Say what you will, but as a teenager, I wore make up to be A)more attractive to boys and B) as attractive as other girls, to the best of my ability, both without going overboard on the amount of makeup or the time it took to apply, while keeping in touch with the usual trends (like eyeliner inside the lid or outside the lid, for example) with very little effort. Hair, same (big then straight). I never wanted to "stick out in a crowd", especially as a teenager, so overdoing was a no-no, and not doing at all would have just been stupid, as far as I was concerned, because people notice you as "different" and take note of you, and often in a negative way, when you go outside of the "norms". I was outside of the norms academically already, and in my taste of friends, and how I spent my spare time, so being "normal" looking seemed like a no brainer to balance it all out for me. I don't remember putting much thought into it then, but when I look back I know those were the reasons. I liked boys, and most boys liked good looking girls. I had potential to compete, so I did, by accentuating the positives and covering up what most every teenage girl must deal with but hates, zits. Obviously, I did not appreciate my differences then, like I am coming to as I get older.
On that note, into my twenties, I was married and had a child. I learned to appreciate my natural looks less and my time, more. Even though I did not spend more than 15 minutes, usually, on hair and makeup, being a mom, wife, and worker and/or student was more than enough in many ways, most days. So, I started skipping the regimine more and more, and became more and more comfortable with that.
But, being a night owl since I can remember, like many of us are, eventually took its toll on the eyes in the day time, so after awhile, it just became easier to do some small cover up under the eyes and a little mascara to keep the comments down from those who thought I "looked" tired, even when I wasn't. A little chap stick for the healthy benefit and look, and poof, main goal achieved, less negative and unwanted attention. I'd rather spend a few minutes doing my eyes than placating the feelings of some worry wart whose likely just nosing in my business anyway. Even if they are being "concerned", it's still none of their business. And, I suck at placating and tire of being "nice" for their sake, especially when I don't get it, and especially at work.
These days, I put on make up every now and again, and usually only when I am looking for the "Wow, honey, you really look good, effect." Even though my husband finds me attractive without make up, he seems to appreciate the effect it has on my face, and the styling of my hair just ices the cake, so to speak. He's an ESFJ, so when we're going out together, and I look especially good on his arm, it makes him "feel" better. Who cares? I do. I want him to feel good. He relies very heavily on how he is feeling, and since we live this life together, that's going to affect me too. And, I can almost be guaranteed we'll be going to bed somewhat early on those nights, and who can complain about that? I certainly won't.
In my opinion, beauty aids have their purpose. And, whether or not they are used depends on the individual's goals and values. When I valued staying low key while still being noticed by a select group, I wore makeup just about daily. When I valued my time and cared less about what people thought of me, I put less time and energy into it. When it suits my purposes, I indulge or don't. It's pretty simple to me. I don't see what all the fuss is about. You can gripe about the unfair social expectations, the superficial masses, and whatever, but the world is what it is, at least at this time. If I thought for a moment that my lack of makeup wearing would indeed promote some paradigm shift in the cultural attitude of the masses regarding their measure of beauty, sure, why not. But, in my opinion this, as a global issue, does not seem like a hill to die on, to me. And, it certainly does not seem to be something that someone should use to judge a person's depth of character, should it? I mean, I was doing that to my sister when I was like, 10 years old. My sister does not leave the house without makeup, she does put on her softball glove and her face. And, to her the grocery store has some mysterious beauty pagent that I've never entered. But, my sister is a very strong human being, resiliant, hopeful, and has many strengths that I don't possess. Perhaps, her perfectionism in this area leads to some amount of suffering in her life. My perfectionism in other areas has led to some suffering in mine. We are different, that is all. People are different, yet everyone is vain. I'm sorry. That's what I think. Someone already said this, but I concur, people are imperfect, and I'll add, beautifully.