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Question for Women- Makeup- yeah or nay?


Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Mar 25, 2009
My curiosity got me into this thread.

I'd have thought that in addition to anything else, some might use makeup as a mask to kinda sorta hide behind and/or a kinda sorta camouflage to blend in and not be noticed.

Speaking of "hide behind", note the beard. :-)

on the subject of beards, i think its quite different than makeup, seeing as beards come naturally to us men whether we want it or not, where as women must take the time to apply a "fresh coat" every time.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
Very interesting topic...

For the record, I am INTP. Generally I am distrustful of things that society says we should do. However, I actually quite enjoy makeup and pretty clothes.


Well, part of it has to do with the fact that I grew up as a dancer (ballet, modern), and every time there was a show, makeup was applied. I learned very quickly (at a young age, too) how to do my own WELL, and ended up being the one touching up makeup for everyone in between numbers. I quickly became accustomed to the way it felt on my face. My mom wore makeup, and growing up (being a kid, and very unsure of myself--actually still am somewhat, although these days more because of any intellectual shortcomings I think I have) I wanted to emulate that. When I got "old enough" (high school), my mom bought me some very basic makeup. I used to love to experiment with all the different looks I could create, and quickly began to associate it with a form of self expression (however, at that age I also did it to attract boys--to no avail... I guess they didn't want to date anyone smarter than them ;), and to "fit in". I've grown out of that.)

These days, it's just a part of my routine. I usually do just a minimal amount (to keep from looking sleep deprived, mostly!). I think it's slightly important to look "presentable" (at least from society's standpoint). Maybe that makes me a little bit J (seriously, only a LITTLE--trust me in most other ways I'm pretty far removed from what society expects.) And honestly, around the other engineers (all guys) they could care less whether I wear makeup or not, but sometimes I have to deal with customers and other people that would think I am a slob if I don't look at least somewhat more put together.

But, having said that, I do like to do a bit more when I go out to a nice party or to a bar, or whatever (which has become very infrequent as of late). The whole act of getting ready, putting on cute clothes, fixing my hair nice, and adding some pretty makeup is fun.

Do I care what other INTP's think about this? Yes, in that I think its interesting to compare different attitudes and evaluate what makes us different. But no, in that I will not suddenly stop because it's not what all the other INTP's are doing!

Do I really care what all the people that will see me in my makeup think? Nope. I am in a very steady long term relationship, and am not attempting to catch any attention from guys. But it does make me feel more self-confident (I'm talking party makeup here)... it's like putting on a new persona. When I wear cute little skirts and party makeup, I feel self confident, and more extroverted. I talk to everyone in the group. I'm generally more animated, and I actually tell the jokes in my head!

I should mention that my other hobby (aside from math!) is visual art, of all kinds. So it doesn't seem that much different to me than painting.

As for skirts--summer in Alabama? I will most definitely be wearing a skirt, if only to keep me cool!

So, in conclusion (I feel like I'm writing a paper... >_<), I really don't give 2 craps if anyone thinks I'm shallow, or whatever, for wearing makeup and dresses. I know I'm not, and my friends and relatives know that I'm not, and that's really all that matters to me.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 10:40 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
How did you come to the conclusion that INTPs as a whole would view as shallow for wearing makeup? It's apparent that a lot of them don't care too much about makeup, but it seems like too much of a leap to me.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
I've always seen makeup as abhorrent. Essentially, it's a universal commercial farce. Manipulate a woman's self-esteem enough and she, if gullible or easily influenced, will cake herself in powder and chemicals for the sake of superficiality.
I really can't understand this. Is it some game of one-upsmanship? That one has to be prettier than the next girl to be superior, and thus buy more products and spend more time drooling in front of the mirror? Or is it some emotional crutch?

I didn't say INTPs as a whole... I just meant, anyone, in general. Namely this person^

Read that how you will, but I took it (in a nutshell) to mean that women who use makeup are shallow, or emotionally or intellectually weak. I was just trying to give the alternative, that this is not always the case.

Even people that would be considered "shallow" have a lot more depth of personality that you might expect. For instance, there was a girl in one of my art classes, who wore stilletto heels and miniskirts every day--to a sculpture class (you know, chipping plaster, cutting wood/metal with power tools, etc). In a quick sweeping generalization, I immediately thought she was shallow and stupid. But after a few classes with her, and actually talking to her, I started to realize how really interesting of a person she was. She didn't care what the other artists thought of her. She liked herself that way.

Not really on topic, but I just thought of that.


Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Apr 15, 2009
Interesting responses. :)

Read that how you will, but I took it (in a nutshell) to mean that women who use makeup are shallow, or emotionally or intellectually weak. I was just trying to give the alternative, that this is not always the case.

Yes and no. I tend to have more male friends and acquaintances than females, though if I despised every woman that wore makeup, I'd be happy around three or four women that I know, and that would be all.

I can understand the concept of wearing a skirt when it's hot out. It makes sense - why not do it? I don't see it as any worse than wearing a coat in the winter.

That said, many makeup-wearing INTPs that I've seen in this thread say that they wear it because it gives them an emotional/psychological boon. They feel more comfortable with it, or happier about themselves. Some say it's a means of self-expression. Help me understand this - know that I'm not trying to judge you or criticize you, I just don't understand what you mean.

a) It makes you happy. Why does it make you happy? You are dusting and painting your face. Getting a new puppy? Acing a test? Finding twenty bucks on the ground? I can understand the happiness. Glorified face-paint? I don't get it. Which logically means...

b) You like how you look in it, you like the attention you get. Why should you have to use makeup to feel better about yourself? Why do you feel good when you hide your face under a mountain of powdered this and glossy that?

c) The bit I really don't understand is self-expression. I am around made-up women and girls constantly. They all, essentially, look the same. I don't see any wild diversity there. No slashes or stripes or artistic swirls bedecking faces. No extreme colors or mismatched tones. Carefully chosen powders matching their faces, just enough red in the cheeks to seem natural, black or brown mascara, eyeliner. Lipstick or gloss that fits the lips and doesn't stick out.
How is that expressive? It's what everyone else does. It's smoke and mirrors. One's natural look, but 'prettier', day in and day out, with little variation.

I'm not trying to be combative, but it does seem like emotional cop-out to me. If you have anything to say to make me understand a makeup-wearer's perspective, please share. I'd love to understand the thought process. :)


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 4:40 AM
Apr 8, 2009
at the risk of sounding insensitive, i think women learn from a very early age that they are valued by society for their appearance (moreso than males, although that is changing). cosmetics, consumer items (clothing/jewelery), plastic surgery etc. are all things that women are expected to use to enhance their status and to increase their worth in society.

of course, this begs the question "why do we value females this way"..


Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
of course, this begs the question "why do we value females this way"..
Because a youthful appearance suggests fertility, among other things. We can try, but we can never completely get away form our biological imperatives. Men still want to appear like a virile, strong provider, and women still want to appear highly suitable for child bearing.

Of course, we simultaneously want to appear as if we don't care about these things. Perhaps to make it as if it comes naturally to us, or maybe to bolster the package with the appearance of being "cultured."

That being said, there's something to be said about moderating the degree to which we value these things, understanding the negative impacts of valuing them too much, and separating these biologically-driven values from character-based values (i.e. Female A's nice legs do not make her a better person than Female B, only perhaps more sexually attractive to men...)


Active Member
Local time
Tomorrow 4:40 AM
Apr 8, 2009
this is true, but if it's merely biological predeliction towards fertility that's the culprit, why is it that the current ideal for females is to look slim, unfertile, certainly not suitable for child bearing..? why are men are not called "pretty" and admired primarily for their physical beauty? are women not concerned about their partner's fertility also?
i suspect it may be more to do with the fact that because attractive females were/are treated as another marker of status for males, they have to place more importance on their appearance in the surface-obsessed culture we live in.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:40 AM
Jan 26, 2009
Read that how you will, but I took it (in a nutshell) to mean that women who use makeup are shallow, or emotionally or intellectually weak. I was just trying to give the alternative, that this is not always the case.

I do get this sometimes. It's not so much that people think I'm shallow, but they think I don't 'look like' the kind of girl I am. Apparently, if you are a nerd, you're supposed to look like one or it confuses people!

@ Merzbau: There is a difference between the media standard and the reality standard. I'm not overweight, but I am a girl with curves that scream fertile (much closer to Scarlett than Paris) and males notice and like it. I think if you fit the media standard you are still attractive for the reasons you mentioned, but the hourglass is still in vogue in everyday life...

@ Apsaras: I wear it because I feel better when I look pretty (why; I don't know) and because I am afraid for people to see me with flaws and not as pretty I could possibly be.


Active Member
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Apr 10, 2009
my mind...
chocolate: Yeah I get the same thing. Nerdy girls can't be pretty? Who decided that? But apparently it's weird. But that's ok, I like being weird. :)

echoplex: I agree for sure that moderation is the key. For superficial things to identify who you are--there's a problem. It really does boil down to biological impulses. Not really scholarly material, but the discovery channel did a really interesting series of shows on beauty and sex. I don't remember all of the details, but most of what they found about attraction and the universal standard of beauty is timeless, and is highly correlated with childbearing abilities.

merzbau: On why models must be stick thin and tall? I haven't the foggiest. All the guys (and girls! ;)) I know like girls with some curves. Not really sure why the media standard lately has been to be so tiny. But like chocolate said, most people still recognize the hourglass as beautiful.

apsaras: I think the difference is in the way we look at things. I personally look at it as in, I'm enhancing my natural beauty--not trying to look like anyone else (not that I could anyway! I don't fit the typical magazine version of beautiful, but I think that I am in my own way.). If we look at wearing makeup to be "I want to look like the media says I should!" then there's some self esteem issues at work--but don't we all have them? (Maybe not the same ones, but is anyone really SURE about themselves completely?) Nobody's perfect. So I cover up a few "flaws" with a dab of makeup, sometimes I wear crazy eyeliner. Does it change who I am as a person? As long as I don't let the makeup and the clothes and the whatever else (big screen TV's, nice car, house with a white picket fence, etc etc) define who I am, then I don't see a problem. It's not my priority in life to be beautiful. And hey, what's wrong with getting a little bit of attention every now and then?

I understand your perspective, and respect it. But I see it differently, and that doesn't make me any worse of a person than you.


Local time
Today 5:40 PM
Apr 13, 2009
sydney, australia
hmmm, it's interesting.....the social psychology of facial appearance is a major interest of mine and the politics of beauty is a fascinating issue to scrutinize. my experience is a little different from some of you, in that i grew up being identified for my looks. although, both my siblings were very academically successful (architect and financial analyst) and possess piercing intellects, i have had to overcome the stereotype that you had too be one or the other.

i felt that my potential early on was somewhat stalled and almost dampened as a result.
to tell you the truth, in my youth i was very happy to ride on my looks - i made friends easily, was popular at school and with both the opposite and same sex, teachers liked me, i got into clubs while underage, i modelled and grew up socially at a much accelerated rate. i've really got nothing to complain about but, as i've gotten older......that whole programme has gotten old and tired. i don't wear as much make-up as i used to (and i didn't wear it for anybody but myself - it was expression and yes, i accentuated the points i like about my face. i love fashion and art and if i want to go out to dinner in 12cm stilettos and a painted face - there's no statement behind it other than i feel good and hopefully, by feeling good - look good) but that's more of an age thing and perhaps, a comfort thing but there are the days i most certainly amp it up.

at the end of the day, we're all multi-faceted. i just hope that all sides i present to the world are all equally recognised.

* the most unattainable ideal will always reign supreme and as you know, we all come in beautiful, differing shapes and sizes - unfortunately that 'body' is the best figure to showcase the potential of a garment without bias (i know, ironic) and for the record, those tall and skinny catwalk models actually have almost the same hip-to-waist ratio as the classic bombshell.........it just the height diff that skews it a little.


Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Jan 28, 2009
From a dangerously safe distance
this is true, but if it's merely biological predeliction towards fertility that's the culprit, why is it that the current ideal for females is to look slim, unfertile, certainly not suitable for child bearing..? why are men are not called "pretty" and admired primarily for their physical beauty? are women not concerned about their partner's fertility also?
i suspect it may be more to do with the fact that because attractive females were/are treated as another marker of status for males, they have to place more importance on their appearance in the surface-obsessed culture we live in.
Very good points! I have wondered about this too.

I think much of it is cultural. It has been said that cultures with plenty of food tend to find skinny women more attractive, while those same women would be considered ugly in other parts of the world (although as said before, the hourglass figure is generally valued worldwide). I think that in America, as well as many other countries, being thin is associated with youth, which is in turn associated with fertility, since our ancestors normally started having babies earlier in life, and life expectancy was much shorter.

Likewise, being "overweight" is associated with older age, which makes some sense, because metabolism usually slows with age, making it harder to burn fat, and since food is plentiful, being skinny is not seen as a sign of malnutrition, but rather one of good genes and/or youth.

As for men, I think they are largely valued by women for their potential as a provider, so markers of youth are not as critical, although they can still be important. Fertility is obviously important too, but I think it's harder to judge.

Oh, and you make a very good point about males and status. I'm often amazed at how much men allow society to influence who they're attracted to. You'd think that individual genetics would determine that, and to some degree they do, but it's still amazing how much preference is steered in the direction of social standards. I think perhaps men allow this to happen in the pursuit of "higher" social status. After all, if society approves of your girlfriend, then your status within society will be improved. Whereas if you are wildly attracted to your gf but society considers her ugly, then you are assumed to be of lower status.

Anyway, I think I've steered from the topic of makeup. Makeup can obviously make women appear younger and healthier, by hiding blemishes and things caused by bacteria. This is also tied to our primitive, innate prejudgments of fertility, which were likely useful for ancestors, but now seem illogical in many ways.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:40 AM
Oct 25, 2008
merzbau: On why models must be stick thin and tall? I haven't the foggiest.

Supposedly it's because the clothes hang better on them.

(My issue with dresses is that I have trouble sizing both the top and bottom parts of me in one piece of clothing. It's far easier for me to do top & pant/skirt ensembles, where I can size each differently.)

This is why I get so frustrated when I have to go clothes shopping. My body shape does not fit what clothes makers thing the average is, so it is a pain trying to find clothes that fit right. I've considered trying to learn how to make my own patterns and all that so that I can make my own clothes that fit how I like them to. As of yet I have been too lazy. But it is something that irritates me so much that I will probably learn this skill eventually.
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Creepy Clown Chick
Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Sep 25, 2008
This is why I get so frustrated when I have to go clothes shopping. My body shape does not fit what clothes makers thing the average is, so it is a pain trying to find clothes that fit right. I've considered trying to learn how to make my own patterns and all that so that I can make my own clothes that fit how I like them to. As of yet I have been too lazy. But it is something that irritates me so much that I will probably learn this skill eventually.

I have considered it too, you get control over the material and specifics of the garment. But I also know how lazy I am and how much I hate doing stuff with my hands... so I doubt it is going to happen. :(


... runs deep
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
This documentary is pretty relevant to the thread. The entire series is one of my favorites and has helped me a great deal in identifying the arbitrary nature of gender expression across cultures.

This is why I get so frustrated when I have to go clothes shopping. My body shape does not fit what clothes makers thing the average is, so it is a pain trying to find clothes that fit right. I've considered trying to learn how to make my own patterns and all that so that I can make my own clothes that fit how I like them to. As of yet I have been too lazy. But it is something that irritates me so much that I will probably learn this skill eventually.
Oh my god; I could have written this exact post.

I'm most comfortable wearing a mix of mens and womens clothing for fit and personal expression. :p


Local time
Today 5:40 PM
Apr 13, 2009
sydney, australia
I'm most comfortable wearing a mix of mens and womens clothing for fit and personal expression. :p

me too. i love 70s old men trousers for style and they're pretty much the only tailored pants i'll wear. i've stolen my brother's old cadet shirt from when he was twelve and his private school wool knit sweater to wear now too.

yep, i obviously don't follow 'fashion' ;)


Ryuusa bakuryuu
Local time
Today 6:40 PM
Apr 22, 2009
Makeup isn't important. Who you are and how you carry yourself is.


is watching and taking notes
Local time
Today 10:40 AM
Dec 24, 2007
casually playing guitar in my mental arena
Supposedly it's because the clothes hang better on them.

This is why I get so frustrated when I have to go clothes shopping. My body shape does not fit what clothes makers thing the average is, so it is a pain trying to find clothes that fit right. I've considered trying to learn how to make my own patterns and all that so that I can make my own clothes that fit how I like them to. As of yet I have been too lazy. But it is something that irritates me so much that I will probably learn this skill eventually.

Yes! Maybe I'm just shopping in all the wrong places, but there's nothing for hourglass figures. It all seems to be tailored for stick figures and plus sizes. There's no way those two extremes can illustrate the "average".


Active Member
Local time
Today 5:40 PM
Apr 12, 2009
Not reading this thread but just giving my opinion.

I also think i speak for most men, make up is necessary in moderation.

The best advice i could give a woman from a mans perpective to gauge how much makeup to put on. Stop applying before you can tell your wearing any, meaning the more natural the better. but that doesnt mean dont use makeup.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 10:40 AM
Oct 25, 2008
Yes! Maybe I'm just shopping in all the wrong places, but there's nothing for hourglass figures. It all seems to be tailored for stick figures and plus sizes. There's no way those two extremes can illustrate the "average".

Even for the plus sizes they assume that you would be shaped like a stick if only you were skinny. Gah! Some of us actually look like we're capable of baring children.


Active Member
Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Feb 17, 2009
this is living?
Say what you will, but as a teenager, I wore make up to be A)more attractive to boys and B) as attractive as other girls, to the best of my ability, both without going overboard on the amount of makeup or the time it took to apply, while keeping in touch with the usual trends (like eyeliner inside the lid or outside the lid, for example) with very little effort. Hair, same (big then straight). I never wanted to "stick out in a crowd", especially as a teenager, so overdoing was a no-no, and not doing at all would have just been stupid, as far as I was concerned, because people notice you as "different" and take note of you, and often in a negative way, when you go outside of the "norms". I was outside of the norms academically already, and in my taste of friends, and how I spent my spare time, so being "normal" looking seemed like a no brainer to balance it all out for me. I don't remember putting much thought into it then, but when I look back I know those were the reasons. I liked boys, and most boys liked good looking girls. I had potential to compete, so I did, by accentuating the positives and covering up what most every teenage girl must deal with but hates, zits. Obviously, I did not appreciate my differences then, like I am coming to as I get older.

On that note, into my twenties, I was married and had a child. I learned to appreciate my natural looks less and my time, more. Even though I did not spend more than 15 minutes, usually, on hair and makeup, being a mom, wife, and worker and/or student was more than enough in many ways, most days. So, I started skipping the regimine more and more, and became more and more comfortable with that.

But, being a night owl since I can remember, like many of us are, eventually took its toll on the eyes in the day time, so after awhile, it just became easier to do some small cover up under the eyes and a little mascara to keep the comments down from those who thought I "looked" tired, even when I wasn't. A little chap stick for the healthy benefit and look, and poof, main goal achieved, less negative and unwanted attention. I'd rather spend a few minutes doing my eyes than placating the feelings of some worry wart whose likely just nosing in my business anyway. Even if they are being "concerned", it's still none of their business. And, I suck at placating and tire of being "nice" for their sake, especially when I don't get it, and especially at work.

These days, I put on make up every now and again, and usually only when I am looking for the "Wow, honey, you really look good, effect." Even though my husband finds me attractive without make up, he seems to appreciate the effect it has on my face, and the styling of my hair just ices the cake, so to speak. He's an ESFJ, so when we're going out together, and I look especially good on his arm, it makes him "feel" better. Who cares? I do. I want him to feel good. He relies very heavily on how he is feeling, and since we live this life together, that's going to affect me too. And, I can almost be guaranteed we'll be going to bed somewhat early on those nights, and who can complain about that? I certainly won't.

In my opinion, beauty aids have their purpose. And, whether or not they are used depends on the individual's goals and values. When I valued staying low key while still being noticed by a select group, I wore makeup just about daily. When I valued my time and cared less about what people thought of me, I put less time and energy into it. When it suits my purposes, I indulge or don't. It's pretty simple to me. I don't see what all the fuss is about. You can gripe about the unfair social expectations, the superficial masses, and whatever, but the world is what it is, at least at this time. If I thought for a moment that my lack of makeup wearing would indeed promote some paradigm shift in the cultural attitude of the masses regarding their measure of beauty, sure, why not. But, in my opinion this, as a global issue, does not seem like a hill to die on, to me. And, it certainly does not seem to be something that someone should use to judge a person's depth of character, should it? I mean, I was doing that to my sister when I was like, 10 years old. My sister does not leave the house without makeup, she does put on her softball glove and her face. And, to her the grocery store has some mysterious beauty pagent that I've never entered. But, my sister is a very strong human being, resiliant, hopeful, and has many strengths that I don't possess. Perhaps, her perfectionism in this area leads to some amount of suffering in her life. My perfectionism in other areas has led to some suffering in mine. We are different, that is all. People are different, yet everyone is vain. I'm sorry. That's what I think. Someone already said this, but I concur, people are imperfect, and I'll add, beautifully.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
My mother has been pressuring me recently to put on some make up. I think she thinks I look like a dyke because I just chopped my hair short again. Also, What Not To Wear brainwashed me into caring about how I look.

So I put on make-up tonight for the first time since I was little, and it actually doesn't suck. It feels kind of weird, but I used low quality stuff from when I was twelve, so that's to be expected. (yay run-ons!)

I do like how I look in it and might start wearing it next school year. This year I have gym, and I really don't want to mess with the stuff during school. Summer is not a practicle time for such things, at my age at least, although I'd wear it for special occasions.

Before having seriously used make-up (if my present look can be called 'serious'), I was more than a little skeptical about this "confidence" from "looking nice." I still am, a bit, but I decided I don't need to have some alterior motive for looking nice. I do feel I look less butch, which is good, and so I'm not worried about my pixie-cut hair being perfect because I have a back up.

tl;dr: Makeup is no longer an evil ploy by Society to bring me down, man. ;)


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
Makeup is no longer an evil ploy by Society to bring me down, man. ;)
I must say I spoke too soon. Damn it.
Firstly, this stuff feels nasty. I don't think I could bear having it on all day. :eek: Perhaps better quality makeup would feel better, but am I really willing to spend money on that chance?
I also feel too young to wear makeup too. I'm just a child, just entered high school.
I think I will wait until college to start wearing makeup daily. For now my mom will have to accept "special occasions." (Shouldn't she be telling me NOT to wear makeup? Hmph.)


Active Member
Local time
Today 6:40 PM
Apr 1, 2009
You don't have to wear it. And as for the post above yours, I think men that feel better with a good looking woman have something wrong with their sexual nature. Are men not jealous anymore? Gosh, I would die if I had a husband that wanted other men looking at me. Jealousy is a sexual instinct and if he doesn't have that, I don't want him.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Apr 20, 2009
Unauthorized personnel only
V of violent acres wrote a blog once that the makeup, clothing, thinness, and accessories is really just women competing and trying to impress women. Guys pump up and butt heads and what not in sort parallel competition that women often roll their eyes at.

I think INTPs tend to shy away from competiveness.

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Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Mar 8, 2009
rural New Jersey
I studied theatrical makeup for years. The entire premise of makeup and costuming is that it is human nature to assume that "what you see is what you get." I use makeup for specific purposes. Occasionally it is to disguise the allergy shiners under my eyes. Occasionally, it is to avoid frightening small children. Sometimes, it is to make me feel better about myself. Let me tell you, by the time the late 40's hit, occasionally you want to hit back. Most of the time, I use the absence of makeup. I credit that last point as the reason I had great skin well into my 40's. The compliments have slowed to a trickle, however. I reconcile myself; it is necessary.
When I wear makeup now, it's usually because I'm going to be singing on a stage. Increasing the color intensity and contrast of my facial characteristics ensures that the audience can see my expressions as I sing, even from the back row.
A practical consideration: wearing makeup ensures that I clean my face thoroughly every night, because I can't stand waking up with old makeup on my face. As a teen, my skin always improved whenever I was in a play because it got extra cleaning, several times a day.
Is marking up your arms "makeup"? Yes. I've worn body makeup. And I've applied temporary tattoos to actors for "South Pacific." I do not recommend using markers on your skin. They tend to contain volatile chemicals and/or set off allergic reactions. You have other choices - theatrical makeup, temporary tattoos, henna (wears off after several days, maybe weeks).

Why must models be thin and tall? Because to the haute couture designers, they are the frames on which designs are hung. Some of those models wearing female clothes are actually males.
College degree in technical theater (costuming) can yield a full crop of cynicism, I know.
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Local time
Tomorrow 1:40 AM
Oct 10, 2008
I like make-up and fashion and pop culture. It's interesting and fun and i enjoy it.


Local time
Tomorrow 1:40 AM
Oct 10, 2008
oh also, on the model issue..
Less material = Less cost?
i dont know.


Consistently Inconsistent
Local time
Today 5:40 PM
May 18, 2009
I am curious as to how many INTP women wear makeup. Do you ever wear makeup? If so, do you wear it regularly or just on occasion? What occasion?
I read a similar thread on an INTJ forum and am curious about the differences between the two.

I don't. Only lip gloss (if I remember / care), because it's cute. I don't think I really need to, because my face is well structured and my features are plesantly balanced, so I can't seem to be bothered to accentuate anything or w/e. If I have a blemish I will treat it, as opposed to covering it up, and if I have an interview/going to a formal gathering/etc. aka something that I think is worth a different look, then yes.

And that's it.
Local time
Tomorrow 1:40 AM
May 28, 2009
The land where a merlion is the country's official
clogs my damned pores. i only use it when i dont want to look like a slob.

as individualistic as we are, it is no excuse for slobbery.


mysteriously benevolent
Local time
Today 5:40 PM
Mar 28, 2009
mostly in the vast space inside
I wear a line on my upper lids and mascara most days but only started doing that when I turned 50 and I saw Penelope Cruz in Volver. I wear lipstick very occasionally because it changes my face so much. I wear foundation (the stuff you put on your whole face - no idea if it has another name in the US or elsewhere) once every 5 years and then think 'never again'. It's so disgusting.

I do love theatrical makeup though and the only parties I like are fancy dress parties.


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Apr 7, 2009
Just wondering. Do you think make up makes a woman more or less attractive? I for one would say more. Even a natural beauty, with make up, looks so sexy. What is it about make up that makes women look so much better? Is it because it hides blemishes and enhances features? Or is it because our society has ingrained it into our minds that make-up=beauty? In ancient China (or some other asian country) I heard that fat women were considered beautiful. So maybe, make-up is just society's standard of beauty.

Ah...what do I know...><


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
It depends....
Does the foundation match her skin tone? Is the cover-up hiding blemishes or highlighting them? Does the blush provide a subtle shadowing or does she look like she has a fever? Does the eyeshadow bring out her eyes properly? Does the eyeliner define her eyes or overwhelm them? Is the mascara all clumpy? Do her lips look smooth or sticky?


Consistently Inconsistent
Local time
Today 5:40 PM
May 18, 2009
It depends....
Does the foundation match her skin tone? Is the cover-up hiding blemishes or highlighting them? Does the blush provide a subtle shadowing or does she look like she has a fever? Does the eyeshadow bring out her eyes properly? Does the eyeliner define her eyes or overwhelm them? Is the mascara all clumpy? Do her lips look smooth or sticky?

:eek: GEEZZZ!


True King of Mushroomland!!!
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Apr 7, 2009
It depends....
Does the foundation match her skin tone? Is the cover-up hiding blemishes or highlighting them? Does the blush provide a subtle shadowing or does she look like she has a fever? Does the eyeshadow bring out her eyes properly? Does the eyeliner define her eyes or overwhelm them? Is the mascara all clumpy? Do her lips look smooth or sticky?

Well I am talking about if a woman puts on make up correctly...


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
@Enne: :D ha!

@KoC: of course. Then she'd look better. But who really puts on all the right make-up, all correctly?
You have to have high quality make-up and brushes. You have to juggle the colors, placement, amount, etc. You need good technique. Does anyone ever get this right?


... runs deep
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Sep 19, 2008
over teh rainbow
It depends....
Does the foundation match her skin tone? Is the cover-up hiding blemishes or highlighting them? Does the blush provide a subtle shadowing or does she look like she has a fever? Does the eyeshadow bring out her eyes properly? Does the eyeliner define her eyes or overwhelm them? Is the mascara all clumpy? Do her lips look smooth or sticky?
Ha! Everything I hate about poorly done make-up in 6 questions.

I think the less make-up a girl wears, the sexier she is. Who likes kissing someone and having to worry about all that junk getting everywhere?


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
Mind you I've worn make-up about five times in my short life....
But the things I've seen! high school is not exactly a place of beauty.


Prolific Member
Local time
Today 12:40 PM
Jul 16, 2008
Just wondering. Do you think make up makes a woman more or less attractive? I for one would say more. Even a natural beauty, with make up, looks so sexy. What is it about make up that makes women look so much better? Is it because it hides blemishes and enhances features? Or is it because our society has ingrained it into our minds that make-up=beauty? In ancient China (or some other asian country) I heard that fat women were considered beautiful. So maybe, make-up is just society's standard of beauty.

Not just ancient China... fat women were considered beautiful in Victorian England, too. I've heard it was a sign that their husbands were rich, cause they could afford to buy enough food to keep them plump :D. What's considered beautiful is almost certainly a product of the person's culture.

I think, if I'm really honest, I find that light amounts of makeup do make someone more attractive. The only thing is, I'm really, really not a visual person. I would look at people side by side and say that the one with makeup looks better, yes, but I would find the one who's disgusted by the idea of changing themselves in some superficial way to get attention, and wants to be themselves more than they want to be whatever someone else wants, etc, infinitely more attractive. The person who doesn't wear it has a much better chance of actually capturing my heart, despite looking a little worse.


Well-Known Member
Local time
Today 9:40 AM
Jul 14, 2008
I thought feminine faces had more contrast?


Wait.....now what?
Local time
Today 12:40 PM
May 1, 2009
Next door
Normally, no I don't wear make-up. If I'm feeling saucy or have a work-related event where make-up is appropriate I'll wear eye liner, shadow and lip gloss (my coloring is such that I can get away without blush). I hate the way foundation feels and looks, and powder always makes me look washed out. What annoys me the most is when I do wear make-up people notice and ask me why I'm wearing make-up. I'm almost freakin 30 years old...I'm allowed to wear make-up.


is a ze
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Jul 9, 2008
Normally, no I don't wear make-up. If I'm feeling saucy or have a work-related event where make-up is appropriate I'll wear eye liner, shadow and lip gloss (my coloring is such that I can get away without blush). I hate the way foundation feels and looks, and powder always makes me look washed out. What annoys me the most is when I do wear make-up people notice and ask me why I'm wearing make-up. I'm almost freakin 30 years old...I'm allowed to wear make-up.

Te hee. People sometimes believe I'm wearing make up when I'm not wearing any. I once got preached at about vanity by church goers: We (you) spend so much time in (y)our personal appearance, but how much time are you willing to spend on your soul?, etc.

I blinked and smiled because I needed something.


is a ze
Local time
Today 11:40 AM
Jul 9, 2008


Local time
Today 6:40 PM
Oct 3, 2008
I never wear make up. Though there was a period of a few months when I was wearing eyeliner often. I think the eyeliner good on me but it's too much hassle to apply and to remove, so I eventually stopped bothering. Men usually don't bother either [or at least it's not widely accepted or even required that they do], so why should I? Just a useless societal invention [very useful for the companies who produce and sell the stuff though!]

Miss Led

Local time
Today 5:40 PM
Aug 15, 2009
West Sussex UK - US expat
I wear make up. I love make up. I want to marry make up.

When I was a tween my mother sent me to Barbizon. I learned how important grooming and poise were to the weaker sex. I learned that if I wore my make up, and if I dressed in uncomfortable shoes and trendy clothing, people would like me and think I was smart.

It works. When I look in the mirror after putting on my make up, I feel like the Joker, ready to take on and conquer an unsuspecting world.


Local time
Today 6:40 PM
Aug 13, 2009
You don't have to wear it. And as for the post above yours, I think men that feel better with a good looking woman have something wrong with their sexual nature. Are men not jealous anymore? Gosh, I would die if I had a husband that wanted other men looking at me. Jealousy is a sexual instinct and if he doesn't have that, I don't want him.
Haha I love reading this, finally someone who considers jealousy a positive trait in a man :D

I've been blessed with high testosterone levels and because of that I carry this extreme jealousy... trait... thing. I've always thought it's looked down upon in modern society though and considered it one of my darkest sides.

Makeup in moderation is something I like on a woman, it's not specifically that it makes you more attractive, but it's a competition thing. Both for the man and the woman.

Though, if you can't compete in intellect and decency, I'll be more embarassed walking around with you than any worse looking girl than yourself. Don't focus too much on looks but keep in the back of your head.
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