurisdiction capable of dispensing justice with suitable pomp and pageantry would do the world of INTPs a World of Good,
NOW THEREFORE I, a fine upstanding Walfin of INTPf, of sufficiently good standing and exhibiting in true INTPf fashion a complete disregard for established social order by making a proclamation without having first sought the Blessing of the Mods, do hereby proclaim as follows:-
1. This proclamation shall be cited as the Proclamation.
2. There shall be a High Court of Justice established in this thread (hereinafter the "Court").
3. The Court shall have the jurisdiction and power to hear any dispute arising between any netizens of INTPf, any petition, any interlocutory matters arising in the course of any action before the court, and any other matters whatsoever (hereinafter "Other Rubbish").
4. The Court may take directions from any person on INTPf, including but not limited to a Mod, at its sole and absolute discretion.
5. Procedure in the Court shall be governed by the following Rules of Court:-
Rules of Court
A. Pleadings (inter partes)
I. A suit may be commenced by any number of litigants against any number of other litigants by way of writ of summons.
II. A writ of summons shall state clearly the parties to the dispute and, for each party, whether it is a plaintiff, defendant or neither. For the avoidance of doubt, any party to a suit who is neither a plaintiff nor defendant shall be referred to as a busybody (collectively "busybodies").
III. A writ of summons shall set out the complaint of the plaintiffs against the defendants in a statement of claim, which shall specifically plead all the facts necessary which, if proven, shall conclusively establish the liability of the defendants.
IV. Defendants shall file a defence, upon the filing of a writ of summons against them, by a deadline which shall be determined at the Court's sole and absolute discretion, failing which summary judgment may be granted against them.
V. Upon the filing of a defence, the suit shall proceed to trial.
VI. The Court's judgment shall be binding on all plaintiffs, defendants and busybodies to a suit.
B. Petitions (ex parte)
I. Any aggrieved party may file a petition to the Court in respect of any matter whatsoever.
II.The Court's judgment shall be binding on whosoever it deems fit.
C. Interlocutory motions
I. Any party to any matter before the Court may make an interlocutory motion in respect of any procedural matter in any suit or petition before the Court.
II. The Court may make any order it deems fit in respect of any interlocutory motion.
D. Other Rubbish
I. Any other matter brought before the Court not within the ambit of the aforegoing Rules of Court shall be deemed to be Other Rubbish.
II. The Court may take cognizance of Other Rubbish in any way it deems fit, if it wishes.
III. For the avoidance of doubt, Other Rubbish includes appeals and attempts to appeal.
E. Conversions
I. The Court may order the conversion of any action before it to any other type of action before it at any time (to a suit, petition, motion, or Other Rubbish).
II. Any attempt to resist such an order shall be prima facie an abuse of process.
F. Summary Judgment
I. The Court may grant summary judgment in respect of any matter before it in favour of any person, for default of pleadings, contravention of the Rules of Court or the Proclamation, abuse of process, or any other reason whatsoever.
G. Trial
I. Trials shall be conducted in open court.
II. The conduct of all trial proceedings, including the examination of witnesses, shall be at the Court's sole discretion.
III. The Court may convene juries as it deems fit, the composition and manner of deliberation of which shall be at its sole discretion, or matters may be decided by the Judge, Walfin.
IV. The Court shall have the power to punish for contempt at its sole discretion.
V. No judgment of the Court, whether a summary judgment or a verdict at the end of a trial, shall have any practical effect whatsoever and shall not compel the Mods to act except when they, in their sole discretion, decide to follow it.
6. Any matter not covered by the Proclamation or Rules of Court shall be determined by Walfin, the Judge, at Walfin's sole discretion.
7. The Proclamation and Rules of Court may be amended at Walfin's sole discretion.
the netizens of INTPf have no forum in the forum in which their grievances may be redressed;
there is criminal punishment dispensed in Crime & Punishment but there is no way of enforcing civil rights and righting civil wrongs; and
a Court of competent jurisdiction capable of dispensing justice with suitable pomp and pageantry would do the world of INTPs a World of Good,
NOW THEREFORE I, a fine upstanding Walfin of INTPf, of sufficiently good standing and exhibiting in true INTPf fashion a complete disregard for established social order by making a proclamation without having first sought the Blessing of the Mods, do hereby proclaim as follows:-
1. This proclamation shall be cited as the Proclamation.
2. There shall be a High Court of Justice established in this thread (hereinafter the "Court").
3. The Court shall have the jurisdiction and power to hear any dispute arising between any netizens of INTPf, any petition, any interlocutory matters arising in the course of any action before the court, and any other matters whatsoever (hereinafter "Other Rubbish").
4. The Court may take directions from any person on INTPf, including but not limited to a Mod, at its sole and absolute discretion.
5. Procedure in the Court shall be governed by the following Rules of Court:-
Rules of Court
A. Pleadings (inter partes)
I. A suit may be commenced by any number of litigants against any number of other litigants by way of writ of summons.
II. A writ of summons shall state clearly the parties to the dispute and, for each party, whether it is a plaintiff, defendant or neither. For the avoidance of doubt, any party to a suit who is neither a plaintiff nor defendant shall be referred to as a busybody (collectively "busybodies").
III. A writ of summons shall set out the complaint of the plaintiffs against the defendants in a statement of claim, which shall specifically plead all the facts necessary which, if proven, shall conclusively establish the liability of the defendants.
IV. Defendants shall file a defence, upon the filing of a writ of summons against them, by a deadline which shall be determined at the Court's sole and absolute discretion, failing which summary judgment may be granted against them.
V. Upon the filing of a defence, the suit shall proceed to trial.
VI. The Court's judgment shall be binding on all plaintiffs, defendants and busybodies to a suit.
B. Petitions (ex parte)
I. Any aggrieved party may file a petition to the Court in respect of any matter whatsoever.
II.The Court's judgment shall be binding on whosoever it deems fit.
C. Interlocutory motions
I. Any party to any matter before the Court may make an interlocutory motion in respect of any procedural matter in any suit or petition before the Court.
II. The Court may make any order it deems fit in respect of any interlocutory motion.
D. Other Rubbish
I. Any other matter brought before the Court not within the ambit of the aforegoing Rules of Court shall be deemed to be Other Rubbish.
II. The Court may take cognizance of Other Rubbish in any way it deems fit, if it wishes.
III. For the avoidance of doubt, Other Rubbish includes appeals and attempts to appeal.
E. Conversions
I. The Court may order the conversion of any action before it to any other type of action before it at any time (to a suit, petition, motion, or Other Rubbish).
II. Any attempt to resist such an order shall be prima facie an abuse of process.
F. Summary Judgment
I. The Court may grant summary judgment in respect of any matter before it in favour of any person, for default of pleadings, contravention of the Rules of Court or the Proclamation, abuse of process, or any other reason whatsoever.
G. Trial
I. Trials shall be conducted in open court.
II. The conduct of all trial proceedings, including the examination of witnesses, shall be at the Court's sole discretion.
III. The Court may convene juries as it deems fit, the composition and manner of deliberation of which shall be at its sole discretion, or matters may be decided by the Judge, Walfin.
IV. The Court shall have the power to punish for contempt at its sole discretion.
V. No judgment of the Court, whether a summary judgment or a verdict at the end of a trial, shall have any practical effect whatsoever and shall not compel the Mods to act except when they, in their sole discretion, decide to follow it.
6. Any matter not covered by the Proclamation or Rules of Court shall be determined by Walfin, the Judge, at Walfin's sole discretion.
7. The Proclamation and Rules of Court may be amended at Walfin's sole discretion.