I took the career test and got Visionary. This seems pretty close.
The Visionary
You're the ultimate universal, holistic thinker! Yes, you're a visionary. Everything, including the smallest detail, needs to be synthesized into a framework that answers the question, "How?" Before you begin any project or task, you need to see the big picture. Not one step can be taken until you know how that one step fits into the whole.
Options and More Options!
Ideas and options are what you're always creating. "Process" is your middle name. Once something seems concrete, structured and complete, you have a way of coming up with a creative option that changes the whole thing and leads to a better building process.
Change, particularly in ideas, is never-ending for you. What you're enthusiastic about today may not be the focus of your energy in a week, a month or year. People that know you see a dynamic stream of consciousness which, given the right amount of time and people support, allows you to develop idealistic and artistic themes into living and creative realities. It makes no difference whether they are software programs, pieces of art, strategies for corporations or new, holistic developments for organic gardening.
Time is on Your Side
There is no timeline or deadline for your accomplishments. They are never-ending because you will go back and transform them if they evolve into a different whole within you. That is why in school or at work you procrastinate until the last moment to finish a paper, an assignment or a project. If you do the work early, at the time it's due, you'll have to go back and change it completely because you see it in a different contextual whole. So, why redo it?
A futurist or a soothsayer! That is how some people describe you. You're always thinking about the future; you have an uncanny way of predicting what will be happening. What you forecast is not always logical and makes many people uncomfortable. But, if they've known you long enough, they use the awareness to be better prepared for upcoming situations or events.
You're your Own Person
For you, being your own person is most important! You're off just enough to stand apart from the masses. Your idiosyncratic ways of self-expression often entertain, amaze or offend people. This may make you feel self-conscious or uncomfortable. However, it doesn't stop your unusual way of being. You realize it's just the price to pay for being your genuine self.
How You Communicate with Others
You're an excellent communicator with individuals and small groups of three, no more than four people. You listen attentively to what people say, how they say it and what feelings are generated. When you give feedback, it is usually very sensitive and leads to further communication. You have an unusual awareness of what is happening to the person and others that are participating. It's almost like a sixth sense. Sometimes, people distance themselves from you because of this sensitivity and your feedback.
On the other hand, when you enter a room with conversant people, you can sense the themes of the discussions and the feelings being emoted. First, you'll look for people you know to talk with. After a while, some new people will be drawn into a conversation that you're having and begin sharing their thoughts and feelings with you. Many times, these new people that are drawn to you have a need to express their unusual thoughts and feelings to you. In some way, you attract people who are different or are going through difficult, emotional times.
How You Think
Your thinking process is mostly intuitive and analogic. You use facts and logic to back up your intuitive thought processing. When you weave these processes together, you're constantly challenging logical and scientific thought. You seem to stretch the facts to create a new theory or develop a synthetic way of tying different theories together. This optional way of thinking energizes your thought processes while at the same time focuses your energy on the facts in specific, yet different ways.
Paradoxical thoughts attract you. While most people tend to avoid them, you seem curious and comfortable with them. That's because, once again, your need for creative and optional thinking doesn't have to be tied together with logic and factual data. You're attracted to the unknown more than the known. You're drawn to what's unusual about something rather than what is ordinary about it. If it's strange or way out there, you'll want to learn and read more about it.
As a scientist or scholar, you have a bent towards the artistic side. What other people see as facts, you may see as shades of facts or possibilities of different facts. It's the development and creation of new ideas and ways of looking at something that excites you. That's because your world is the world of possibilities and visions.