I wonder if I should have my name changed since I go by so many different names including, but not limited to:
NoID10ts, noidiots, Noddy, NoI, Noodles, Daddy, Love's Obsession, The Big N, Mr. BetterThanJesus, Beelzebub, Action Master, and Asshole.
Should I just go by "The Poster Formerly Known as NoID10ts"?
Its funny how little crappy things I say catch on... Like Noddy....
Erm...Can you read...like at all? Go read a dictionary then, and look up idiot, and you know what you'll find?
Look! If you could understand why I was calling you an Idiot , you wouldn't be one,thus negating my point... No...I like to argue with myself, that way , I hear points I never would have thought of.
I am not worrying about him. He is merely entertainment.I wouldn't worry about ickle Melly if I were you, he's just grumpy because Lor isn't around to change his diaper! (Heh, Um Sorry Lor)
Yo momma!
Seriously though, I watch you from your closet.
....that sounded way more disturbing than I had originally intended...
Ummmmm.....did you really mean to say that? (say Pness out load)HA! What can I say?! I prefer the Pness.
Of course I meant to say that!
...Jness Blows, or sucks, whichever you prefer.![]()