Consumption of high fructose corn syrup is extremely bad for your health. Typically excess consumption leads people to become obese. So aim to cut this out of your diet.
Isn't that high fructose thing kind of a myth? I heard from one of my professors that it tastes the same as sugar, but stores fat a little more than pure sugar; so it's only a concern for people trying to lose weight?
From what I know any unusual taste-patterns you have would be related to your genetics and what chemicals/compounds you can taste, how your brain reacts, what associations you have, than really your personality. Though I suppose personality is a function of the brain.
I guess it probably is. It's weird though because I have a hard time putting on weight. I once tried weight-lifting with compound movements and gained about 25 pounds in two months, but had to stop because I couldn't be bothered to eat so much. Then about a month later I lost most the weight.
I'd always thought the Se predilection for indulgence was just that, for indulgence in whatever they were sensorialy* attracted to, not necessarily dictating what the Se-type's tastes were.
Well, I guess technically, there has to be some metaphysical construct of desire for the action to occur, right? In this case, sugar-related?
Personally, my favorite group of foods would have to be salt/vinegar. I mean, why let all of that leftover balsamic dressing go to waste? Might as well dip the fork in there and enjoy.
Wow, I love vinegar. And spicy foods. And sugar. I think I like extreme tastes or something. I hadn't thought about it, but that seems very true.
Do you eat sugary food when you're stressed?
When I'm not too. It's stimulating for some reason. It's like having sex or listening to some very interesting sounds; it makes things plain exciting and my thoughts more alive.
I'm a sweettooth. At work I get made fun of being addicted to cake. (Whenever it's somebody's birthday, they get cake. I always eat most.)
I've also had my fair share of junkfood in my life, though I'm starting to eat that less. Prolly has something to do with growing more mature. My boyfriend still eats a LOT of junkfood. He says he needs it because he's athletic and otherwise doesn't make his daily calorie intake. (I always say he just needs to eat more bread and meat.) But because he eats it a lot I eat it with him, most of the time.
I hate it when people complain that a piece of cake is "too sweet" and they go on and on about how they can't eat it or take one bite and say they can't eat anymore. And then I eat a big piece about three times the size they had and they start to worry if I'm diabetic; I really don't get it.
I really like fruit, veggies not so much. I don't like sour or spicy food and I've learned to eat/drink bitter stuff now, but I'm not very fond of it. (Coffee and tea.) I guess my diet consists mostly of sweet/sugary stuff and fruits + some (really not a lot) meat and rice/bread. Don't eat dairy much. You don't really need it anyways.
And I'm not overweight. My BMI is 19.
I love fruit. Granny smith apples are so good. But I think consuming large amounts of fruit gives diarrhea, even though it's supposedly healthy food. Or maybe it's just apples, I know apple juice causes the runs in large quantities.
It could be because sugar boosts your serotonin.
Have you ever done a blood test to check for glucose levels? You could be insulin resistant by now, I think that exacerbates the cravings.
As for myself, I've always had a fondness for salty food.
I like salty foods as well. I had my glucose levels checked once many years ago due to adrenal fatigue and fibromyalgia, but that was due to overexertion and adrenaline addiction. The blood test came out fine and they treated me as a hypochondriac, yet they were wrong, and I really hate know-it-all doctors that don't know-it-all.
I remember drinking a glass of salt water and feeling really good almost immediately for about 5 minutes, at which case I knew it was adrenal malfunctioning related. It's possible I have a very bad awareness of my body, in general. But I also know that if I'm in pain or under-stimulated, adrenaline seems to alleviate it like some kind of natural morphine or excitation; it's interesting.
I'm not really sure what you mean when you say it raises serotonin. I know some think serotonin has a relationship to pleasure, but then it would also have to have a relationship to pain for that to be completely true and I don't think pain is something anyone is yet to fully understand. In other words, can one have pain and pleasure at the same time? I think it would be possible, but then that throws ideas of strict chemical causations out the window, I suppose.
Anyway, would you like to elaborate on a hypothesis? I'm interested.