Locks branch, reversed s'though towards the earth
Roots in some firmament, fire-charred to birth
Towards this sun-round world, where stands the tree
Out from which her mane angles, shadowed as she
Face gaunt, one eye a dark star, lit by the blaze
Th'other behind trunk veiled, deny'ng her gaze
To we through who her sight cuts, never to meet
For she's been burned too often as we fled her heat
As we called 'girl' or 'woman' a mind too pure
To brave the smog those words pour, from we the sure
From we who know the world's ways, and would impose
Their black to tar the petals of this earth-turned rose
To us her white was darkness, some brute abyss
To us her shock was madness, the cues she missed
When faced with this our dance, our strange-sick game
Affronted our strict madness, whose steps will reign
So pain made her a demon, men to wreck
I paint her fled into heart's forest, beside the track
Walked by men who in vision, might glimpse her grace
Might stand against the scars that war her face
But they're now she, and maybe that girl's going
To earth, then to make another showing
And maybe when they battle, their life the field
The cripple will turn from them, leave them on shield?
And maybe while they're fighting, they'll lose their way?
And maybe she'll desert them in heart's forest on that day?
The sweetest flower corrupted, reeks the worst hell
And if her sun's the dancefloor, death tolls the bell
As scorch or poison petals conspire to fell
The knight whose damsel rescue was too shallow a well
Who knows where's now the girl in whom this demon flower blossomed?
She won't come to the forest nor for love make his pain lessened
Maybe because from him her demon now consumes its life?
Maybe she loves but fears too much, hopes he'll find her beyond the strife?
Or maybe there's just some woman, where once starflowered the girl
Who in her passing youth would with this innocence unfurl
And so loose into an old world a young soul to suffer
I love them all, wher'er they be, traitor, child, or mother.