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Search results

  1. Antediluvian

    Is it possible to become more intelligent?

    One study claimed that studying for the lsat increased reasoning ability, the interesting thing was that the left brain didn't seem to strengthen, but that the right side adapted.
  2. Antediluvian

    Are the intelligent more prone to depression?

    I read somewhere that those with low IQs were 3.5 times more likely to commit suicide.
  3. Antediluvian

    Nootropics with profound effects?

    Mildly retarded to genius, I suppose.
  4. Antediluvian

    Nootropics with profound effects?

    I'm just sitting here wondering when nootropics that have profound effects on the brain will be introduced to the market. What do you think, 15 or 20 years?
  5. Antediluvian

    Mental Disabilities

    More consideration is given to them than to the gifted, even though very impairing disabilities can be displayed in the latter as well.
  6. Antediluvian

    IQ Test: Gigi Assesment

    If I remember right, got in the range of 111 or so. Spatial tests aren't my strong suit, but I can get above average scores on them a decent amount of the time. I spend time gaming to hopefully increase spatial aptitude, but I'll never be superb at that particular task. My verbal ability is...
  7. Antediluvian

    The Welfare State

    I've heard a theory about evolutionary repercussions in welfare states, the spreading of undesirable traits that otherwise wouldn't be as prosperous. But, I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to the nuances of evolutionary effects. Anyway, Sweden was having some recent problems with some...
  8. Antediluvian

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    I guess with forums I have been searching for something I haven't found yet. Or, closer to accuracy, I didn't or don't know what I was searching for, consciously. A submersed psychological drive that hasn't been slaked yet.
  9. Antediluvian

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    snafupants Hindsight bias sort of rings a bell, but doesn't fully (though that seems redundant, I added this for clarity) encompass what I was trying to get at. It's a fine, limited example, though. As far as Fe being considered a Jungian rational function, well, in a specific context it...
  10. Antediluvian

    If you click on this thread, leave a post!

    I will fulfill my obligations, but I have nothing interesting to compose.
  11. Antediluvian

    What would you do without your INTPness?

    Sleep better at nights. I think.
  12. Antediluvian

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    They are interlinked, but can function separately in their own ways. The separate functioning reveals something.
  13. Antediluvian

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    I remember I made a random comment that ego protects people from the truth. Someone responded by saying that it was stunningly accurate, even if that were true I saw it as entirely blatant. That's the point, I suppose, that ego can protect against the obvious. I also recall from my psychology...
  14. Antediluvian

    Cuntfase McFucknugget

    Well, at least I know now I can make my thread titles more vulgar.
  15. Antediluvian

    How often do you abandon internet forums?

    I just left a forum where I "contributed" several thousand posts to, out of boredom, I suppose, or maybe I didn't see any opportunities for proper discussion. Most likely, both were persuaders to my leaving the forum. Of course, I had to fill the gap with other forums, such as this one. So...
  16. Antediluvian

    Slightly Neurotic

    Disturbing thoughts-I wonder if the average person is simply more adept at hiding them.
  17. Antediluvian

    Problems with the Education system

    They need to hurry up with those cognitive protheses (well, they should extend beyond correcting impairments). No need for education system, then.
  18. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    Yes, I actually read a study (should keep a digital folder full of them) that suggested mental illness hampers creativity. Depressions zaps the life out of you, creativity doesn't seem magically immune. I think even artists with bipolar tend to create more work during their manic phases, there...
  19. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    snafupants, if I am understanding you, the sheer amount can be misleading, even if the percentage of individuals in either group who are obsessed about intelligence is roughly equal. Yes, the statement lacked any form of coherent argumentation, but I was wondering if he was simply recognizing...
  20. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    I've gotten drastically different scores on online IQ tests, and part of the variance could be due to both emphasis and quality of those tests (maybe those two aren't mutually exclusive). Anyway, I've scored anywhere from 130, to 125+ (on that test it merely said equivalent to that score or...
  21. Antediluvian

    Unskilled and Unaware of It

    My lizard brain just wants to have fun. All those years wasted in anxiety didn't and don't seem particularly fruitful.
  22. Antediluvian

    Shiny Happy People

    I looked up all the possible definitions of quaint to make sure I wasn't being insulted, looks like I am safe. :p Looks like Jung was a bit of a prognosticator! Not enough hours in the day unfortunately. Anyway, I was typing a reply to another thread of mine (which was another edit...
  23. Antediluvian

    Shiny Happy People

    snafupants In some ways I do associate confidence with poorly thought-out viewpoints. Though, of course not always. I would say that I reflexively see confidence as a betrayal of a deficiency of self-reflection (potentially).
  24. Antediluvian

    Shiny Happy People

    I tend to dislike general confidence in people, which usually creates happiness (but not always). So, I suppose, I do tend to dislike happy individuals, but the dislike is incidental to their happiness. Personality kinks, sure, but I'm far from being the only one. As far as INTPs being...
  25. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    I'm sure that there are internet IQ tests that are quite reliable, but almost equally sure there are those that aren't at all. I'm referring to anecdotal evidence here, but I know of someone who scored 90 or so on an online test, but scored approximately 150 on a professionally administered...
  26. Antediluvian

    Do you wish there was more site traffic?

    At least with more traffic you can laugh at the inevitably ensuing mayhem.
  27. Antediluvian

    Unskilled and Unaware of It

    I'd rather have confidence than competence, if a strict binary choice was offered. I'm not implying that I have the latter. Competence and confidence would be a great combination, though, naturally. Confidence generates the effect of being a poignant allure.
  28. Antediluvian

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    Good point, philosophers have been known to do their best work during their 40s or 50s, when their reservoir of knowledge is fullest. So, I would say logic is a useful tool, but far from being the only implement needed to delve to the truth of various subjects.
  29. Antediluvian

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    Yeah, I should have added Wittgenstein thought that philosophy was also a profession of clarification, so perhaps a bit of both.
  30. Antediluvian

    Do you wish there was more site traffic?

    While I'm not one to declare that quantity is better than quality, the latter can spring from the former. More chances for it, at least. I, for one, wish there was more site traffic, what about the rest of you? Not that I'm expecting this to be easily changed, mind you.
  31. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    Uncertain, at least a few, according to his statements.
  32. Antediluvian

    Are those who obsess about intelligence barred from the upper echelons?

    I remember someone said to me once that those who obsess about intelligence are somewhat above average, but not genius level intelligence. While being far from a rational argument in itself, it might stem from simple pattern recognition. Thoughts?
  33. Antediluvian

    Philosopher or B.S. Artist?

    This reminds me of Wittgenstein's claim that philosophers should be silent except for when correcting other people's logical flaws.
  34. Antediluvian

    What builds your self-esteem?

    Nothing boosts my self-esteem, because I know what I am.
  35. Antediluvian


    Well, I find sometimes that I use the exact same words that a person would use to describe a different process or mental phenomenon. The best I can do is make an attempt at empathy. I don't feel like my brain can block out irrelevant information very well. The inability to self-soothe is a...
  36. Antediluvian


    I wonder if the prevalence of schizophrenia increasing alongside urban development has to do with the hyper-learning hypothesis (information is not dumped out of the brain in a functional way, and urbanization increases information). That's probably far too simplistic, but interesting all the...
  37. Antediluvian


    I've been told by others that I have very well-organized writing. More specifically, others on different forums have claimed my messages are "extremely well-written." Even if that is true, I am sure those writings are rife with grammatical flaws. But, my speech is much less coherent, even my...
  38. Antediluvian


    They've ruled it out, but claimed my mental status approached psychosis. I told them I was crazy before, but they wouldn't listen, and the worst they said was borderline :p At the very least I think I have a thought disorder that contributes to some stress-induced psychosis that occurs on...
  39. Antediluvian


    I have also heard good things about magnesium and omega-3, as well as Niacin and a fasting diet for schizophrenia. I've heard music when lying in bed trying to get to sleep, or when attempting to wake up. Those instances have been rare occurrences, though. While the hallucinatory effects of...
  40. Antediluvian


    Well, I plan on it soon, although mental health professionals in the past ruled out this diagnosis, but that doesn't mean something hasn't developed in the mean time. It's all speculative, at this point. I'd say mine is entirely random when it occurs, but once it's there, I can control it...
  41. Antediluvian


    In what way do you mean a "good X?" a useful variant gene? Well, more specifically, what makes you think it is "good"? A decent amount of control, although, I would say isn't as consistent or fluid as I would like it to be, although it has been a while since I've been officially tested, and...
  42. Antediluvian


    I would say there is a connection between the two. Half-sister is on mother's side.
  43. Antediluvian


    Prodromal is a possibility Not sure about Axis 1 or II, will have to research further Sometimes I feel manic, other times I feel depressed, although the mania is for a short duration Unaware if other relatives had a similar diagnosis Music can change my mood, it doesn't need to suit it, by my...
  44. Antediluvian


    I also forgot to mention that my half-sister was diagnosed with the disorder.
  45. Antediluvian


    It does start as soon as I exit the front door, and intensifies based off of perceived number of people. The images I have are a bit surreal, in their content and stitched together randomness. They are very vivid, at least comparatively in that when I used to close my eyes only the vaguest...
  46. Antediluvian

    Can an insane person think himself to be so?

    It could be that a rational mind after extreme exposure to negative stimuli, could descend into a state ruled by emotion, but this seems to imply to me a kernel of emotional reactivity to begin with, in an otherwise rational brain. Or rather, connected to it.
  47. Antediluvian


    Well, was a dick :p But yeah, his moral system seems far too rigid, and not able to handle the complex, random dynamics that occur in everyday life. And as you implied (or I think you implied), one set of moral rules shouldn't be judged by their isolated natures, but how they interact with the...
  48. Antediluvian

    It's a role-playing computer game/pen and paper game (I've only played the PC game).

    It's a role-playing computer game/pen and paper game (I've only played the PC game).
  49. Antediluvian


    I've ruminated many times over the fact that I may have schizophrenia. It was and is more of a cool assessment than a horrifying perspective. The reason why I took this into consideration was that a family member recently suggested this diagnosis to me (a mild form they said), and honestly it...
  50. Antediluvian

    Recreational drug use/experimentation

    Stimulants have never really helped my ADHD symptoms, and in some instances have increased irritability and paranoia. Yes, I know what the implication of that reaction is!
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