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Search results

  1. Obsidian

    Thought Stimulation, How Much Type Based?

    I have it. INTP. I think it is Ti. Also, I can get energized while brainstorming and problem-solving using a lot of Ne, but I think that is a different, lesser experience. Although it is lesser, it occurs more frequently.
  2. Obsidian

    Correlation between Cognitive Functions and Disorders?

    1. I don't know why you mentioned Fi, because that is not one of your functions. 2. The actual mechanism would probably be that mania causes you to utilize your Ne, but since it is not your primary function its overuse wears you out over time, leading to depression.
  3. Obsidian


    Basically, it detects hidden patterns based on a experience, and it senses probability, also based on experience
  4. Obsidian

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    No, the INTP does not use Ni. That is ridiculous. @Paladin-X, I see what you are saying now. I would have just interpreted your quote as referring to the descriptions of behavior, not to the function order. But it is possible you are right. I don't know for sure what he meant.
  5. Obsidian

    The pain, wonder, and mystery of not having an Fi.

    The concept that someone has eight "functions," and that every function-attitude is complemented by a "subconscious" "function" of the opposite attitude.
  6. Obsidian

    The pain, wonder, and mystery of not having an Fi.

    I don't believe in shadow functions. And neither did Jung.
  7. Obsidian

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    Can you not see that in the article cited, he specifically says Ti is followed by some combination of Fe, Ne, and Se?
  8. Obsidian

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    "The relatively unconscious functions of feeling, intuition, and sensation, which counterbalance introverted thinking, are inferior in quality and have a primitive, extraverted character, to which all the troublesome objective influences this type is subject to must be ascribed"
  9. Obsidian

    Do INTPs use Ne or Ni?

    In Chapter 10 Psychological Types, he states that ALL the lesser functions are oriented opposite to the dominant function. He seems to have contradicted himself at various points on this subject. Thus, I get the idea that he was not totally sure about it. Somewhere along the line, you even began...
  10. Obsidian

    The pain, wonder, and mystery of not having an Fi.

    I think Fi is the most useless of function-attitudes. This whole thread is absurd. In general, extraversion is best. The ONLY function where the introverted version is arguably better, is Thinking. And even that one could be argued. Introverted feeling has to be the most useless of things.
  11. Obsidian

    Type Reading | Series

    It bothers me tremendously that you keep posting supposed clues such as "soft airy voice" or "eyes slanted downward," without giving any explanation for how they connect with certain functions. This is not logic.
  12. Obsidian

    INTP's and ESTJ's?

    I would say that ESTJ girls should be avoided, because they will probably be too masculine for an INTP to handle. But that said, I am not sure I know of any ESTJ girls personally. Male ESTJs and ISTJs I usually do alright with.
  13. Obsidian

    Intuitive spotting

    @Hadoblado, About the only people I trust to think logically are INTPs, ISTPs, ENTJs, and ESTJs. And even then, everyone but the INTPs typically has difficulty following real complicated stuff. And of course, even the INTPs act like jackasses a fair amount of the time, depending on individual...
  14. Obsidian

    Intuitive spotting

    In my opinion, ENTPs usually come across as so non-down-to-earth that they are just plain annoying. So that would be really strong Ne. For some reason, ENTPs seem to get on my nerves. I don't know if anyone else feels similarly. Maybe it is because they are so close to being logical, but just...
  15. Obsidian

    Intuitive spotting

    You do it because it is true, not because you like it. You obviously don't believe it's true. But then, you don't sound very objective about it, either.
  16. Obsidian

    Intuitive spotting

    Ne types come across to me as zany. In particular, you can look for quirky facial expressions, such as moving the mouth over to one side (especially with Fi-Ne people). In fact, I think Ne facial expressions in general are stronger. I am not sure if it is because facial movements are a waste of...
  17. Obsidian

    Is this Fe or Fi (pseudo Fe)

    I think it is Fi just because you have thought about it so much. And the desire to help EVERY SINGLE PERSON YOU COME ACROSS is not a widespread feeling. Objective feeling would be more grounded and practical than that. The idea of helping every single person is sort of insane.
  18. Obsidian

    MBTI Quirks

    I still don't buy it. Selective sensation is not Se.
  19. Obsidian

    SJ's are best at sports

    INFJs are not athletes. Whoever says they are is simply bad at typing.
  20. Obsidian

    MBTI Quirks

    @Paladin-X, the present context is the present context. This is objective perception we are talking about. What you are describing -- where the present context depends wholly on what you choose to focus on -- sounds more like introverted, subjective sensing. An ISFP may indeed have some...
  21. Obsidian

    MBTI Quirks

    But the present context includes your voice. If an ISFP is tuning out your voice, it probably is not an ISFP.
  22. Obsidian

    MBTI Quirks

    I don't see why an ISFP would block out any sensations. I wonder if you mistyped that person.
  23. Obsidian

    Type Reading | Series

    You keep using labels in your videos that you have not previously defined or explained. What in the world is an Ne parody?
  24. Obsidian

    Which types do you have the hardest time getting along with?

    Also, I think I am just not that big a fan of Ni
  25. Obsidian

    Which types do you have the hardest time getting along with?

    Basically, I find INFJs annoying because generally they are just smart enough to think that they are smart, but are too illogical to actually be smart. I voted ISTJ, ESFJ, and INFJ.
  26. Obsidian

    MBTI and socionics.

    No, I am saying that there is no such thing except four functions: Thinking, Feeling, Sensing, and Intuition. Introversion and extraversion are orientations, which reflect a specific predisposition to look or act outwardly, or focus inwardly. An introverted thinker can apply his thoughts...
  27. Obsidian

    MBTI and socionics.

    Jung only describes four functions. 8-function theory is false. And according to Jung, the dominant function represses the inferior function, which should be of the opposite dichotomy and the opposite orientation. Socionics has everything completely wrong.
  28. Obsidian

    MBTI and socionics.

    Whoa, I actually misread what was posted above. I thought he was saying that INTj was Ti-Ne-Fe-Si. I had no idea that Socionics actually claimed that you use both judgment functions of the same orientation. How completely stupid. But I guess a system like that is pretty much what you would...
  29. Obsidian

    MBTI and socionics.

    I think he is correct about the main difference. Socionics emphasizes the effects of the inferior function. Also, it emphasizes the orderliness of introverted judgment. Hence, even an INTP becomes a judger.
  30. Obsidian

    INTP friends with INTJ?

    My best friend growing up was an INTJ. He seems to have gotten fairly anti-social lately, though, so I never am able to hang out with him anymore.
  31. Obsidian

    Faces by Type

    Oh, I thought that was your re-typing of all his pictures using Pod'Lair.
  32. Obsidian

    Faces by Type

    Because basically all of your typings posted above seem to be wrong. And why the hell are you using Pod'Lair, anyway?
  33. Obsidian

    Faces by Type

    I agree with most of the ones posted by the op own8ge, your typology skills suck
  34. Obsidian

    Visual reading

    ^^ The ISTJ in him demands more concrete proof
  35. Obsidian

    Clarification of Inferior Function

    This eight-function, four-conscious-function theory defies Jung. In my opinion it is false.
  36. Obsidian

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    The point I was getting at was that if an ENTP focuses on Ti and Fe, effectively that seems no different than just an INTP. Especially since I have always had trouble figuring out for sure which type I am, I was curious. So an ENTP who focuses on the judgment functions will continuously be...
  37. Obsidian

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    Auburn, you never answered me: How do you tell the difference between an ENTP who cycles between the 2nd and 3rd functions, and an INTP who cycles between the 1st and 4th?
  38. Obsidian

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    Bah, you know what I meant
  39. Obsidian

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    Ti-Se loop would mean you don't use either blue wheel. You use both white wheels, and you use them both in an unbalanced way.
  40. Obsidian

    Hierarchy is not a Sliding Scale

    Bump. How do you tell the difference between an ENTP who cycles between the 2nd and 3rd functions, and an INTP who cycles between the 1st and 4th?
  41. Obsidian

    Fe Rage or Fi Pout?

    I think it is BS, because TJs can be some of the meanest people ever. And if you berate an INTP, the INTP will likely cower at first. The INTP may then turn on you and start yelling once you push him too far, but initially he is less inclined to rage. Meanwhile, an ESFJ will most likely try to...
  42. Obsidian

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    Saying that ISTPs only rarely engage in sports compared to INFJs, imo, discredits the rest of the post.
  43. Obsidian

    Type Reading | Series

    What is wrong with ESFJ for James Franco? Honestly I find this "eye-centric" test fairly dubious.
  44. Obsidian

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    Well, the point of my post was that personally if I can't see the use for something, it is hard for me to be interested in it. Not sure if that is Ne, Ti, or something else.
  45. Obsidian

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    It's hard for me to see how those things could be related to all the teeny tiny particles. If someone could credibly state to me that it did relate to those gadgets, then that would obviously help me to be more interested in it. But I think I could only be truly interested in it once I actually...
  46. Obsidian

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    This may be heresy here, but I honestly never could see much use for all that quantum physics stuff -- searching for tinier and tinier particles, antiparticles, making miniature black holes down on earth, etc. If someone could point me to one or two practical uses for it, I would have more...
  47. Obsidian

    Type Reading | Series

    I had guessed ENTP for Franco just based off his movies (and ISFP for Mila Kunis). I could perhaps see ISFJ for Franco. However, he seems a little too smiley to be an ISFJ. And an ENTP would be more likely to read all that LotR spinoff stuff they talk about in that cliip. I think ENTJ for Mila...
  48. Obsidian

    Why do INTP and ISTP have to be different?

    Personally, I don't really believe in theorizing for the sake of theorizing. In general, if something has no conceivable use, I would prefer not to learn about it. But few things fall into that category.
  49. Obsidian

    Type Reading | Series

    Sarah Palin is an Fe user.
  50. Obsidian

    Introverted thinking and intuition

    I don't think those function tests are all that useful. For one thing, I'm not a big fan of the eight-function distinction. There are supposed to be four functions. And for each person, each function will have a particular orientation. Your Cognitive Functions: Introverted Thinking (Ti)...
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