I used to think so. Then I found out what it's like in reality. Sensors would choose a method they'd used before. Then they'd copy, paste, and change the relevant bits, then test it, each time they needed that method, say, a dozen times. Seemed rather long-winded.
I'd come up with a single method that would do it all at once. But it was much more complicated. So it took a fair time to code. Then I had to test it and debug it against all the situations that I'd designed it for. Then I could implement it. But I still needed to test it. Because it was a new method, there were usually a lot of system-level bugs to fix in the method, which required extensive testing and debugging, and then extensive testing on each case.
My boss, who was a Sensor sometimes told me to do it his way, because my way seemed to be taking a lot longer than he expected. I'd grumble, and then do it. It was boring and monotonous, mainly because as long as I followed the same routine each time, copy and paste the same way, look for the same things to change, and then follow the same testing procedure, it was really easy. I didn't need much of my brain for it. So my fingers could speed up, the way that they do when you keep doing the same physical things over and over again. I did things much quicker his way than mine. On top, I found that because the way you'd test it was pretty standard, it was pretty easy to ensure that I had tested it completely. No unexpected surprises, meant it was reliable and quick to implement and quick to test.
It's annoying that their methods are often much more efficient than our methods when it comes to practice.
i guess in many occassion, istp can come to more efficient and quicker manner to do things, but there is also many occasion where istp might also have hell of hard time to actually find the best way, it's like they say in any good optimisation manual, sometime it's much more efficient to have good design from start, than trying to optimize an inefficient design, and there some solution that are very hard to come up with from a pure sensor mind
i think i know some intuitive thinker programmer, they are generally very good with large scale planning, and know also lot of theory and algorythm from hell that can really speed up a process as well, that can be very useful, but for most simple task, that involve mostly mechanical type of thinking, istp will often find the most efficient and quick way to do it, S type can have sort of true obsession with performance somehow =)
the typical area is with big data mannagment, istp will try to optimize more the mechanistic aspect of data management, intp will see more how to organize the data for that it's easier to be processed , there are many area where it can be usefull, and some solution that are hard to find with mostly experimentation or more or less empirical processing, but at the end of the day, for most thing that are a little bit big archi, that really need performance on large scale, all the best method of processing are discovered by more intuitive type, and look like hell for istp because they involve lot of theory and math and stuff from hell, but allow for great improvement =)
like currently, i'm bit digging into real time raytracing, thing that involve massive amount of computation, there can be the istp approach that is more or less brute force, but there are also many kick ass algorythm, involving lot of statistic, of math, and stuff, that will really push the whole thing into another realm of what is really possible to do by good planning and lot of theory of stuff, that istp will never really be able to pull out
i think it's big problem of intuitive, it's that they have good idea, but unless they have really huge communication skill, and good charisma, their idea are often under looked because being very abstract and maybe hard to understand for most people, and not that much based on direct experience, and it will be hard for most people to really understand and anticipate the interest of the idea, and they can be best at doing long term research on big algoryhtm , and then getting the thing done once for all in the best way, that will after become maybe a sort of new standard that will save lot of time to thousand of people, rather than in short term common problem solving