Do you see Sheldon as a rigid workaholic, someone who's focused on building (TJ) or as an adaptable slacker who is focused on revising(TP)?
This does not match my understanding of MBTI at all.. The 4 letter code doesn't say that much; functions is everything in MBTI. I will just direct your(and everyone else who cares) attention to the following wall-o-text. I hope it is not too confusing in its presentation
If we try and rap our minds around how Te/Ti and Ne/ni works, within the context of The Big Bang Theory. I think comparing Leonard and Sheldon makes sense, in order to present the differences, because Leonard shows Ni-Te, albeit he is not the stereotype INTJ.
(when I speak of Ti/Te, it would be an INTPs/INTJs Ti/Te)
Ti as a dominant function focus in internal logical consistency (such as a need to have everything phrased in a perfect manner, so that its meaning is perfectly clear. Ti is subjectiv and personal)
ni/Te cares about having their external world to be correct and consistent. INTJs and INTPs do have a lot in common, but the INTPs focus on the internal logical consistency is immaterial in the eyes of the INTJ. What matters is the meaning/point. Te is objective and impersonal
So far so good. As you may have noticed Sheldon is obsessed with logical consistency to a degree that is not matched by anyone in the series. This to me screams Ti.
Quote(as I remember it):
Leonard: We had a team meeting. Sheldon: No you didn't. I wasn't at the meeting, and I am a part of the team, ergo you did not have a team meeting.
Although the quote does not show Leonards Te, it does present Sheldon's Ti.
Leonard has an impersonal understanding of the world and himself(ofc to a degree), and such is clearly shown when Leonard takes in critique. Leonard does not take it personal but he accepts critique as true, if he observes it to be true. An example of this could be when he realises that he "
is the bad fish" as the others point out.
Intuitive humour is often related to connecting the dots. I don't remember exact quotes for this section, but he laughs when he has to do a bit of thinking in order to understand the fun. (when Amy sends him an sms making a pun connecting laundry(iirc) and Chemistry. What Sheldon cares about, is looking behind the apparent and understand how things
work from an abstract perspective. This is a classical intuitive behavior. (few pointers of why he is not ISTJ)
The most obvious Ne jump Sheldon makes, aside from his humour, is when he quits his job in order experiment with Eggs, which then leads to luminous fish, which then leads to loom. This is just Ne connecting dots in a pointless manner, which is classic INTP Ne.
Sheldon shows classic INTP behavior which is uncommon -> unrealistic behavior for an INTJ , which is related to what is said above, and that is the fact that he readily decides to try and learn/understand new things without needing any clear application for it in the real life. Aside from the whole luminous fish thing, you also see him all of the sudden starting to learn finnish.
Good, I think I have talked a bit about Ti/Ne (my answer is based on the assumption that the reader is into functions and feels comfortable with them)
Sheldon's complete lack of social understanding screams inferior function. Sheldon has terrible understanding of social codes, so he either process them through Ti or Si. I can refer to another post of mine regarding INTP Fe here: .
Neither INTJ nor INTP should have a bad understanding os sarcasm, but I believe that Sheldons Sarcasm problem, is related to his inferior extraverted feeling. Sheldon does not understand the social codes which the Sarcasm is built on, so he understand what is being said through Ti. a Si-Fe , Ti-Fe situation is presented:
Pennys day is a total wreck; She is too blond to fit a certain acting role, and her wares drops to the floor, and she locks herself out.. Everything goes wrong.
Sheldon: Would you like to come in? (Sheldon knows (Si) that is is good gesture (inferior fe in this case) to invite people in when things are bad
Penny: No I would rather stay out here sheldon!
Sheldon: Alright then. (Sheldon does not understand that she is not being sincere so he has no option but to understand the situation through Ti. "she says no, so she must mean no")
The same Si-Fe is shown when he offers the 'none optional hot beverages', which ofc just shows his complete lack of understanding of everything social.
Alright, I hope this wasn't bombarding you with info. I am only showing few examples because 1) otherwise would be too time consuming, 2) I expect people to understand the principle behind the argument.
Furthermore I hope that people keep in mind that one does not have to fit a stereotype in order to be
that type.
oh right.. The other points presented. I will just see if I have not already answered them:
I mean, INTP's practically riddle every sentence made in public with sarcasm. Sarcasm is the joining of Ne and Ti. Ti thinks of the dynamics of the point to be made, while Ne creates a humorous situation in which to contrast it with. While I agree Sheldon utilizes Ti in many scenarios, the Ne is simply not there.
That means that you are moving away from your ISTJ and instead you will say that he is the action-hero stereotype ISTP?
If we look at the functions, we see that he raises a LOT of insane hypotheses in his daily life, that are based on HIS experiences, (lots of Ni), and then proceeds to carry them out, only to find that most don't work in reality, and need major adjustment, or possibly never work (classic Te). That is what Te is for, to test Ni, and, as with any scientific hypothesis, most of them fail miserably. Same with Sheldon. So quite clearly, he is someone whose behaviour agrees with his functions.
I would
really need some references to the show, because otherwise it seems to me as a misunderstanding of Ni-Te in the context. I am not sure why you highlight
his, so I won't be able to respond to that. But it is true that Sheldon tries out some of his thoughts in an experimental way (the luminous fish example) but Sheldon does not prefer the real-world touch when working, as a Te would. Sheldon is a theoretical physicist and where Leonard works with applied physics.
In the Ni world view one *knows* what he knows and that is why INTJs are often criticized for being stubborn. A Ni vs Ti Clash:
Sheldon has decided to work with the oompa loompas of science, and visits howards, but is kicked out, so he wants to work with Leonard instead. Leonard works with laser and Sheldon is puzzled.
Sheldon: Have you tried [other kind of laser](Ti-Ne)
Leonard: It will just blow up (or something like that, sorry I can't remember the exact quote)
Sheldon: Are you sure?
Leonard: Pretty sure(!) (When viewing this scene Leonards reaction suggests (once again)
Ni-Te. Leonard *knows* this)
Sheldon: Pretty sure? that's not very scientific.. Do you always work like that? with guesses and hunches? (Ti(!) , sheldon requires acqurate reasoning and explanation for him to accept the conclusion).
Guess you'd better, because I see a LOT of Ni, and Te, and some Fi (such as when he needs Penny to read 'Soft Kitty' to him), in the proportions I'd expect from someone who was typed Ni-Te-Fi-Se.
*scratches head* Fi due to soft kitty song? You really need to explain this. I most of all regard this as one of his mental disorders that needs nurishment.
Alright, now I should have given some reasons as to why Sheldon is not an INTJ.