I have found that other people HAVE emotions. I AM emotions. They almost completely overwhelm me. They so overwhelm me, that when I have them, I feel like I'm totally out of control. I do all sorts of stupid things when I'm following my feelings, and that just screws things up.
So, I shut them down. I keep them in a tight little box, until I feel really safe with a person. THEN I can let them out.
That's WHY I stick to Ti. I can think straight when I'm keeping my emotions out, and that means I can actually deal with life.
So, when anyone starts mentioning emotional stuff to me, I like it when they put things in as objective and unemotional fashion as possible.
I ended up going out with someone, because we were friends, and she asked me out. Note: she didn't say she liked me. She just asked me out. I went out with her, partially because she was a good friend, and I would want someone to give me that latitude, and partially because we were friends, and I thought it could maybe go further.
However, it didn't go anywhere. I held back, because she was a virgin, and I wasn't sure that the relationship would work, and I knew that the first time was really important. So once you are together, you might have to let him know that it's more important to just go with it, and maybe make a few first moves.
The Si-Fe underside of INTPs, means that when we ARE in the moment, we are really "in the moment". That side, is Si for us. It's practically automatic. No need to think. Just pure sensory pleasure. So there is a massive payback for making the first move.
Honestly, if women knew what INTPs could be like when we get our freak on, I think they'd all jump us. Mind you, that has happened to me more than once, and it just scared me silly.
So, as everyone else said, go slow. The only other thing to do, is to talk as objectively and unemotionally as possible. You can state how you two get on, what you want, and everything else, just so long as you don't give it any emotional overtones that might make him feel TOO emotional, and spin him out of control. Let him feel that he's under no pressure.
So let him know that you'll let him take his time to make his mind up. Let him know that no matter what, you'll still be friends, even if he isn't interested, and even if you do date and the relationship ends. Lastly, let him know that if he's confused, that you'll listen, and give him objective advice that will be good for him, and not tell him what you want him to do.
OK. Too much emotion for me. I'm baked now. Time for another cookie.