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Search results

  1. Indigo NT

    Am I INTP or ISTP?

    Do you identify with this ISTP profile? One thing I noticed about sensing thinkers and NTs is that NTs have an easier time talking about and analyzing their feelings while STs avoid it like the plague. NTs don't express a lot of feelings but they can easily pick through them and analyze...
  2. Indigo NT

    Figuring out a career that makes you happy

    This. And also you wouldn't believe it but people at your workplace are damn important. If they suck, your job is gonna suck, no matter if you're a feeler or a thinker.
  3. Indigo NT

    I'll look into it, thx

    I'll look into it, thx
  4. Indigo NT

    Those "anatomic" pillows

    Sorry, nothing metaphysical or philosophical about this thread intps. I'm having trouble sleeping and I think it's my damn pillow. Which pillow should I buy that will fix the problem but not make me poor? Does anyone of you have such a special pillow or you all use normal ones?
  5. Indigo NT

    Where would you invest 20k dollars now?

    If you were a young person with no debt, where would you invest that kind of money?
  6. Indigo NT

    Developing N

    According to the theory, type can't change. To change from an ISFP to an INFP you would have to change from FiSeNiTe to FiNeSiTe. So your Se would have to go from 2nd position to 7th. Changing from ISFP to ISFJ for example makes things even more clear. From FiSeNiTe to FeSiNeTi. You'd have to...
  7. Indigo NT

    Do NTs tend to be picky eaters?

    My friend (INTP) and I are both picky eaters. I ran into a thread on the intj forum the other day and they seemed to be picky about food too (well most of them). I know it's kind of a stupid question but mbti is a bunch of generalizations anyway. Are you a picky eater? How about other things...
  8. Indigo NT

    INFP Forum At Globalchatter... gone.

    A new INFP forum has opened up recently. :)
  9. Indigo NT

    commentary on "suggestions for growth for INTP's"

    Re: comentary on "sugestions for growth for INTP's" I think the biggest weakness of most INTPs is a lack of followthrough.
  10. Indigo NT

    ADD/ADHD sites

    Have any of you tried Adderall? I've heard it does miracles for ADD.
  11. Indigo NT


    Lets revive this thread: http://i27.tinypic.com/ta3676.jpg http://i32.tinypic.com/2e0l8bl.jpg http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1143/1435669599_45ff54895b_o.jpg http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/7755/01701awesomeness1680x10.jpg http://i35.tinypic.com/2mg47qh.jpg http://i44.tinypic.com/1zmksx2.jpg
  12. Indigo NT

    What Tarot Card Are You?

    You are The Devil What a surprise. An ENTJ devil.
  13. Indigo NT

    Hot Facebook Chix

    No, I was more reffering to the fact that you turned a hot chix thread into a philosophical debate instead of drooling over the pics like the average male. :)
  14. Indigo NT

    Interesting persuasive speech topics?

    I know it was half a year ago but which topic did you choose in the end??
  15. Indigo NT


    This site is awesome :D and dirty! "(573): dude she was givin me head and stops and looks up at me and tells me she loves me, then goes ''alright now cum in my mouth''.... pretty sure shes the one" "(647): View more from Ontario I pulled down his boxers and a 20 dollar bill fell out. I'm...
  16. Indigo NT

    Watching TV makes you stupid ?!

    I think watching TV has made me smarter. My parents are both SJ and I relied on TV to bring me up properly, to be a free thinker. I guess I had it in me all along because I chose to watch children's educational programs and such. It really depends on what you watch. I don't think the Discovery...
  17. Indigo NT

    Hot Facebook Chix

    And you INTPs are wondering why you aren't getting laid? :confused: Anyway, there's a new chick up on the website: http://www.facebookgirls.info/2010/08/croatian-woman.html if you're not gay you won't regret seeing this one.
  18. Indigo NT

    Poll: Colors

    Indigo :D
  19. Indigo NT

    Hot Facebook Chix

    Wow, I didn't know that about Georgia. Imagine you fucking your 1 day younger girlfriend for your 18th birthday and ending up in jail. How cool would that be?
  20. Indigo NT

    Hot Facebook Chix

    She's over 18. She was Miss Balkan in some competition and a contestant in the Miss Bosnia & Herzegovina World 2009 Beauty Pageant. And hey, 14 is legal in Bosnia for sex, so I think watching is definitely ok. :D In Spain, the age of consent is 13! : )))))
  21. Indigo NT

    Hot Facebook Chix

    http://www.facebookgirls.info/ If you want me I can update this thread with pictures every once in a while.
  22. Indigo NT

    Why isn't my signature showing?

    Aren't I lucky? :)
  23. Indigo NT

    Why isn't my signature showing?

    I guess I could make this thread useful by asking how many posts do I need to have to post links? I tried to post one and it says that a moderator has to review it. It still hasn't showed up after a day.
  24. Indigo NT

    Why isn't my signature showing?

    Damn, now it's showing. But on older posts it isn't. Nvm, you can delete this topic if you want to.
  25. Indigo NT

    Why isn't my signature showing?

    Do I have to have more posts or what?
  26. Indigo NT

    Which type is most likely to be interested or disinterested in MBTI?

    I think INTPs and INTJs because they suck with people so they try to understand them through MBTI theory instead of going out and talking to them :D
  27. Indigo NT

    Dreaming in black and white...

    Same as yours. It's weird how the streets, houses and rooms are all different in my dreams and while I dream it's all normal like it's always been like that.
  28. Indigo NT

    Why did you pick your name?

    Indigo is my favorite color and I'm an NT. It's a new username of mine. Not very creative or smart. :/
  29. Indigo NT

    Why INTP and ENTJ?

    Short analysis of the ENTJ INTP relationship
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