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Search results

  1. Name the last vomit you had.

    I think mine would be called dave
  2. Jungian Function Development

    Based on your cognitive functions, your type is most likely: Most Likely: ISTP or Second Possibility: ESTJ or Third Possibility: ISTJ Your cognitive functions are, in order of development: Ti - Te - Si - Fi - Se - Ni - Ne - Fe Bizarrely tonight (after a not...
  3. Im on the cusps of an INTP and an INFP..

    Not mean, just not friendly. Exactly as it is in fact! I should add that a recent change in job has given me the same problem as the OP - seems I don't know myself at all and just happened to fall into a satisfying job... The INFP profile above is great, the first paragraph of the second...
  4. How does one learn how to type people?

    I'm going to go out on a limb here and say it's impossible to type other people. Yes, you can get lucky, but I struggle to know why I do something even with all the information of my past and views on whatever action is being analysed, someone else is just another level. As you say, an...
  5. Did you ever have a problem being touched?

    My mum has always been very touchy so hugs are a necessary evil that I've come to accept. I've been thinking about other people and personal space and decided what I think isn't right at all (much like everything I've analysed in myself recently). Handshakes are fine, hugs from friends*, even...
  6. What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Me too - they are similar to the girl who I sat opposite to at work except hers go from brown to blue instead of blue to green. No need for dilated pupils, just lots of colour :)
  7. What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    The second pair of eyes lacks vibrancy, it's washed out. That combined with the lack of make-up means the first pair grabs my attention more but neither picture is beautiful due to the excessive foundation/airbrushing surrounding them. I like the colour of eyes and dilated pupils means you...
  8. when do you know that who you think you are isn't who you actually are

    I've been thinking about this all day (time want very slowly at work due to a powercut...) as of course caring is an easy thing to discuss... not. I do care on all three of the points mentioned above (where/why/was it fun) but not for the conventional reasons. The where is to find out who in...
  9. when do you know that who you think you are isn't who you actually are

    This wouldn't work for me when it comes to interaction. For example I'd like to never be questioned on anything I've done, if I want someone to know about it I tell them in as much detail as I want that individual to know. Yet to not "show interest" when Others say something vague like "I went...
  10. Last movie you watched

    The last film I watched was Jumper back in February (I think?). Weak storyline, complete lack of believability and just a general glorification of the "fuck everyone else, do what's fun without care for the consequences" mentality so prevalent in society today. I was off work sick and...
  11. Forum rules

    To not go against one of the rules presented here I'd have to write lots, but as there is no discussion required it's all thoughtless thus breaking another rule... Really there's nothing more to say than these rules are great!
  12. when do you know that who you think you are isn't who you actually are

    LAM here's a thought for you - it's not what's said and done but what's heard and seen. That is, even if you live up to your expectations and act exactly as you'd like to think you should there is no guarantee those around you will interpret it correctly. There's no point beating yourself up...
  13. Fun Logic test...

    I got 15 points! Shouldn't do IQ tests late at night... Thanks for the the results link, from it I guessed the answers page so can go to bed happy I'm not mad :)
  14. Fun Logic test...

    The test was fun, I got 15 points but after that was lead to a series of adverts. That wasn't so fun... was the results page worth seeing?
  15. What are you all reading?

    I have a couple of books on the go, as usual. Unseen Accademicals - Terry Pratchett (science fiction) Intuitive thinking as a spiritual path - Rudolf Steiner (philosophy) The importance of being trivial - Mark Maso (random factual / philosphy?) 1984 - George Orwell (fiction - not touched in a...
  16. What pizza are you?

    What pizza are you? Mine: Congratulations! You are a Godfather!!! Loyal, feerless and exciting pizza , generous with the toppings! The Godfather has an innate understanding of how all pizzas fit together. Clear and direct, you state things as...
  17. Not always, but living in the UK puts me in a strange timezone as most of the posting here is...

    Not always, but living in the UK puts me in a strange timezone as most of the posting here is done overnight and my opinion is already added before I find the thread! Why do you ask?
  18. A list explaining why you...

    Haha! I love coming back to something I did while drunk without remembering, just goes to show that drunks should have their computer privileges revoked :p
  19. What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Which particular girl? If it's one on this thread I've already said I don't, as did you...
  20. What is it that makes a person beautiful?

    Well being attracted to women sometime I guess I can say that to me all of the (real) pics in this thread suffer from one or more of these failures - pointy chins, eyes that aren't open enough and/or too much makeup. I noticed after the other night (when somehow I landed up chatting to a...
  21. GNU/Linux?

    I've ran fluxbox on a quad core PC, you can't fault it when it comes to startup time - everything is relative and depends on your needs. My 7300gt in my desktop is more than adequate for any 2d desktop but I'd not call it good :p I've barely given KDE a chance as many years ago I preferred...
  22. yellow!

    An ISFP posting on an INTP forum? Will be good to get a completely different view I suppose. Sorry, I meant to say welcome to the forum :)
  23. A list explaining why you...

    I don't suck. Sucking would require effort, something I've never bothered with. If you want to give yourself an ego boost just think of the last time someone on here thanked you - real world people likely don't understand you and have induced your current negative state of mind - it is they...
  24. GNU/Linux?

    Hmm... both use the gnome desktop so the "feel" should be much the same. You can theme all the parts separately and move things around on the bars to suit your needs, so not too sure what you mean? As to learning the only way to do so is to try it - arch is a binary distro so anything you do...
  25. Don't Remember Dreams

    I'd answer but lately it's all been wrong. I've remembered maybe a dream a year for a long time, for the past couple of months it's been getting more frequent and in the past week I'm aware of dreaming every night. I'm tireder too, so guess I'm an REM dreamer?
  26. Responsibility

    For an extraverted people oriented person a job in a shop is great - no pressure, plenty of people to talk to and help and a discount card to offset the unimpressive salary. It may not be for you but using their brain constantly isn't for them. Life (and society as a subgroup of it) needs...
  27. GNU/Linux?

    What didn't you like about ubuntu? It's one of the most friendly distro's, whatever you disliked you probably didn't know how to change but could. Did you give it a chance or go back to windows within a couple of days? I could never go back, there are too many (very minor) things that make a...
  28. "An INTP at least attempts to keep people liking them most of the time"

    I've signed up to another MBTI forum to get the views of other types on more mundane matters of life and read this in a thread "An INTP at least attempts to keep people liking them most of the time". I really don't, there are plenty of people out there so if someone doesn't like me I'm hardly...
  29. Responsibility

    You want to discuss the lack of responsibility within society in general? Great! Today we are babied, responsibility is so removed from the individual it's not surprising that people go against it in minor things like the event in the OP, even without good reason. (which it seems there was in...
  30. GNU/Linux?

    See the little icons below the post count? This question answers itself everytime someone posts :) I've used Linux nearly exclusively at home for about 6 years, mainly gentoo due to liking customisation but when it breaks greally badly (I always use the latest testing packages, so I ask for...
  31. For all who have a fe or fi fetish.

    Thanks for that - having never studied psychology at all it was interesting to have emotions linked to decision making and prioritising, two things we as INTP's struggle with. Never thought about it like that... Must admit that I drifted off towards the end too though!
  32. Birthday / life / people musings

    I'm rarely inclined to make sweeping generalisations like that, if I've offended someone it would be far more personal to them. I may have mocked them for being a vegetarian for 20 years but having a leather handbag/shoes, for example. I'm not impressed by such hypocrisy. Indeed, a positive...
  33. 3D sound

    This is called binaureal recording, it has been used for some albums. A quick search turned up REM's Reckoning as using it for some tracks, and should be an easy to find option? Or this site has lots of albums, no samples though... http://www.binaural.com/binscd.html
  34. Birthday / life / people musings

    Yesterday was my birthday, an occasion it seems I am not alone (in this forum, at least) in not really celebrating. I don't take the day off work, I don't plan any kind of get together and if possible I be vague about when I'll be home to avoid visits from my extended family. This year (as...
  35. What is the best way to make people hate you?

    Seriously? I rarely use a mirror, hair can be shaken (it will be blown around as soon as I go outside anyway) and shaving it's easier to detect missed bits by touch than sight (my would-be beard would be blonde...) Actually they do have one use - checking the improvised knot in my tie on the...
  36. Poll: Colors

    Eh... I picked orange but this explanation is almost completely off. I like orange because of it's meaning in nature - orange things are scary (except oranges themselves!) Which actually isn't me when I think about it... :confused:
  37. Life-changing speech

    Sorry LAM, you seem to have missed the not's at the start of each sentence. Those things did cross my mind but I'm far from the self hating emo you interpreted from that post though I can see why you'd think I was. That is what I mean by a social retard - even in this forum of like-minded...
  38. Looking at yourself in the mirror

    Exactly, like it or not how you are perceived is really important (much as I hate the fact) but no matter what you wear no-one will ever know your motivation and thus it will be misinterpreted. Who knows what many things will be interpreted as - I know I judge people at least partially based on...
  39. What do you do in your spare time?

    I often wonder where my spare time goes, the only answer can be that I do nothing. I listen to music, browse the internet without learning anything, read books on opinions and occasionally go on a long aimless walk. That is my life in one short sentence. I dispair at those talking about...
  40. Looking at yourself in the mirror

    I know, but to go against it requires doing all the things I resent having to do. By just walking into a shop and buying a shirt I appear to conform to fashion as that's all that's available, and that is not me. Yet to actively go against fashion is to suggest that I value my individuality and...
  41. Life-changing speech

    I still haven't worked out what my reaction to this is. It wasn't the initial self-hatred induced by loosing my memory thus having no idea of my childhood dreams are, so being aimless. It wasn't the jealousy that no-one gave a shit about me growing up where this guy was practically pushed to...
  42. Looking at yourself in the mirror

    I hate looking in the mirror as I hate the over-rated value that is placed on physical appearance by society, not because of any mystic ideas. I hate the physical side of it so much I'd rather live in ignorance of my part in it. It's one of the things that I judge people on and I'm so...
  43. The IRC

    IRC is a chat system, you download a client and connect to a server and channel. You heard it was popular? Might have to go on it (I tried once, found I was banned and requested not to be but never tried again!) There is a sticky in this very section detailing all you need to know :)
  44. Life-changing speech

    I just watched this and have to say something, yet have no idea what. I think this is my shortest ever post!
  45. Regret

    I really used to dwell on the past, regretting and constantly running better versions of events and conversations when I felt I'd failed to explain my view with the requisite clarity. Then I read a couple of books on living spiritually (something I still don't get at all!) I'm convinced that...
  46. MTBI video ( skeptical about my personality type)

    Well that was an interesting video - thanks for posting it. Not sure how much it shows about your interactions though as it's just you and a camera, but I'm far from confident typing people so may be completely wrong. Whatever the outcome your thoughts seem perfectly at home here, whether MBTI...
  47. SEX

    I'm thankful to the "asshat" - this thread is interesting. Most of the views expressed a year ago sound alot like mine, lately they have not. Maybe it's just the average age of members going down, and sex is just a "cool" topic (INTP's in school must struggle to be themselves and are...
  48. How do you know you are an INTP?

    I've wondered about this but knowing so little about other types labeling yourself as an excuse doesn't work. In an ideal world everyone would know the types and in doing so could tell you when you do something "bad" that is common to your type - if I appear cold and disinterested am I not...
  49. Pointless rant at stupidity at work

    The idea of social democracy seems great, I'm nowhere near the bottom of the company but the woman at the top (politcal correctnes FTW - alternates male-female every time it changes) still earns 10x what I do. It's ridiculous! Sweden is cold and has good music too... I'd always planned on...
  50. You know you're an Intp when...

    Welcome to the forum :) That game is evil but it looks doable - I can see myself wasting some hours :(
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